Article 13


Member States shall require that small EC packages:


bear on the outside, in accordance with Annex III, part B, a supplier's label, a printed notice or stamp in one of the official languages of the Community; in the case of transparent packages this label may be placed inside, provided it can be read through the package; the label shall be white in colour for basic seed and blue in colour for certified seed.


bear on the outside or on the supplier's label provided for in point (a) an officially assigned serial number; should an official adhesive label be used, the label shall be white in colour for basic seed and blue in colour for certified seed; the methods of attaching the said serial number may be fixed in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 28(2).


Member States may require that an official adhesive label containing all or part of the information laid down in Annex III, part B, be used for marking small EC packages packed in their territory; insofar as the information is given on such label, the marking provided for in point (a) of paragraph 1 shall not be required.