1.Not later than 31 December 1999, the Commission shall submit a proposal to the European Parliament and to the Council confirming or complementing this Directive. The measures contained in the proposal shall take effect from 1 January 2005. The proposal shall contain:
Category N1, Classes II and III limit values for cold start in low temperature ambient air (266 K) (- 7o C),
Community provisions for improved roadworthiness testing,
the threshold limit values for OBD for 2005/6 for M1 and N1 vehicles,
examination of Type V testing, including the possibility of abolishing it.
2.After 31 December 1999 the Commission shall submit further proposals for legislation to come into force after 2005 which consider:
modification to the durability requirements, including extending the durability test,
fuel quality standards including in particular in the light of vehicle technology,
the contribution of possible measures, including those relating to fuels and vehicles, to the attainment of longer term Community objectives on air quality, taking into account technological developments and the results of new air pollution related research including effects of particulate matter on human health,
the potential and feasibility of local measures to reduce vehicle emissions; in this context the contribution of transport and other policy measures such as traffic management, urban public transport, enhanced inspection and maintenance and vehicle scrappage schemes should be evaluated,
the particular situation of captive fleets and the potential for emission reductions related to the use by such fleets of fuels with very stringent environmental specifications,
the potential emission reductions to be gained from fixing the environmental specifications of fuels to be used in agricultural tractors as covered by Directive 74/150/EEC and in internal combustion engines to be installed in non-road mobile machinery as covered by Directive 97/68/EC,
requirements for the operation of an on-board measurement system (OBM).
3.All proposals shall take into account the following background considerations:
evaluation of the impact of the provisions of this Directive in terms of their contribution to air quality, examination of technical feasibility and cost-effectiveness including an evaluation of the benefits and availability of enhanced technology,
compatibility with the attainment of other Community objectives, such as regarding the attainment of air quality objectives and other related objectives such as acidification and eutrophication and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions,
noxious pollutant emissions in the Community from transport and non-transport sources and an estimate of the contribution that existing and pending and potential emission reduction measures from all sources could make towards improving air quality,
emissions from direct-injection petrol engines including particulate emissions,
developments in exhaust purification at full load,
development of alternative fuels and new propulsion technologies,
progress towards the industrial availability of key after-treatment systems such as DeNOx catalysts and traps and the technical feasibility of achieving the implementation date for diesel engines,
improvements in the test procedures for small particulates,
refinery technologies and the supply situation and qualities of crude oil available to the Community,
the contribution that selective and differentiated fiscal measures could make to reducing vehicle emissions without any negative impact on the functioning of the internal market, taking into account the effects of revenue losses on neighbouring countries.