Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (repealed)Show full title

Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 2004 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility and repealing Directive 89/336/EEC (Text with EEA relevance) (repealed)

Article 13Fixed installations

1.Apparatus which has been placed on the market and which may be incorporated into a fixed installation is subject to all relevant provisions for apparatus set out in this Directive.

However, the provisions of Articles 5, 7, 8 and 9 shall not be compulsory in the case of apparatus which is intended for incorporation into a given fixed installation and is otherwise not commercially available. In such cases, the accompanying documentation shall identify the fixed installation and its electromagnetic compatibility characteristics and shall indicate the precautions to be taken for the incorporation of the apparatus into the fixed installation in order not to compromise the conformity of that installation. It shall furthermore include the information referred to in Article 9(1) and (2).

2.Where there are indications of non-compliance of the fixed installation, in particular, where there are complaints about disturbances being generated by the installation, the competent authorities of the Member State concerned may request evidence of compliance of the fixed installation, and, when appropriate, initiate an assessment.

Where non-compliance is established, the competent authorities may impose appropriate measures to bring the fixed installation into compliance with the protection requirements set out in Annex I, point 1.

3.Member States shall set out the necessary provisions for identifying the person or persons responsible for the establishment of compliance of a fixed installation with the relevant essential requirements.