PART B U.K. Parameters and frequencies

1. General framework U.K.

A monitoring programme must take into account the parameters referred to in Article 5, including those that are important for assessing the impact of domestic distribution systems on the quality of water at the point of compliance, as set out in Article 6(1). When choosing appropriate parameters for monitoring, local conditions for each water supply system must be taken into consideration.

Member States shall ensure that the parameters listed in point 2 are monitored at the relevant sampling frequencies as set out in point 3.

2. List of parameters U.K.

Group A parameters U.K.

The following parameters (Group A) shall be monitored in accordance with the monitoring frequencies set out in Table 1 of point 3:


Escherichia coli ( E. coli ), coliform bacteria, colony count 22 °C, colour, turbidity, taste, odour, pH, conductivity;


other parameters identified as relevant in the monitoring programme, in accordance with Article 5(3) and, where relevant, through a risk assessment as set out in Part C.

Under specific circumstances, the following parameters shall be added to the Group A Parameters:


ammonium and nitrite, if chloramination is used;


aluminium and iron, if used as water treatment chemicals.

Group B parameters U.K.

In order to determine compliance with all parametric values set out in this Directive, all other parameters not analysed under Group A and set in accordance with Article 5 shall be monitored at least at the frequencies set out in Table 1 of point 3.

3. Sampling frequencies U.K.

Table 1

Minimum frequency of sampling and analysis for compliance monitoring

Volume of water distributed or produced each day within a supply zone (See Notes 1 and 2) m 3 Group A parameter number of samples per year (See Note 3) Group B parameter number of samples per year
≤ 100

> 0

(See Note 4)

> 0

(See Note 4)

> 100 1 000 4 1
> 1 000 10 000


+ 3

for each 1 000 m 3 /d and part thereof of the total volume


+ 1

for each 4 500 m 3 /d and part thereof of the total volume

> 10 000 100 000


+ 1

for each 10 000 m 3 /d and part thereof of the total volume

> 100 000


+ 1

for each 25 000 m 3 /d and part thereof of the total volume