Article 6U.K.Point of compliance

1.The parametric values set in accordance with Article 5 shall be complied with:

(a)in the case of water supplied from a distribution network, at the point, within premises or an establishment, at which it emerges from the taps that are normally used for human consumption;

(b)in the case of water supplied from a tanker, at the point at which it emerges from the tanker;

(c)in the case of water put into bottles or containers intended for sale, at the point at which the water is put into the bottles or containers;

(d)in the case of water used in a food-production undertaking, at the point where the water is used in the undertaking.

2.In the case of water covered by paragraph 1(a), Member States shall be deemed to have fulfilled their obligations under this Article and under Articles 4 and 8(2) where it can be established that non-compliance with the parametric values set in accordance with Article 5 is due to the domestic distribution system or the maintenance thereof except in premises and establishments where water is supplied to the public, such as schools, hospitals and restaurants.

3.Where paragraph 2 applies and there is a risk that water covered by paragraph 1(a) would not comply with the parametric values established in accordance with Article 5, Member States shall nevertheless ensure that:

(a)appropriate measures are taken to reduce or eliminate the risk of non-compliance with the parametric values, such as advising property owners of any possible remedial action they could take, and/or

other measures, such as appropriate treatment techniques, are taken to change the nature or properties of the water before it is supplied so as to reduce or eliminate the risk of the water not complying with the parametric values after supply;


(b)the consumers concerned are duly informed and advised of any possible additional remedial action that they should take.