Council Directive 98/57/ECShow full title

Council Directive 98/57/EC of 20 July 1998 on the control of Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) Yabuuchi et al.

[F14. PCR tests U.K.
4.1. Prepare a suspension of approximately 10 6 cells per ml in molecular grade sterile water. U.K.
4.2. Heat 100 µl of the cell suspension in closed tubes in a heating block or boiling waterbath at 100 °C for four minutes. The samples may then be stored at -16 to -24  °C until required. U.K.
4.3. Apply appropriate PCR procedures to amplify R. solanacearum -specific amplicons (e.g. Seal et al. (1993); Pastrik and Maiss (2000); Pastrik et al. (2002); Boudazin et al. (1999); Opina et al. (1997), Weller et al. (1999). U.K.
4.4. A positive identification of R. solanacearum is achieved if the PCR amplicons are the same size and have the same restriction fragment length polymorphisms as for the positive control strain.] U.K.