Article 1


Member States shall:


establish a system for registering every production site (hereafter: establishment) covered by the scope of Directive 1999/74/EC, allocating a distinguishing number to it, in conformity with the Annex to this Directive;


ensure that for each such establishment at least the information set out in point 1 of the Annex is supplied to the competent authority of the Member State, by a date determined by the Member State; this date shall be such as to allow sufficient time for registration of those establishments in accordance with point (c);


ensure that each establishment for which the required information is supplied by the date determined pursuant to point (b) is registered and allocated a distinguishing number by 31 May 2003.


Member States shall provide that, from 1 June 2003


no establishment for which the information required pursuant to paragraph 1(b) has not been supplied by the date determined there may continue to be used; and


no new establishment is brought into use prior to completion of registration and receipt of the distinguishing number.


Member States shall ensure that the register of establishments established pursuant to paragraph 1 is accessible to the competent authority of the Member State for the purpose of tracing eggs put on the market for human consumption.


Member States shall ensure that changes concerning registered data are notified to the competent authority without delay and that the register is updated immediately when such information is received.