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[F1Article 122 U.K.

1. Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that the competent authorities concerned communicate to each other such information as is appropriate to guarantee that the requirements placed on the authorisations referred to in Articles 40 and 77, on the certificates referred to in Article 111(5) or on the marketing authorisations are fulfilled.

[F22. Upon reasoned request, Member States shall send electronically the reports referred to in Article 111(3) to the competent authorities of another Member State or to the Agency.]

3. The conclusions reached in accordance with Article 111(1) shall be valid throughout the Community.

However, in exceptional cases, if a Member State is unable, for reasons relating to public health, to accept the conclusions reached following an inspection under Article 111(1), that Member State shall forthwith inform the Commission and the Agency. The Agency shall inform the Member States concerned.

When the Commission is informed of these divergences of opinion, it may, after consulting the Member States concerned, ask the inspector who performed the original inspection to perform a new inspection; the inspector may be accompanied by two other inspectors from Member States which are not parties to the disagreement.]

Article 123U.K.

1.Each Member State shall take all the appropriate measures to ensure that decisions authorizing marketing, refusing or revoking a marketing authorization, cancelling a decision refusing or revoking a marketing authorization, prohibiting supply, or withdrawing a product from the market, together with the reasons on which such decisions are based, are brought to the attention of the Agency forthwith.

[F32. The marketing authorisation holder shall be obliged to notify the Member States concerned forthwith of any action taken by the holder to suspend the marketing of a medicinal product, to withdraw a medicinal product from the market, to request the withdrawal of a marketing authorisation or not to apply for the renewal of a marketing authorisation, together with the reasons for such action. The marketing authorisation holder shall in particular declare if such action is based on any of the grounds set out in Article 116 or Article 117(1).

2a. The marketing authorisation holder shall also make the notification pursuant to paragraph 2 of this Article in cases where the action is taken in a third country and where such action is based on any of the grounds set out in Article 116 or Article 117(1).

2b. The marketing authorisation holder shall furthermore notify the Agency where the action referred to in paragraph 2 or 2a of this Article is based on any of the grounds referred to in Article 116 or Article 117(1).

2c. The Agency shall forward notifications received in accordance with paragraph 2b to all Member States without undue delay.]

3.Member States shall ensure that appropriate information about action taken pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 which may affect the protection of public health in third countries is forthwith brought to the attention of the World Health Organization, with a copy to the Agency.

[F34. Each year, the Agency shall make public a list of the medicinal products for which marketing authorisations have been refused, revoked or suspended in the Union, whose supply has been prohibited or which have been withdrawn from the market, including the reasons for such action.]

Article 124U.K.

Member States shall communicate to each other all the information necessary to guarantee the quality and safety of homeopathic medicinal products manufactured and marketed within the Community, and in particular the information referred to in Articles 122 and 123.

Article 125U.K.

Every decision referred to in this Directive which is taken by the competent authority of a Member State shall state in detail the reasons on which it is based.

Such decision shall be notified to the party concerned, together with information as to the redress available to him under the laws in force and of the time-limit allowed for access to such redress.

[F1Decisions to grant or revoke a marketing authorisation shall be made publicly available.]

Article 126U.K.

An authorization to market a medicinal product shall not be refused, suspended or revoked except on the grounds set out in this Directive.

No decision concerning suspension of manufacture or of importation of medicinal products coming from third countries, prohibition of supply or withdrawal from the market of a medicinal product may be taken except on the grounds set out in Articles 117 and 118.

[F4Article 126a U.K.

1. In the absence of a marketing authorisation or of a pending application for a medicinal product authorised in another Member State in accordance with this Directive, a Member State may for justified public health reasons authorise the placing on the market of the said medicinal product.

[F22. When a Member State avails itself of this possibility, it shall adopt the necessary measures in order to ensure that the requirements of this Directive are complied with, in particular those referred to in Titles V, VI, VIII, IX and XI. Member States may decide that Article 63(1) and (2) shall not apply to medicinal products authorised under paragraph 1.

3. Before granting such a marketing authorisation, a Member State:

(a) shall notify the marketing authorisation holder, in the Member State in which the medicinal product concerned is authorised, of the proposal to grant a marketing authorisation under this Article in respect of the medicinal product concerned.

(b) may request the competent authority in that Member State to submit copies of the assessment report referred to in Article 21(4) and of the marketing authorisation in force in respect of the medicinal product concerned. If so requested, the competent authority in that Member State shall supply, within 30 days of receipt of the request, a copy of the assessment report and the marketing authorisation in respect of the medicinal product concerned.]

4. The Commission shall set up a publicly accessible register of medicinal products authorised under paragraph 1. Member States shall notify the Commission if any medicinal product is authorised, or ceases to be authorised, under paragraph 1, including the name or corporate name and permanent address of the authorisation holder. The Commission shall amend the register of medicinal products accordingly and make this register available on their website.

5. No later than 30 April 2008, the Commission shall present a report to the European Parliament and the Council concerning the application of this provision with a view to proposing any necessary amendments.]

[F4Article 126b U.K.

In order to guarantee independence and transparency, the Member States shall ensure that members of staff of the competent authority responsible for granting authorisations, rapporteurs and experts concerned with the authorisation and surveillance of medicinal products have no financial or other interests in the pharmaceutical industry which could affect their impartiality. These persons shall make an annual declaration of their financial interests.

In addition, the Member States shall ensure that the competent authority makes publicly accessible its rules of procedure and those of its committees, agendas for its meetings and records of its meetings, accompanied by decisions taken, details of votes and explanations of votes, including minority opinions.]

Article 127U.K.

1.At the request of the manufacturer, the exporter or the authorities of an importing third country, Member States shall certify that a manufacturer of medicinal products is in possession of the manufacturing authorization. When issuing such certificates Member States shall comply with the following conditions:

(a)they shall have regard to the prevailing administrative arrangements of the World Health Organization;

(b)for medicinal products intended for export which are already authorized on their territory, they shall supply the summary of the product characteristics as approved in accordance with Article 21.

2.When the manufacturer is not in possession of a marketing authorization he shall provide the authorities responsible for establishing the certificate referred to in paragraph 1, with a declaration explaining why no marketing authorization is available.

[F2Article 127a U.K.

When a medicinal product is to be authorised in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 726/2004, and the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use in its opinion refers to recommended conditions or restrictions as provided for in points (c), (ca), (cb) or (cc) of Article 9(4) thereof, the Commission may adopt a decision addressed to the Member States, in accordance with Articles 33 and 34 of this Directive, for the implementation of those conditions or restrictions.]

[F4Article 127b U.K.

Member States shall ensure that appropriate collection systems are in place for medicinal products that are unused or have expired.]