‘pig’ means any animal of the Suidae family, including feral pigs;
‘feral pig’ means a pig which is not kept or bred on a holding;
‘holding’ means any agricultural or other premises located in the territory of a Member State, where pigs are being bred or kept on a permanent or temporary basis. This definition does not include slaughterhouses, means of transport and fenced areas where feral pigs are kept and may be hunted; these fenced areas must be of a size and structure that makes the measures laid down in Article 5(1) inapplicable;
‘diagnostic manual’ means the classical swine fever diagnostic manual referred to in Article 17(3);
‘pig suspected of being infected with classical swine fever virus’ means any pig or pig carcase exhibiting clinical symptoms or showing post-mortem lesions or reactions to laboratory tests carried out in accordance with the diagnostic manual indicating the possible presence of classical swine fever;
‘case of classical swine fever’ or ‘pig infected with classical swine fever’ means any pig or pig carcase:
in which clinical symptoms or post-mortem lesions of classical swine fever have been officially confirmed, or
in which the presence of the disease has been officially confirmed as the result of a laboratory examination carried out in accordance with the diagnostic manual;
‘outbreak of classical swine fever’ means the holding where one or more cases of classical swine fever has or have been detected;
‘primary outbreak’ means the outbreak within the meaning of Article 2(d) of Council Directive 82/894/EEC of 21 December 1982 on the notification of animal diseases within the Community();
‘infected area’ means the area of a Member State where, following the confirmation of one or more cases of classical swine fever in feral pigs, disease eradication measures are in place in accordance with Article 15 or 16;
‘primary case of classical swine fever in feral pigs’ means any case of classical swine fever which is detected in feral pigs in an area in which no measures are in place in accordance with Article 15 or 16;
‘meta-population of feral pigs’ means any group or subpopulation of feral pigs with limited contacts with other groups or subpopulations;
‘susceptible feral pig population’ means that part of a feral pig population which has not developed immunity against classical swine fever virus;
‘owner’ means any person or persons, either natural or legal, having ownership of the pigs, or charged with keeping the said animals, whether or not for financial reward;
‘competent authority’ means the competent authority within the meaning of Article 2(6) of Council Directive 90/425/EEC of 26 June 1990 concerning veterinary and zootechnical checks applicable in intra-Community trade in certain live animals and products with a view to the completion of the internal market();
‘official veterinarian’ means the veterinarian designated by the competent authority of the Member State;
‘processing’ means one of the treatments for high risk material laid down in Article 3 of Council Directive 90/667/EEC(), applied in such a way as to avoid the risk of spread of classical swine fever virus;
‘catering waste’ means any waste from food intended for human consumption from restaurants, catering facilities or kitchens, including industrial kitchens, and the households of the farmer or of persons tending pigs;
‘marker vaccine’ means a vaccine that can elicit a protective immunity distinguishable from the immune response elicited by the natural infection with the wild type virus by means of laboratory tests carried out in accordance with the diagnostic manual;
‘killing’ means the killing of pigs within the meaning of Article 2(6) of Council Directive 93/119/EEC of 22 December 1993 on the protection of animals at the time of slaughter or killing();
‘slaughter’ means the slaughter of pigs within the meaning of Article 2(7) of Directive 93/119/EEC;
‘area with a high density of pigs’ means any geographical area with a radius of 10 km around a holding containing pigs suspected to be or known to be infected with classical swine fever virus, where there is a pig density higher than 800 pigs per km2; the holding in question must be located either in a region, as defined in Article 2(2)(p) of Council Directive 64/432/EEC(), where there is a density of pigs kept in holdings higher than 300 pigs per km2, or at a distance of less than 20 km2 from such a region;
‘contact holding’ means a holding where classical swine fever could have been introduced, whether as a result of the location, movement of persons, pigs or vehicles or in any other way.