(a)Insects, mites and nematodes, at all stages of their development

  1. 1.

    Acleris spp. (non-European)

  2. 2.

    Amauromyza maculosa (Malloch)

  3. 3.

    Anomala orientalis Waterhouse

  4. 4.

    Anoplophora chinensis (Thomson)

  5. 4.1.

    F3Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky)

  6. 5.

    Anoplophora malasiaca (Forster)

  7. 6.

    Arrhenodes minutus Drury

  8. 7.

    Bemisia tabaci Genn. (non-European populations) vector of viruses such as:

    1. (a)

      Bean golden mosaic virus

    2. (b)

      Cowpea mild mottle virus

    3. (c)

      Lettuce infectious yellows virus

    4. (d)

      Pepper mild tigré virus

    5. (e)

      Squash leaf curl virus

    6. (f)

      Euphorbia mosaic virus

    7. (g)

      Florida tomato virus

  9. 8.

    Cicadellidae (non-European) known to be vector of Pierce's disease (caused by Xylella fastidiosa), such as:

    1. (a)

      Carneocephala fulgida Nottingham

    2. (b)

      Draeculacephala minerva Ball

    3. (c)

      Graphocephala atropunctata (Signoret)

  10. 9.

    Choristoneura spp. (non-European)

  11. 10.

    Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst)

  12. 10.1.

    Diabrotica barberi Smith and Lawrence

  13. 10.2.

    Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi Barber

  14. 10.3.

    Diabrotica undecimpunctata undecimpunctata Mannerheim

  15. 10.4.

    Diabrotica virgifera Le Conte

  16. 11.

    Heliothis zea (Boddie)

  17. 11.1.

    Hirschmanniella spp., other than Hirschmanniella gracilis (de Man) Luc and Goodey

  18. 12.

    Liriomyza sativae Blanchard

  19. 13.

    Longidorus diadecturus Eveleigh and Allen

  20. 14.

    Monochamus spp. (non-European)

  21. 15.

    Myndus crudus Van Duzee

  22. 16.

    Nacobbus aberrans (Thorne) Thorne and Allen

  23. 16.1.

    F3Naupactus leucoloma Boheman

  24. 17.

    Premnotrypes spp. (non-European)

  25. 18.

    Pseudopityophthorus minutissimus (Zimmermann)

  26. 19.

    Pseudopityophthorus pruinosus (Eichhoff)

  27. 20.

    Scaphoideus luteolus (Van Duzee)

  28. 21.

    Spodoptera eridania (Cramer)

  29. 22.

    Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith)

  30. 23.

    Spodoptera litura (Fabricus)

  31. 24.

    Thrips palmi Karny

  32. 25.

    Tephritidae (non-European) such as:

    1. (a)

      Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann)

    2. (b)

      Anastrepha ludens (Loew)

    3. (c)

      Anastrepha obliqua Macquart

    4. (d)

      Anastrepha suspensa (Loew)

    5. (e)

      Dacus ciliatus Loew

    6. (f)

      Dacus curcurbitae Coquillet

    7. (g)

      Dacus dorsalis Hendel

    8. (h)

      Dacus tryoni (Froggatt)

    9. (i)

      Dacus tsuneonis Miyake

    10. (j)

      Dacus zonatus Saund.

    11. (k)

      Epochra canadensis (Loew)

    12. (l)

      Pardalaspis cyanescens Bezzi

    13. (m)

      Pardalaspis quinaria Bezzi

    14. (n)

      Pterandrus rosa (Karsch)

    15. (o)

      Rhacochlaena japonica Ito

    16. (p)

      Rhagoletis cingulata (Loew)

    17. (q)

      Rhagoletis completa Cresson

    18. (r)

      Rhagoletis fausta (Osten-Sacken)

    19. (s)

      Rhagoletis indifferens Curran

    20. (t)

      Rhagoletis mendax Curran

    21. (u)

      Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh

    22. (v)

      Rhagoletis ribicola Doane

    23. (w)

      Rhagoletis suavis (Loew)

  33. 26.

    Xiphinema americanum Cobb sensu lato (non-European populations)

  34. 27.

    Xiphinema californicum Lamberti and Bleve-Zacheo


  1. 1.

    Xylella fastidiosa (Well and Raju)


  1. 1.

    Ceratocystis fagacearum (Bretz) Hunt

  2. 2.

    Chrysomyxa arctostaphyli Dietel

  3. 3.

    Cronartium spp. (non-European)

  4. 4.

    Endocronartium spp. (non-European)

  5. 5.

    Guignardia laricina (Saw.) Yamamoto and Ito

  6. 6.

    Gymnosporangium spp. (non-European)

  7. 7.

    Inonotus weirii (Murril) Kotlaba and Pouzar

  8. 8.

    Melampsora farlowii (Arthur) Davis

  9. 9.

    Monilinia fructicola (Winter) Honey

  10. 10.

    Mycosphaerella larici-leptolepis Ito et al.

  11. 11.

    Mycosphaerella populorum G. E. Thompson

  12. 12.

    Phoma andina Turkensteen

  13. 13.

    Phyloosticta solitaria Ell. and Ev.

  14. 14.

    Septoria lycopersici Speg. var. malagutii Ciccarone and Boerema

  15. 15.

    Thecaphora solani Barrus

  16. 15.1.

    Tilletia indica Mitra

  17. 16.

    Trechispora brinkmannii (Bresad.) Rogers

(d)Viruses and virus-like organisms

  1. 1.

    Elm phlöem necrosis mycoplasm

  2. 2.

    Potato viruses and virus-like organisms such as:

    1. (a)

      Andean potato latent virus

    2. (b)

      Andean potato mottle virus

    3. (c)

      Arracacha virus B, oca strain

    4. (d)

      Potato black ringspot virus

    5. (e)

      Potato spindle tuber viroid

    6. (f)

      Potato virus T

    7. (g)

      non-European isolates of potato viruses A, M, S, V, X and Y (including Yo, Yn and Yc) and Potato leafroll virus

  3. 3.

    Tobacco ringspot virus

  4. 4.

    Tomato ringspot virus

  5. 5.

    Viruses and virus-like organisms of Cydonia Mill., Fragaria L., Malus Mill., Prunus L., Pyrus L., Ribes L.,Rubus L. and Vitis L., such as:

    1. (a)

      Blueberry leaf mottle virus

    2. (b)

      Cherry rasp leaf virus (American)

    3. (c)

      Peach mosaic virus (American)

    4. (d)

      Peach phony rickettsia

    5. (e)

      Peach rosette mosaic virus

    6. (f)

      Peach rosette mycoplasm

    7. (g)

      Peach X-disease mycoplasm

    8. (h)

      Peach yellows mycoplasm

    9. (i)

      Plum line pattern virus (American)

    10. (j)

      Raspberry leaf curl virus (American)

    11. (k)

      Strawberry latent ‘C’ virus

    12. (l)

      Strawberry vein banding virus

    13. (m)

      Strawberry witches' broom mycoplasm

    14. (n)

      Non-European viruses and virus-like organisms of Cydonia Mill., Fragaria L., Malus Mill., Prunus L., Pyrus L., Ribes L., Rubus L. and Vitis L.

  6. 6.

    Viruses transmitted by Bemisia tabaci Genn., such as:

    1. (a)

      Bean golden mosaic virus

    2. (b)

      Cowpea mild mottle virus

    3. (c)

      Lettuce infectious yellows virus

    4. (d)

      Pepper mild tigré virus

    5. (e)

      Squash leaf curl virus

    6. (f)

      Euphorbia mosaic virus

    7. (g)

      Florida tomato virus

(e)Parasitic plants

  1. 1.

    Arceuthobium spp. (non-European)


(a)Insects, mites and nematodes, at all stages of their development

  1. 1.

    Globodera pallida (Stone) Behrens

  2. 2.

    Globodera rostochiensis (Wollenweber) Behrens

  3. 3.

    Heliothis armigera (Hübner)

  4. 4.

    F4. . . . .

  5. 5.

    . . . . .

  6. 6.

    . . . . .

  7. 6.1.

    Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden et al. (all populations)

  8. 6.2.

    Meloidogyne fallax Karssen

  9. 7.

    Opogona sacchari (Bojer)

  10. 8.

    Popilia japonica Newman

  11. 8.1.

    Rhizoecus hibisci Kawai and Takagi

  12. 9.

    Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval)


  1. 1.

    Clavibacter michiganensis (Smith) Davis et al. ssp. sepedonicus (Spieckermann and Kotthoff) Davis et al.

  2. 2.

    Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith


  1. 1.

    Melampsora medusae Thümen

  2. 2.

    Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilbersky) Percival

(d)Viruses and virus-like organisms

  1. 1.

    Apple proliferation mycoplasm

  2. 2.

    Apricot chlorotic leafroll mycoplasm

  3. 3.

    Pear decline mycoplasm


(a)Insects, mites and nematodes, at all stages of their development


Protected zone(s)


Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations)

F5DK, IRL, P (F6Azores, Beira Interior, Beira Litoral, Entre Douro e Minho, Madeira, Ribatejo e Oeste (communes of Alcobaça, Alenquer, Bombarral, Cadaval, Caldas da Rainha, Lourinhã, Nazaré, Obidos, Peniche and Torres Vedras) and Trás-os-Montes), UK, S, FI


Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch)



Globodera pallida (Stone) Behrens



Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say

F9E (Ibiza and Menorca), IRL, CY, M, P (Azores and Madeira), UK, S (Malmöhus, Kristianstads, Blekinge, Kalmar, Gotlands Län, Halland), FI (the districts of Åland, Turku, Uusimaa, Kymi, Häme, Pirkanmaa, Satakunta)


Liriomyza bryoniae (Kaltenbach)

IRL and UK (Northern Ireland)

(b)Viruses and virus-like organisms


Protected zone(s)


Beet necrotic yellow vein virus

F11DK, F (Britanny), FI, IRL, F12LT, P (Azores), UK (Northern Ireland)


Tomato spotted wilt virus





(a)Insects, mites and nematodes, at all stages of their development


Subject of contamination


Aculops fuchsiae Keifer

Plants of Fuchsia L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Aleurocantus spp.

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Anthonomus bisignifer (Schenkling)

Plants of Fragaria L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Anthonomus signatus (Say)

Plants of Fragaria L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Aonidella citrina Coquillet

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Aphelenchoïdes besseyi Christie15

Seeds of Oryza spp.


Aschistonyx eppoi Inouye

Plants of Juniperus L., other than fruit and seeds, originating in non-European countries


Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Buhere) Nickle et al.

Plants of Abies Mill., Cedrus Trew, Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr., Pinus L., Pseudotsuga Carr. and Tsuga Carr., other than fruit and seeds, and wood of conifers (Coniferales), originating in non-European countries


Carposina niponensis Walsingham

Plants of Cydonia Mill., Malus Mill., Prunus L. and Pyrus L., other than seeds, originating in non-European countries


Diaphorina citri Kuway

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, and Murraya König, other than fruit and seeds


Enarmonia packardi (Zeller)

Plants of Cydonia Mill., Malus Mill., Prunus L. and Pyrus L., other than seeds, originating in non-European countries


Enarmonia prunivora Walsh

Plants of Crataegus L., Malus Mill., Photinia Ldl., Prunus L. and Rosa L., intended for planting, other than seeds, and fruit of Malus Mill. and Prunus L., originating in non-European countries


Eotetranychus lewisi McGregor

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds



Grapholita inopinata Heinrich

Plants of Cydonia Mill., Malus Mill., Prunus L. and Pyrus L., other than seeds, originating in non-European countries


Hishomonus phycitis

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Leucaspis japonica Ckll.

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Listronotus bonariensis (Kuschel)

Seeds of Cruciferae, Gramineae and Trifolium spp., originating in Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Chile, New Zealand and Uruguay


Margarodes, non-European species, such as:

  1. (a)

    Margarodes vitis (Phillipi)

  2. (b)

    Margarodes vredendalensis de Klerk

  3. (c)

    Margarodes prieskaensis Jakubski

Plants of Vitis L., other than fruit and seeds


Numonia pyrivorella (Matsumura)

Plants of Pyrus L., other than seeds, originating in non-European countries


Oligonychus perditus Pritchard and Baker

Plants of Juniperus L., other than fruit and seeds, originating in non-European countries


Pissodes spp. (non-European)

Plants of conifers (Coniferales), other than fruit and seeds, wood of conifers (Coniferales) with bark, and isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales), originating in non-European countries


Radopholus citrophilus Huettel Dickson and Kaplan

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds, and Plants of Araceae, Marantaceae, Musaceae, Persea spp., Strelitziaceae, rooted or with growing medium attached or associated


Saissetia nigra (Nietm.)

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Scirtothrips aurantii Faure

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than seeds


Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Scirtothrips citri (Moultex)

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than seeds


Scolytidae spp. (non-European)

Plants of conifers (Coniferales), over 3 m in height, other than fruit and seeds, wood of conifers (Coniferales) with bark, and isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales), originating in non-European countries


Tachypterellus quadrigibbus Say

Plants of Cydonia Mill., Malus Mill., Prunus L. and Pyrus L., other than seeds, originating in non-European countries


Toxoptera citricida Kirk.

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Trioza erytreae Del Guercio

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids and Clausena Burm. f., other than fruit and seeds


Unaspis citri Comstock

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds

Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie is not present on Oryza spp. in the Community



Subject of contamination


Citrus greening bacterium

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Citrus variegated chlorosis

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Erwinia stewartii (Smith) Dye

Seeds of Zea mais L.


Xanthomonas campestris (all strains pathogenic to Citrus)

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than seeds


Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae (Ishiyama) Dye and pv. oryzicola (Fang. et al.) Dye

Seeds of Oryza spp.



Subject of contamination


Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler (non-European pathogenic isolates)

Plants of Cydonia Mill., Malus Mill. and Pyrus L. intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in non-European countries


Anisogramma anomala (Peck) E. Müller

Plants of Corylus L., intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in Canada and the United States of America


Apiosporina morbosa (Schwein.) v. Arx

Plants of Prunus L. intended for planting, other than seeds


Atropellis spp.

Plants of Pinus L., other than fruit and seeds, isolated bark and wood of Pinus L.


Ceratocystis virescens (Davidson) Moreau

Plants of Acer saccharum Marsh., other than fruit and seeds, originating in the USA and Canada, wood of Acer saccharum Marsh., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in the USA and Canada


Cercoseptoria pini-densiflorae (Hori and Nambu) Deighton

Plants of Pinus L., other than fruit and seeds, and wood of Pinus L.


Cercospora angolensis Carv. and Mendes

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than seeds


Ciborinia camelliae Kohn

Plants of Camelia L., intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in non-European countries


Diaporthe vaccinii Shaer

Plants of Vaccinium spp., intended for planting, other than seeds


Elsinoe spp. Bitanc. and Jenk. Mendes

Plants of Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds and plants of Citrus L. and their hybrids, other than seeds and other than fruits, except fruits of Citrus reticulata Blanco and of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck originating in South America


Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. albedinis (Kilian and Maire) Gordon

Plants of Phoenix spp., other than fruit and seeds


Guignardia citricarpa Kiely (all strains pathogenic to Citrus)

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than seeds


Guignardia piricola (Nosa) Yamamoto

Plants of Cydonia Mill., Malus Mill., Prunus L. and Pyrus L., other than seeds, originating in non-European countries


Puccinia pittieriana Hennings

Plants of Solanaceae, other than fruit and seeds


Scirrhia acicola (Dearn.) Siggers

Plants of Pinus L., other than fruit and seeds


Venturia nashicola Tanaka and Yamamoto

Plants of Pyrus L., intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in non-European countries

(d)Virus and virus-like organisms


Subject of contamination


Beet curly top virus (non-European isolates)

Plants of Beta vulgaris L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Black raspberry latent virus

Plants of Rubus L., intended for planting


Blight and blight-like

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Cadang-Cadang viroid

Plants of Palmae, intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in non-European countries


Cherry leafroll virus16

Plants of Rubus L., intended for planting


Citrus mosaic virus

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Citrus tristeza virus (non-European isolates)

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds



Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf. and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Little cherry pathogen (non-European isolates)

Plants of Prunus cerasus L., Prunus avium L., Prunus incisa Thunb., Prunus sargentii Rehd., Prunus serrula Franch., Prunus serrulata Lindl., Prunus speciosa (Koidz.) Ingram, Prunus subhirtella Miq., Prunus yedoensis Matsum., and hybrids and cultivars thereof, intended for planting, other than seeds


Naturally spreading psorosis

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Palm lethal yellowing mycoplasm

Plants of Palmae, intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in non-European countries


Prunus necrotic ringspot virus17

Plants of Rubus L., intended for planting


Satsuma dwarf virus

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Tatter leaf virus

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Witches' broom (MLO)

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds

Cherry leaf roll virus is not present in Rubus L. in the Community.

Prunus necrotic ringspot virus is not present in Rubus L. in the Community.


(a)Insects, mites and nematodes, at all stages of their development


Subject of contamination


Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie

Plants of Fragaria L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch)

Plants of Vitis L., other than fruit and seeds


Ditylenchus destructor Thorne

Flower bulbs and corms of Crocus L., miniature cultivars and their hybrids of the genus Gladiolus Tourn. ex L., such as Gladiolus callianthus Marais, Gladiolus colvillei Sweet, Gladiolus nanus hort., Gladiolus ramosus hort., Gladiolus tubergenii hort., Hyacinthus L., Iris L., Trigridia Juss, Tulipa L., intended for planting, and potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.), intended for planting


Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev

Seeds and bulbs of Allium ascalonicum L., Allium cepa L. and Allium schoenoprasum L., intended for planting and plants of Allium porrum L., intended for planting, bulbs and corms of Camassia Lindl., Chionodoxa Boiss., Crocus flavus Weston ‘Golden Yellow’, Galanthus L., Galtonia candicans (Baker) Decne, Hyacinthus L., Ismene Herbert, Muscari Miller, Narcissus L., Ornithogalum L., Puschkinia Adams, Scilla L., Tulipa L., intended for planting, and seeds of Medicago sativa L.


Circulifer haematoceps

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Circulifer tenellus

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Eutetranychus orientalis Klein

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf. Raf. and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Radopholus similis (Cobb) Thorne

Plants of Araceae, Marantaceae, Musaceae, Persea spp., Strelitziaceae, rooted or with growing medium attached or associated


Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard)

Cut flowers, leafy vegetables of Apium graveolens L. and plants of herbaceous species, intended for planting, other than:

  • bulbs,

  • corms,

  • plants of the family Gramineae,

  • rhizomes,

  • seeds


Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess)

Cut flowers, leafy vegetables of Apium graveolens L. and plants of herbaceous species, intended for planting, other than:

  • bulbs,

  • corms,

  • plants of the family Gramineae,

  • rhizomes,

  • seeds



Subject of contamination


Clavibacter michiganensis spp. insidiosus (McCulloch) Davis et al.

Seeds of Medicago sativa L.


Clavibacter michiganensis spp. michiganensis (Smith) Davis et al.

Plants of Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw., intended for planting


Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al.

F15Plants of Amelanchier Med., Chaenomeles Lindl., Cotoneaster Ehrh., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Eriobotrya Lindl., Malus Mill., Mespilus L., Photinia davidiana (Dcne.) Cardot, Pyracantha Roem., Pyrus L. and Sorbus L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Erwinia chrysanthemi pv. dianthicola (Hellmers) Dickey

Plants of Dianthus L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Pseudomonas caryophylli (Burkholder) Starr and Burkholder

Plants of Dianthus L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Pseudomonas syringae pv. persicae (Prunier et al.) Young et al.

Plants of Prunus persica (L.) Batsch and Prunus persica var. nectarina (Ait.) Maxim, intended for planting, other than seeds


Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (Smith) Dye

Seeds of Phaseolus L.


Xanthomonas campestris pv. pruni (Smith) Dye

Plants of Prunus L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Doidge) Dye

Plants of Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw. and Capsicum spp., intended for planting


Xanthomonas fragariae Kennedy and King

Plants of Fragaria L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Xylophilus ampelinus (Panagopoulos) Willems et al.

Plants of Vitis L., other than fruit and seeds



Subject of contamination


Ceratocystis fimbriata f. spp. platani Walter

Plants of Platanus L., intended for planting, other than seeds, and wood of Platanus L., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface


Colletotrichum acutatum Simmonds

Plants of Fragaria L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill) Barr

F14Plants of Castanea Mill and Quercus L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Didymella ligulicola (Baker, Dimock and Davis) v. Arx

Plants of Dendranthema (DC.) Des Moul., intended for planting, other than seeds


Phialophora cinerescens (Wollenweber) van Beyma

Plants of Dianthus L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Phoma tracheiphila (Petri) Kanchaveli and Gikashvili

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than seeds


Phytophthora fragariae Hickmann var. fragariae

Plants of Fragaria L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Plasmopara halstedii (Farlow) Berl. and de Toni

Seeds of Helianthus annuus L.


Puccinia horiana Hennings

Plants of Dendranthema (DC.) Des Moul., intended for planting, other than seeds


Scirrhia pini Funk and Parker

Plants of Pinus L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Verticillium albo-atrum Reinke and Berthold

Plants of Humulus lupulus L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Verticillium dahliae Klebahn

Plants of Humulus lupulus L., intended for planting, other than seeds

(d)Viruses and virus-like organisms


Subject of contamination


Arabis mosaic virus

Plants of Fragaria L. and Rubus L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Beet leaf curl virus

Plants of Beta vulgaris L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Chrysanthemum stunt viroid

Plants of Dendranthema (DC.) Des Moul., intended for planting, other than seeds


Citrus tristeza virus (European isolates)

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Citrus vein enation woody gall

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Grapevine flavescence dorée MLO

Plants of Vitis L., other than fruit and seeds


Plum pox virus

Plants of Prunus L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Potato stolbur mycoplasm

Plants of Solanaceae, intended for planting, other than seeds


Raspberry ringspot virus

Plants of Fragaria L. and Rubus L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Spiroplasma citri Saglio et al.

Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds


Strawberry crinkle virus

Plants of Fragaria L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Strawberry latent ringspot virus

Plants of Fragaria L. and Rubus L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Strawberry mild yellow edge virus

Plants of Fragaria L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Tomato black ring virus

Plants of Fragaria L. and Rubus L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Tomato spotted wilt virus

Plants of Apium graveolens L., Capsicum annuum L., Cucumis melo L., Dendranthema (DC.) Des Moul., all varieties of New Guinea hybrids Impatiens, Lactuca sativa L., Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw. Nicotiana tabacum L., of which there shall be evidence that they are intended for sale to professional tobacco production. Solanum melongena L. and Solanum tuberosum L., intended for planting, other than seeds


Tomato yellow leaf curl virus

Plants of Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw., intended for planting, other than seeds


(a)Insect mites and nematodes, at all stages of their development


Subject of contamination

Protected zone(s)


Anthonomus grandis (Boh.)

Seeds and fruits (bolls) of Gossypium spp. and unginned cotton

EL, E (Andalucia, Catalonia, Extremadura, Murcia, Valencia)


Cephalcia lariciphila (Klug)

Plants of Larix Mill., intended for planting, other than seeds

IRL, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey)


Dendroctonus micans Kugelan

Plants of Abies Mill., Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr., Pinus L. and Pseudotsuga Carr., over 3 m in height, other than fruit and seeds, wood of conifers (Coniferales) with bark, isolated bark of conifers

F9EL, IRL, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey)


Gilphinia hercyniae (Hartig)

Plants of Picea A. Dietr., intended for planting, other than seeds

EL, IRL, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey)


Gonipterus scutellatus Gyll.

Plants of Eucalyptus l'Herit., other than fruit and seeds

F16EL, P (Azores)


(a) Ips amitinus Eichhof

Plants of Abies Mill., Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr. and Pinus L., over 3 m in height, other than fruit and seeds, wood of conifers (Coniferales) with bark, isolated bark of conifers

EL, F (Corsica), IRL, UK

(b) Ips cembrae Heer

Plants of Abies Mill., Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr. and Pinus L. and Pseudotsuga Carr., over 3 m in height, other than fruit and seeds, wood of conifers (Coniferales) with bark, isolated bark of conifers

EL, IRL, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man)

(c) Ips duplicatus Sahlberg

Plants of Abies Mill., Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr. and Pinus L., over 3 m in height, other than fruit and seeds, wood of conifers (Coniferales) with bark, isolated bark of conifers


F8(d) Ips sexdentatus Börner

Plants of Abies Mill., Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr., Pinus L. over 3 m in height, other than fruit and seeds, wood of conifers (Coniferales) with bark, isolated bark of conifers

IRL, CY, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man)

(e) Ips typographus Heer

Plants of Abies Mill., Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr., Pinus L. and Pseudotsuga Carr., over 3 m in height, other than fruit and seeds, wood of conifers (Coniferales) with bark, isolated bark of conifers





Sternochetus mangiferae Fabricius

Seeds of Mangifera spp. originating in third countries

E (Granada and Malaga), P (Alentejo, Algarve and Madeira)


Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. and Schiff.)

Plants of Pinus L., intended for planting, other than fruit and seeds

E (Ibiza)



Subject of contamination

Protected zone(s)


Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (Hedges) Collins and Jones

Seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Dolichos Jacq.

EL, E, P


Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al.

Parts of plants, other than fruit, seeds and plants intended for planting, but including live pollen for pollination of Amelanchier Med., Chaenomeles Lindl., Cotoneaster Ehrh., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Eriobotrya Lindl., Malus Mill., Mespilus L., Photinia davidiana (Dcne.) Cardot, Pyracantha Roem., Pyrus L. and Sorbus L.

E,F18EE, F (Corsica), IRL, I (Abruzzi; Apulia; Basilicata; Calabria; Campania; Emilia-Romagna: provinces of Forlí-CesenaF19(with exclusion of the provincial area situated to the North of the State road n. 9 — Via Emilia), Parma, Piacenza and Rimini(with exclusion of the provincial area situated to the North of the State road n. 9 — Via Emilia); Friuli-Venezia Giulia; Lazio; Liguria; Lombardy; Marche; Molise; Piedmont; Sardinia; Sicily;F12 Trentino-Alto Adige: autonomous province of Trento; Tuscany; Umbria; Valle d'Aosta; Veneto: except in the province of Rovigo the communes Rovigo, Polesella, Villamarzana, Fratta Polesine, San Bellino, Badia Polesine, Trecenta, Ceneselli, Pontecchio Polesine, Arquà Polesine, Costa di Rovigo, Occhiobello, Lendinara, Canda, Ficarolo, Guarda Veneta, Frassinelle Polesine, Villanova del Ghebbo, Fiesso Umbertiano, Castelguglielmo, Bagnolo di Po, Giacciano con Baruchella, Bosaro, Canaro, Lusia, Pincara, Stienta, Gaiba, Salara, and in the province of Padova the communes Castelbaldo, Barbona, Piacenza d'Adige, Vescovana, S. Urbano, Boara Pisani, Masi, and in the province of Verona the communes Palù, Roverchiara, Legnago, Castagnaro, Ronco all'Adige, Villa Bartolomea, Oppeano, Terrazzo, Isola Rizza, Angiari), LV, LT, A (Burgenland, Carinthia, Lower Austria, Tirol (administrative district Lienz), Styria, Vienna), P, SIF19(except the Gorenjska and Maribor regions), SKF19(except the communes of Blahová, Horné Mýto and Okoč (Dunajská Streda County), Hronovce and Hronské Kľačany (Levice County), Veľké Ripňany (Topoľčany County), Málinec (Poltár County), Hrhov (Rožňava County), Kazimír, Luhyňa, Malý Horeš, Svätuše and Zatín (Trebišov County)), FI, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Channel Islands)



Subject of contamination

Protected zone(s)


Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill.) Barr.

Wood, excluding wood which is bark-free, and isolated bark of Castanea Mill.

CZ, F21DK, EL, (Crete, Lesvos) IRL, S, UK (except the Isle of Man)


Glomerella gossypii Edgerton

Seeds and fruits (bolls) of Gossypium spp.



Gremmeniella abietina (Lag.) Morelet

Plants of Abies Mill., Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr., Pinus L. and Pseudotsuga Carr., intended for planting, other than seeds

IRL, UK (Northern Ireland)


Hypoxylon mammatum (Wahl.) J. Miller

Plants of Populus L., intended for planting, other than seeds

IRL, UK (Northern Ireland)

F8(d)Virus and virus-like organisms


Subject of contamination

Protected zone(s)


Citrus tristeza virus (European isolates)

Fruits of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, with leaves and peduncles

EL, F (Corsica),F11 I, M, P


Grapevine flavescence dorée MLO

Plants of Vitis L., other than fruit and seeds.

CZ, FR (Champagne-Ardenne, Lorraine and Alsace), IT (Basilicata)





Country of origin


Plants of Abies Mill., Cedrus Trew, Chamaecyparis Spach, Juniperus L., Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr., Pinus L., Pseudotsuga Carr. and Tsuga Carr., other than fruit and seeds

Non-European countries


Plants of Castanea Mill., and Quercus L., with leaves, other than fruit and seeds

Non-European countries


Plants of Populus L., with leaves, other than fruit and seeds

North American countries



Isolated bark of Castanea Mill.

Third countries


Isolated bark of Quercus L., other than Quercus suber L.

North American countries


Isolated bark of Acer saccharum Marsh.

North American countries


Isolated bark of Populus L.

Countries of the American continent


Plants of Chaenomeles Ldl., Cydonia Mill., Crateagus L., Malus Mill., Prunus L., Pyrus L., and Rosa L., intended for planting, other than dormant plants free from leaves, flowers and fruit

Non-European countries


Plants of Photinia Ldl., intended for planting, other than dormant plants free from leaves, flowers and fruit

USA, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea and Democratic People's Republic of Korea


Tubers of Solanum tuberosum L., seed potatoes

Third countries other than Switzerland


Plants of stolon- or tuber-forming species of Solanum L. or their hybrids, intended for planting, other than those tubers of Solanum tuberosum L. as specified under Annex III A (10)

Third countries


Tubers of species of Solanum L., and their hybrids, other than those specified in points 10 and 11

Without prejudice to the special requirements applicable to the potato tubers listed in Annex IV, Part A Section I, third countries other than Algeria, F13Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Libya, F13Malta, Morocco, Syria, Switzerland, Tunisia and Turkey, and other than European third countries which are either recognised as being free from Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus (Spieckermann and Kotthoff) Davis et al., F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2), or in which provisions recognised as equivalent to the Community provisions on combating Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus (Spieckermann and Kotthoff) Davis et accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2), have been complied with


Plants of Solanaceae intended for planting, other than seeds and those items covered by Annex III A (10), (11) or (12)

Third countries, other than European and Mediterranean countries


Soil and growing medium as such, which consists in whole or in part of soil or solid organic substances such as parts of plants, humus including peat or bark, other than that composed entirely of peat

Turkey, Belarus, F13Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Russia, Ukraine and third countries not belonging to continental Europe, other than the following:F13 Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Libya, F13Malta, Morocco, Tunisia


Plants of Vitis L., other than fruits

F24Third countries other than Switzerland


Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds

Third countries


Plants of Phoenix spp. other than fruit and seeds

Algeria, Morocco


Plants of Cydonia Mill., Malus Mill., Prunus L. and Pyrus L. and their hybrids, and Fragaria L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the prohibitions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III A (9), where appropriate, non-European countries, other than Mediterranean countries, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the continental states of the USA


Plants of the family Graminacae, other than plants of ornamental perennial grasses of the subfamilies Bambusoideae and Panicoideae and of the genera Buchloe, Bouteloua Lag., Calamagrostis, Cortaderia Stapf., Glyceria R. Br., Hakonechloa Mak. ex Honda, Hystrix, Molinia, Phalaris L., Shibataea, Spartina Schreb., Stipa L. and Uniola L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Third countries, other than European and Mediterranean countries



Protected zone(s)


Without prejudice to the prohibitions applicable to the plants listed in Annex IIIA(9), (9.1), (18), where appropriate, plants and live pollen for pollination of: Amelanchier Med., Chaenomeles Lindl., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Eriobotrya Lindl., Malus Mill., Mespilus L., Pyracantha Roem., Pyrus L. and Sorbus L., other than fruit and seeds, originating in third countries other than Switzerland and other than those recognised as being free from Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al. in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18(2), or in which pest free areas have been established in relation to Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al. in accordance with the relevant International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures and recognised as such in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18(2)

E,F18EE, F (Corsica), IRL, I (Abruzzi; Apulia; Basilicata; Calabria; Campania; Emilia-Romagna: provinces of Forlí-CesenaF19(with exclusion of the provincial area situated to the North of the State road n. 9 — Via Emilia), Parma, Piacenza and Rimini(with exclusion of the provincial area situated to the North of the State road n. 9 — Via Emilia); Friuli-Venezia Giulia; Lazio; Liguria; Lombardy; Marche; Molise; Piedmont; Sardinia; Sicily; F12Trentino-Alto Adige: autonomous province of Trento; Tuscany; Umbria; Valle d'Aosta; Veneto: except in the province of Rovigo the communes Rovigo, Polesella, Villamarzana, Fratta Polesine, San Bellino, Badia Polesine, Trecenta, Ceneselli, Pontecchio Polesine, Arquà Polesine, Costa di Rovigo, Occhiobello, Lendinara, Canda, Ficarolo, Guarda Veneta, Frassinelle Polesine, Villanova del Ghebbo, Fiesso Umbertiano, Castelguglielmo, Bagnolo di Po, Giacciano con Baruchella, Bosaro, Canaro, Lusia, Pincara, Stienta, Gaiba, Salara, and in the province of Padova the communes Castelbaldo, Barbona, Piacenza d'Adige, Vescovana, S. Urbano, Boara Pisani, Masi, and in the province of Verona the communes Palù, Roverchiara, Legnago, Castagnaro, Ronco all'Adige, Villa Bartolomea, Oppeano, Terrazzo, Isola Rizza, Angiari), LV, LT, A (Burgenland, Carinthia, Lower Austria, Tirol (administrative district Lienz), Styria, Vienna), P, SIF19(except the Gorenjska and Maribor regions), SKF19(except the communes of Blahová, Horné Mýto and Okoč (Dunajská Streda County), Hronovce and Hronské Kľačany (Levice County), Veľké Ripňany (Topoľčany County), Málinec (Poltár County), Hrhov (Rožňava County), Kazimír, Luhyňa, Malý Horeš, Svätuše and Zatín (Trebišov County)), FI, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Channel Islands)


Without prejudice to the prohibitions applicable to the plants listed in Annex IIIA(9), (9.1), (18), where appropriate, plants and live pollen for pollination of: Cotoneaster Ehrh. and Photinia davidiana (Dcne.) Cardot, other than fruit and seeds, originating in third countries other than those recognised as being free from Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al. in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18(2), or in which pest free areas have been established in relation to Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al. in accordance with the relevant International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures and recognised as such in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18(2)

E,F18EE, F (Corsica), IRL, I (Abruzzi; Apulia; Basilicata; Calabria; Campania; Emilia-Romagna: provinces of Forlí-CesenaF19(with exclusion of the provincial area situated to the North of the State road n. 9 — Via Emilia), Parma, Piacenza and Rimini(with exclusion of the provincial area situated to the North of the State road n. 9 — Via Emilia); Friuli-Venezia Giulia; Lazio; Liguria; Lombardy; Marche; Molise; Piedmont; Sardinia; Sicily;F12 Trentino-Alto Adige: autonomous province of Trento; Tuscany; Umbria; Valle d'Aosta; Veneto: except in the province of Rovigo the communes Rovigo, Polesella, Villamarzana, Fratta Polesine, San Bellino, Badia Polesine, Trecenta, Ceneselli, Pontecchio Polesine, Arquà Polesine, Costa di Rovigo, Occhiobello, Lendinara, Canda, Ficarolo, Guarda Veneta, Frassinelle Polesine, Villanova del Ghebbo, Fiesso Umbertiano, Castelguglielmo, Bagnolo di Po, Giacciano con Baruchella, Bosaro, Canaro, Lusia, Pincara, Stienta, Gaiba, Salara, and in the province of Padova the communes Castelbaldo, Barbona, Piacenza d'Adige, Vescovana, S. Urbano, Boara Pisani, Masi, and in the province of Verona the communes Palù, Roverchiara, Legnago, Castagnaro, Ronco all'Adige, Villa Bartolomea, Oppeano, Terrazzo, Isola Rizza, Angiari), LV, LT, A (Burgenland, Carinthia, Lower Austria, Tirol (administrative district Lienz), Styria, Vienna), P, SIF19(except the Gorenjska and Maribor regions), SKF19(except the communes of Blahová, Horné Mýto and Okoč (Dunajská Streda County), Hronovce and Hronské Kľačany (Levice County), Veľké Ripňany (Topoľčany County), Málinec (Poltár County), Hrhov (Rožňava County), Kazimír, Luhyňa, Malý Horeš, Svätuše and Zatín (Trebišov County)), FI, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Channel Islands)




Plants, plant products and other objects

Special requirements


Whether or not listed among the CN codes in Annex V, Part B, wood of conifers (Coniferales), except that of Thuja L., other than in the form of:

  • chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste and scrap obtained in whole or part from these conifers,

  • wood packaging material, in the form of packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, pallets, box pallets and other load boards, pallet collars, actually in use in the transport of objects of all kinds,

  • wood used to wedge or support non-wood cargo,

  • wood ofLibocedrus decurrens Torr. where there is evidence that the wood has been processed or manufactured for pencils using heat treatment to achieve a minimum temperature of 82 °C for a seven to eight-day period,

but including that which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in Canada, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Taiwan and the USA, where Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner et Bührer) Nickle et al. is known to occur.

Official statement that the wood has undergone an appropriate:

  1. (a)

    heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56 °C for at least 30 minutes. There shall be evidence thereof by a mark HT put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage, and on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii),


  2. (b)

    fumigation to a specification approved in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.2. There shall be evidence thereof by indicating on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), the active ingredient, the minimum wood temperature, the rate (g/m3) and the exposure time (h),


  3. (c)

    chemical pressure impregnation with a product approved in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.2. There shall be evidence thereof by indicating on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), the active ingredient, the pressure (psi or kPa) and the concentration (%).


Whether or not listed among the CN codes in Annex V, Part B, wood of conifers (Coniferales), except that of Thuja L., in the form of:

  • chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste and scrap obtained in whole or part from these conifers,

originating in Canada, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Taiwan and the USA, where Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner et Bührer) Nickle et al. is known to occur.

Official statement that the wood has undergone an appropriate:

  1. (a)

    heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56 °C for at least 30 minutes, the latter to be indicated on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii),


  2. (b)

    fumigation to a specification approved in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.2. There shall be evidence thereof by indicating on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), the active ingredient, the minimum wood temperature, the rate (g/m3) and the exposure time (h).


Whether or not listed among the CN codes in Annex V, Part B, wood of Thuja L., other than in the form of:

  • chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste and scrap,

  • wood packaging material, in the form of packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, pallets, box pallets and other load boards, pallet collars, actually in use in the transport of objects of all kinds,

  • wood used to wedge or support non-wood cargo,

originating in Canada, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Taiwan and the USA, where Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner et Bührer) Nickle et al. is known to occur.

Official statement that the wood:

  1. (a)

    is bark-free,


  2. (b)

    has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule. There shall be evidence thereof by a mark kiln-dried or K.D. or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage,


  3. (c)

    has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56 °C for at least 30 minutes. There shall be evidence thereof by a mark HT put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage and on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii),


  4. (d)

    has undergone an appropriate fumigation to a specification approved in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.2. There shall be evidence thereof by indicating on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), the active ingredient, the minimum wood temperature, the rate (g/m3) and the exposure time (h),


  5. (e)

    has undergone an appropriate chemical pressure impregnation with a product approved in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.2. There shall be evidence thereof by indicating on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), the active ingredient, the pressure (psi or kPa) and the concentration (%).


Whether or not listed among the CN codes in Annex V, Part B, wood of Thuja L., in the form of:

  • chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste and scrap,

originating in Canada, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Taiwan and the USA, where Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner et Bührer) Nickle et al. is known to occur.

Official statement that the wood:

  1. (a)

    has been produced from debarked round wood,


  2. (b)

    has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule,


  3. (c)

    has undergone an appropriate fumigation to a specification approved in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.2. There shall be evidence thereof by indicating on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), the active ingredient, the minimum wood temperature, the rate (g/m3) and the exposure time (h),


  4. (d)

    has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56 °C for at least 30 minutes, the latter to be indicated on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii).


Whether or not listed among the CN codes in Annex V, Part B, wood of conifers (Coniferales), other than in the form of:

  • chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste and scrap obtained in whole or part from these conifers,

  • wood packaging material in the form of packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, pallets, box pallets and other load boards, pallet collars, actually in use in the transport of objects of all kinds,

  • wood used to wedge or support non-wood cargo,

but including that which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkey.

Official statement that the wood:

  1. (a)

    originates in areas known to be free from:

    • Monochamus spp. (non-European)

    • Pissodes spp. (non-European)

    • Scolytidae spp. (non-European)

    The area shall be mentioned on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), under the rubric place of origin,


  2. (b)

    is bark-free and free from grub holes, caused by the genus Monochamus spp. (non-European), defined for this purpose as those which are larger than 3 mm across,


  3. (c)

    has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule. There shall be evidence thereof by a mark kiln-dried or K.D. or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with the current usage,


  4. (d)

    has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56 °C for at least 30 minutes. There shall be evidence thereof by a mark HT put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage, and on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii),


  5. (e)

    has undergone an appropriate fumigation to a specification approved in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.2. There shall be evidence thereof by indicating on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), the active ingredient, the minimum wood temperature, the rate (g/m3) and the exposure time (h),


  6. (f)

    has undergone an appropriate chemical pressure impregnation with a product approved in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.2. There shall be evidence thereof by indicating on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), the active ingredient, the pressure (psi or kPa) and the concentration (%).


Whether or not listed among the CN codes in Annex V, Part B, wood of conifers (Coniferales), other than in the form of:

  • chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste and scrap obtained in whole or part from these conifers,

  • wood packaging material, in the form of packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, pallets, box pallets and other load boards, pallet collars, actually in use in the transport of objects of all kinds,

  • wood used to wedge or support non-wood cargo,

but including that which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in third countries, other than:

  • Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkey,

  • European countries,

  • Canada, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Taiwan and the USA, where Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner et Bührer) Nickle et al. is known to occur.

Official statement that the wood:

  1. (a)

    is bark-free and free from grub holes, caused by the genus Monochamus spp. (non-European), defined for this purpose as those which are larger than 3 mm across,


  2. (b)

    has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule. There shall be evidence thereof by a mark kiln-dried or K.D or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage,


  3. (c)

    has undergone an appropriate fumigation to a specification approved in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.2. There shall be evidence thereof by indicating on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), the active ingredient, the minimum wood temperature, the rate (g/m3) and the exposure time (h),


  4. (d)

    has undergone an appropriate chemical pressure impregnation with a product approved in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.2. There shall be evidence thereof by indicating on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), the active ingredient, the pressure (psi or kPa) and the concentration (%),


  5. (e)

    has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56 °C for at least 30 minutes. There shall be evidence thereof by a mark HT put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage, and on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii).


Whether or not listed among the CN codes listed in Annex V, Part B, wood in the form of chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste and scrap obtained in whole or in part from conifers (Coniferales), originating in

  • Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkey,

  • non-European countries other than Canada, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Taiwan and the USA, where Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner et Bührer) Nickle et al. is known to occur.

Official statement that the wood:

  1. (a)

    originates in areas known to be free from:

    • Monochamus spp. (non-European)

    • Pissodes spp. (non-European)

    • Scolytidae spp. (non-European)

    The area shall be mentioned on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), under the rubric place of origin,


  2. (b)

    has been produced from debarked round wood,


  3. (c)

    has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule,


  4. (d)

    has undergone an appropriate fumigation to a specification approved in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.2. There shall be evidence of the fumigation by indicating on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), the active ingredient, the minimum wood temperature, the rate (g/m3) and the exposure time (h),


  5. (e)

    has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56 °C for at least 30 minutes, the latter to be indicated on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii).


Wood packaging material, in the form of packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, pallets, box pallets and other load boards, pallet collars, actually in use in the transport of objects of all kinds, except raw wood of 6 mm thickness or less, and processed wood produced by glue, heat and pressure, or a combination thereof, coming from third countries, except Switzerland.

The wood packaging material shall:

  • be made from debarked round wood, and

  • be subject to one of the approved measures as specified in Annex I to FAO International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No 15 on Guidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade, and

  • display a mark with:

    1. (a)

      the two-letter ISO country code, a code identifying the producer and the code identifying the approved measure applied to the wood packaging material in the mark as specified in Annex II to FAO International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No 15 on Guidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade. The letters DB shall be added to the abbreviation of the approved measure included in the said mark.


    2. (b)

      in the case of wood packaging material manufactured, repaired or recycled as of 1 March 2005, also the logo as specified in Annex II to the said FAO Standard. However the requirement is not applicable on a temporary basis until 31 December 2007 in the case of wood packaging material manufactured, repaired or recycled before 28 February 2005.

F25The first indent, requiring wood packaging material to be made from debarked round wood, shall only apply from 1 January 2009. This paragraph shall be reviewed by 1 September 2007.


Wood of Acer saccharum Marsh., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, other than in the form of:

  • wood intended for the production of veneer sheets,

  • chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste and scrap,

    originating in the USA and Canada.

Official statement that the wood has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule. There shall be evidence thereof by a mark Kiln-dried or KD or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage.


Wood of Acer saccharum Marsh., intended for the production of veneer sheets, originating in the USA and Canada.

Official statement that the wood originates in areas known to be free from Ceratocystis virescens (Davidson) Moreau and is intended for the production of veneer sheets.


Wood ofQuercus L., other than in the form of:

  • chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste and scrap,

  • casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers’ products and parts thereof, of wood, including staves where there is documented evidence that the wood has been produced or manufactured using heat treatment to achieve a minimum temperature of 176 °C for 20 minutes

    but including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in the USA.

Official statement that the wood:

  1. (a)

    is squared so as to remove entirely the rounded surface,


  2. (b)

    is bark-free and the water content is less than 20 % expressed as a percentage of the dry matter,


  3. (c)

    is bark-free and has been disinfected by an appropriate hot-air or hot water treatment,


  4. (d)

    if sawn, with or without residual bark attached, has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule. There shall be evidence thereof by a mark Kiln-dried or KD or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage.



Wood of Platanus L., except that in the form of chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste and scrap, but including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in the USA or Armenia.

Official statement that the wood has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule. There shall be evidence thereof by a mark kiln-dried or KD or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage.


Wood of Populus L., except that in the form of chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste and scrap, but including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in countries of the American continent.

Official statement that the wood:

  • is bark-free


  • has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule. There shall be evidence thereof by a mark kiln-dried or KD or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage.


Whether or not listed among the CN codes in Annex V, Part B, wood in the form of chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste and scrap and obtained in whole or in part from:

  • Acer saccharum Marsh., originating in the USA and Canada,

  • Platanus L., originating in the USA or Armenia,

  • Populus L., originating in the American continent.

Official statement that the wood:

  1. (a)

    has been produced from debarked round wood,


  2. (b)

    has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule,


  3. (c)

    has undergone an appropriate fumigation to a specification approved in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.2. There shall be evidence of the fumigation by indicating on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), the active ingredient, the minimum wood temperature, the rate (g/m3) and the exposure time (h),


  4. (d)

    has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56 °C for at least 30 minutes, the latter to be indicated on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii).


Whether or not listed among the CN codes in Annex V, Part B, wood in the form of chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste and scrap and obtained in whole or part from Quercus L. originating in the USA.

Official statement that the wood:

  1. (a)

    has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule,


  2. (b)

    has undergone an appropriate fumigation to a specification approved in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.2. There shall be evidence of the fumigation by indicating on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), the active ingredient, the minimum wood temperature, the rate (g/m3) and the exposure time (h),


  3. (c)

    has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56 °C for at least 30 minutes, the latter to be indicated on the certificates referred to in 13.1.(ii).


Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales), originating in non-European countries

Official statement that the isolated bark:

  1. (a)

    has been subjected to an appropriate fumigation with a fumigant approved in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.2. There shall be evidence thereof by indicating on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), the active ingredient, the minimum bark temperature, the rate (g/m3) and the exposure time (h),


  2. (b)

    has undergone an appropriate heat treatment to achieve the minimum temperature of 56 °C for at least 30 minutes, the latter to be indicated on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii).


Wood used to wedge or support non-wood cargo, including that which has not kept its natural round surface, except raw wood of 6 mm thickness or less and processed wood produced by glue, heat and pressure, or a combination thereof, coming from third countries, except Switzerland.

The wood shall:

  1. (a)

    be made from debarked round wood and:

    • be subject to one of the approved measures as specified in Annex I to FAO International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No 15 on Guidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade, and

    • display a mark with at least the two-letter ISO country code, a code identifying the producer and the code identifying the approved measure applied to the wood packaging material in the mark as specified in Annex II to FAO International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No 15 on Guidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade. The letters DB shall be added to the abbreviation of the approved measure included in the said mark.

      or on a temporary basis until 31 December 2007

  2. (b)

    be made from bark-free wood that is free from pests and signs of live pests.

F25The first line of point (a), requiring wood packaging material to be made from debarked round wood, shall only apply from 1 January 2009. This paragraph shall be reviewed by 1 September 2007.


Plants of conifers (Coniferales), other than fruit and seeds, originating in non-European countries

Without prejudice to the prohibitions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(1), where appropriate, official statement that the plants have been produced in nurseries and that the place of production is free from Pissodes spp. (non-European).


Plants of conifers (Coniferales), other than fruit and seeds, over 3 m in height, originating in non-European countries

Without prejudice to the prohibitions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(1), and Annex IV(A)(I)(8.1), where appropriate, official statement that the plants have been produced in nurseries and that the place of production is free from Scolytidae spp. (non-European).


Plants of Pinus L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(1), and Annex IV(A)(I)(8.1), (8.2), official statement that no symptoms of Scirrhia acicola (Dearn.) Siggers or Scirrhia pini Funk and Parker have been observed at the place of production or its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Abies Mill., Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr., Pinus L. Pseudotsuga Carr. and Tsuga Carr., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(1), and Annex IV(A)(I)(8.1), (8.2) or (9), where appropriate, official statement that no symptoms of Melampsora medusae Thümen have been observed at the place of production or its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Quercus L., other than fruit and seeds, originating in the USA

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(2), official statement that the plants originate in areas known to be free from Ceratocystis fagacearum (Bretz) Hunt.


Plants of Castanea Mill. and Quercus L., other than fruit and seeds, originating in non-European countries

Without prejudice to the prohibitions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(2) and IV(A)(I)(11.01.), official statement that no symptoms of Cronartium spp. (non-European) have been observed at the place of production or its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Castanea Mill. and Quercus L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(2) and IV(A)(I)(11.1), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in areas known to be free from Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill) Barr;


  2. (b)

    no symptoms of Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill) Barr have been observed at the place of production or its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Corylus L., intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in Canada and the United States of America

Official statement that the plants have been grown in nurseries and:

  1. (a)

    originate in an area, established in the country of export by the national plant protection service in that country, as being free from Anisogramma anomala (Peck) E. Müller, in accordance with relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the certificates referred to in Articles 7 or 8 of this Directive under the rubric Additional declaration,


  2. (b)

    originate in a place of production, established in the country of export by the national plant protection service in that country, as being free from Anisogramma anomala (Peck) E. Müller on official inspections carried out at the place of production or its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last three complete cycles of vegetation, in accordance with relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the certificates referred to in Articles 7 or 8 of this Directive under the rubric Additional declaration and declared free from Anisogramma anomala (Peck) E. Müller.


F14Plants of Platanus L., intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in the USA or Armenia.

Official statement that no symptoms of Ceratocystis fimbriata f. sp. platani Walter have been observed at the place of production or its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Populus L., intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in third countries

Without prejudice to the prohibitions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(3), official statement that no symptoms of Melampsora medusae Thümen have been observed at the place of production or its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Populus L., other than fruit and seeds, originating in countries of the American continent

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(3) and IV(A)(I)(13.1), official statement that no symptoms of Mycosphaerella populorum G. E. Thompson have been observed at the place of production or its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Ulmus L., intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in North American countries

Official statement that no symptoms of Elm phlöem necrosis mycoplasm have been observed at the place of production or in its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Chaenomeles Lindl., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Eriobotrya Lindl., Malus Mill., Prunus L. and Pyrus L., intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in non-European countries

Without prejudice to the prohibitions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(9), (18) and Annex III(B)(1), where appropriate, official statement that:

  • the plants originate in a country known to be free from Monilinia fructicola (Winter) Honey;


  • the plants originate in an area recognized as being free from Monilinia fructicola (Winter) Honey, F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2), and no symptoms of Monilinia fructicola (Winter) Honey have been observed at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


From 15 February to 30 September, fruits of Prunus L., originating in non-European countries

Official statement:

  • the fruits originate in a country known to free from Monilinia fructicola (Winter) Honey


  • the fruits originate in an area recognised as being free from Monilinia fructicola (Winter) Honey, F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2)


  • the fruits have been subjected to appropriate inspection and treatment procedures prior to harvest and/or export to ensure freedom from Monilinia spp.


Fruits of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, originating in third countries

The fruits shall be free from peduncles and leaves and the packaging shall bear an appropriate origin mark.


Fruits of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, originating in third countries

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the fruits in Annex IV(A)(I)(16.1), (16.3), (16.4) and (16.5), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the fruits originate in a country recognised as being free from Xanthomonas campestris (all strains pathogenic to Citrus), F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2)


  2. (b)

    the fruits originate in an area recognised as being free from Xanthomonas campestris (all strains pathogenic to Citrus), F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2) and mentioned on the certificates referred to in Articles 7 or 8 of this Directive,


  3. (c)


    • in accordance with an official control and examination regime, no symptoms of Xanthomonas campestris (all strains pathogenic to Citrus) have been observed in the field of production and in its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last cycle of vegetation


      none of the fruits harvested in the field of production has shown symptoms of Xanthomonas campestris (all strains pathogenic to Citrus),


      the fruits have been subjected to treatment such as sodium orthophenylphenate, mentioned on the certificates referred to in Articles 7 or 8 of this Directive,


      the fruits have been packed at premises or dispatching centres registered for this purpose,


    • any certification system, recognised as equivalent to the above provisions F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2), has been complied with.


Fruits of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf. and their hybrids, originating in third countries

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the fruits in Annex IV(A)(I)(16.1), (16.2), (16.4) and (16.5), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the fruits originate in a country recognised as being free from Cercospora angolensis Carv. et Mendes F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2)


  2. (b)

    the fruits originate in an area recognised as being free from Cercospora angolensis Carv. et Mendes, F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2) and mentioned on the certificates referred to in Articles 7 or 8 of this Directive,


  3. (c)

    no symptoms of Cercospora angolensis Carv. et Mendes have been observed in the field of production and in its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last cycle of vegetation,


    none of the fruits harvested in the field of production has shown, in appropriate official examination, symptoms of this organism.


Fruits of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruits of Citrus aurantium L., originating in third countries

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the fruits in Annex IV(A)(I)(16.1), (16.2), (16.3) and (16.5), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the fruits originate in a country recognised as being free from Guignardia citricarpa Kiely (all strains pathogenic to Citrus), F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2),


  2. (b)

    the fruits originate in an area recognised as being free from Guignardia citricarpa Kiely (all strains pathogenic to Citrus), F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2), and mentioned on the certificates referred to in Articles 7 or 8 of this Directive,


  3. (c)

    no symptoms of Guignardia citricarpa Kiely (all strains pathogenic to Citrus), have been observed in the field of production and in its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last cycle of vegetation, and none of the fruits harvested in the field of production has shown, in appropriate official examination, symptoms of this organism,


  4. (d)

    the fruits originate in a field of production subjected to appropriate treatments aigainst Guignardia citricarpa Kiely (all strains pathogenic to Citrus),


    none of the fruits harvested in the field of production has shown, in appropriate official examination, symptoms of this organism.


Fruits of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, originating in third countries where Tephritidae (non-European) are known to occur on these fruits

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the fruits in Annex III(B)(2), (3), and Annex IV(A)(I)(16.1), (16.2) and (16.3), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the fruits originate in areas known to be free from the relevant organism; or, if this requirement cannot be met;

  2. (b)

    no signs of the relevant organism have been observed at the place of production and in its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation, on official inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior to harvesting, and none of the fruits harvested at the place of production has shown, in appropriate official examination, signs of the relevant organism, or if this requirement can also not be met;

  3. (c)

    the fruits have shown, in appropriate official examination on representative samples, to be free from the relevant organism in all stages of their development; or, if this requirement can also not be met;

  4. (d)

    the fruits have been subjected to an appropriate treatment, any acceptable vapour heat treatment, cold treatment, or quick freeze treatment, which has been shown to be efficient against the relevant organism without damaging the fruit, and, where not availaible, chemical treatment as far as it is acceptable by Community legislation.


Plants of Amelanchier Med., Chaenomeles Lindl., Cotoneaster Ehrh., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Eriobotrya Lindl., Malus Mill., Mespilus L., Photinia davidiana (Dcne.) Cardot, Pyracantha Roem., Pyrus L. and Sorbus L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(9), (9.1), (18), Annex III(B)(1) or Annex IV(A)(I)(15), where appropriate, official statement:

  1. (a)

    that the plants originate in countries recognised as being free from Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al. in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18(2),


  2. (b)

    that the plants originate in pest free areas which have been established in relation to Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al. in accordance with the relevant International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures and recognised as such in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18(2),


  3. (c)

    that the plants in the field of production and in its immediate vicinity, which have shown symptoms of Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al., have been removed.


Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds and plants of Araceae, Marantaceae, Musaceae, Persea spp. and Strelitziaceae, rooted or with growing medium attached or associataed

Without prejudice to the prohibitions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(16), where appropriate, official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in countries known to be free from Radopholus citrophilus Huettel et al. and Radopholus similis (Cobb) Thorne;


  2. (b)

    representative samples of soil and roots from the place of production have been subjected, since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation, to official nematological testing for at least Radopholus citrophilus Huettel et al. and Radopholus similis (Cobb) Thorne and have been found, in these tests, free from those harmful organisms.


Plants of Crataegus L. intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in countries where Phyllosticta solitaria Ell. and Ev. is known to occur

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(9), and Annex IV(A)(I)(15) and (17), official statement that no symptoms of Phyllosticta solitaria Ell. and Ev. have been observed on plants at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Cydonia Mill., Fragaria L., Malus Mill., Prunus L., Pyrus L., Ribes L., Rubus L. intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in countries where the relevant harmvul organisms are known to occur on the genera concerned

The relevant harmful orgtanisms are

  • on Fragaria L.:

    • Phytophtora fragariae Hickman, var. fragariae,

    • Arabis mosaic virus,

    • Raspberry ringspot virus,

    • Strawberry crinkle virus,

    • Strawberry latent ringspot virus,

    • Strawberry mild yellow edge virus,

    • Tomato black ring virus,

    • Xanthomonas fragariae Kennedy et King;

  • on Malus Mill.:

    • Phyllosticta solitaria Ell. and Ev.;

  • on Prunus L.:

    • Apricot chlorotic leafroll mycoplasm,

    • Xanthomonas campestris pv. prunis (Smith) Dye,

  • on Prunus persica (L.) Batsch:

    • Pseudomonas syringae pv. persicae (Prunier et al.) Young et al.;

  • on Pyrus L.:

    • Phyllosticta solitaria Ell. and Ev.;

  • on Rubus L.:

    • Arabis mosaic virus,

    • Raspberry ringspot virus,

    • Strawberry latent ringspot virus,

    • Tomato black ring virus,

  • on all species:

    • non-European viruses and viruslike organisms.

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants where appropriate listed in Annex III(A)(9) and (18), and Annex IV(A)(I)(15) and (17), official statement that no symptoms of diseases caused by the relevant harmful organisms have been observed on the plants at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Cydonia Mill. and Pyrus L. intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in countries where Pear decline mycoplasm is known to occur

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(9) and (18), and Annex IV(A)(I)(15), (17) and (19.2) official statement that plants at the place of production and in its immediate vicinity, which have shown symptoms giving rise to the suspicion of contamination by Pear decline mycoplasm, have been rogued out at that place within the last three complete cycles of vegetation.


Plants of Fragaria L. intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in countries where the relevant harmful organisms are known to occur

The relevant harmful organisms are:

  • Strawberry latent ‘C’ virus,

  • Strawberry vein banding virus,

  • Strawberry witches' broom mycoplasm

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(18), and Annex IV(A)(I)(19.2), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants, other than those raised from seed, have been:

    • either officially certified under a certification scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which has been maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected to official testing for at least the relevant harmful organisms using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been found free, in these tests, from those harmful organisms,


    • derived in direct line from material which is maintained under appropriate conditions and has been subjected, within the last three complete cycles of vegetation, at least once, to official testing for at least the relevant harmful organisms using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been found free, in these tests, from those farmful organisms,

  2. (b)

    no symptoms of diseases caused by the relevant harmful organisms have been observed on plants at the place of production, or on susceptible plants in its immediate vicinity, since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Fragaria L. intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in countries where Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie is known to occur

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(18), and Annex IV(A)(I)(19.2) and (21.1), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    either no symptoms of Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie have been observed on plants at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation


  2. (b)

    in the case of plants in tissue culture the plants have been derived from plants which complied with section (a) of this item or have been officially tested by appropriate nematological methods and have been found free from Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie.


Plants of Fragaria L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(18), and Annex IV(A)(I)(19.2), (21.1) and (21.2), official statement that the plants originate in an area known to be free from Anthonomus signatus Say and Anthonomus bisignifer (Schenkling).


Plants of Malus Mill. intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in countries where the relevant harmful organisms are known to occur on Malus Mill.

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants, listed in Annex III(A)(9) and (18), Annex III(B)(1) and Annex IV(A)(I)(15), (17) and (19.2), official statement that:

The relevant harmful organisms are:

  • Cherry rasp leaf virus (American),

  • Tomato ringspot virus,

  1. (a)

    the plants have been:

    • either officially certified under a certification scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which has been maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected to official testing for at least the relevant harmful organisms using appropriate indicatos or equivalent methods and has been found free, in these thest, from those harmful organisms,


    • derived in direct line from material which is maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected, within the last three complete cycles of vegetation, at least once, to official testing for at least the relevant harmful organisms using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been found free, in these tests, from those harmful organisms;

  2. (b)

    no symptoms of diseases caused by the relevant harmful organisms have been observed on plants at the place of production, or on susceptible plants in its immediate vicinity, since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Malus Mill., intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in countries where apple proliferation mycoplasm is known to occur

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants, listed in Annex III(A)(9) and (18), Annex III(B)(1) and Annex IV(A)(I)(15), (17), (19.2) and (22.1), official statement that

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in areas known to be free from apple proliferation mycoplasm;


  2. (b)
    1. (aa)

      the plants, other than those raised from seeds, have been:

      • either officially certified under a certification scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which has been maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected to official testing for at least Apple proliferation mycoplasm using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been found free, in these tests, from that harmful organism,


      • derived in direct line from material which is maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected, within the last six complete cycles of vegetation, at least once, to official testing for at least Apple proliferation mycoplasm using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been found free, in these tests, from the harmful organism,

    2. (bb)

      no symptoms of diseases caused by Apple proliferation mycoplasm have been observed on plants at the place of production, or on susceptible plants in its immediative vicinity, since the beginning of the last complete three cycles of vegetation.


Plants of following species of Prunus L., intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in countries where Plum pox virus is known to occur:

  • Prunus amygdalus Batsch,

  • Prunus armeniaca L.,

  • Prunus blireiana Andre,

  • Prunus brigantina Vill.,

  • Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.,

  • Prunus cistena Hansen,

  • Prunus curdica Fenzl and Fritsch.,

  • Prunus domestica ssp. domestica L.,

  • Prunus domestica ssp. insititia (L.) C.K. Schneid.,

  • Prunus domestica ssp. italica (Borkh.) Hegi.,

  • Prunus glandulosa Thunb.,

  • Prunus holosericea Batal.,

  • Prunus hortulana Bailey,

  • Prunus japonica Thunb.,

  • Prunus mandshurica (Maxim.) Koehne,

  • Prunus maritima Marsh.,

  • Prunus mume Sieb and Zucc.,

  • Prunus nigra Ait.,

  • Prunus persica (L.) Batsch,

  • Prunus salicina L.,

  • Prunus sibirica L.,

  • Prunus simonii Carr.,

  • Prunus spinosa L.,

  • Prunus tomentosa Thunb.,

  • Prunus triloba Lindl.,

  • other species of Prunus L. susceptible to Plux pox virus.

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants, listed in Annex III(A)(9) and (18), and Annex IV(A)(I)(15) and (19.2), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants, other than those raised from seed, have been:

    • either officially certified under a certification scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which has been maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected to official testing for, at least, Plum pox virus using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been found free, in these tests, from that harmful organism,


    • derived in direct line from material which is maintained under appropriate conditions and has been subjected, within the last three complete cycles of vegetation, at least once, to official testing for at least Plum pox virus using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been found free, in these tests, from that harmful organism;

  2. (b)

    no symptoms of disease caused by Plum pox virus have been observed on plants at the place of production or on susceptible plants in its immediate vicinity, since the beginning of the last three complete cycles of vegetation;

  3. (c)

    plants at the place of production which have shown symptoms of disease caused by other viruses or virus-like pathogens, have been rogued out.


Plants of Prunus L., intended for planting

  1. (a)

    originating in countries where the relevant harmful organisms are known to occur on Prunus L.

  2. (b)

    other than seeds, originating in countries where the relevant harmful organisms are known to occur

  3. (c)

    other than seeds, originating in non-European countries where the relevant harmful organisms are known to occur

The relevant harmful organisms are:

  • for the case under (a):

    • Tomato ringspot virus;

  • or the case under (b):

    • Cherry rasp leaf virus (American),

    • Peach mosaic virus (American),

    • Peach phony rickettsia,

    • Peach rosette mycoplasm,

    • Peach yellows mycoplasm,

    • Plum line pattern virus (American),

    • Peach X-disease mycoplasm;

  • or the case under (c):

    • Little cherry pathogen.

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants, where appropriate listed in Annex III(A)(9) and (18) or Annex IV(A)(I)(15), (19.2) and (23.1), official statement that

  1. (a)

    the plants have been:

    • either officially certified under a certification scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which has been maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected to official testing for at least the relevant harmful organisms using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been found free, in these tests, from those harmful organisms,


    • derived in direct line from material which is maintained under appropriate conditions and has been subjected, within the last three complete cycles of vegetation, at least once, to official testing for at least the relevant harmful organisms using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been found free, in these tests, from those harmful organisms,

  2. (b)

    no symptoms of diseases caused by the relevant harmful organisms have been observed on plants at the place of production or on susceptible plants in its immediate vicinity, since the beginning of the last three complete cycles of vegetation.


Plants of Rubus L., intended for planting:

  1. (a)

    originating in countries where harmful organisms are known to occur on Rubus L.

  2. (b)

    other than seeds, originating in countries where the relevant harmful organisms are known to occur

The relevant harmful organisms are:

  • in the case of (a):

    • Tomato ringspot virus,

    • Black raspberry latent virus,

    • Cherry leafroll virus,

    • Prunus necrotic ringspot virus,

  • in the case of (b):

    • Raspberry leaf curl virus (American)

    • Cherry rasp leaf virus (American)

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants, listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(19.2),

  1. (a)

    the plants shall be free from aphids, including their eggs

  2. (b)

    official statement that:

    1. (aa)

      the plants have been:

      • either officially certified under a certification scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which has been maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected to official testing for at least the relevant harmful organisms using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been found free, in these tests, from those harmful organism,


      • derived in direct line from material which is maintained under appropriate conditions and has been subjected, within the last three complete cycles of vegetation, at least once, to official testing for at least relevant harmful organisms using appropriate indicators for equivalent methods and has been found free, in these tests, from those harmful organism

    2. (bb)

      no symptoms of diseases caused by the relevant harmful organisms have been observed on plants at the place of production, or on susceptible plants in its immediate vicinity, since the beginning of the last complete cycles of vegetation.


Tubers of Solanum tuberosum L., originating in countries where Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilbersky) Percival is known to occur

Without prejudice to the prohibitions applicable to the tubers listed in Annex III(A)(10), (11) and (12), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the tubers originate in areas known to be free from Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilbersky) Percival (all races other than Race 1, the common European race), and no symptoms of Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilbersky) Percival have been observed either at the place of production or in its immediate vicinity since the beginning of an adequate periode;


  2. (b)

    provisions recognised as equivalent to the Community provisions on combating Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilbersky) Percival F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2) have been complied with, in the country of origin


Tubers of Solanum tuberosum L.

Without prejudice to the provisions listed in Annex (A)(10), (11) and (12) and Annex IV(A)(I)(25.1), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the tubers originate in countries known to be free from Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus (Spieckermann and Kotthoff) Davis et al.;


  2. (b)

    provisions recognised as equivalent to the Community provisions on combating Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus (Spieckermann and Kotthoff) Davis et al.F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2), have been complied with, in the country of origin.


Tubers of Solanum tuberosum L., other than early potatoes, originating in countries where Potato spindle tuber viroid is known to occur

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the tubers listed in Annex III(A)(10), (11) and (12) and Annex IV(A)(I)(25.1) and (25.2), suppression of the faculty of germination


Tubers of Solanum tuberosum L., intended for planting

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the tubers listed in Annex III(A)(10), (11) and (12) and Annex IV(A)(I)(25.1), (25.2) and (25.3), official statement that the tubers originate from a field known to be free from Globodera rostochiensis (Wollenweber) Behrens and Globodera pallida (Stone) Behrens


  1. (aa)

    either, the tubers originate in areas in which Pseudomanas solanacearum (Smith) Smith is known not to occur;


  2. (bb)

    in areas where Pseudomanas solanacearum (Smith) Smith is known to occur, the tubers originate from a place of production found free from Pseudomanas solanacearum (Smith) Smith, or considered to be free thereof, as a consequence of the implementation of an appropriate procedure aiming at eradicating Pseudomanas solanacearum (Smith) Smith which shall be determined F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2)


  3. (cc)

    either the tubers originate in areas where Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden et al. (all populations) and Meloidogyne fallax Karssen are known not to occur; or

  4. (dd)

    in areas where Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden et al. (all populations) and Meloidogyne fallax Karssen are known to occur,

    • either the tubers originate from a place of production which has been found free from Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden et al. (all populations), and Meloidogyne fallax Karssen based on an annual survey of host crops by visual inspection of host plants at appropriate times and by visual inspection both externally and by cutting of tubers after harvest from potato crops grown at the place of production, or

    • the tubers after harvest have been randomly sampled and, either checked for the presence of symptoms after an appropriate method to induce symptoms, or laboratoriy tested, as well as inspected visually both externally and by cutting the tubers, at appropiate times and in all cases at the time of closing of the packages or containers before marketing according to the provisions on closing in Council Directive 66/403/EEC of 14 June 1996 on the marketing of seed potatoes19 and no symptoms of Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden et al. (all populations) and Meloidogyne fallax Karssen have been found.


Plants of Solanaceae, intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in countries where Potato stolbur mycoplasm is known to occur

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to tubers listed in Annex III(A)(10), (11), (12) and (13), and Annex IV(A)(I)(25.1), (25.2), (25.3) and (25.4), official statement that no symptoms of Potato stolbur mycoplasm have been observed on the plants at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Solanaceae, intended for planting, other thans tubers of Solanum tuberosum L. and other than seeds of Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw., originating in countries where Potato spindle tuber viroid is known to occur

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(11), (13), and Annex IV(A)(I)(25.5), where appropriate, official statement that no symptoms of Potato spindle tuber viroid have been observed on plants at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation


Plants of Capsicum annuum L., Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw., Musa L., Nicotiana L. and Solanum melongena L., intended for planting other than seeds, originating in countries where Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith is known to occur

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(11) and (13), and Annex IV(A)(I)(25.5) and (25.6), where appropriate, official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in areas which have been found free from Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith;


  2. (b)

    no symptoms of Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith have been observed on the plants at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Tubers of Solanum tuberosum L., other than those intended for planting

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to tubers listed in Annex III(A)(12) and Annex IV(A)(I)(25.1), (25.2) and (25.3), official statement that the tubers originate in areas in which Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith is not known to occur.


Plants of Humulus lupulus L. intended for planting, other than seeds

Official statement that no symptoms of Verticillium albo-atrum Reinke and Berthold and Verticillum dahliae Klebahn have been observed on hops at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Dendranthema (DC.) Des Moul., Dianthus L. and Pelargonium l'Hérit. ex Ait., intended for planting, other than seeds

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    no signs of Heliothis armigera Hübner, or Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) have been observed at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation


  2. (b)

    the plants have undergone appropriate treatment to protect them from the said organisms.


Plants of Dendranthema (DC.) Des Moul., Dianthus L. and Pelargonium l'Hérit. ex Ait., other than seeds

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(27.1),

  1. (a)

    no signs of Spodoptera eridiana Cramer, Spodoptera frugiperda Smith, or Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) have been observed at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation


  2. (b)

    the plants have undergone appropriate treatment to protect them from the said organisms.


Plants of Dendranthema (DC.) Des Moul., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(27.1) and (27.2), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants are no more than third generation stock derived from material which has been found to be free from Chrysanthemum stunt viroid during virological tests, or are directliy derived from material of which a representative sample of at least 10 % has been found to be free from Chrysanthemum stund viroid during an official inspection carried out at the time of flowering;

  2. (b)

    the plants or cuttings:

    • have come from premises which have been officially inspected at least monthly, during the three months prior to dispatch and on which no symptoms of Puccinia horiana Hennings have been known to have observed during that period, and in the immediate vicinity of which no symptoms of Puccinia horiana Hennings have been known to have occurred during the three months prior to export,


    • have undergone appropriate treatment against Puccinia horiana Hennings;

  3. (c)

    in the case of unrooted cuttings, no symptoms of Didymella ligulicola (Baker, Dimock and Davis) v. Arx were observed either on the cuttings or on the plants from which the cuttings were derived, or that, in case of rooted cuttings, no symptoms of Didymella ligulicola (Baker, Dimock and Davis) v. Arx were observed either on the cuttings or on the rooting bed.


Plants of Dianthus L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(27.1) and (27.2), official statement that:

  • the plants have been derived in direct line from mother plants which have been found free from Erwinia chrysanthemi pv. dianthicola (Hellmers) Dickey, Pseudomonas caryophylli (Burkholder) Starr and Burkholder and Phialophora cinerescens (Wollenw.) Van Beyma on officially approved tests, carried out at least once within the two previous years,

  • no symptoms of the above harmful organisms have been observed on the plants.


Bulbs of Tulipa L. and Narcissus L., other than those for which there shall be evidence by their packaging, or by other means, that they are intended for sale to final consumers not involved in professional cut flower production

Official statement that no symptoms of Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev have been observed on the plants since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Pelargonium L'Herit. ex Ait., intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in countries where Tomato ringspot virus is known to occur:

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(27.1 and) (27.2),

(a) where Xiphinema americanum Cobb sensu lato (non-European populations) or other vectors of Tomato ringspot virus are not known to occur

official statement that the plants:

  1. (a)

    are directly derived from places of production known to be free from Tomato ringspot virus;


  2. (b)

    are of no more than fourth generation stock, derived from mother plants found to be free from Tomato ringspot virus under an official approved system of virological testing.

(b) where Xiphinema americanum Cobb sensu lato (non-European populations) or other vectors of Tomato ringspot virus are known to occur

official statement that the plants:

  1. (a)

    are directly derived from places of production known to be free from Tomato ringspot virus in the soil or plants;


  2. (b)

    are of no more than second generation stock, derived from mother plants found to be free from Tomato ringspot virus under an officially approved system of virological testing.


Plants of herbaceous species, intended for planting, other than:

  • bulbs,

  • corms,

  • plants of the family Gramineae,

  • rhizomes,

  • seeds,

  • tubers,

originating in third countries where Liriomyza sativae (Blanchard) and Amauromyza maculosa (Malloch) are known to occur

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants in Annex IV, Part A, Section I(27.1), (27.2), (28) and (29), where appropriate, official statement that the plants have been grown in nurseries and:

  1. (a)

    originate in an area, established in the country of export by the national plant protection service in that country, as being free from Liriomyza sativae (Blanchard) and Amauromyza maculosa (Malloch) in accordance with relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the certificates referred to in Articles 7 or 8 of this Directive under the rubric Additional declaration,


  2. (b)

    originate in a place of production, established in the country of export by the national plant protection service in that country, as being free from Liriomyza sativae (Blanchard) and Amauromyza maculosa (Malloch) in accordance with relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the certificates referred to in Articles 7 or 8 of this Directive under the rubric Additional declaration, and declared free from Liriomyza sativae (Blanchard) and Amauromyza maculosa (Malloch) on official inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior to export,


  3. (c)

    immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an appropriate treatment against Liriomyza sativae (Blanchard) and Amauromyza maculosa (Malloch) and have been officially inspected and found free from Liriomyza sativae (Blanchard) and Amauromyza maculosa (Malloch). Details of the treatment shall be mentioned on the certificates referred to in Articles 7 or 8 of this Directive.


Cut flowers of Dendranthema (DC) Des. Moul., Dianthus L., Gypsophila L. and Solidago L., and leafy vegetables of Apium graveolens L. and Ocimum L.

Official statement that the cut flowers and the leafy vegetables:

  • originate in a country free from Liriomyza sativae (Blanchard) and Amauromyza maculosa (Malloch),


  • immediately prior to their export, have been officially inspected and found free from Liriomyza sativae (Blanchard) and Amauromyza maculosa (Malloch).


Plants of herbaceous species, intended for planting, other than:

  • bulbs,

  • corms,

  • plants of the family Gramineae,

  • rhizomes,

  • seeds,

  • tubers,

originating in third countries

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants in Annex IV, Part A, Section I(27.1), (27.2), (28), (29) and (32.1), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in an area known to be free from Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) and Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess),


  2. (b)

    either no signs of Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) and Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) have been observed at the place of production, on official inspections carried out ar least monthly during the three months prior to harvesting,


  3. (c)

    immediately prior to export, the plants have been officially inspected and found free from Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) and Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) and have been subjected to an appropriate treatment against Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) and Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess).


Plants with roots, planted or intended for planting, grown in the open air

Official statement that the place of production is known to be free from Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sependoniscus (Spieckermann and Kotthoff) Davis et al., Globodera pallida (Stone) Behrens, Globodera rostochiensis (Wollenweber) Behrens and Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilbersky) Percival.


F26Soil and growing medium, attached to or associated with plants, consisting in whole or in part of soil or solid organic substances such as parts of plants, humus including peat or bark or consisting in part of any solid inorganic substance, intended to sustain the vitality of the plants, originating in:

  • F27Cyprus, Malta, Turkey,

  • Belarus, F13Estonia, Georgia, F13Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine,

  • non-European countries, other than Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the growing medium, at the time of planting, was:

    • either free from soil, and organic matter,


    • found free from insects and harmful nematodes and subjected to appropriate examination or heat treatment or fumigation to ensure that it was free from other harmful organisms,


    • subjected to appropriate heat treament or fumigation to ensure freedom from harmful organisms, and

  2. (b)

    since planting:

    • either appropriate measures have been taken to ensure that the growing medium has been maintained free from harmful organisms,


    • within two weeks prior to dispatch, the plants were shaken free from the medium leaving the minimum amount necessary to sustain vitality during transport, and, if replanted, the growing medium used for that purpose meets the requirements laid down in (a).


Plants ofBeta vulgaris L. intended for planting, other than seeds

Official statement that no symptoms of Beet curly top virus (non-European isolates) have been observed at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Beta vulgaris L. intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in countries where Beet leaf curl virus is known to occur

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable the plants listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(35.1), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    Beet leaf curl virus has not been known to occur in the area of production;


  2. (b)

    no symptoms of Beet leaf curl virus have been observed at the place or production or in its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants, intended for planting, other than:

  • bulbs,

  • corms,

  • rhizomes,

  • seeds,

  • tubers,

originating in third countries

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants in Annex IV, Part A, Section I(27.1), (27.2), (28), (29), (31), (32.1) and (32.3), official statement that the plants have been grown in nurseries and:

  1. (a)

    originate in an area, established in the country of export by the national plant protection service in that country, as being free from Thrips palmi Karny in accordance with relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the certificates referred to in Articles 7 or 8 of this Directive under the rubric Additional declaration,


  2. (b)

    originate in a place of production, established in the country of export by the national plant protection service in that country, as being free from Thrips palmi Karny in accordance with relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the certificates referred to in Articles 7 or 8 of this Directive under the rubric Additional declration, and declared free from Thrips palmi Karny on official inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior to export,


  3. (c)

    immediately prior to export, have been subjected to an appropriate treatment against Thrips palmi Karny and have been officially inspected and found free from Thrips palmi Karny. Details of the treatment shall be mentiond on the certificates referred to in Article 7 or 8 of this Directive.


Cut flowers of Orchidaceae and fruits of Momordica L. and Solanum melongena L., originating in third countries

Official statement that the cut flowers and the fruits:

  • originate in a country free from Thrips palmi Karny,


  • immediately prior to their export, have been officially inspected and found free from Thrips palmi Karny.


Plants of Palmae intended for planting other than seeds, originating in non-European countries

Without prejudice to the prohibitions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(17), where appropriate, official statement that:

  1. (a)

    either the plants originate in an area known to be free from Palm lethal yellowing mycoplasm and Cadang-Cadang viroid, and no symptoms have been observed at the place of production or in its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation;


  2. (b)

    no symptoms of Palm lethal yellowing mycoplasm and Cadang-Cadang viroid have been observed on the plants since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation, and plants at the place of production which have shown symptoms giving rise to the suspicion of contamination by the organisms have been rogued out at that place and the plants have undergone appropriate treatment to rid them of Myndus crudus Van Duzee;

  3. (c)

    in the case of plants in tissue culture, the plants were derived from plants which have met the requirements laid down in (a) or (b)


Plants of Camellia L. intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in non-European countries

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in areas known to be free from Ciborinia camelliae Kohn;


  2. (b)

    no symptoms of Ciborinia camelliae Kohn have been observed on plants in flower on the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Fuchsia L. intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in the USA or Brazil

Official statement that no symptoms of Aculops fuchsiae Keifer have been observed at the place of production and that immediately prior to export the plants have been inspected and found free from Aculops fuchsiae Keifer.


Trees and shrubs, intended for planting, other than seeds and plants in tissue culture, originating in third countries other than European and Mediterranean countries

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(a)(1), (2), (3), (9), (13), (15), (16), (17), (18), Annex III(B)(1) and Annex IV(A)(I)(8.1), (8.2), (9), (10), (11.1), (11.2), (12), (13.1), (13.2), (14), (15), (17), (18), (19.1), (19.2), (20), (22.1), (22.2), (23.1), (23.2), (24), (25.5), (25.6), (26), (27.1), (27.2), (28), (29), (32.1), (32.2), (33), (34), (36.1), (36.2), (37), (38.1) and (38.2), where appropriate, official statement that the plants:

  • are clean (i.e. free from plant debris) and free from flowers and frutis,

  • have been grown in nurseries,

  • have been inspected at appropriate times and prior to export and found free from symptoms of harmful bacteria, viruses and virus-like organisms, and either found free from signs or symptoms of harmful nematodes, insects, mites and fungi, or have been subjected to appropriate treatment to eliminate such organisms.


Deciduous trees and shrubs, intended for planting, other than seeds and plants in tissue culture, originating in third countries other than European and Mediterranean countries

F26Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(2), (3), (9), (15), (16), (17) and (18), Annex III(B)(1) and Annex IV(A)(I), (11.1), (11.2), (11.3), (12), (13.1), (13.2), (14), (15), (17), (18), (19.1), (19.2), (20), (22.1), (22.2), (23.1), (23.2), (24), (33), (36.1), (38.1), (38.2), (39) and (45.1) where appropriate, official statement that the plants are dormant and free from leaves.


Annual and biennial plants. other than Gramineae, intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in countries other than European and Mediterranean countries

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants, where appropriate, listed in Annex III(A)(11), (13), and Annex IV(A)(I)(25.5), (25.6), (32.1), (32.2), (32.3), (33), (34), (35.1) and (35.2) official statement that the plants:

  • have been grown in nurseries,

  • are free from plant debris, flowers and fruits,

  • have been inspected at appropriate times and prior to export, and

    • found free from symptoms of harmful bacteria, viruses and virus-like organisms, and

    • either found free from signs or symptoms of harmful nematodes, insects, mites and fungi, or have been subjected to appropriate treatment to eliminate such organisms.


Plants of the family Gramineae of ornamental perennial grasses of the subfamilies Bambusoideae, Panicoideae and of the genera Buchloe, Bouteloua Lag., Calamagrostis, Cortaderia Stapf., Glyceria R. Br., Hakonechloa Mak. ex Honda, Hystrix, Molinia, Phalaris L., Shibataea, Spartina Schreb., Stipa L. and Uniola L. intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in countries other than European and Mediterranean countries

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants, where appropriate, listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(33) and (34), official statement that the plants:

  • have been grown in nurseries,


  • are free from plants debris, flowers and fruits,


  • have been inspected and prior to export, and

    • found free from symptoms of harmful bacteria, viruses and virus-like organisms, and

    • either found free from signs or symptoms of harmful nematodes, insects, mites and fungi, or have been subjected to appropriate treatment to eliminate such organisms.


Naturally or artificially dwarfed plants intended for planting other than seeds, originating in non-European countries

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(1), (2), (3), (9), (13), (15), (16), (17), (18), Annex III(B)(1), and Annex IV(A)(I)(8.1), (9), (10), (11.1), (11.2), (12), (13.1), (13.2), (14), (15), (17), (18), (19.1), (19.2), (20), (22.1), (22.2), (23.1), (23.2), (24), (25.5), (25.6), (26), (27.1), (27.2), (28), (32.1), (32.2), (33), (34), (36.1), (36.2), (37), (38.1), (38.2), (39), (40) and (42), where appropriate, official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants, including those collected directly from natural habitats, shall have been grown, held and trained for at least two consecutive years prior to dispatch in officially registered nurseries, which are subject to an officially supervised control regime,

  2. (b)

    the plants on the nurseries referred to in (a) shall:

    1. (aa)

      at least during the period referred to in (a):

      • be potted, in pots which are placed on shelves at least 50 cm above ground,

      • have been subjected to appropriate treatments to ensure freedom from non-European rusts: the active ingredient, concentration and date of application of these treatments shall be mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate provided for in Article 7 of this Directive under the rubric ‘disinfestation and/or disinfection treatment’.

      • have been officially inspected at least six times a year at appropriate intervals for the presence of harmful organisms of concern, which are those in the Annexes to the Directive. These inspections, which shall also be carried out on plants in the immediate vicinity of the nurseries referred to in (a), shall be carried out at least by visual examination of each row in the field or nursery and by visual examination of all parts of the plant above the growing medium, using a random sample of at least 300 plants from a given genus where the number of plants of that genus is not more than 3 000 plants, or 10 % of the plants if there are more than 3 000 plants from that genus,

      • have been found free, in these inspections, from the relevant harmful organisms of concern as specified in the previous indent. Infested plants shall be removed. The remaining plants, where appropriate, shall be effectively treated, and in addition shall be held for an appropriate period and inspected to ensure freedom from such harmful organisms of concern,

      • have been planted in either an unused artificial growing medium or in a natural growing medium, which has been treated by fumigation or by appropriate heat treatment and has been of any harmful organisms,

      • have been kept under conditions which ensure that the growing medium has been maintained free from harmful organisms and within two weeks prior to dispatch, have been:

        • shaken and washed with clean water to remove the original growing medium and kept bare rooted, or

        • shaken and washed with clean water to remove the original growing medium and replanted in growing medium which meets the conditions laid down in (aa) fifth indent, or

        • subjected to appropriate treatments to ensure that the growing medium is free from harmful organisms, the active ingredient, concentration and date of application of these treatments shall be mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate provided for in Article 7 of this Directive under the rubric ‘disinfestation and/or disinfection treatment’.

    2. (bb)

      be packed in closed containers which have been officially sealed and bear the registration number of the registered nursery; this number shall also be indicated under the rubric additional declaration on the phytosanitary certificate provided for in Article 7 of this Directive, enabling the consignments to be identified.


Herbaceous perennial plants, intended for planting, other than seeds, of the families Caryophyllaceae (except Dianthus L.), Compositae (except Dendranthema (DC.) Des Moul.), Cruciferae, Leguminosae and Rosaceae (except Fragaria L.), originating in third countries, other than European and Mediterranean countries

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to plants, where appropriate, listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(32.1), (32.2), (32.3), (33) and (34) official statement that the plants:

  • have been grown in nurseries, and

  • are free from plant debris, flowers and fruits, and

  • have been inspected at appropriate times and prior to export, and

    • found free from symptoms of harmful bacteria, viruses and virus-like organisms,


    • either found free from signs or symptoms of harmful nematodes, insects, mites and fungi, or have been subjected to appropriate treatment to eliminate such organisms.


Plants of herbaceous species and plants of Ficus L. and Hibiscus L., intended for planting, other than bulbs, corms, rhizomes, seeds and tubers, originating in non-European countries

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants in Annex IV, Part A, Section I(27.1), (27.2), (28), (29), (32.1), (32.3) and (36.1), official statement that the plants:

  1. (a)

    originate in an area, established in the country of export by the national plant protection service in that country, as being free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (non-European populations) in accordance with relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the certificates referred to in Articles 7 or 8 of this Directive under the rubric Additional declaration,


  2. (b)

    originate in a place of production, established in the country of export by the national plant protection service in that country, as being free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (non-European populations) in accordance with relevant International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, and which is mentioned on the certificates referred to in Articles 7 or 8 of this Directive under the rubric Additional declaration, and declared free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (non-European populations) on official inspections carried out at least once each three weeks during the nine weeks prior to export,


  3. (c)

    in cases where Bemisia tabaci Genn. (non-European populations) has been found at the place of production, are held or produced in this place of production and have undergone an appropriate treatment to ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (non-European populations) and subsequenly this place of production shall have been found free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (non-European populations) as a consequence of the implementation of appropriate procedures aiming at eradicating Bemisia tabaci Genn. (non-European populations), in both official inspections carried out weekly during the nine weeks prior to export and in monitoring procedures throughout the said period. Details of the treatment shall be mentioned on the certificates referred to in Article 7 or 8 of this Directive.


Cut flowers of Aster spp., Eryngium L., Gypsophila L., Hypericum L., Lisianthus L., Rosa L., Solidago L., Trachelium L., and leafy vegetables of Ocimum L., originating in non-European countries

Official statement that the cut flowers and leafy vegetables:

  • originate in a country free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (non-European populations),


  • immediately prior to their export, have been officially inspected and found free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (non-European populations).


Plants of Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw. intended for planting, other than seeds, originating in countries where Tomato yellow leaf curl virus is known to occur

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to plants listed in Annex III(A)(13) and Annex IV(A)(I)(25.5), (25.6) and 25.7 where appropriate

(a) Where Bemisia tabaci Genn. is not known to occur

Official statement that no symptoms of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus have been observed on the plants

(b) Where Bemisia tabaci Genn. is known to occur

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    no symptoms of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus have been observed on the plants, and

    1. (aa)

      the plants originate in areas known to be free from Bemisia tabaci Genn., or

    2. (bb)

      the place of production has been found free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. on official inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior to export;


  2. (b)

    no symptoms of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus have been observed on the place of production and the place of production has been subjectet to an appropriate treatment and monitoring regime to ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci Genn.


Plants intended for planting, other than seeds, bulbs, tubers, corms and rhizomes, originating in countries where the relevant harmful organisms are known to occur.

The relevant harmful organisms are:

  • Bean golden mosaic virus,

  • Cowpea mild mottle virus,

  • Lettuce infectious yellow virus,

  • Pepper mild tigré virus,

  • Squash leaf curl virus,

  • other viruses transmitted by Bemisia tabaci Genn.

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(13) and Annex IV(A)(I)(25.5) (25.6), (32.1), (32.2), (32.3), (35.1), (35.2), (44), (45)F26, (45.1)F3, (45.2) and (45.3) where appropriate

(a) Where Bemisia tabaci Genn. (non-European populations) or other vectors of the relevant harmful organisms are not known to occur

Official statement that no symptoms of the relevant harmful organisms have been observed on the plants during their complete cycle of vegetation

(b) Where Bemisia tabaci Genn. (non-European populations) or other vectors of the relevant harmful organisms are known to occur

Official statement that no symptoms of the relevant harmful organisms have been orbserved on the plants during an adequate period,


  1. (a)

    the plants originate in areas known to be free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. and other vectors of the relevant harmful organisms;


  2. (b)

    the place of production has been found free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. and other vectors of the relevant harmful organisms on official inspections carried out at appropriate times;


  3. (c)

    the plants have been subjected to an appropriate treatment aimed at eradicating Bemisia tabaci Genn.


Seeds of Helianthus annuus L.

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the seeds originate in areas known to be free from Plasmopara halstedii (Farlow) Berl. and de Toni;


  2. (b)

    the seeds, other than those seeds that have been producted on varieties resistant to all races of Plasmopara halstedii (Farlow) Berl. and de Toni present in the area of production, have been subjected to an appropriate treatment against Plasmopara halstedii (Farlow) Berl. and de Toni.


Seeds of Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw.

Official statement that the seeds have been obtained by means of an appropriate acid extraction method or an equivalent method approved F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2),


  1. (a)

    either the seeds originate in areas where Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. michiganensis (Smith) Davis et al., Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Doidge) Dye and Potato spindle tuber viroid are not known to occur; or

  2. (b)

    no symptoms of diseases caused by those harmful organisms have been observed on the plants at the place of production during their complete cycle of vegetation; or

  3. (c)

    the seeds have been subjected to official testing for at least those harmful organisms, on a representative sample and using appropriate methods, and have been found, in these tests, free from those harmful organisms.


Seeds of Medicago sativa L.

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    no symptoms Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev have been observed at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation and no Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev has been revealed by laboratory tests on a representative sample;


  2. (b)

    fumigation has taken place prior to export.


Seeds of Medicago sativa L., originating in countries where Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. insidiosus Davis et al. is known to occur

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to plants listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(49.1), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. insidiosus Davis et al. has not been known to occur on the farm or in the immediate vicinity since the beginning of the past 10 years;

  2. (b)


    • the crop belongs to a variety recognised as being highly resistant to Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. insidiosus Davis et al.,


    • it had not yet started its fourth complete cycle of vegetation from sowing when the seed was harvested and there was not more than one preceding seed harvest from the crop,


    • the content of inert matter which has been determined in accordance with the rules applicable for the certification of seed marketed in the Community, does not exceed 0,1 % by weight;

  3. (c)

    no symptoms of Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. insidiosus Davis et al. have been observed at the place of production, or on any Medicago sativa L. crop adjacent to it, during the last complete cycle of vegetation or, where appropriate, the last two cycles of vegetation;

  4. (d)

    the crop has been grown on land on which no previous Medicago sativa L. crop has been present during the last three years prior to sowing.


Seeds of Oryza sativa L.

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the seeds have been officially tested by appropriate nematological tests and have been found free from Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie;


  2. (b)

    the seeds have been subjected to an appropriate hot water treatment or other appropriate treatment against Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie.


Seeds of Phaseolus L.

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the seeds originate in areas known to be free from Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (Smith) Dye;


  2. (b)

    a representative sample of the seeds has been tested and found free from Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (Smith) Dye in these tests.


Seeds of Zea mais L.

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the seeds originate in areas known to be free from Erwinia stewartii (Smith) Dye;


  2. (b)

    a representative sample of the seeds has been tested and found free from Erwinia stewartii (Smith) Dye in this test.


Seeds of the genera Triticum, Secale and X Triticosecale from Afghanistan, IndiaF28, Iran, Iraq, Mexico, Nepal, PakistanF3, South Africa and the USA where Tilletia indica Mitra is known to occur.

Official statement that the seeds originate in an area where Tilletia indica Mitra is known not to occur. The name of the area shall be mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate provided for in Article 7.


Grain of the genera Triticum, Secale and X Triticosecale from Afghanistan, IndiaF28, Iran, Iraq, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, South Africa and the USA where Tilletia indica Mitra is known to occur.

Official statement that either,

  1. (i)

    the grain originates in an area where Tilletia indica Mitra is known not to occur. The name of the area or areas shall be mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate provided for in Article 7, under the rubric ‘place of origin’ or

  2. (ii)

    no symptoms of Tilletia indica Mitra have been observed on the plants at the place of production during their last complete cycle of vegetation and representative samples of the grain have been taken both at the time of harvest and before shipment and have been tested and found free from Tilletia indica Mitra in these tests; the latter shall be mentioned on the phytosanitary certificate provided for in Article 7, in the rubric ‘name of produce’ as ‘tested and found free from Tilletia indica Mitra’.

OJ 125, 11.7.1966, p. 2320/66. Directive as last amended by Commission Decision 1999/742/EC (OJ L 297, 18.11.1999, p. 39).


Plants, plant products and other objects

Special requirements



Wood of Platanus L., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface

  1. (a)

    Official statement that the wood originates in areas known to be free from Ceratocystis fimbriata f.sp. platani Walter;


  2. (b)

    there shall be evidence by a mark ‘Kiln-dried’, ‘KD’ or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on its packaging in accordance with current commercial usage, that is has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule.



Plants of Pinus L. intended for planting, other than seeds

Official statement that no symptoms of Scrirrhia pini Funk and Parker have been observed at the place of production or in its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Abies Mill., Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr., Pinus L., Pseudotsuga Carr. and Tsuga Carr., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants listed in Annex IV(A)(II)(4), where appropriate, official statement that no symptoms of Melampsora medusae Thümen have been observed at the place of production or in its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Populus L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Official statement that no symptoms of Melampsora medusae Thümen have been observed at the place of production or in its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Castanea Mill. and Quercus L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in areas known to be free from Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill) Barr


  2. (b)

    no symptoms of Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill) Barr have been observed at the place of production or in its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Platanus L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in an area known to be free from Ceratocystis fimbriata f.sp. platani Walter


  2. (b)

    no symptoms of Ceratocystis fimbriata f.sp. platani Walter have been observed at the place of production or in its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


F15Plants of Amelanchier Med., Chaenomeles Lindl., Cotoneaster Ehrh., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Eriobotrya Lindl., Malus Mill., Mespilus L., Photinia davidiana (Dcne.) Cardot, Pyracantha Roem., Pyrus L. and Sorbus L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Official statement:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in zones recognised as being free from Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al.F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2);


  2. (b)

    that the plants in the field of production and its immediate vicinity, which have shown symptoms of d'Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al., have beend rogued out.


Plants of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, other than fruit and seeds

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in areas known to be free from Spiroplasma citri Saglio et al., Phoma tracheiphila (Petri), Kanchaveli and Gikashvili, Citrus vein enation woody gall and Citrus tristeza virus (European strains);


  2. (b)

    the plants derive from a certification scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which has been maintained under appropriate conditions and has been subjected to official individual testing for, at least, Citrus tristeza virus (European strains) and Citrus vein enation woody gall, using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods, approved F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2), and have been growing permanently in an insectproof glasshouse or in an isolated cage on which no symptoms of Spiroplasma citri Saglio et al., Phoma tracheiphila (Pandri) Kanchaveli and Gikashvili, Citrus tristeza virus (European strains) and Citrus vein enation woody gall have been observed;


  3. (c)

    the plants:

    • have been derived from a certification scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which has been maintained under appropriate conditions and has been subjected to official individual testing for, at least Citrus vein enation woody gall and Citrus tristeza virus (European strains), using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods, approved F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2), and has been found in these tests, free from Citrus tristeza virus (European strains), and certified free from at least Citrus tristeza virus (European strains) in official individuals tests carried out according to the methods mentioned in this indent,


    • have been inspected and no symptoms of Spiroplasma citri Saglio et al., Phoma tracheiphila (Pandri) Kanchaveli et Gikashvili, and of Citrus vein enation woody gall and Citrus tristeza virus have been observed since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Araceae, Marantaceae, Musaceae, Persea spp. and Strelitziaceae, rooted or with growing medium attached or associated

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    no contamination by Radopholus similis (Cobb) Thorne has been observed at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation;


  2. (b)

    soil and roots from suspected plants have been subjected since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation to official nematological testing for at least Radopholus similis (Cobb) Thorne and have been found, in these tests, free from that harmful organism.


Plants of Fragaria L., Prunus L. and Rubus L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in areas known to be free from the relevant harmful organisms;


  2. (b)

    no symptoms of diseases caused by the relevant harmful organisms have been observed on plants at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.

    The relevant harmful organisms are:

    • on Fragaria L.:

      • Phytophthora fragariae Hickman var. fragariae

      • Arabis mosaic virus

      • Raspberry ringspot virus

      • Strawberry crinkle virus

      • Strawberry latent ringspot virus

      • Strawberry mild yellow edge virus

      • Tomato black ring virus

      • Xanthomonas fragariae Kennedy and King

    • on Prunus L.:

      • Apricot chlorotic leafroll mycoplasm

      • Xanthomonas campestris pv. pruni (Smith) Dye

    • on Prunus persica (L.) Batsch:

      • Pseudomonas syringae pv. persicae (Prunier et al.) Young et al.,

    • on Rubus L.:

      • Arabis mosaic virus

      • Raspberry ringspot virus

      • Strawberry latent ringspot virus

      • Tomato black ring virus.


Plants of Cydonia Mill., and Pyrus L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to plants listed in Annex IV(A)(II)(9), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in areas known to be free from Pear decline mycoplasm;


  2. (b)

    the plants at the place of production and in its immediate vicinity, which have shown symptoms giving rise to the suspicion of contamination by Pear decline mycoplasm, have been rogued out at that place within the last three complete cycles of vegetation.


Plants of Fragaria L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants listed in Annex IV(A)(II)(12) official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in areas known to be free from Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie;


  2. (b)

    no symptoms of Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie have been observed on the plants at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation;


  3. (c)

    in the case of plants in tissue culture, the plants have been derived from plants complying with section (b) of this item or have been officially tested by appropriate nematological methods and have been found free from Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie.


Plants of Malus Mill., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants listed in Annex IV(A)(II)(9), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in areas known to be free from Apple proliferation mycoplasm;


  2. (b)
    1. (aa)

      the plants, other than those raised from seed, have been:

      • either officially certified under a certification scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which has been maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected to official testing for at least Apple proliferation mycoplasm using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been found, in these tests, free from that harmful organism,


      • derived in direct line from material which is maintained under appropriate conditions and has been subjected, within the last six complete cycles of vegetation, at least once, to official testing for, at least, Apple proliferation mycoplasm using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been found, in these tests, free from that harmful organism;

    2. (bb)

      no symptoms of diseases caused by Apple proliferation mycoplasm have been observed on the plants at the place of production, or on the susceptible plants in its immediate vicinity, since the beginning of the last three complete cycles of vegetation.


Plants of the following species of Prunus L., intended for planting, other than seeds:

  • Prunus amygdalus Batsch,

  • Prunus armeniaca L.,

  • Prunus blireiana Andre,

  • Prunus brigantina Vill.,

  • Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.,

  • Prunus cistena Hansen,

  • Prunus curdica Fenzl and Fritsch.,

  • Prunus domestica ssp. domestica L.,

  • Prunus domestica ssp. insititia (L.) C.K. Schneid,

  • Prunus domestica ssp. italica (Borkh.) Hegi.,

  • Prunus glandulosa Thunb.,

  • Prunus holosericea Batal.,

  • Prunus hortulana Bailey,

  • Prunus japonica Thunb.,

  • Prunus mandshurica (Maxim.) Koehne,

  • Prunus maritima Marsh.,

  • Prunus mume Sieb. and Zucc.,

  • Prunus nigra Ait.,

  • Prunus persica (L.) Batsch,

  • Prunus salicina L.,

  • Prunus sibirica L.,

  • Prunus simonii Carr.,

  • Prunus spinosa L.,

  • Prunus tomentosa Thunb.,

  • Prunus triloba Lindl. other species of Prunus L. susceptible to Plum pox virus

Without prejudice to the requrements applicable to the plants listed in Annex IV(A)(II)(12), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in areas known to be free from Plum pox virus;


  2. (b)
    1. (aa)

      the plants, other than those raised from seed, have been:

      • either officially certified under a certification scheme requiring them to be derived in direct line from material which has been maintained under appropriate conditions and subjected to official testing for, at least, plum pox virus using appropriate indicators or equivalent methods and has been found, in these tests, free from that harmful organism,


      • derived in direct line from material which is maintained under appropriate conditions and has been subjected within the last three complete cycles of vegetation, at least once, to official testing for at least Plum pox virus using appropriate indicators for equivalent methods and has been found, in these tests, free from that harmful organism;

    2. (bb)

      no symptoms of disease caused by Plum pox virus have been observed on plants at the place of production or on the susceptible plants in its immediate vicinity, since the beginning of the last three complete cycles of vegetation;

    3. (cc)

      plants at the place of production which have shown symptoms of disease caused by other viruses or virus-like pathogens, have been rogued out.


Plants of Vitis L., other than fruit and seeds

Official statement that no symptoms of Grapevine Flavescence dorée MLO and Xylophilus ampelinus (Panagopoulos) Willems et al. have been observed on the mother-stock plants at the place of production since the beginning of the last two complete cycles of vegetation.


Tubers of Solanum tuberosum L., intended for planting

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the Community provisions to combat Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilbersky) Percival have been complied with;


  2. (b)

    either the tubers originate in an area known to be free from Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus (Spieckermann and Kotthoff) Davis et al. or the Community provisions to combat Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus (Spieckermann and Kotthoff) Davis et al. have been complied with;


  3. (c)

    the tubers originate from a field known to be free from Globodera rostochiensis (Wollenweber) Behrens and Globodera pallida (Stone) Behrens;


  4. (d)
    1. (aa)

      either, the tubers originate in areas in which Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith is known not to occur; or

    2. (bb)

      in areas where Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith is known to occur, the tubers originate from a place of production found free from Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith, or considered to be free thereof, as a consequence of the implementation of an appropriate procedure aiming at eradicating Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith;


  5. (e)

    either, the tubers originate in areas in which Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden et al. (all populations) and Meloidogyne fallax Karssen are known not to occur, or in areas where Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden et al. (all populations) and Meloidogyne fallax Karssen are known to occur:

    • either, the tubers originate from a place of production which has been found free freom Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden et al. (all populations) and Meloidogyne fallax Karssen based on an annual survey of host crops by visual inspection of host plants at appropriate times and by visual inspection both externally and by cutting of tubers after harvest from potato crops grown at the place of production, or

    • the tubers after harvest have been randomly sampled and, either checked for the presence of symptoms after an appropriate method to induce symptoms or laboratory tested, as well as inspected visually both externally and by cutting the tubers, at appropriate times and in all cases at the time of closing of the packgages or containers before marketing according to the provisions on closing in Council Directive 66/403/EEC, and no symptoms of Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden et al. (all populations) and Meloidogyne fallax Karssen have been found.


Tubers of Solanum tuberosum L., intended for planting, other than tubers of those varieties officially accepted in one or more Member States pursuant to Council Directive 70/457/EEC of 29 September 1970 on the common catalogue of varieties of agricultural plant species20

Without prejudice to the special requirements applicable to the tubers listed in Annex IV(A)(II)(18.1), official statement that the tubers:

  • belong to advanced selections such a statement being indicated in an appropriate way on the document accompanying the relevant tubers,

  • have been produced within the Community,


  • have been derived in direct line from material which has been maintained under appropriate conditions and has been subjected within the Community to official quarantine testing in accordance with appropriate methods and has been found, in these tests, free from harmful organisms.


Plants of stolon or tuber-forming species of Solanum L., or their hybrids, intended for planting, other than those tubers of Solanum tuberosum L. specified in Annex IV(A)(II)(18.1) or (18.2), and other than culture maintenance material being stored in gene banks or genetic stock collections

  1. (a)

    The plants shall have been held under quarantine conditions and shall have been found free of any harmful organisms in quarantine testing;

  2. (b)

    the quarantine testing referred to in (a) shall:

    1. (aa)

      be supervised by the official plant protection organisation of the Member State concerned and executed by scientifically trained staff of that organisation or of any officially approved body;

    2. (bb)

      be executed at a site provided with appropriate facilities sufficient to contain harmful organisms and maintain the material including indicator plants in such a way as to eliminate any risk of spreading harmful organisms;

    3. (cc)

      be executed on each unit of the material,

      • by visual examination at regular intervals during the full length of at least one vegetative cycle, having regard to the type of material and its stage of development during the testing programme, for symptoms caused by any harmful organisms,

      • by testing, in accordance with appropriate methods to be submitted to the Committee referred to in Article 18:

        • in the case of all potato material at least for

          • Andean potato latent virus,

          • Arracacha virus B. oca strain,

          • Potato black ringspot virus,

          • Potato spindle tuber viroid,

          • Potato virus T,

          • Andean potato mottle virus,

          • common potato viruses A, M, S, V, X and Y (including Yo, Yn und Yc) and Potato leaf roll virus,

          • Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus (Spieckermann and Kotthoff) Davis et al.,

          • Pseudomonas solanaceanum (Smith) Smith;

        • in the case of true seed potato of least for the viruses and viroid listed above;

    4. (dd)

      by appropriate testing on any other symptom observed in the visual examination in order to identify the harmful organisms having caused such symptoms;

  3. (c)

    any material, which has not been found free, under the testing specified under (b) from harmful organisms as specified under (b) shall be immediately destroyed or subjected to procedures which eliminate the harmful organism(s);

  4. (d)

    each organisation or research body holding this material shall inform their official Member State plant protection service of the material held.


Plants of stolon, or tuber-forming species of Solanum L., or their hybrids, intended for planting, being stored in gene banks or genetic stock collections

Each organisation or research body holding such material shall inform their official Member State plant protection service of the material held.


Tubers of Solanum tuberosum L., other than those mentioned in Annex IV(A)(II)(18.1), (18.2), (18.3) or (18.4)

There shall be evidence by a registration number put on the packaging, or in the case of loose-loaded potatoes transported in bulk, on the vehicle transporting the potatoes, that the potatoes have been grown by an officially registered producer, or originate from officially registered collective storage or dispatching centres located in the area of production, indicating that the tubers are free from Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith and that

  1. (a)

    the Community provisions to combat Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilbersky) Percival;


  2. (b)

    where appropriate, the Community provisions to combat Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus (Spieckermann and Kotthoff) Davis et al. are complied with.


Plants of Solanaceae intended for planting, other than seeds and other than plants mentioned in Annex IV(A)(II)(18.4) or (18.5)

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants, listed in Annex IV(A)(II)(18.1), (18.2) and (18.3), where appropriate, official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in areas known to be free from Potato stolbur mycoplasm;


  2. (b)

    no symptoms of Potato stolbur mycoplasm have been observed on the plants at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Capsicum annuum L., Lycopersicum lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw., Musa L., Nicotiana L., and Solanum melongena L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants listed in Annex V(A)(II)(18.6) where appropriate, official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in areas which have been found free from Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith; or

  2. (b)

    no symptoms of Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith have been observed on the plants at place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Humulus lupulus L. intended for planting, other than seeds

Official statement that no symptoms of Verticillium albo-atrum Reinke and Berthold and of Verticillium dahliae Klebahn have been observed on hops at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of Dendranthema (DC) Des Moul., Dianthus L. and Pelargonium l'Hérit, ex Ait. intended for planting, other than seeds

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    no signs of Heliothis armgera Hübner or Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) have been observed at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation;


  2. (b)

    the plants have undergone appropriate treatment to protect them from the said organisms.


Plants of Dendranthema (DC) Des Moul. intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants listed in Annex IV(A)(II)(20), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants are no more than third generation stock derived from material which has been found to be free from Chrysanthemum stunt viroid during virological tests, or are directly derived from material of which a representative sample of at least 10 % has been found to be free from Chrysanthemum stunt viroid during an official inspection carried out at the time of flowering;

  2. (b)

    the plants or cuttings have come from premises:

    • which have been officially inspected at least monthly, during the three months prior to dispatch and on which no symptoms of Puccinia horiana Hennings have been observed during that period, and in the immediate vicinity of which no symptoms of Puccinia horiana Hennings have been known to have occurred during the three months prior to marketing,


    • the consignment has undergone appropriate treatment against Puccinia horiana Hennings;

  3. (c)

    in the case of unrooted cuttings no symptoms of Didymella ligulicola (Baker, Dimock and Davis) v. Arx were observed either on the cuttings or on the plants from which the cuttings were derived, or that, in the case of rooted cuttings, no symptoms of Didymella ligulicola (Baker, Dimock and Davis) v. Arx were observed either on the cuttings or on the rooting bed.


Plants of Dianthus L. intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants listed in Annex IV(A)(II)(20), official statement that:

  • the plants have been derived in direct line from mother plants which have been found free from Erwinia chrysanthemi pv. dianthicola (Hellmers) Dickey, Pseudomonas caryophylli (Burkholder) Starr and Burkholder and Phialophora cinerescens (Wollenw.) van Beyma on officially approved tests carried out at least once within the two previous years,

  • no symptoms of the above harmful organisms have been observed on the plants.


Bulbs of Tulipa L. and Narcissus L., other than those for which there shall be evidence by their packaging, or by other means, that they are intended for sale to final consumers not involved in professional cut-flower production

Official statement that no symptoms of Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev have been observed on the plants since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Plants of herbaceous species, intended for planting, other than:

  • bulbs,

  • corms,

  • plants of the family Gramineae,

  • rhizomes,

  • seeds,

  • tubers

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants in Annex IV, Part A, Section II(20), (21.1) or (21.2), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in an area known to be free from Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) and Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess),


  2. (b)

    either no signs of Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) and Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) have been observed at the place of production, on official inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior to harvesting,


  3. (c)

    immediately prior to marketing, the plants have been officially inspected and found free from Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) and Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) and have been subjected to an appropriate treatment against Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) and Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess).


Plants with roots, planted or intended for planting, grown in the open air

There shall be evidence that the place of production is known to be free from Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus (Spieckermann and Kotthoff) Davis et al., Globodera pallida (Stone) Behrens, Globodera rostochiensis (Wollenweber) Behrens and Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilbersky) Percival.


Plants of Beta vulgaris L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in areas known to be free from Beet leaf curl virus;


  2. (b)

    Beet leaf curl virus has not been known to occur in the area of production and no symptoms of Beet leaf curl virus have been observed at the place of production or in its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation.


Seeds of Helianthus annuus L.

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the seeds originate in areas known to be free from Plasmopara halstedii (Farlow) Berl. and de Toni;


  2. (b)

    the seeds, other than those seeds that have been produced on varieties resistant to all races of Plasmopara halstedii (Farlow) Berl. and de Toni present in the area of production, have been subjected to an appropriate treatment against Plasmopara halstedii (Farlow) Berl. and de Toni.


Plants of Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants, where appropriate, listed in Annex IV(a)(II)(18.6) and (23) official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in areas known to be free from Tomato yellow leaf curl virus;


  2. (b)

    no symptoms of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus have been observed on the plants;


    1. (aa)

      the plants originate in areas known to be free from Bemisia tabaci Genn;


    2. (bb)

      the place of production has been found free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. on official inspections carried out at least monthly during the three months prior to export;


  3. (c)

    no symptoms of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus have been observed on the place of production and the place of production has been subjected to an appropriate treatment and monitoring regime to ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci Genn.


Seeds of Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw.

Official statement that the seeds have been obtained by means of an appropriate acid extraction method or an equivalent method approved F1in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2);


  1. (a)

    either the seeds originate in areas where Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. michiganensis (Smith) Davis et al. or Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Doidge) Dye are not known to occur;


  2. (b)

    no symptoms of diseases caused by those harmful organisms have been observed on the plants at the place of production during their last complete cycle of vegetation;


  3. (c)

    the seeds have been subjected to official testing for at least those harmful organisms, on a representative sample and using appropriate methods, and have been found, in these tests, to be free from those harmful organisms.


Seeds of Medicago sativa L.

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    no symptoms of Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev have been observed at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation and that no Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev has been revealed by laboratory tests on a representative sample;


  2. (b)

    that fumigation has taken place prior to marketing.


Seeds of Medicago sativa L.

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants listed in Annex IV(A)(II)(28.1), official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the seeds originate in areas known to be free from Clavibacter michiganensis spp. insidiosus Davis et al.;


  2. (b)
    • Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. insidiosus Davis et al. has not been known to occur on the farm or in the immediate vicinity since the beginning of the past 10 years,


      • the crop belongs to a variety recognised as being highly resistant to Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. insidiosus Davis et al.,


      • it had not yet started its fourth complete cycle of vegetation from sowing when the seed was harvested, and there was not more than one preceding seed harvest from the crop,


      • the content of inert matter which has been determined in accordance with the rules applicable for certification of seed was marketed in the Community, does not exceed 0,1 % by weight,

    • no symptoms of Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. insidiosus Davis et al. have been observed at the place of production or on any Medicago sativa L. crop adjacent to it, during the last complete cycle of vegetation or, where appropriate, the last two cycles of vegetation,

    • the crops has been grown on land on which no previous Medicago sativa L. crop has been present during the last three years prior to sowing.


Seeds of Phaseolus L.

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the seeds originate in areas known to be free from Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (Smith) Dye;


  2. (b)

    a representative sample of the seeds has been tested and found free from Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (Smith) Dye in these tests.


Fruits of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids

The packaging shall bear an appropriate origin mark.

OJ L 225, 12.10.1970, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Directive 98/96/EC (OJ L 25, 1.2.1999, p. 27).



Plants, plant products and other objects

Special requirements

Protected zone(s)


Wood of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the wood listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(1.1), (1.2), (1.3), (1.4), (1.5), (7), where appropriate:

  1. (a)

    the wood shall be stripped of its bark;


  2. (b)

    official statement that the wood originates in areas known to be free from Dendroctonus micans Kugelan;


  3. (c)

    there shall be evidence by a mark ‘Kiln-dried’, ‘KD’ or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on its packaging in accordance with current commercial usage, that it has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule.

F9EL, IRL, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey)


Wood of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the wood listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(1.1), (1.2), (1.3), (1.4), (1.5), (7), where appropriate, and Annex IV(B)(1),

  1. (a)

    the wood shall be stripped of its bark;


  2. (b)

    official statement that the wood originates in areas known to be free from Ips duplicatus Sahlbergh;


  3. (c)

    there shall be evidence by a mark ‘Kiln-dried’, ‘KD’ or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on its packaging in accordance with current commercial usage, that it has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule.



Wood of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the wood listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(1.1), (1.2), (1.3), (1.4), (1.5), (7), where appropriate, and Annex IV(B)(1) and (2):

  1. (a)

    the wood shall be stripped of its bark;


  2. (b)

    official statement that the wood originates in areas known to be free from Ips typographus Heer;


  3. (c)

    there shall be evidence by a mark ‘Kiln-dried’, ‘KD’ or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on its packaging in accordance with current commercial usage, that it has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule.



Wood of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the wood listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(1.1), (1.2), (1.3), (1.4), (1.5), (7), where appropriate, and Annex IV(B)(1), (2), (3):

  1. (a)

    the wood shall be stripped of its bark;


  2. (b)

    official statement that the wood originates in areas known to be free from Ips amitinus Eichhof;


  3. (c)

    there shall be evidence by a mark ‘Kiln-dried’, ‘KD’ or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on its packaging in accordance with current commercial usage, that it has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule.

EL, F (Corsica), IRL, UK


Wood of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the wood listed in Annex IV(A,)(I)(1.1), (1.2), (1.3), (1.4), (1.5), (7), where appropriate, and Annex IV(B)(1), (2), (3), (4):

  1. (a)

    the wood shall be stripped of its bark;


  2. (b)

    official statement that the wood originates in areas known to be free from Ips cembrae Heer:


  3. (c)

    there shall be evidence by a mark ‘Kiln-dried’, ‘KD’ or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on its packaging in accordance with current commercial usage, that it has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule.

EL, IRL, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man)


Wood of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the wood listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(1.1), (1.2), (1.3), (1.4), (1.5), (7), where appropriate, and Annex IV(B)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5):

  1. (a)

    the wood shall be stripped of its bark;


  2. (b)

    official statement that the wood originates in areas known to be free from Ips sexdentatus Börner;


  3. (c)

    there shall be evidence by a mark ‘Kiln-dried’, ‘KD’ or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on its packaging in accordance with current commercial usage, that it has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, at time of manufacture, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule.

IRL,F7CY, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man)




Wood of Castanea Mill.

  1. (a)

    The wood shall be bark-free


  2. (b)

    Official statement that the wood:

    1. (i)

      originates in areas known to be free from Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill.) Barr.


    2. (ii)

      has undergone kiln-drying to below 20 % moisture content, expressed as a percentage of dry matter, achieved through an appropriate time/temperature schedule. There shall be evidence thereof by a mark Kiln-dried or KD or another internationally recognised mark, put on the wood or on any wrapping in accordance with current usage.

CZ, F21DK, EL, (Crete, Lesvos) IRL, S, UK (except the Isle of Man)


Plants of Abies Mill., Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr., Pinus L. and Pseudotsuga Carr., over 3 m in height, other than fruit and seeds

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(1), Annex IV(A)(I)(8.1), (8.2), (9), (10) and Annex IV(A)(II)(4), (5), where appropriate, official statement that the place of production is free from Dendroctonus micans Kugelan.

F9EL, IRL, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey)


Plants of Abies Mill. Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr. and Pinus L., over 3 m in height, other than fruit and seeds

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(1), Annex IV(A)(I)(8.1), (8.2), (9), (10), Annex IV(A)(II)(4), (5), and Annex IV(B)(7), where appropriate, official statement that the place of production is free from Ips duplicatus Sahlberg.



Plants of Abies Mill., Larix Mill., Picea A., Dietr., Pinus L. and Pseudotsuga Carr., over 3 m in height, other than fruit and seeds

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(1), Annex IV(A)(I)(8.1), (8.2), (9), (10), Annex IV(A)(II)(4), (5) and Annex IV(B)(7), (8), where appropriate, official statement that the place of production is free from Ips typographus Heer.



Plants of Abies Mill., Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr., and Pinus L. over 3 m in height, other than fruit and seeds

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(1), Annex IV(A)(I)(8.1), (8.2), (9), (10), Annex IV(A)(II)(4), (5), and Annex IV(B)(7), (8), (9), where appropriate, official statement that the place of production is free from Ips amitinus Eichhof.

EL, F (Corsica), IRL, UK


Plants of Abies Mill., Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr., Pinus L., Pseudotsuga Carr., over 3 m in height, other than fruit and seeds

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(1), Annex IV(A)(I)(8.1), (8.2), (9), (10), Annex IV(A)(II)(4), (5), and Annex IV(B)(7), (8), (9), (10), where appropriate, official statement that the place of production is free from Ips cembrae Heer.

EL, IRL, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man)


Plants of Abies Mill., Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr. and Pinus L., over 3 m in height, other than fruit and seeds

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(1), Annex IV(A)(I)(8.1), (8.2), (9), (10), Annex IV(A)(II)(4), (5), and Annex IV(B)(7), (8), (9), (10), (11), where appropriate, official statement that the place of production is free from Ips sexdentatus Börner.

IRL,F7CY, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man)



Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales)

F23Without prejudice to the prohibitions applicable to the bark listed in Annex III(A)(4), F14Official statement that the consignment:

  1. (a)

    has been subjected to fumigation or other appropriate treatments against bark beetles;


  2. (b)

    originates in areas known to be free from Dendroctonus micans Kugelan.

F9EL, IRL, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey)


Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the bark listed in F23Annex III(A)(4), Annex IV(B)(14.1), official statement that the consignment:

  1. (a)

    has been subjected to fumigation or other appropriate treatments against bark beetles;


  2. (b)

    originates in areas known to be free from Ips amitinus Eichhof.

EL, F (Corsica), IRL, UK


Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the bark listed in F23Annex III(A)(4), Annex IV(B)(14.1), (14.2), official statement that the consignment:

  1. (a)

    has been subjected to fumigation or other appropriate treatments against bark beetles;


  2. (b)

    originates in areas known to be free from Ips cembrae Heer.

EL, IRL, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man)


Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the bark listed in F23Annex III(A)(4), Annex IV(B)(14.1), (14.2), (14.3), official statement that the consignment:

  1. (a)

    has been subjected to fumigation or other appropriate treatments against bark beetles;


  2. (b)

    originates in areas known to be free from Ips duplicatus Sahlberg.



Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the bark listed in F23Annex III(A)(4), Annex IV(B)(14.1), (14.2), (14.3), (14.4), official statement that the consignment:

  1. (a)

    has been subjected to fumigation or other appropriate treatments against bark beetles;


  2. (b)

    originates in areas known to be free from Ips sexdentatus Börner.

IRL,F7CY, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man)


Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales)

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the bark listed in F23Annex III(A)(4), Annex IV(B)(14.1), (14.2), (14.3), (14.4), (14.5), official statement that the consignment:

  1. (a)

    has been subjected to fumigation or other appropriate treatments against bark beetles;


  2. (b)

    originates in areas known to be free from Ips typographus Heer.





Isolated bark of Castanea Mill.

Official statement that the isolated bark:

  1. (a)

    originates in areas known to be free from Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill.) Barr.


  2. (b)

    has been subjected to fumigation or other appropriate treatment against Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill.) Barr. to a specification approved in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18.2. There shall be evidence of the fumigation by indicating on the certificates referred to in Article 13.1.(ii), the active ingredient, the minimum bark temperature, the rate (g/m3) and the exposure time (h)

CZ, DK, EL, (Crete, Lesvos) IRL, S, UK (except the Isle of Man).


Plants of Larix Mill., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(1), Annex IV(A)(I)(8.1), (8.2), (10), Annex IV(A)(II)(5) and Annex IV(B)(7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), official statement that the plants have been produced in nurseries and that the place of production is free from Cephalcia lariciphila (Klug.)

IRL, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey)


Plants of Pinus L., Picea A. Dietr., Larix Mill., Abies Mill. and Pseudotsuga Carr., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(1), Annex IV(A)(I)(8.1), (8.2), (9), Annex IV(A)(II)(4) and Annex IV(B)(7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (15), where appropriate, official statement that the plants have been produced in nurseries and that the place of production is free from Gremmeniella abiedina (Lag.) Morelet.

IRL, UK (Northern Ireland)


Plants of Pinus L., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(1), Annex IV(A)(I)(8.1), (8.2), (9), Annex IV(A)(II)(4) and Annex IV(B)(7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (16), official statement that the plants have been produced in nurseries and that the place of production and its immediate vicinity is free from Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. and Schiff.).

E (Ibiza)


Plants of Picea A. Dietr., intended for planting, other than seeds

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(1), Annex IV(A)(I)(8.1), (8.2), (10), Annex IV(A)(II)(5) and Annex IV(B)(7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (16), official statement that the plants have been produced in nurseries and that the place of production is free from Gilpinia hercyniae (Hartig).

EL, IRL, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey)


Plants of Eucalyptus l'Herit, other than fruit and seeds

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants are free from soil, and have been subjected to a treatment against Gonipterus scutellatus Gyll.;


  2. (b)

    the plants originate in areas known to be free from Gonipterus scutellatus Gyll.

F16EL, P (Azores)


Tubers of Solanum tuberosum L., intended for planting

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(10), (11), Annex IV(A)(I)(25.1), (25.2), (25.3), (25.4), (25.5), (25.6), Annex IV(A)(II)(18.1), (18.2), (18.3), (18.4), (18.6), official statement that the tubers:

  1. (a)

    were grown in an area where Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) is known not to occur;


  2. (b)

    were grown on land, or in growing media consisting of soil that is known to be free from BNYVV, or officially tested by appropriate methods and found free from BNYVV;


  3. (c)

    have been washed free from soil.

F10F11DK, F (Britanny), FI, IRL, P (Azores), F12 LT,UK (Northern Ireland)


Tubers of Solanum tuberosum L., other than those mentioned in Annex IV(B)(20.1)

  1. (a)

    The consignment or lot shall not contain more than 1 % by weight of soil,


  2. (b)

    the tubers are intended for processing at premises with officially approved waste disposal facilities which ensures that there is no risk of spreading BNYVV.

F10F11DK, F (Britanny), FI, IRL, P (Azores),F12 LT, UK (Northern Ireland)


Tubers of Solanum tuberosum L.

Without prejudice to the requirements listed in Annex IV(A)(II)(18.1), (18.2), (18.5), official statement that provisions are complied with in respect of Globodera pallida (Stone) Behrens and Globodera rostochiensis (Wollenweber) Behrens which are in accordance with tho1se laid down in Council Directive 69/465/EEC of 8 December 1969 on control of Potatoe Cyst Eelworm22.



Plants and live pollen for pollination of: Amelanchier Med., Chaenomeles Lindl., Cotoneaster Ehrh., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Eriobotrya Lindl., Malus Mill., Mespilus L., Photinia davidiana (Dcne.) Cardot, Pyracantha Roem., Pyrus L. and Sorbus L., other than fruit and seeds

Without prejudice to the prohibitions applicable to the plants listed in Annex IIIA(9), (9.1), (18) and IIIB(1), where appropriate, official statement that:

  1. a)

    the plants originate in third countries recognised as being free from Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al. in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18(2),


  2. b)

    the plants originate in pest free areas in third countries which have been established in relation to Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al. in accordance with the relevant International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures and recognised as such in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18(2),


  3. c)

    the plants originate in one of the following Cantons of Switzerland: Berne (with the exceptions of the districts of Signau and Trachselwald), Fribourg, Grisons,F11 Ticino, Vaud, Valais,


  4. d)

    the plants originate in the protected zones listed in the right-hand column,


  5. e)

    the plants have been produced, or, if moved into a buffer zone, kept and maintained for a period of at least 7 months including the period 1 April to 31 October of the last complete cycle of vegetation, on a field:

    1. aa)

      located at least 1 km inside the border of an officially designated buffer zone of at least 50 km2 where host plants are subject to an officially approved and supervised control regime established at the latest before the beginning of the complete cycle of vegetation preceding the last complete cycle of vegetation, with the object of minimising the risk of Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al. being spread from the plants grown there. Details of the description of this buffer zone shall be kept available to the Commission and to other Member States. Once the buffer zone is established, official inspections shall be carried out in the zone not comprising the field and its surrounding zone of 500 m width, at least once since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation at the most appropriate time, and all host plants showing symptoms of Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al. should be removed immediately. The results of these inspections shall be supplied by 1 May each year to the Commission and to other Member States, and

    2. bb)

      which has been officially approved, as well as the buffer zone, before the beginning of the complete cycle of vegetation preceding the last complete cycle of vegetation, for the cultivation of plants under the requirements laid down in this point, and

    3. cc)

      which, as well as the surrounding zone of a width of at least 500 m, has been found free from Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al. since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation, at official inspection carried out at least:

      • twice in the field at the most appropriate time, i.e. once during June to August and once during August to November;


      • once in the said surrounding zone at the most appropriate time, i.e. during August to November, and

    4. dd)

      from which plants were officially tested for latent infections in accordance with an appropriate laboratory method on samples officially drawn at the most appropriate period.

Between 1 April 2004 and 1 April 2005, these provisions shall not apply to plants moved into and within the protected zones listed in the right-hand column which have been produced and maintained on fields located in officially designated buffer zones, according to the relevant requirements applicable before 1 April 2004.

E,F18EE, F (Corsica), IRL, I (Abruzzi; Apulia; Basilicata; Calabria; Campania; Emilia-Romagna: provinces of Forlí-CesenaF19(with exclusion of the provincial area situated to the North of the State road n. 9 — Via Emilia), Parma, Piacenza and Rimini(with exclusion of the provincial area situated to the North of the State road n. 9 — Via Emilia); Friuli-Venezia Giulia; Lazio; Liguria; Lombardy; Marche; Molise; Piedmont; Sardinia; Sicily;F12 Trentino-Alto Adige: autonomous province of Trento; Tuscany; Umbria; Valle d'Aosta; Veneto: except in the province of Rovigo the communes Rovigo, Polesella, Villamarzana, Fratta Polesine, San Bellino, Badia Polesine, Trecenta, Ceneselli, Pontecchio Polesine, Arquà Polesine, Costa di Rovigo, Occhiobello, Lendinara, Canda, Ficarolo, Guarda Veneta, Frassinelle Polesine, Villanova del Ghebbo, Fiesso Umbertiano, Castelguglielmo, Bagnolo di Po, Giacciano con Baruchella, Bosaro, Canaro, Lusia, Pincara, Stienta, Gaiba, Salara, and in the province of Padova the communes Castelbaldo, Barbona, Piacenza d'Adige, Vescovana, S. Urbano, Boara Pisani, Masi, and in the province of Verona the communes Palù, Roverchiara, Legnago, Castagnaro, Ronco all'Adige, Villa Bartolomea, Oppeano, Terrazzo, Isola Rizza, Angiari), LV, LT, A (Burgenland, Carinthia, Lower Austria, Tirol (administrative district Lienz), Styria, Vienna), P, SIF19(except the Gorenjska and Maribor regions), SKF19(except the communes of Blahová, Horné Mýto and Okoč (Dunajská Streda County), Hronovce and Hronské Kľačany (Levice County), Veľké Ripňany (Topoľčany County), Málinec (Poltár County), Hrhov (Rožňava County), Kazimír, Luhyňa, Malý Horeš, Svätuše and Zatín (Trebišov County)), FI, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Channel Islands)



Plants of Vitis L., other than fruit and seeds

Without prejudice to the prohibition in Annex III Part A point 15, on introducing plants of Vitis L. other than fruits from third countries (except Switzerland) into the Community, official statement that the plants:

  1. (a)

    originate in an area known to be free from Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch);


  2. (b)

    have been grown at a place of production which has been found free from Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch) on official inspections carried out during the last two complete cycles of vegetation;


  3. (c)

    have been subject to fumigation or other appropriate treatment against Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch).



Fruits of Vitis L.

The fruits shall be free from leaves


official statement that the fruits:

  1. (a)

    originate in an area known to be free from Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch);


  2. (b)

    have been grown at a place of production which has been found free from Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch) on official inspections carried out during the last two complete cycles of vegetation;


  3. (c)

    have been subject to fumigation or other appropriate treatment against Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch).



From 15 March to 30 June, beehives

There shall be documented evidence that the beehives:

  1. a)

    originate in third countries recognised as being free from Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. et al. in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18(2),


  2. b)

    originate in one of the following Cantons of Switzerland: Berne (with the exceptions of the districts of Signau and Trachselwald), Fribourg, Grisons,F11 Ticino, Vaud, Valais,


  3. c)

    originate in the protected zones listed in the right-hand column,


  4. d)

    have undergone an appropriate quarantine measure before being moved.

E,F18EE, F (Corsica), IRL, I (Abruzzi; Apulia; Basilicata; Calabria; Campania; Emilia-Romagna: provinces of Forlí-CesenaF19(with exclusion of the provincial area situated to the North of the State road n. 9 — Via Emilia), Parma, Piacenza and Rimini(with exclusion of the provincial area situated to the North of the State road n. 9 — Via Emilia); Friuli-Venezia Giulia; Lazio; Liguria; Lombardy; Marche; Molise; Piedmont; Sardinia; Sicily; Tuscany; Umbria; Valle d'Aosta; Veneto: except in the province of Rovigo the communes Rovigo, Polesella, Villamarzana, Fratta Polesine, San Bellino, Badia Polesine, Trecenta, Ceneselli, Pontecchio Polesine, Arquà Polesine, Costa di Rovigo, Occhiobello, Lendinara, Canda, Ficarolo, Guarda Veneta, Frassinelle Polesine, Villanova del Ghebbo, Fiesso Umbertiano, Castelguglielmo, Bagnolo di Po, Giacciano con Baruchella, Bosaro, Canaro, Lusia, Pincara, Stienta, Gaiba, Salara, and in the province of Padova the communes Castelbaldo, Barbona, Piacenza d'Adige, Vescovana, S. Urbano, Boara Pisani, Masi, and in the province of Verona the communes Palù, Roverchiara, Legnago, Castagnaro, Ronco all'Adige, Villa Bartolomea, Oppeano, Terrazzo, Isola Rizza, Angiari), LV, LT, A (Burgenland, Carinthia, Lower Austria, Tirol (administrative district Lienz), Styria, Vienna), P, SIF19(except the Gorenjska and Maribor regions), SKF19(except the communes of Blahová, Horné Mýto and Okoč (Dunajská Streda County), Hronovce and Hronské Kľačany (Levice County), Veľké Ripňany (Topoľčany County), Málinec (Poltár County), Hrhov (Rožňava County), Kazimír, Luhyňa, Malý Horeš, Svätuše and Zatín (Trebišov County)), FI, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Channel Islands)


Plants of Allium porrum L., Apium L., Beta L., other than those mentioned in Annex IV(B)(25) and those intended for animal fodder, Brassica napus L., Brassica rapa L., Daucus L., other than plants intended for planting

  1. (a)

    The consignment or lot shall not contain more than 1 % by weight of soil,


  2. (b)

    the plants are intended for processing at premises with officially approved waste disposal facilities which ensures that there is no risk of spreading BNYVV.

F10F11DK, F (Britanny), FI, IRL, P (Azores), F12 LT,UK (Northern Ireland)


Plants of Beta vulgaris L., intended for planting, other than seeds

  1. (a)

    Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(35.1), (35.2), Annex IV(A)(II)(25) and Annex IV(B)(22), official statement that the plants:

    1. (aa)

      have been officially individually tested and found free from Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV);


    2. (bb)

      have been grown from seeds complying with the requirements listed in Annex IV(B)(27.1) and (27.2), and

      • grown in areas where BNYVV is known not to occur,


      • grown on land, or in growing media, officially tested by appropriate methods and found free from BNYVV,


      • sampled, and the sample tested and found free from BNYVV;

  2. (b)

    the organisation or research body holding the material shall inform their official Member State plant protection service of the material held.

F10F11DK, F (Britanny), FI, IRL, P (Azores), F12 LT,UK (Northern Ireland)


Unrooted cuttings of Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd., intended for planting

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(45.1), where appropriate, official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the unrooted cuttings originate in an area known to be free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations),


  2. (b)

    no signs of Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations) have been observed either on the cuttings or on the plants from which the cuttings are derived and held or produced at the place of production on official inspections carried out at least each three weeks during the whole production period of these plants on this place of production,


  3. (c)

    in cases where Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations) has been found at the place of production, the cuttings and the plants from which the cuttings are derived and held or produced in this place of production have undergone an appropriate treatment to ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations) and subsequently this place of production shall have been found free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations) as a consequence of the implementation of appropriate procedures aiming at eradicating Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations), in both official inspections carried out weekly during the three weeks prior to the movement from this place of production and in monitoring procedures throughout the said period. The last inspection of the above weekly inspections shall be carried out immediately prior to the above movement.

IRL, P (F6Azores, Beira Interior, Beira Litoral, Entre Douro e Minho, Madeira, Ribatejo e Oeste (communes of Alcobaça, Alenquer, Bombarral, Cadaval, Caldas da Rainha, Lourinhã, Nazaré, Obidos, Peniche and Torres Vedras) and Trás-os-Montes), FI, S, UK


Plants of Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd., intended for planting, other than:

  • seeds,

  • those for which there shall be evidence by their packing or their flower (or bract) development or by other means that they are intended for sale to final consumers not involved in professional plant production,

  • those specified in 24.1

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(45.1), where appropriate official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate in an area known to be free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations),


  2. (b)

    no signs of Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations) habe been observed on plants at the place of production on official inspections carried out at least once each three weeks during the nine weeks prior to marketing,


  3. (c)

    in cases where Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations) has been found at the place of production, the plants, held or produced in this place of production have undergone an appropriate treatment to ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations) and subsequently this place of production shall have been found free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations) as a consequence of the implementation of appropriate procedures aiming at eradicating Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations), in both official inspections carried out weekly during the three weeks prior to the movement from this place of production and in monitoring procedures throughout the said period. The last inspection of the above weekly inspections shall be carried out immediately prior to the above movement,


  4. (d)

    evidence is available that the plants have been produced from cuttings which:

    1. (da)

      originate in an area known to be free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations),


    2. (db)

      have been grown at a place of production where no signs of Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations) have been observed on official inspections carried out at least once each three weeks during the whole production period of these plants,


IRL, P (Azores, Beira Interior, Beira Litoral, Entre Douro e Minho, Madeira, Ribatejo e Oeste (communes of Alcobaça, Alenquer, Bombarral, Cadaval, Caldas da Rainha, Lourinhã, Nazaré, Obidos, Peniche and Torres Vedras) and Trás-os-Montes), FI, S, UK

  1. (dc)

    in cases where Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations) has been found at the place of production, have been grown on plants held or produced in this place of production having undergone an appropriate treatment to ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations) and subsequently this place of production shall have been found free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations) as a consequence of the implementation of appropriate procedures aiming at eradicating Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations), in both official inspections carried out weekly during the three weeks prior to the movement from this place of production and in monitoring procedures throughout the said period. The last inspection of the above weekly inspections shall be carried out immediately prior to the above movement.


Plants of Begonia L., intended for planting, other than seeds, tubers and corms, and plants of Ficus L. and Hibiscus L., intended for planting, other than seeds, other than those for which there shall be evidence by their packing or their flower development or by other means that they are intended for sale to final consumers not involved in professional plant production

Without prejudice to the requirements applicable to the plants listed in Annex IV(A)(I)(45.1), where appropriate, official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants orginate in an area known to be free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations),


  2. (b)

    no signs of Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations) have been observed on plants at the place of production on official inspections carried out at least once each three weeks during the nine weeks prior to marketing,


  3. (c)

    in cases where Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations) has been found at the place of production, the plants, held or produced in this place of production have undergone an appropriate treatment to ensure freedom from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations) and subsequently this place of production shall have been found free from Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations) as a consequence of the implementation of appropriate procedures aiming at eradicating Bemisia tabaci Genn. (European populations), in both official inspections carried out weekly during the three weeks prior to the movement from this place of production and in monitoring procedures throughout the said period. The last inspection of the above weekly inspections shall be carried out immediately prior to the above movement.

IRL, P (Azores, Beira Interior, Beira Litoral, Entre Douro e Minho, Madeira, Ribatejo e Oeste (communes of Alcobaça, Alenquer, Bombarral, Cadaval, Caldas da Rainha, Lourinhã, Nazaré, Obidos, Peniche and Torres Vedras) and Trás-os-Montes), FI, S, UK



Plants of Beta vulgaris L., intended for industrial processing

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants are transported in such a manner as to ensure that there is no risk of spreading BNYVV, and are intended to be delivered to a processing plant with officially approved waste disposal facilities, which ensures that there is no risk of spreading BNYVV,


  2. (b)

    the plants have been grown in an area where BNYVV is known not to occur.

F10F11DK, F (Britanny), FI, IRL, P (Azores), F12 LT,UK (Northern Ireland)


Soil from beet and unsterilised waste from beet (Beta vulgaris L.)

Official statement that soil or waste:

  1. (a)

    has been treated to eliminate contamination with BNYVV,


  2. (b)

    is intended to be transported for disposal in an officially approved manner,


  3. (c)

    comes from Beta vulgaris plants grown in an area where BNYVV is known not to occur.

F10F11DK, F (Britanny), FI, IRL, P (Azores), F12 LT,UK (Northern Ireland)


Seeds and fodder beet seed of the species Beta vulgaris L.

Without prejudice to the provisions of Council Directive 66/400/EEC of 14 June 1966 on the marketing of beet seed23, where applicable, official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the seed of the categories ‘basic seed’ and ‘certified seed’ satisfies the conditions laid down in Annex I(B)(3) to Directive 66/400/EEC; or

  2. (b)

    in the case of ‘seed not finally certified’, the seed:

    • satisfies the conditions laid down in Article (15)(2) of Directive 66/400/EEC, and

    • is intended for processing that will satisfy the conditions laid down in Annex I(B) to Directive 66/400/EEC and delivered to a processing enterprise with officially approved controlled waste disposal, to prevent the spread of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV);

  3. (c)

    the seed has been produced from a crop grown in an area where BNYVV is known not to occur.

F10F11DK, F (Britanny), FI, IRL, P (Azores),F12 LT, UK (Northern Ireland)


Vegetable seed of the species Beta vulgaris L.

Without prejudice to the provisions of Council Directive 70/458/EEC of 29 September 1970 on the marketing of vegetable seed24, where applicable, official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the processed seed contains no more than 0,5 % by weight of inert matter, in the case of pelleted seed this standard shall be met prior to pelleting; or

  2. (b)

    in the case of non-processed seed, the seed:

    • shall be officially packed in such a manner as to ensure that there is no risk of spread of BNYVV, and

    • is intended for processing that will satisfy the conditions laid down in (a) and delivered to a processing enterprise with officially approved controlled waste disposal, to prevent the spread of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV);


  3. (c)

    the seed has been produced from a crop grown in an area where BNYVV is known not to occur.

F10F11DK, F (Britanny), FI, IRL, P (Azores),F12 LT, UK (Northern Ireland)


Seeds of Gossypium spp.

Official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the seed has been acid-delinted,


  2. (b)

    no symptoms of Glomerella gossypii Edgerton have been observed at the place of production since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation, and that a representative sample has been tested and has been found free from Glomerella gossypii Edgerton in those tests.



Seeds of Gossypium spp.

Official statement that the seed has been acid-delinted.

EL, E (Andalucia, Catalonia, Extremadura, Murcia, Valencia)


Seeds of Mangifera spp.

Official statement that the seeds originate in areas known to be free from Sternochetus mangiferae Fabricius.

E (Granada and Malaga), P (Alentejo, Algarve and Madeira)


Used agricultural machinery

  1. (a)

    F26The machinery shall be cleaned and free from soil and plant debris when brought in on places of production where beets are grown,


  2. (b)

    the machinery shall come from an area where BNYVV is known not to occur

F10F11DK, F (Britanny), FI, IRL, P (Azores), F12 LT,UK (Northern Ireland)


Fruits of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids originating in E, F (except Corsica), CY and I

Without prejudice to the requirement in Annex IV Part A Section II point 30.1 that packaging should bear an origin mark:

  1. (a)

    the fruits shall be free from leaves and peduncles; or

  2. (b)

    in the case of fruits with leaves or peduncles, official statement that the fruits are packed in closed containers which have been officially sealed and shall remain sealed during their transport through a protected zone, recognised for these fruits, and shall bear a distinguishing mark to be reported on the passport.

EL, F (Corsica), M, P


Plants of Vitis L., other than fruit and seeds.

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(15), IVA(II)17, and IVB21.1, official statement that:

  1. (a)

    the plants originate and have been grown in a place of production in a country where Grapevine flavescence dorée MLO is not known to occur; or

  2. (b)

    the plants originate and have been grown in a place of production in an area free from Grapevine flavescence dorée MLO established by the national plant protection organisation in accordance with the relevant international standards; or

  3. (c)

    the plants originate and have been grown in either the Czech Republic, France (Champagne-Ardenne, Lorraine and Alsace), or Italy (Basilicata); or

  4. (d)

    the plants originate and have been grown in a place of production where:

    1. (aa)

      no symptoms of Grapevine flavescence dorée MLO have been observed on the mother-stock plants since the beginning of the last two complete cycles of vegetation; and

    2. (bb)


      1. (i)

        no symptoms of Grapevine flavescence dorée MLO have been found on the plants in the place of production; or,

      2. (ii)

        the plants have undergone hot water treatment of at least 50 °C for 45 minutes in order to eliminate the presence of Grapevine flavescence dorée MLO.

CZ, FR (Champagne-Ardenne, Lorraine and Alsace), IT (Basilicata)

OJ 125, 11.7.1966, p. 2290/66. Directive as last amended by Directive 98/96/EC (OJ L 25, 1.2.1999, p. 27).

OJ L 225, 12.10.1970, p. 7. Directive as last amended by Directive 98/96/EC (OJ L 25, 1.2.1999, p. 27).



I.Plants, plant products and other objects which are potential carriers of harmful organisms of relevance for the entire Community and which must be accompanied by a plant passport

  1. 1.

    Plants and plant products

  2. 1.1.

    F15Plants, intended for planting, other than seeds, of Amelanchier Med., Chaenomeles Lindl., Cotoneaster Ehrh., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Eriobotrya Lindl., Malus Mill., Mespilus L., Photinia davidiana (Dcne.) Cardot, Prunus L., other than Prunus laurocerasus L. and Prunus lusitanica L., Pyracantha Roem., Pyrus L. and Sorbus L.

  3. 1.2.

    Plants of Beta vulgaris L. and Humulus lupulus L., intended for planting, other than seeds.

  4. 1.3.

    Plants of stolon- or tuber-forming species of Solanum L. or their hybrids, intended for planting.

  5. 1.4.

    Plants of Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids and Vitis L., other than fruit and seeds.

  6. 1.5.

    Without prejudice to point 1.6, plants of Citrus L. and their hybrids other than fruit and seeds.

  7. 1.6.

    Fruits of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf. and their hybrids with leaves and peduncles.

  8. 1.7.

    F14Wood within the meaning of the first subparagraph of Article 2(2), where it:

    1. (a)

      has been obtained in whole or part from Platanus L., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface;


    2. (b)

      meets one of the following descriptions laid down in Annex I, Part two to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff25:

      CN code


      4401 10 00

      Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms

      4401 22 00

      Non-coniferous wood, in chips or particles

      ex 4401 30 90

      Wood waste and scrap (other than sawdust), not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms

      4403 10 00

      Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives, not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared

      ex 4403 99

      Non-coniferous wood (other than tropical wood specified in subheading note 1 to Chapter 44 or other tropical wood, oak (Quercus spp.) or beech (Fagus spp.)), in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared, not treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives

      ex 4404 20 00

      Non-coniferous split poles; piles, pickets and stakes of non-coniferous wood, pointed but not sawn lengthwise

      ex 4407 99

      Non-coniferous wood (other than tropical wood specified in subheading note 1 to Chapter 44 or other tropical wood, oak (Quercus spp.) or beech (Fagus spp.)), sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm.

  9. 1.8.

    F23. . . . .

  10. 2.

    Plants, plant products and other objects produced by producers whose production and sale is authorised to persons professionally engaged in plant production, other than those plants, plant products and other objects which are prepared and ready for sale to the final consumer, and for which it is ensured by the responsible official bodies of the Member States, that the production thereof is clearly separate from that of other products.

  11. 2.1.

    Plants intended for planting other than seeds of the genera Abies Mill., Apium graveolens L., Argyranthemum spp., Aster spp., Brassica spp., Castanea Mill., Cucumis spp., Dendranthema (DC) Des Moul., Dianthus L. and hybrids Exacum spp., Fragaria L., Gerbera Cass., Gypsophila L., all varieties of New Guinea hybrids of Impatiens L., Lactuca spp., Larix Mill., Leucanthemum L., Lupinus L., Pelargonium l'Hérit. ex Ait., Picea A. Dietr., Pinus L., Platanus L., Populus L., Prunus laurocerasus L., Prunus lusitanica L., Pseudotsuga Carr., Quercus L., Rubus L., Spinacia L., Tanacetum L., Tsuga Carr.F26,Verbena L.F3and other plants of herbaceous species, other than plants of the family Gramineae, intended for planting, and other than bulbs, corms, rhizomes, seeds and tubers

  12. 2.2.

    Plants of Solanaceae, other than those referred to in point 1.3 intended for planting, other than seeds.

  13. 2.3.

    Plants of Araceae, Marantaceae, Musaceae, Persea spp. and Strelitziaceae, rooted or with growing medium attached or associated.

  14. 2.4.
    • F9Seeds and bulbs of Allium ascalonicum L., Allium cepa L. and Allium schoenoprasum L. intended for planting and plants of Allium porrum L. intended for planting,

    • Seeds of Medicago sativa L.,

    • F30Seeds of Helianthus annuus L., Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw. and Phaseolus L.

  15. 3.

    Bulbs and corms intended for planting, produced by producers whose production and sale is authorised to persons professionally engaged in plant production, other than those plants, plant products and other objects which are prepared and ready for sale to the final consumer, and for which it is ensured by the responsible official bodies of the Member States, that the production thereof is clearly separate from that of other products of Camassia Lindl., Chionodoxa Boiss., Crocus flavus Weston ‘Golden Yellow’, Galanthus L., Galtonia candicans (Baker) Decne., miniature cultivars and their hybrids of the genus Gladiolus Tourn. ex L., such as Gladiolus callianthus Marais, Gladiolus colvillei Sweet, Gladiolus nanus hort., Gladiolus ramosus hort. and Gladiolus tubergenii hort., Hyacinthus L., Iris L., Ismene Herbert, Muscari Miller, Narcissus L., Orinthogalum L., Puschkinia Adams, Scilla L. Tigridia Juss. and Tulipa L.

II.Plants, plant products and other objects which are potential carriers of harmful organisms of relevance for certain protected zones, and which must be accompanied by a plant passport valid for the appropriate zone when introduced into or moved within that zone

Without prejudice to the plants, plant products and other objects listed in Part I.

  1. 1.

    Plants, plant products and other objects

  2. 1.1.

    Plants of Albies Mill., Larix Mill., Picea A. Dietr., Pinus L. and Pseudotsuga Carr.

  3. 1.2.

    Plants intended for planting, other than seeds, of Populus L. and Beta vulgaris L.

  4. 1.3.

    F15F31Plants, other than fruit and seeds, of Amelanchier Med., Chaenomeles Lindl., Cotoneaster Ehrh., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Eriobotrya Lindl., Eucalyptus L'Herit., Malus Mill., Mespilus L., Photinia davidiana (Dcne.) Cardot, Pyracantha Roem., Pyrus L., Sorbus L. and Vitis L.

  5. 1.4.

    Live pollen for pollination of Amelanchier Med., Chaenomeles Lindl., Cotoneaster Ehrh., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Eriobotrya Lindl., Malus Mill., Mespilus L., Photinia davidiana (Dcne.) Cardot, Pyracantha Roem., Pyrus L. and Sorbus L.

  6. 1.5.

    Tubers of Solanum tuberosum L., intended for planting.

  7. 1.6.

    F26Plants of Beta vulgaris L., intended for industrial processing.

  8. 1.7.

    F26Soil from beet and unsterilised waste from beet (Beta vulgaris L.)

  9. 1.8.

    Seeds of Beta vulgaris L., Dolichos Jacq., Gossypium spp. and Phaseolus vulgaris L.

  10. 1.9.

    Fruits (bolls) of Gossypium spp. and unginned cottonF7, fruits of Vitis L.

  11. 1.10.

    F14Wood within the meaning of the first subparagraph of Article 2(2), where it

    1. (a)

      has been obtained in whole or part from

      • conifers (Coniferales), excluding wood which is bark-free,

      • Castanea Mill., excluding wood which is bark-free;


    2. (b)

      meets one of the following descriptions laid down in Annex I, Part two to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87:

      CN code


      4401 10 00

      Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms

      4401 21 00

      Coniferous wood, in chips or particles

      4401 22 00

      Non-coniferous wood, in chips or particles

      ex 4401 30

      Wood waste and scrap (other than sawdust), not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms

      ex 4403 10 00

      Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives, not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared

      ex 4403 20

      Coniferous wood in the rough, not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared, not treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives

      ex 4403 99

      Non-coniferous wood (other than tropical wood specified in subheading note 1 to Chapter 44 or other tropical wood, oak (Quercus spp.) or beech (Fagus spp.)), in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared, not treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives

      ex 4404

      Split poles: piles, pickets and stakes of wood, pointed, but not sawn lengthwise


      Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood

      4407 10

      Coniferous wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm

      ex 4407 99

      Non-coniferous wood (other than tropical wood specified in subheading note 1 to Chapter 44 or other tropical wood, oak (Quercus spp.) or beech (Fagus spp.)), sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm.

  12. 1.11.

    F14Isolated bark of Castanea Mill, and conifers (Coniferales).

  13. 2.

    Plants, plant products and other objects produced by producers whose production and sale is authorised to persons professionally engaged in plant production, other than those plants, plant products and other objects which are prepared and ready for sale to the final consumer, and for which it is ensured by the responsible official bodies of the Member States, that the production thereof is clearly separate from that of other products.

  14. 2.1.

    F26Plants of Begonia L., intended for planting, other than corms, seeds, tubers, and plants of Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd., Ficus L. and Hibiscus L., intended for planting, other than seeds.


I.Plants, plant products and other objects which are potential carriers of harmful organisms of relevance for the entire Community

  1. 1.

    Plants, intended for planting, other than seeds but including seeds of Cruciferae Gramineae, Trifolium spp., originating in Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Chile, New Zealand and Uruguay, genera Triticum, Secale and X Triticosecale from Afghanistan, IndiaF28, Iran, Iraq, Mexico, Nepal, PakistanF32, South Africa and the USA. Capsicum spp. Helianthus annuus L., Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw., Medicago sativa L., Prunus L., Rubus L., Oryza spp., Zea mais L., Allium ascalonicum L., Allium cepa L., Allium porrum L., Allium schoenoprasum L. and Phaseolus L.

  2. 2.

    Parts of plants, other than fruits and seeds of:

    • F16Castanea Mill., Dendranthema (DC) Des. Moul., Dianthus L., Gypsophila L., Pelargonium l'Herit. ex Ait, Phoenix spp., Populus L., Quercus L., Solidago L. and cut flowers of Orchidaceae,

    • conifers (Coniferales),

    • F14Acer saccharum Marsh., originating in the USA and Canada.

    • Prunus L., originating in non-European countries,

    • Cut flowers of Aster spp., Eryngium L., Hypericum L., Lisianthus L., Rosa L. and Trachelium L., originating in non-European countries,

    • Leafy vegetables of Apium graveolens L. and Ocimum L.

  3. 3.

    Fruits of:

    • Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybridsF3, Momordica L. and Solanum melongena L.,

    • Annona L., Cydonia Mill., Diospyros L., Malus Mill., Mangifera L., Passiflora L., Prunus L., Psidium L., Pyrus L., Ribes L. Syzygium Gaertn., and Vaccinium L., originating in non-European countries.

  4. 4.

    Tubers of Solanum tuberosum L.

  5. 5.

    Isolated bark of:

    • F14conifers (Coniferales), originating in non-European countries.

    • Acer saccharum Marsh, Populus L., andQuercus L. other than Quercus suber L.

  6. 6.

    F14Wood within the meaning of the first subparagraph of Article 2(2), where it:

    1. (a)

      has been obtained in whole or part from one of the order, genera or species as described hereafter, except wood packaging material defined in Annex IV, Part A, Section I, Point 2:

      • Quercus L., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in the USA, except wood which meets the description referred to in (b) of CN code 4416 00 00 and where there is documented evidence that the wood has been processed or manufactured using a heat treatment to achieve a minimum temperature of 176 °C for 20 minutes,

      • Platanus, including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in the USA or Armenia,

      • Populus L., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in countries of the American continent,

      • Acer saccharum Marsh., including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in the USA and Canada,

      • Conifers (Coniferales), including wood which has not kept its natural round surface, originating in non-European countries, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkey;


    2. (b)

      meets one of the following descriptions laid down in Annex I, Part two to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87:

      CN code


      4401 10 00

      Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms

      4401 21 00

      Coniferous wood, in chips or particles

      4401 22 00

      Non-coniferous wood, in chips or particles

      4401 30 10


      ex 4401 30 90

      Other wood waste and scrap, not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms

      4403 10 00

      Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives, not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared

      4403 20

      Coniferous wood in the rough, other than treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared

      4403 91

      Oak wood (Quercus spp.) in the rough, other than treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives, whether or not stripped of bark of sapwood, or roughly squared

      ex 4403 99

      Non-coniferous wood (other than tropical wood specified in subheading note 1 to Chapter 44 or other tropical wood, oak (Quercus spp.) or beech (Fagus spp.)), in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared, not treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives

      ex 4404

      Split poles; piles, pickets and stakes of wood, pointed but not sawn lengthwise


      Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood

      4407 10

      Coniferous wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm

      4407 91

      Oak wood (Quercus spp.), sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm

      ex 4407 99

      Non-coniferous wood (other than tropical wood specified in subheading note 1 to Chapter 44 or other tropical wood, oak (Quercus spp.) or beech (Fagus spp.)), sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm


      Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, of wood; cable-drums of wood; pallets, box pallets and other load boards, of wood; pallet collars of wood

      4416 00 00

      Casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers’ products and parts thereof, of wood, including staves

      9406 00 20

      Prefabricated buildings of wood.

  7. 7.
    1. (a)

      Soil and growing medium as such, which consists in whole or in part of soil or solid organic substances such as parts of plants, humus including peat or bark, other than that composed entirely of peat.

    2. (b)

      Soil and growing medium, attached to or associated with plants, consisting in whole or in part of material specified in (a) or consisting in part of any solid inorganic substance, intended to sustain the vitality of the plants, originating in:

      • F26F27Cyprus, Malta, Turkey,

      • Belarus, F13Estonia, Georgia, F13Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine,

      • non-European countries, other than Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia.

  8. 8.

    Grain of the genera Triticum, Secale and X Triticosecale originating in Afghanistan, IndiaF28, Iran, Iraq, Mexico, Nepal, PakistanF32, South Africa and the USA.

II.Plants, plant products and other objects which are potential carriers of harmful organisms of relevance for certain protected zones

Without prejudice to the plants, plant products and other objects listed in I.

  1. 1.

    F26Plants of Beta vulgaris L., intended for industrial processing.

  2. 2.

    F26Soil from beet and unsterilised waste from beet (Beta vulgaris L.).

  3. 3.

    F15Live pollen for pollination of Amelanchier Med., Chaenomeles Lindl., Cotoneaster Ehrh., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Eriobotrya Lindl., Malus Mill., Mespilus L., Photinia davidiana (Dcne.) Cardot, Pyracantha Roem., Pyrus L. and Sorbus L.

  4. 4.

    Parts of plants, other than fruit and seeds, of Amelanchier Med., Chaenomeles Lindl., Cotoneaster Ehrh., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Eriobotrya Lindl., Malus Mill., Mespilus L., Photinia davidiana (Dcne.) Cardot, Pyracantha Roem., Pyrus L. and Sorbus L.

  5. 5.

    Seeds of Dolichos Jacq., Magnifera spp., Beta vulgaris L. and Phaseolus vulgaris L.

  6. 6.

    Seeds and fruits (bolls) of Gossypium spp. and unginned cotton.

  7. 6a.

    F7Fruits of Vitis L.

  8. 7.

    F14Wood within the meaning of the first subparagraph of Article 2(2), where it:

    1. (a)

      has been obtained in whole or part from conifers (Coniferales), excluding wood which is bark-free originating in European third countries, and Castanea Mill., excluding wood which is bark-free


    2. (b)

      meets one of the following descriptions laid down in Annex I, Part two to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87:

      CN code


      4401 10 00

      Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms

      4401 21 00

      Coniferous wood, in chips or particles

      4401 22 00

      Non-coniferous wood, in chips or particles

      ex 4401 30

      Wood waste and scrap (other than sawdust), not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms

      ex 4403 10 00

      Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives, not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared

      ex 4403 20

      Coniferous wood in the rough, other than treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives, not stripped of bark or sapwood or roughly squared

      ex 4403 99

      Non-coniferous wood (other than tropical wood specified in subheading note 1 to Chapter 44 or other tropical wood, oak (Quercus spp.) or beech (Fagus spp.)), in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared, not treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives

      ex 4404

      Split poles; piles, pickets and stakes of wood, pointed but not sawn lengthwise


      Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood

      4407 10

      Coniferous wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm

      ex 4407 99

      Non-coniferous wood (other than tropical wood specified in subheading note 1 to Chapter 44 or other tropical wood, oak (Quercus spp.) or beech (Fagus spp.)), sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm


      Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings, of wood; cable-drums of wood; pallets, box pallets and other load boards, of wood; pallet collars of wood

      9406 00 20

      Prefabricated buildings of wood.

  9. 8.

    Parts of plants of Eucalyptus l'Hérit.

  10. 9.

    F20Isolated bark of conifers (Coniferales) originating in European third countries.



Cereals and their derivatives.


Dried leguminous plants.


Manioc tubers and their derivatives.


Residues from the production of vegetable oils.


The following model certificates are determined with regard to:

  • the text,

  • the format,

  • the layout and the dimensions of the boxes,

  • the colour of the paper and the colour of the printing26.

A.Model phytosanitary certificate


F1B.Model phytosanitary certificate for re-export


C.Explanatory notes

1.Box 2

The reference number on the certificates is composed of:

  • ‘EC’,

  • Member State initial(s),

  • identification mark for the individual certificate, consisting of numbers or a combination of letters and numbers, the letters representing the province, district, etc. of the Member State concerned, where the certificate is issued.

2.Unnumbered box

This Box is reserved for official use only.

3.Box 8

‘Description of packages’ means indication of the type of packages.

4.Box 9

The quantity shall be expressed either by number or weight.

5.Box 11

If there is insufficient space for the whole of the additional declaration, the text is to be continued on the back of the form.



(as referred to in Article 27)

Council Directive 77/93/EEC (OJ L 26, 31.1.1977, p. 20)

with the exception of Article 19

Council Directive 80/392/EEC (OJ L 100, 17.4.1980, p. 32)

Council Directive 80/393/EEC (OJ L 100, 17.4.1980, p. 35)

Council Directive 81/7/EEC (OJ L 14, 16.1.1981, p. 23)

Council Directive 84/378/EEC (OJ L 207, 2.8.1984, p. 1)

Council Directive 85/173/EEC (OJ L 65, 6.3.1985, p. 23)

Council Directive 85/574/EEC (OJ L 372, 31.12.1985, p. 25)

Commission Directive 86/545/EEC (OJ L 323, 18.11.1986, p. 14)

Commission Directive 86/546/EEC (OJ L 323, 18.11.1986, p. 16)

Commission Directive 86/547/EEC (OJ L 323, 18.11.1986, p. 21)

Council Directive 86/651/EEC (OJ L 382, 31.12.1986, p. 13)

Council Directive 87/298/EEC (OJ L 151, 11.6.1987, p. 1)

Commission Directive 88/271/EEC (OJ L 116, 4.5.1988, p. 13)

Commission Directive 88/272/EEC (OJ L 116, 4.5.1988, p. 19)

Commission Directive 88/430/EEC (OJ L 208, 2.8.1988, p. 36)

Council Directive 88/572/EEC (OJ L 313, 19.11.1988, p. 39)

Council Directive 89/359/EEC (OJ L 153, 16.6.1989, p. 28)

Council Directive 89/439/EEC (OJ L 212, 22.7.1989, p. 106)

Council Directive 90/168/EEC (OJ L 92, 7.4.1990, p. 49)

Commission Directive 90/490/EEC (OJ L 271, 3.10.1990, p. 28)

Commission Directive 90/506/EEC (OJ L 282, 13.10.1990, p. 67)

Council Directive 90/654/EEC (OJ L 353, 17.12.1990, p. 48)

only concerns Annex I, point 2

Commission Directive 91/27/EEC (OJ L 16, 22.1.1991, p. 29)

Council Directive 91/683/EEC (OJ L 376, 31.12.1991, p. 29)

Commission Directive 92/10/EEC (OJ L 70, 17.3.1992, p. 27)

Council Directive 92/98/EEC (OJ L 352, 2.12.1992, p. 1)

Council Directive 92/103/EEC (OJ L 363, 11.12.1992, p. 1)

Council Directive 93/19/EEC (OJ L 96, 22.4.1993, p. 33)

Commission Directive 93/110/EC (OJ L 303, 10.12.1993, p. 19)

Council Directive 94/13/EC (OJ L 92, 9.4.1994, p. 27)

Commission Directive 95/4/EC (OJ L 44, 28.2.1995, p. 56)

Commission Directive 95/41/EC (OJ L 182, 2.8.1995, p. 17)

Commission Directive 95/66/EC (OJ L 308, 21.12.1995, p. 77)

Commission Directive 96/14/EC (OJ L 68, 19.3.1996, p. 24)

Commission Directive 96/78/EC (OJ L 321, 12.12.1996, p. 20)

Council Directive 97/3/EC (OJ L 27, 30.1.1997, p. 30)

Commission Directive 97/14/EC (OJ L 87, 2.4.1997, p. 17)

Commission Directive 98/1/EC (OJ L 15, 21.1.1998, p. 26)

Commission Directive 98/2/EC (OJ L 15, 21.1.1998, p. 34)

Commission Directive 1999/53/EC (OJ L 142, 5.6.1999, p. 29)



Deadline for transposition

Deadline for implementation


23.12.1980 (Article 11(3))27282930

1.5.1980 (other provisions)27282930




1.1.1983 (Article 4(11))

1.5.1980 (other provisions)


1.1.1981 (Article 1(1))

1.1.1983 (Article 1(2a), (3a), (3b), (4a), (4b))

1.1.198331 (other provisions)











applicable until 31.12.1989








applicable until 31.12.1989



















































In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 19, Member States may be authorised, on request, to comply with certain of the provisions of this Directive by a date later than 1 May 1980, but not later than 1 January 1981.

For Greece: 1 January 1985 (Article 11(3)) and 1 March 1985 (other provisions).

For Spain and Portugal: 1 March 1987.

Within the limits of the traditional trade flows and in response to the production needs of undertakings in the former German Democratic Republic, German was authorised, at its own request and in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2), to comply with Article 4(1), Article 5(1) and the relevant provisions of Article 13 in respect of the territory of the former German Democratic Republic at a date later than 1 May 1980, but not later than 31 December 1992.

At the request of the protected Member States.

31 March 1989 with regard to the obligations of Article 1(3) (a) (plants of Juniperus), in accordance with Directive 89/83/EEC, amending Directive 88/271/EEC.



The standard fee referred to in Article 13d(2) shall be set at the following levels:

(in EUR)





for documentary checks

Per consignment



for identity checks

Per consignment

up to a size of a truck load, a railway wagon load or the load of a container of comparable size


bigger than the above size



for plant health checks, in accordance with the following specifications:

cuttings,seedlings (except forestry reproductive material), young plants of strawberries or of vegetables

Per consignment

up to 10 000 in number


for each additional 1 000 units


maximum price


shrubs, trees (other than cut Christmas trees), other woody nursery plants including forest reproductive material (other than seed)

Per consignment

up to 1 000 in number


for each additional 100 units


maximum price


bulbs, corms, rhizomes, tubers, intended for planting (other than tubers of potatoes)

Per consignment

up to 200 kg of weight


for each additional 10 kg


maximum price


seeds, tissue cultures

Per consignment

up to 100 kg of weight


for each additional 10 kg


maximum price


other plants intended for planting, not specified elsewhere in this table

Per consignment

up to 5 000 in number


for each additional 100 units


maximum price


cut flowers

Per consignment

up to 20 000 in number


for each additional 1 000 units


maximum price


branches with foliage, parts of conifers (other than cut Christmas trees)

Per consignment

up to 100 kg of weight


for each additional 100 kg


maximum price


cut Christmas trees

Per consignment

up to 1 000 in number


for each additional 100 units


maximum price


leaves of plants, such as herbs, spices and leafy vegetables

Per consignment

up to 100 kg of weight


for each additional 10 kg


maximum price


fruits, vegetables (other than leafy vegetables)

Per consignment

up to 25 000 kg of weight


for each additional 1 000 kg


tubers of potatoes

Per lot

up to 25 000 kg of weight


for each additional 25 000 kg


wood (other than bark)

Per consignment

up to 100 m3 of volume


for each additional m3


soil and growing medium, bark

Per consignment

up to 25 000 kg of weight


for each additional 1 000 kg


maximum price



Per consignment

up to 25 000 kg of weight


for each additional1 000 kg


maximum price


other plants or plant products not specified elsewhere in this table

Per consignment


Where a consignment does not consist exclusively of products coming under the description of the relevant indent, those parts thereof consisting of products coming under the description of the relevant indent (lot or lots) shall be treated as separate consignment.


Directive 77/93/EEC

This Directive

Article 1(1)

Article 1(1), 1st subparagraph

Article 1(2)

Article 1(3)

Article 1(3)

Article 1(1), 2nd subparagraph, (b)

Article 1(3a)

Article 1(1), 2nd subparagraph, (c)

Article 1(4)

Article 1(2)

Article 1(5)

Article 1(1), 2nd subparagraph, (a)

Article 1(6)

Article 1(4)

Article 1(7)

Article 1(5)

Article 1(8)

Article 1(6)

Article 2(1)(a)

Article 2(1)(a)

Article 2(1)(b)

Article 2(1)(b)

Article 2(1)(c)

Article 2(1)(c)

Article 2(1)(d)

Article 2(1)(d)

Article 2(1)(e)

Article 2(1)(e)

Article 2(1)(f)

Article 2(1)(f)

Article 2(1)(g)(a)

Article 2(1)(g)(i)

Article 2(1)(g)(b)

Article 2(1)(g)(ii)

Article 2(1)(h)

Article 2(1)(h)

Article 2(1)(i)

Article 2(1)(i)

Article 2(2)

Article 2(2)

Article 3 (1) to (6)

Article 3 (1) to (6)

Article 3(7)(a)

Article 3(7), 1st subparagraph

Article 3(7)(a)

Article 3(7), 1st subparagraph, (a)

Article 3(7)(b)

Article 3(7), 1st subparagraph, (b)

Article 3(7)(c)

Article 3(7), 1st subparagraph, (c)

Article 3(7)(d)

Article 3(7), 2nd subparagraph

Article 3(7)(e)

Article 3(7), 3rd subparagraph

Article 3(7)(f)

Article 3(7), 4th subparagraph

Article 4(1)

Article 4(1)

Article 4(2)(a)

Article 4(2)

Article 4(2)(b)

Article 4 (3), (4) and (5)

Article 4 (3), (4) and (5)

Article 4(6)(a)

Article 4(6), 1st subparagraph

Article 4(6)(b)

Article 4(6), 2nd subparagraph

Article 4(6)(c)

Article 4(6), 3rd subparagraph

Article 5 (1) to (5)

Article 5 (1) to (5)

Article 5(6)(a)

Article 5(6), 1st subparagraph

Article 5(6)(b)

Article 5(6), 2nd subparagraph

Article 5(6)(c)

Article 5(6), 3rd subparagraph

Article 6(1)

Article 6(1)

Article 6(1)a

Article 6(2)

Article 6(2)

Article 6(3)

Article 6(3)

Article 6(4)

Article 6(4)

Article 6(5)

Article 6(5)

Article 6(6)

Article 6(6)

Article 6(7)

Article 6(7)

Article 6(8)

Article 6(8)

Article 6(9)

Article 6(9)

Article 7(1), 1st subparagraph

Article 7(1), 1st subparagraph

Article 7(1), 2nd subparagraph

Article 7(1), 2nd subparagraph

Article 7(1), 3rd subparagraph

Article 7(2)

Article 7(2)

Article 7(3)

Article 7(3)

Article 8(1)

Article 8(1)

Article 8(2), 1st subparagraph

Article 8(2), 1st subparagraph

Article 8(2), 2nd subparagraph

Article 8(2), 2nd subparagraph

Article 8(2), 3rd subparagraph

Article 8(3)

Article 8(3)

Article 9

Article 9

Article 10(1)

Article 10(1)

Article 10(2)(a)

Article 10(1), 1st subparagraph

Article 10(2)(b)

Article 10(1), 2nd subparagraph

Article 10(2)(c)

Article 10(1), 3rd subparagraph

Article 10(3)

Article 10(3)

Article 10(4)

Article 10(4)

Article 10(5)

Article 10a

Article 11

Article 11(1)

Article 11(2)

Article 12(1)

Article 11(3)

Article 11(3a)

Article 11(4)

Article 12(2)

Article 11(5)

Article 12(3)

Article 11(6)

Article 12(4)

Article 11(7)

Article 12(5)

Article 11(8)

Article 12(6)

Article 11(9)

Article 12(7)

Article 11(10)

Article 12(8)

Article 12(1)

Article 13(1)

Article 12(2)

Article 13(2)

Article 12(3)

Article 12(3a)

Article 13(3)

Article 12(3b)

Article 13(4)

Article 12(3c)

Article 13(5)

Article 12(3)(d)(i)

Article 13(6), 1st subparagraph

Article 12(3)(d)(ii)

Article 13(6), 2nd subparagraph

Article 12(3)(d)(iii)

Article 13(6), 3rd subparagraph

Article 12(4)

Article 12(5)

Article 13(7)

Article 12(6)

Article 13(8)

Article 12(6a)

Article 13(9)

Article 12(7)

Article 13(10)

Article 12(8)

Article 13(11)

Article 13, 1st paragraph

Article 14, 1st paragraph

Article 13, 2nd paragraph

Article 14, 2nd paragraph

Article 13, 2nd paragraph, 1st indent

Article 14, 2nd paragraph, (a)

Article 13, 2nd paragraph, 1st indent, 1st subindent

Article 14, 2nd paragraph, (a)(i)

Article 13, 2nd paragraph, 1st indent, 2nd subindent

Article 14, 2nd paragraph, (a)(ii)

Article 13, 2nd paragraph, 1st indent, 3rd subindent

Article 14, 2nd paragraph, (a)(iii)

Article 13, 2nd paragraph, 2nd indent

Article 14, 2nd paragraph, (b)

Article 13, 2nd paragraph, 2nd indent, 1st subindent

Article 14, 2nd paragraph, (b)(i)

Article 13, 2nd paragraph, 2nd indent, 2nd subindent

Article 14, 2nd paragraph, (b)(ii)

Article 13, 2nd paragraph, 3rd indent

Article 14, 2nd paragraph, (c)

Article 13, 2nd paragraph, 4th indent

Article 14, 2nd paragraph, (d)

Article 14

Article 15

Article 15(1)

Article 16(1)

Article 15(2)(a)

Article 16(2), 1st subparagraph

Article 15(2)(b)

Article 16(2), 2nd subparagraph

Article 15(2)(c)

Article 16(1), 2nd subparagraph

Article 15(3)

Article 16(3)

Article 15(4)

Article 16(4)

Article 16

Article 17

Article 16a

Article 18

Article 17

Article 19

Article 18

Article 20

Article 19

Article 19a(1)

Article 21(1)

Article 19a(2)

Article 21(2)

Article 19a(3)

Article 21(3)

Article 19a(4)

Article 21(4)

Article 19a(5)(a)

Article 21(5), 1st subparagraph

Article 19a(5)(b)

Article 21(5), 2nd subparagraph

Article 19a(5)(c)

Article 21(5), 3rd subparagraph

Article 19a(5)(d)

Article 21(5), 4th subparagraph

Article 19a(6)

Article 21(6)

Article 19a(7)

Article 21(7)

Article 19a(8)

Article 21(8)

Article 19b

Article 22

Article 19c(1)

Article 23(1)

Article 19c(2), 1st indent

Article 23(2)(a)

Article 19c(2), 1st indent, 1st subindent

Article 23(2)(a)(i)

Article 19c(2), 1st indent, 2nd subindent

Article 23(2)(a)(ii)

Article 19c(2), 1st indent, 3rd subindent

Article 23(2)(a)(iii)

Article 19c(2), 1st indent, 4th subindent

Article 23(2)(a)(iv)

Article 19c(2), 2nd indent

Article 23(2)(b)

Article 19c(2), 3rd indent

Article 23(2)(c)

Article 19c(3)

Article 23(3)

Article 19c(4)

Article 23(4)

Article 19c(5)

Article 23(5)

Article 19c(6)

Article 23(6)

Article 19c(7)

Article 23(7)

Article 19c(8)

Article 23(8)

Article 19c(9)

Article 23(9)

Article 19c(10), 1st subparagraph, 1st indent

Article 23(10), 1st subparagraph (a)

Article 19c(10), 1st subparagraph, 1st subindent

Article 23(10), 1st subparagraph (a)(i)

Article 19c(10), 1st subparagraph, 2nd subindent

Article 23(10), 1st subparagraph (a)(ii)

Article 19c(10), 2nd subparagraph

Article 23(10), 2nd subparagraph

Article 19c(10), 3rd subparagraph

Article 23(10), 3rd subparagraph

Article 19d

Article 24

Article 2533

Article 2634

Article 20

Article 27

Article 28

Article 29

Annex I, Part A

Annex I, Part A

Annex I, Part B(a)(1)

Annex I, Part B(a)(1)

Annex I, Part B(a)(1a)

Annex I, Part B(a)(2)

Annex I, Part B(a)(2)

Annex I, Part B(a)(3)

Annex I, Part B(d)

Annex I, Part B(b)

Annex II, Part A, Section I

Annex II, Part A, Section I

Annex II, Part A, Section II(a)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(a)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(1)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(1)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(2)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(2)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(3)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(3)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(4)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(4)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(5)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(5)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(7)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(6)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(8)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(7)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(9)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(8)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(10)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(9)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(11)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(10)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(12)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(b)(11)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(c)

Annex II, Part A, Section II(c)

Annex II, Part A, Section I(d)

Annex II, Part A, Section I(d)

Annex II, Part B

Annex II, Part B

Annex III

Annex III

Annex IV, Part A, Section I, points 1.1 to 16.3

Annex IV, Part A, Section I, points 1.1 to 16.3

Annex IV, Part A, Section I, point 16.3a

Annex IV, Part A, Section I, point 16.4

Annex IV, Part A, Section I, point 16.4

Annex IV, Part A, Section I, point 16.5

Annex IV, Part A, Section I, points 17 to 54

Annex IV, Part A, Section I, points 17 to 54

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, points 1 to 16

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, points 1 to 16

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 18

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 17

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 19.1

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 18.1

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 19.2

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 18.2

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 19.3

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 18.3

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 19.4

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 18.4

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 19.5

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 18.5

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 19.6

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 18.6

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 19.7

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 18.7

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 20

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 19

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 21

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 20

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 22.1

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 21.1

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 22.2

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 21.2

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 23

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 22

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 24

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 23

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 25

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 24

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 26

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 25

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 27

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 26

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 27.1

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 26.1

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 28

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 27

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 29.1

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 28.1

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 29.2

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 28.2

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 30

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 29

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 31.1

Annex IV, Part A, Section II, point 30.1

Annex IV, Part B

Annex IV, Part B

Annex V

Annex V

Annex VII

Annex VI

Annex VIII

Annex VII

Annex VIII

Annex IX

Article 2 of Directive 97/3/EC.

Article 3 of Directive 97/3/EC.