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1. Economic items U.K.

1.1. Withholding tax: U.K.

For Austria and Luxembourg (as long as they apply the transitional provisions set out in Chapter III), the total annual amount of tax revenue shared from the withholding tax, split by Member State of residence of the beneficial owners.

For Austria and Luxembourg (as long as they apply the transitional provisions set out in Chapter III), the total annual amount of tax revenue shared with the other Member States from the withholding tax levied under Article 11(5).

Data on the total amounts collected from the withholding tax, split by Member State of residence of the beneficial owners, should also be sent to the national institution in charge of compiling balance of payments statistics.

1.2. Amount of interest payments/sales proceeds: U.K.

For the Member States exchanging information or having opted for the voluntary disclosure provision under Article 13, the amount of interest payments within their territory which is subject to exchange of information under Article 9, split by Member State or Dependant and Associated Territory of residence of the beneficial owners.

For the Member States exchanging information or having opted for the voluntary disclosure provision under Article 13, the amount of sales proceeds within their territory which is subject to exchange of information under Article 9, split by Member State or Dependant and Associated Territory of residence of the beneficial owners.

For Member States exchanging information or having opted for the voluntary disclosure mechanism, the amount of interest payments subject to exchange of information, split by type of interest payments according to the categories set out in Article 8(2).

The data related to the total amounts of interest payments and sales proceeds, split by Member State of residence of the beneficial owners, should be communicated also to the national institution in charge of the compilation of Balance of Payments statistics.

1.3. Beneficial owner: U.K.

For all Member States, the number of beneficial owners resident in other Member States and Dependent and Associated Territories, split by Member State or Dependant and Associated Territory of residence.

1.4. Paying agents: U.K.

For all Member States, the number of paying agents (per sending Member State) involved in exchange of information or withholding tax for the purposes of this Directive.

1.5. Paying agents upon receipt: U.K.

For all Member States, the number of paying agents upon receipt having received interest payments within the meaning of Article 6(4). This concerns both sending Member States, in which interest payments have been made to paying agents upon receipt whose effective place of management is in other Member States, and receiving Member States, who have such entities or legal arrangements on their territory.

2. Technical items U.K.

2.1. Records: U.K.

For the Member States exchanging information or having opted for the voluntary disclosure provision of Article 13, the number of records sent and received. One record means one payment for one beneficial owner.

2.2. Processed/corrected records: U.K.

3. Optional items: U.K.

3.1. For the Member States, the amount of interest payments to entities or legal arrangements which is made subject to exchange of information under Article 4(2), split by Member State of the entity's place of effective management. U.K.

3.2. For the Member States, the amount of sales proceeds to entities or legal arrangements which is made subject to exchange of information under Article 4(2), split by Member State of establishment of the entity. U.K.

3.3. The respective shares of total annual tax collected from resident taxpayers on interest payments made to them by domestic paying agents and by foreign paying agents.] U.K.