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General principles U.K.

14.The data submitted in support of an application for authorisation of a biocidal product shall be examined for completeness and overall scientific value by the receiving Member State. After acceptance of these data the Member State shall utilise them by carrying out a risk assessment based on the proposed use of the biocidal product.U.K.
15.A risk assessment on the active substance present in the biocidal product shall always be carried out. If there are, in addition, any substances of concern present in the biocidal product then a risk assessment shall be carried out for each of these. The risk assessment shall cover the proposed normal use of the biocidal product together with a realistic worst-case scenario including any relevant production and disposal issue either of the biocidal product itself or any material treated with it.U.K.
16.For each active substance and each substance of concern present in the biocidal product, the risk assessment shall entail a hazard identification and the establishment of appropriate no-observed-adverse-effect levels (NOAEL), where possible. It shall also include, as appropriate, a dose (concentration) — response (effect) assessment, together with an exposure assessment and a risk characterisation.U.K.
17.The results arrived at from a comparison of the exposure to the no-effect level concentrations for each of the active substances and any substances of concern shall be integrated to produce an overall risk assessment for the biocidal product. Where quantitative results are not available the results of the qualitative assessments shall be integrated in a similar manner.U.K.
18.The risk assessment shall determine:U.K.

the risk to humans and animals,


the risk to the environment,


the measures necessary to protect humans, animals and the general environment during both the proposed normal use of the biocidal product and in a realistic worst-case situation.

19.In certain cases it may be concluded that further data are required before a risk assessment can be finalised. Any such additional data requested shall be the minimum necessary to complete such a risk assessment.U.K.

Effects on humans U.K.

20.The risk assessment shall take account of the following potential effects arising from the use of the biocidal product and the populations liable to exposure.U.K.
21.The effects previously mentioned result from the properties of the active substance and any substance of concern present. They are:U.K.
22.The populations previously mentioned are:U.K.
23.The hazard identification shall address the properties and potential adverse effects of the active substance and any substances of concern present in the biocidal product. If this results in the biocidal product being classified according to the requirements of Article 20 of this Directive then dose (concentration) — response (effect) assessment, exposure assessment and risk characterisation shall be required.U.K.
24.In those cases where the test appropriate to hazard identification in relation to a particular potential effect of an active substance or a substance of concern present in a biocidal product has been conducted but the results have not lead to classification of the biocidal product then risk characterisation in relation to that effect shall not be necessary unless there are other reasonable grounds for concern, e.g. adverse environmental effects or unacceptable residues.U.K.
25.The Member State shall apply paragraphs 26 to 29 when carrying out a dose (concentration) — response (effect) assessment on an active substance or a substance of concern present in a biocidal product.U.K.
26.For repeated dose toxicity and reproductive toxicity the dose response relationship shall be assessed for each active substance or substance of concern and, where possible, the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) identified. If it is not possible to identify a NOAEL, the lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL) shall be identified.U.K.
27.For acute toxicity, corrosivity and irritation, it is not usually possible to derive a NOAEL or LOAEL on the basis of tests conducted in accordance with the requirements of this Directive. For acute toxicity, the LD50 (median lethal dose) or LC50 (median lethal concentration) value or, where the fixed dose procedure has been used, the discriminating dose shall be derived. For the other effects it shall be sufficient to determine whether the active substance or substance of concern has an inherent capacity to cause such effects during use of the product.U.K.
28.For mutagenicity and carcinogenicity it shall be sufficient to determine whether the active substance or substance of concern has an inherent capacity to cause such effects during use of the biocidal product. However, if it can be demonstrated that an active substance or a substance of concern identified as a carcinogen is non-genotoxic, it will be appropriate to identify a N(L)OAEL as described in paragraph 26.U.K.
29.With respect to skin sensitisation and respiratory sensitisation, in so far as there is no consensus on the possibility of identifying a dose/concentration below which adverse effects are unlikely to occur in a subject already sensitised to a given substance, it shall be sufficient to evaluate whether the active substance or substance of concern has an inherent capacity to cause such effects during use of the biocidal product.U.K.
30.Where toxicity data derived from observations of human exposure, e.g. information gained from manufacture, from poison centres or epidemiology surveys, are available special consideration shall be given to those data when carrying out the risk assessment.U.K.
31.An exposure assessment shall be carried out for each of the human populations (professional users, non-professional users and humans exposed indirectly via the environment) for which exposure to a biocidal product occurs or can reasonably be foreseen. The objective of the assessment shall be to make a quantitative or qualitative estimate of the dose/concentration of each active substance or substance of concern to which a population is, or may be exposed during use of the biocidal product.U.K.
32.The exposure assessment shall be based on the information in the technical dossier provided in conformity with Article 8 of this Directive and on any other available and relevant information. Particular account shall be taken, as appropriate, of:U.K.
33.Where adequately measured, representative exposure data are available, special consideration shall be given to them when conducting the exposure assessment. Where calculation methods are used for the estimation of exposure levels, adequate models shall be applied.U.K.

These models shall:

Relevant monitoring data from substances with analogous use and exposure patterns or analogous properties shall also be considered.

34.Where, for any of the effects set out in paragraph 21 a NOAEL or LOAEL had been identified, the risk characterisation shall entail comparison of the NOAEL or LOAEL with the evaluation of the dose/concentration to which the population will be exposed. Where a NOAEL or LOAEL cannot be established a qualitative comparison shall be made.U.K.

Effects on animals U.K.

35.Using the same relevant principles as described in the section dealing with effects on humans, the Member State shall consider the risks posed to animals from the biocidal product.U.K.

Effects on the environment U.K.

36.The risk assessment shall take account of any adverse effects arising in any of the three environmental compartments — air, soil and water (including sediment) — and of the biota following the use of the biocidal product.U.K.
37.The hazard identification shall address the properties and potential adverse effects of the active substance and any substances of concern present in the biocidal product. If this results in the biocidal product being classified according to the requirements of this Directive then dose (concentration) — response (effect) assessment, exposure assessment and risk characterisation shall be required.U.K.
38.In those cases where the test appropriate to hazard identification in relation to a particular potential effect of an active substance or a substance of concern present in a biocidal product has been conducted but the results have not led to classification of the biocidal product then risk characterisation in relation to that effect shall not be necessary unless there are other reasonable grounds for concern. Such grounds may derive from the properties and effects of any active substance or substance of concern in the biocidal product, in particular:U.K.
39.A dose (concentration) — response (effect) assessment shall be carried out in order to predict the concentration below which adverse effects in the environmental compartment of concern are not expected to occur. This shall be carried out for the active substance and for any substance of concern present in the biocidal product. This concentration is known as the predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC). However, in some cases, it may not be possible to establish a PNEC and a qualitative estimation of the dose (concentration) — response (effect) then has to be made.U.K.
40.The PNEC shall be determined from the data on effects on organisms and ecotoxicity studies submitted in accordance with requirements of Article 8 of this Directive. It shall be calculated by applying an assessment factor to the values resulting from tests on organisms, e.g. LD50 (median lethal dose), LC50 (median lethal concentration), EC50 (median effective concentration), IC50 (concentration causing 50 % inhibition of a given parameter, e.g. growth), NOEL(C) (no-observed-effect level (concentration)), or LOEL(C) (lowest-observed-effect level (concentration)).U.K.
41.An assessment factor is an expression of the degree of uncertainty in extrapolation from test data on a limited number of species to the real environment. Therefore, in general, the more extensive the data and the longer the duration of the tests, the smaller is the degree of uncertainty and the size of the assessment factor.U.K.

The specifications for the assessment factors shall be elaborated in the notes for technical guidance which, to this end, shall be based particularly on the indications given in Commission Directive 93/67/EEC of 20 July 1993 laying down the principles for assessment of risks to man and environment from substances notified in accordance with Council Directive 67/548/EEC(1).

42.For each environmental compartment an exposure assessment shall be carried out in order to predict the concentration likely to be found of each active substance or substance of concern present in the biocidal product. This concentration is known as the predicted environmental concentration (PEC). However in some cases it may not be possible to establish a PEC and a qualitative estimate of exposure then has to be made.U.K.
43.A PEC, or where necessary a qualitative estimate of exposure, need only be determined for the environmental compartments to which emissions, discharges, disposal or distributions including any relevant contribution from material treated with biocidal products are known or are reasonably foreseeable.U.K.
44.The PEC, or qualitative estimation of exposure, shall be determined taking account of, in particular, and if appropriate:U.K.
45.Where adequately measured, representative exposure data are available, special consideration shall be given to them when conducting the exposure assessment. Where calculation methods are used for the estimation of exposure levels, adequate models shall be applied. The characteristics of these models shall be as listed in paragraph 33. Where appropriate, on a case-by-case basis, relevant monitoring data from substances with analogous use and exposure patterns or analogous properties should also be considered.U.K.
46.For any given environmental compartment, the risk characterisation shall, as far as possible, entail comparison of the PEC with the PNEC so that a PEC/PNEC ratio may be derived.U.K.
47.If it has not been possible to derive a PEC/PNEC ratio, the risk characterisation shall entail a qualitative evaluation of the likelihood that an effect is occurring under the current conditions of exposure or will occur under the expected conditions of exposure.U.K.

Unacceptable effects U.K.

48.Data shall be submitted to and evaluated by the Member State to assess whether the biocidal product does not cause unnecessary suffering in its effect on target vertebrates. This shall include an evaluation of the mechanism by which the effect is obtained and the observed effects on the behaviour and health of the target vertebrates; where the intended effect is to kill the target vertebrate the time necessary to obtain the death of the target vertebrate and the conditions under which death occurs shall be evaluated.U.K.
49.The Member State shall, where relevant, evaluate the possibility of the development of resistance to an active substance in the biocidal product by the target organism.U.K.
50.If there are indications that any other unacceptable effects may occur the Member State shall evaluate the possibility of such effects occurring. An example of such an unacceptable effect would be an adverse reaction to fastenings and fittings used in wood following the application of a wood preservative.U.K.

Efficacy U.K.

51.Data shall be submitted and evaluated to ascertain if the efficacy claims of the biocidal product can be substantiated. Data submitted by the applicant or held by the Member State must be able to demonstrate the efficacy of the biocidal product against the target organism when used normally in accordance with the conditions of authorisation.U.K.
52.Testing should be carried out according to Community guidelines if these are available and applicable. Where appropriate, other methods can be used as shown in the list below. If relevant acceptable field data exist, these can be used.U.K.

Summary U.K.

53.In each of the areas where risk assessments have been carried out, i.e. effects on man, animals, and the environment, the Member State shall combine the results for the active substance together with the results for any substance of concern to produce an overall assessment for the biocidal product itself. This should take account of any likely synergistic effects of the active substance(s) and substances of concern in the biocidal product.U.K.
54.For biocidal products containing more than one active substance any adverse effects shall also be combined to produce an overall effect for the biocidal product itself.U.K.