Council Directive 2003/85/ECShow full title

Council Directive 2003/85/EC of 29 September 2003 on Community measures for the control of foot-and-mouth disease repealing Directive 85/511/EEC and Decisions 89/531/EEC and 91/665/EEC and amending Directive 92/46/EEC (Text with EEA relevance)

2.1.General provisionsU.K.

2.1.1.Serological sampling shall be carried out:U.K. to the recommendations of the epidemiological team established within the expert group referred to in Article 78, andU.K. support of tracing and the provision of evidence, taking also into account the definition in Annex I, for the absence of previous infection.U.K.
2.1.2.Where sampling is carried out in the framework of disease surveillance after an outbreak, actions shall not commence before at least 21 days have elapsed since the elimination of susceptible animals on the infected holding(s) and the carrying out of preliminary cleansing and disinfection, unless otherwise provided for in this Annex.U.K.
2.1.3.Sampling of animals of susceptible species shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Annex in each case where sheep and goats or other susceptible animals not displaying clear clinical signs are involved in the outbreak, and in particular where such animals have been isolated from bovine and porcine animals.U.K.