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Article 10U.K.Measures in case of confirmation of an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease

1.As soon as an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease is confirmed, Member States shall ensure that, in addition to the measures provided for in Articles 4 to 6 the following measures are also applied without delay on the holding:

(a)All animals of susceptible species shall be killed on-the-spot.

In exceptional circumstances the animals of susceptible species may be killed at the nearest suitable place for that purpose under official supervision and in such a way as to avoid the risk of spreading foot-and-mouth disease virus during transport and killing. The Member State concerned shall notify the Commission about the existence of such exceptional circumstances, and the action taken.

(b)The official veterinarian shall ensure that before or during the killing of the animals of susceptible species all appropriate samples needed for the epidemiological inquiry referred to in Article 13 have been taken in accordance with point of Annex III, and in sufficient numbers.

The competent authority may decide that Article 4(2) shall not apply in cases of appearance of a secondary source which is epidemiologically linked with a primary source for which samples have already been taken in accordance to that Article, provided that appropriate and sufficient numbers of samples needed for the epidemiological inquiry referred to in Article 13 have been taken.

(c)The carcasses of animals of susceptible species which have died on the holding and the carcasses of animals which have been killed in accordance with point (a) shall be processed without undue delay under official supervision in such a way that there is no risk of spreading foot-and-mouth disease virus. Where particular circumstances require the carcasses to be buried or burned, on site or off site, such operations shall be carried out in conformity with the instructions prepared in advance in the framework of the contingency plans referred to in Article 72.

(d)All products and substances referred to in Article 4(3)(c) shall be isolated until contamination can be ruled out, or treated in accordance with the instructions of the official veterinarian in such a way as to ensure the destruction of any foot-and-mouth disease virus, or processed.

2.After the killing and processing of the animals of susceptible species and the completion of the measures provided for in paragraph 1(d), Member States shall ensure that:

(a)the buildings used for housing animals of susceptible species, their surroundings and the vehicles used for their transportation, as well as all other buildings and equipment likely to be contaminated shall be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with Article 11;

(b)in addition, where there is a reasonable suspicion that the living area for humans or the office area of the holding are contaminated with the foot-and-mouth disease virus, these areas shall also be disinfected by appropriate means;

(c)restocking of animals is carried out in accordance with Annex V.