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PART C U.K. Risk assessment

1. Member States may provide for the possibility to derogate from the parameters and sampling frequencies in Part B, provided that a risk assessment is performed in accordance with this Part. U.K.

2. The risk assessment referred to in point 1 shall be based on the general principles of risk assessment set out in relation to international standards such as standard EN 15975-2 concerning security of drinking water supply, guidelines for risk and crisis management . U.K.

3. The risk assessment shall take into account the results from the monitoring programmes established by the second subparagraph of Article 7(1), and Article 8 of Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (1) for bodies of water identified under Article 7(1) that provide more than 100 m 3 a day on average, in accordance with Annex V to that Directive. U.K.

4. Based on the results of the risk assessment, the list of parameters in point 2 of Part B shall be extended and/or the sampling frequencies in point 3 of Part B increased, where any of the following conditions is fulfilled: U.K.


the list of parameters or frequencies set out in this Annex is not sufficient to fulfil the obligations imposed under Article 7(1);


additional monitoring is required for the purposes of Article 7(6);


it is necessary to provide the necessary assurances set out in point (1)(a) of Part A.

5. Based on the results of the risk assessment, the list of parameters set out in point 2 of Part B and the sampling frequencies set out in point 3 of Part B may be reduced provided the following conditions are met: U.K.


the frequency of sampling for E. coli must not be reduced below the one laid down in point 3 of Part B under any circumstances;


for all other parameters:


the location and frequency of sampling shall be determined in relation to the parameter's origin, as well as the variability and long-term trend of its concentration, taking into account Article 6;


to reduce the minimum sampling frequency of a parameter, as set out in point 3 of Part B, the results obtained from samples collected at regular intervals over a period of at least 3 years from sampling points representative of the whole supply zone must all be less than 60 % of the parametric value;


to remove a parameter from the list of parameters to be monitored, as set out in point 2 of Part B, the results obtained from samples collected at regular intervals over a period of at least 3 years from points representative of the whole supply zone must all be less than 30 % of the parametric value;


the removal of a particular parameter set out in point 2 of Part B from the list of parameters to be monitored shall be based on the result of the risk assessment, informed by the results of monitoring of sources of water intended for human consumption and confirming that human health is protected from the adverse effects of any contamination of water intended for human consumption, as laid down in Article 1;


the sampling frequency may be reduced or a parameter removed from the list of parameters to be monitored as set out in points (ii) and (iii) only if the risk assessment confirms that no factor that can be reasonably anticipated is likely to cause deterioration of the quality of the water intended for human consumption.