
  • Distrigaz/NV Distrigaz.

  • Local authorities, or associations of local authorities, for this part of their activities.

[F1Bulgaria U.K.

  • Лица, които притежават лицензия за производство или пренос на топлинна енергия в съответствие с чл.39, ал.1 на Закона за енергетиката (обн., ДВ, бр.107/ 9.12.2003 ) (Entities licensed for production or transport of heat pursuant to Article 39(1) of the Law on Energy (published in State Gazette No 107/ 9.12.2003 )).

    • АЕЦ Козлодуй — ЕАД.

    • Брикел — ЕАД.

    • Девен АД.

    • ТЕЦ Марица 3 — АД.

    • Топлофикация Бургас — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Варна — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Велико Търново — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Враца — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Габрово — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Казанлък — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Ловеч — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Перник — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Пловдив — Север ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Плевен — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Правец — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Разград — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Русе — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Самоков — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Сливен — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация София — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Шумен — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Ямбол ЕАД.

  • Лица, които притежават лицензия за пренос, разпределение, обществена доставка или обществено снабдяване с природен газ в съответствие с чл.39, ал.1 на Закона за енергетиката (обн., ДВ, бр.107/ 9.12.2003 ) (Entities licensed for transport, distribution, public delivery or public supply of gas pursuant to Article 39(1) of the Law on Energy (published in State Gazette No 107/ 9.12.2003 )).

    • Булгаргаз — ЕАД.

    • Балкангаз 2000 АД.

    • Варнагаз АД.

    • Велбъждгаз АД.

    • Газинженеринг — ООД.

    • Газоснабдяване Асеновград АД.

    • Газоснабдяване Бургас ЕАД.

    • Газоснабдяване Враца ЕАД.

    • Газоснабдяване Нова Загора АД.

    • Газоснабдяване Нови Пазар АД.

    • Газоснабдяване Попово АД.

    • Газоснабдяване Първомай АД.

    • Газоснабдяване Разград АД.

    • Газоснабдяване Русе ЕАД.

    • Газоснабдяване Стара Загора ООД.

    • Добруджа газ АД.

    • Каварна газ ООД.

    • Камено-газ ЕООД.

    • Кнежа газ ООД.

    • Кожухгаз АД.

    • Комекес АД.

    • Ловечгаз 96 АД.

    • Монтанагаз АД.

    • Овергаз Инк. АД.

    • Павгаз АД.

    • Плевенгаз АД.

    • Правецгаз 1 АД.

    • Примагаз АД.

    • Раховецгаз 96 АД.

    • Севлиевогаз -2000 — АД.

    • Софиягаз ЕАД.

    • Хебросгаз АД.

    • Централ газ АД.

    • Черноморска технологична компания АД.

    • Ямболгаз 92 АД.]


  • Entities distributing gas or heat on the basis of an authorisation pursuant to § 4 of the lov om varmeforsyning, see Consolidation Act No 772 of 24 July 2000.

  • Entities transporting gas on the basis of a licence pursuant to § 10 of lov nr. 449 om naturgasforsyning of 31 May 2000.

  • Entities transporting gas on the basis of an authorisation pursuant to bekendtgørelse nr. 141 om rørledningsanlæg på dansk kontinentalsokkelområde til transport af kulbrinter of 13 March 1974.


  • Local authorities, public law bodies or associations of public law bodies or State-controlled undertakings supplying gas or heat to others or operating a general supply network pursuant to Article 2(3) of the Gesetz über die Elektrizitäts- und Gasversorgung (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz) of 24 April 1998, as last amended on 10 November 2001.


  • ‘Δημόσια Επιχείρηση Αερίου (Δ.ΕΠ.Α.) Α.Ε.’, which transports and distributes gas in accordance with Law No 2364/95, as amended by Laws Nos 2528/97, 2593/98 and 2773/99.


  • Enagas, S.A.

  • Bahía de Bizkaia Gas, S.L.

  • Gasoducto Al Andalus, S.A.

  • Gasoducto de Extremadura, S.A.

  • Infraestructuras Gasistas de Navarra, S.A.

  • Regasificadora del Noroeste, S.A.

  • Sociedad de Gas de Euskadi, S.A

  • Transportista Regional de Gas, S.A.

  • Unión Fenosa de Gas, S.A.

  • Bilbogas, S.A.

  • Compañía Española de Gas, S.A.

  • Distribución y Comercialización de Gas de Extramadura, S.A.

  • Distribuidora Regional de Gas, S.A.

  • Donostigas, S.A.

  • Gas Alicante, S.A.

  • Gas Andalucía, S.A.

  • Gas Aragón, S.A.

  • Gas Asturias, S.A.

  • Gas Castilla – La Mancha, S.A.

  • Gas Directo, S.A.

  • Gas Figueres, S.A.

  • Gas Galicia SDG, S.A.

  • Gas Hernani, S.A.

  • Gas Natural de Cantabria, S.A.

  • Gas Natural de Castilla y León, S.A.

  • Gas Natural SDG, S.A.

  • Gas Natural de Alava, S.A.

  • Gas Natural de La Coruña, S.A.

  • Gas Natural de Murcia SDG, S.A.

  • Gas Navarra, S.A.

  • Gas Pasaia, S.A.

  • Gas Rioja, S.A.

  • Gas y Servicios Mérida, S.L.

  • Gesa Gas, S.A.

  • Meridional de Gas, S.A.U.

  • Sociedad del Gas Euskadi, S.A.

  • Tolosa Gas, S.A.


  • Société nationale des gaz du Sud-Ouest, transporting gas.

  • Gaz de France, set up and operated pursuant to loi no 46-628 sur la nationalisation de l'électricité et du gaz of 8 April 1946, as amended.

  • Entities distributing electricity mentioned in Article 23 of loi no 46-628 sur la nationalisation de l'électricité et du gaz of 8 April 1946, as amended.

  • Compagnie française du méthane, transporting gas.

  • Local authorities or associations of local authorities, distributing heat.


  • Bord Gáis Éireann

  • Other entities that may be licensed to undertake the activity of natural gas distribution or transmission by the Commission for Energy Regulation pursuant to the provisions of the Gas Acts 1976 to 2002.

  • Entities licensed under the Electricity Regulation Act 1999 which as operators of ‘Combined Heat and Power Plants’ are engaged in the distribution of heat.


  • SNAM Rete Gas s.p.a., SGM and EDISON T&S, transporting gas.

  • Entities distributing gas governed by the consolidated text of the laws on the direct assumption of control of public services by local authorities and provinces, approved by Royal Decree No. 2578 of 15 October 1925 and by Presidential Decree No. 902 of 4 October 1986.

  • Entities distributing heat to the public as referred to in Article 10 of Law No. 308 of 29 May 1982 — Norme sul contenimento dei consumi energici, lo sviluppo delle fonti rinnovabili di energia, l'esercizio di centrali elettriche alimentate con combustibili dagli idrocarburi.

  • Local authorities, or associations of local authorities, distributing heat to the public.


  • Société de transport de gaz SOTEG S.A.

  • Gaswierk Esch-Uelzecht S.A.

  • Service industriel de la Ville de Dudelange.

  • Service industriel de la Ville de Luxembourg.

  • Local authorities or associations formed by those local authorities responsible for the distribution of heat.


  • Entities producing, transporting or distributing gas on the basis of a licence (vergunning) granted by the municipal authorities pursuant to the Gemeentewet.

  • Municipal or provincial authorities transporting or distributing gas pursuant to the Gemeentewet or the Provinciewet.

  • Local authorities or associations of local authorities distributing heat to the public.


  • Entities authorised to transport or distribute gas pursuant to the Energiewirtschaftsgesetz, dRGBl. I, pp. 1451-1935 or the Gaswirtschaftgesetz, BGBl. I No 121/2000, as amended.

  • Entities authorised to transport or distribute heat pursuant to the Gewerbeordnung, BGBl. No 194/1994, as amended.


  • Entities transporting or distributing gas pursuant to Article 1 of Decree-Law No 8/2000 of 8 February 2000, with the exception of subparagraphs (ii) and (iii) of paragraph 3(b) of that Article.

[F1Romania U.K.

  • Societatea Națională de Transport Gaze Naturale Transgaz — SA Mediaș .

  • Societatea Națională de Distribuție a Gazelor Naturale — Distrigaz Sud — SA București .

  • Societatea Națională de Distribuție a Gazelor Naturale — Distrigaz Nord — SA București .

  • Societăți de distribuție locală (Empresas locales de distribución) .]


  • Public or other entities operating a gas network transport system and transporting or distributing gas under a licence pursuant to Chapter 3(1) or Chapter 6(1) of themaakaasumarkkinalaki/naturgasmarknadslagen (508/2000); and municipal entities or public enterprises producing, transporting or distributing heat or providing heat to networks.


  • Entities transporting or distributing gas or heat on the basis of a concession pursuant to lagen (1978:160) om vissa rörledningar.

United KingdomU.K.

  • A public gas transporter as defined in section 7(1) of the Gas Act 1986.

  • A person declared to be an undertaker for the supply of gas under Article 8 of the Gas (Northern Ireland) Order 1996.

  • A local authority which provides or operates a fixed network which provides or will provide a service to the public in connection with the production, transport or distribution of heat.

  • A person licensed under section 6(1)(a) of the Electricity Act 1989 whose licence includes the provisions referred to in section 10(3) of that Act.

  • The Northern Ireland Housing Executive.



  • SA Electrabel/NV Electrabel.

  • Local authorities and associations of local authorities, for this part of their activities.

  • SA Société de Production d'Electricité/NV Elektriciteitsproductie Maatschappij.

[F1Bulgaria U.K.

  • Лица, които притежават лицензия за производство, пренос, разпределение, обществена доставка или обществено снабдяване с електрическа енергия в съответствие с чл.39, ал.1 на Закона за енергетиката (обн., ДВ, бр.107/ 9.12.2003 ) (Entities licensed for production, transport, distribution, public delivery or public supply of electricity pursuant to Article 39(1) of the Law on Energy (published in State Gazette No 107/ 9.12.2003 )),

    • АЕЦ Козлодуй — ЕАД.

    • Брикел — ЕАД.

    • Българско акционерно дружество Гранитоид АД.

    • Девен АД.

    • ЕЙ И ЕС — 3С Марица Изток 1.

    • Електроразпределение Варна — ЕАД.

    • Електроразпределение Горна Оряховица — ЕАД.

    • Електроразпределение Плевен — ЕАД.

    • Електроразпределение Пловдив — ЕАД.

    • Електроразпределение София Област — ЕАД.

    • Електроразпределение Стара Загора — ЕАД.

    • Електроразпределение Столично — ЕАД.

    • Енергийна компания Марица Изток III — АД.

    • Енерго-про България — АД.

    • ЕРП Златни пясъци АД.

    • Златни пясъци-сервиз АД.

    • НЕК ЕАД.

    • Петрол АД.

    • Руно-Казанлък АД.

    • Сентрал хидроелектрик дьо Булгари ЕООД.

    • Сииф Мекамиди-Литекс ООД.

    • Слънчев бряг АД.

    • ТЕЦ — Бобов Дол ЕАД.

    • ТЕЦ — Варна ЕАД.

    • ТЕЦ Марица 3 — АД.

    • ТЕЦ Марица Изток 2 — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Габрово — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Казанлък — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Перник — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Плевен — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Пловдив — Север ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Русе — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Сливен — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация София — ЕАД.

    • Топлофикация Шумен — ЕАД.]


  • Entities producing electricity on the basis of a licence pursuant to § 10 of the lov om elforsyning, see Consolidation Act No 767 of 28 August 2001.

  • Entities transporting electricity on the basis of a licence pursuant to § 19 of the lov om elforsyning, see Consolidation Act No 767 of 28 August 2001.

  • Entities undertaking responsibility for the system on the basis of a licence pursuant to § 27 of the lov om elforsyning, see Consolidation Act No 767 of 28 August 2001.


  • Local authorities, public law bodies or associations of public law bodies or State undertakings, supplying electricity to other undertakings or operating a general supply network pursuant to Article 2(3) of the Gesetz über die Elektrizitäts- und Gasversorgung (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz) of 24 April 1998, as last amended on 10 November 2001.


  • ‘Δημόσια Επιχείρηση Ηλεκτρισμού Α.Ε.’, set up by Law No 1468/1950 περί ιδρύσεως της ΔΕΗ and operates in accordance with Law No 2773/1999 and Presidential Decree No 333/1999.

  • The company ‘ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΥ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΟΣ ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΑΣ ΗΛΕΚΤΡΙΚΗΣ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΣ Α.Ε.’ known as ‘ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΤΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΟΣ ή ΔΕΣΜΗΕ’, set up pursuant to Article 14 of Law No 2773/1999 and Presidential Decree No 328/2000 (Greek Official Gazette 268).


  • Red Eléctrica de España, S.A.

  • Endesa, S.A.

  • Iberdrola, S.A.

  • Unión Fenosa, S.A.

  • Hidroeléctrica del Cantábrico, S.A.

  • Electra del Viesgo, S.A.

  • Otras entidades encargadas de la producción, transporte y distribución de electricidad en virtud de la Ley 54/1997, de 27 de noviembre, del Sector eléctrico y su normativa de desarrollo.


  • Électricité de France, set up and operating pursuant to loi no 46-628 sur la nationalisation de l'électricité et du gaz of 8 April 1946, as amended.

  • Entities distributing electricity and referred to in Article 23 of loi no 46-628 sur la nationalisation de l'électricité et du gaz of 8 April 1946, as amended.

  • Compagnie nationale du Rhône.


  • The Electricity Supply Board.

  • ESB Independent Energy [ESBIE — electricity supply].

  • Synergen Ltd. [electricity generation].

  • Viridian Energy Supply Ltd. [electricity supply].

  • Huntstown Power Ltd. [electricity generation].

  • Bord Gáis Éireann [electricity supply].

  • Electricity Suppliers and Generators licensed under the Electricity Regulation Act 1999.


  • Companies in the Gruppo Enel authorised to produce, transmit and distribute electricity within the meaning of Legislative Decree No 79 of 16 March 1999, as subsequently amended and supplemented.

  • Other undertakings operating on the basis of concessions under Legislative Decree No 79 of 16 March 1999.


  • Compagnie grand-ducale d'électricité de Luxembourg (CEGEDEL), producing or distributing electricity pursuant to the convention concernant l'établissement et l'exploitation des réseaux de distribution d'énergie électrique dans le Grand-Duché du Luxembourg of 11 November 1927, approved by the Law of 4 January 1928.

  • Local authorities responsible for the transport or distribution of electricity.

  • Société électrique de l'Our (SEO).

  • Syndicat de communes SIDOR.


  • Entities distributing electricity on the basis of a licence (vergunning) granted by the provincial authorities pursuant to the Provinciewet.


  • Entities operating a transmission or distribution network pursuant to the Elektrizitätswirtschafts- und Organisationsgesetz, BGBl. I No 143/1998, as amended, or pursuant to the Elektrizitätswirtschafts(wesen)gesetze of the nine Länder.



  • ELECTRICIDADE DE PORTUGAL (EDP), set up pursuant to Decree-Law No 182/95 of 27 July 1995, as amended by Decree-Law No 56/97 of 14 March 1997.

  • EMPRESA ELÉCTRICA DOS AÇORES (EDA), operating pursuant to Regional Legislative Decree No 15/96/A of 1 August 1996.

  • EMPRESA DE ELECTRICIDADE DA MADEIRA (EEM), operating pursuant to Decree-Law No 99/91 and Decree-Law No 100/91, both of 2 March 1991.


  • Entities producing electricity pursuant to Decree-Law No 183/95 of 27 July 1995, as amended by Decree-Law No 56/97 of 14 March 1997, as further amended by Decree-Law No 198/2000 of 24 August 2000.

  • Independent producers of electricity pursuant to Decree-Law No 189/88 of 27 May 1988, as amended by Decree-Laws No 168/99 of 18 May 1999, No 313/95 of 24 November 1995, No 312/2001 of 10 December 2001 and No 339-C/2001 of 29 December 2001.


  • Entities transporting electricity pursuant to Decree-Law No 185/95 of 27 July 1995, as amended by Decree-Law No 56/97 of 14 March 1997.


  • Entities distributing electricity pursuant to Decree-Law No 184/95 of 27 July 1995, as amended by Decree-Law No 56/97 of 14 March 1997, and pursuant to Decree-Law No 344-B/82 of 1 September 1982, as amended by Decree-Law No.297/86 of 19 September 1986 and by Decree-Law No 341/90 of 30 October 1990 and Decree-Law No 17/92 of 5 February 1992.

[F1Romania U.K.

  • Societatea Comercială de Producere a Energiei Electrice Hidroelectrica — SA București

  • Societatea Națională Nuclearelectrica — SA

  • Societatea Comercială de Producere a Energiei Electrice și Termice Termoelectrica SA

  • S.C. Electrocentrale Deva SA

  • S.C. Electrocentrale București SA

  • S.C. Electrocentrale Galați SA

  • S.C. Electrocentrale Termoelectrica SA

  • Societatea Comercială Complexul Energetic Rovinari

  • Societatea Comercială Complexul Energetic Turceni

  • Societatea Comercială Complexul Energetic Craiova

  • Compania Națională de Transport a Energiei Electrice Transelectrica — SA București

  • Societatea Comercială de Distribuție și Furnizare a Energiei Electrice Electrica — SA București :

    • S.C. Filiala de Distribuție și Furnizare a energiei electrice Electrica BANAT SA

    • S.C. Filiala de Distribuție și Furnizare a energiei electrice Electrica DOBROGEA SA

    • S.C. Filiala de Distribuție și Furnizare a energiei electrice Electrica MOLDOVA SA

    • S.C. Filiala de Distribuție și Furnizare a energiei electrice Electrica MUNTENIA SUD SA

    • S.C. Filiala de Distribuție și Furnizare a energiei electrice Electrica MUNTENIA NORD SA

    • S.C. Filiala de Distribuție și Furnizare a energiei electrice Electrica OLTENIA SA

    • S.C. Filiala de Distribuție și Furnizare a energiei electrice Electrica TRANSILVANIA SUD SA

    • S.C. Filiala de Distribuție și Furnizare a energiei electrice Electrica TRANSILVANIA NORD SA .]


  • Municipal entities and public enterprises producing electricity and entities responsible for the maintenance of electricity transport or distribution networks and for transporting electricity or for the electricity system under a licence pursuant to Section 4 or 16 of thesähkömarkkinalakisähkömarkkinalaki/elmarknadslagen (386/1995).


  • Entities transporting or distributing electricity on the basis of a concession pursuant to ellagen (1997:857).

United KingdomU.K.

  • A person licensed under section 6 of the Electricity Act 1989.

  • A person licensed under Article 10(1) of the Electricity (Northern Ireland) Order 1992.



  • Aquinter

  • Local authorities and associations of local authorities, for this part of their activities.

  • Société wallonne des Eaux

  • Vlaams Maatschappij voor Watervoorziening

[F1Bulgaria U.K.

  • В И К — Батак — ЕООД, Батак

  • В и К — Белово — ЕООД, Белово

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация Берковица — ЕООД, Берковица

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ЕООД, Благоевград

  • В и К — Бебреш — ЕООД, Ботевград

  • Инфрастрой — ЕООД, Брацигово

  • Водоснабдяване — ЕООД, Брезник

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ЕАД, Бургас

  • Бързийска вода — ЕООД, Бързия

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ООД, Варна

  • ВиК-Златни пясъци — ООД, Варна

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация Йовковци — ООД, Велико Търново

  • Водоснабдяване, канализация и териториален водоинженеринг — ЕООД, Велинград

  • ВИК — ЕООД, Видин

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ООД, Враца

  • В И К — ООД, Габрово

  • В И К — ООД, Димитровград

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ЕООД, Добрич

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — Дупница — ЕООД, Дупница

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ООД, Исперих

  • В И К — Кресна — ЕООД, Кресна

  • Меден кладенец — ЕООД, Кубрат

  • ВИК — ООД, Кърджали

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ООД, Кюстендил

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ООД, Ловеч

  • В и К — Стримон — ЕООД, Микрево

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ООД, Монтана

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — П — ЕООД, Панагюрище

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ООД, Перник

  • В И К — ЕООД, Петрич

  • Водоснабдяване, канализация и строителство — ЕООД, Пещера

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ЕООД, Плевен

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ЕООД, Пловдив

  • Водоснабдяване–Дунав — ЕООД, Разград

  • ВКТВ — ЕООД, Ракитово

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ООД, Русе

  • УВЕКС — ЕООД, Сандански

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ЕАД, Свищов

  • Бяла — ЕООД, Севлиево

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ООД, Силистра

  • В и К — ООД, Сливен

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ЕООД, Смолян

  • Софийска вода — АД, София

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ЕООД, София

  • Стамболово — ЕООД, Стамболово

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ЕООД, Стара Загора

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация-С — ЕООД, Стрелча

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — Тетевен — ЕООД, Тетевен

  • В и К — Стенето — ЕООД, Троян

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ООД, Търговище

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ЕООД, Хасково

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ООД, Шумен

  • Водоснабдяване и канализация — ЕООД, Ямбол.]


  • Entities supplying water as defined in § 3(3) of lovbekendtgørelse nr. 130 om vandforsyning m.v. of 26 February 1999.


  • Entities producing or distributing water pursuant to the Eigenbetriebsverordnungen or Eigenbetriebsgesetze of the Länder (public utility companies).

  • Entities producing or distributing water pursuant to the Gesetze über die kommunale Gemeinschaftsarbeit oder Zusammenarbeit of the Länder.

  • Entities producing water pursuant to the Gesetz über Wasser- und Bodenverbände of 12 February 1991, as last amended on 15 May 2002.

  • Publicly-owned companies producing or distributing water pursuant to the Kommunalgesetze, in particular the Gemeindeverordnungen of the Länder.

  • Undertakings set up pursuant to the Aktiengesetz of 6 September 1965, as last amended on 19 July 2002, or the GmbH-Gesetz of 20 April 1892, as last amended on 19 July 2002, or having the legal status of a Kommanditgesellschaft (limited partnership), producing or distributing water on the basis of a special contract with regional or local authorities.


  • ‘Εταιρεία Υδρεύσεως και Αποχετεύσεως Πρωτευούσης Α.Ε.’ (‘Ε.Υ.Δ.Α.Π.’ or ‘Ε.Υ.Δ.Α.Π. Α.Ε.’). The legal status of the company is governed by the provisions of Consolidated Law No 2190/1920, Law No 2414/1996 and additionally by the provisions of Law No 1068/80 and Law No 2744/1999.

  • ‘Εταιρεία Ύδρευσης και Αποχέτευσης Θεσσαλονίκης Α.Ε.’ (‘Ε.Υ.Α.Θ. Α.Ε.’) governed by the provisions of Law No 2937/2001 (Greek Official Gazette 169 Α') and of Law No 2651/1998 (Greek Official Gazette 248 Α').

  • ‘Δημοτική Επιχείρηση Ύδρευσης και Αποχέτευσης Μείζονος Περιοχής Βόλου’ (‘ΔΕΥΑΜΒ’), which operates pursuant to Law No 890/1979.

  • ‘Δημοτικές Επιχειρήσεις Ύδρευσης — Αποχέτευσης’, which produce and distribute water pursuant to Law No 1069/80 of 23 August 1980.

  • ‘Σύνδεσμοι Ύδρευσης’, which operate pursuant to Presidential Decree No 410/1995, in accordance with the Κώδικoς Δήμων και Κοινοτήτων.

  • ‘Δήμοι και Κοινότητες’, which operate pursuant to Presidential Decree No 410/1995, in accordance with the Κώδικoς Δήμων και Κοινοτήτων.


  • Mancomunidad de Canales de Taibilla.

  • Otras entidades públicas integradas o dependientes de las Comunidades Autónomas y de las Corporaciones locales que actúan en el ámbito de la distribución de agua potable.

  • Otras entidades privadas que tienen concedidos derechos especiales o exclusivos por las Corporaciones locales en el ámbito de la distribución de agua potable.


  • Regional or local authorities and public local bodies producing or distributing drinking water.


  • Entities producing or distributing water pursuant to the Local Government [Sanitary Services] Act 1878 to 1964.


  • Bodies responsible for managing the various stages of the water distribution service under the consolidated text of the laws on the direct assumption of control of public services by local authorities and provinces, approved by Royal Decree No. 2578 of 15 October 1925, Presidential Decree No. 902 of 4 October 1986 and Legislative Decree No. 267 setting out the consolidated text of the laws on the structure of local authorities, with particular reference to Articles 112 to 116.

  • Ente Autonomo Acquedotto Pugliese set up by Royal Decree-Law No. 2060 of 19 October 1919.

  • Ente Acquedotti Siciliani set up by Regional Law No. 2/2 of 4 September 1979 and Regional Law No. 81 of 9 August 1980.

  • Ente Sardo Acquedotti e Fognature set up by Law No. 9 of 5 July 1963.


  • Departments of the local authorities responsible for water distribution.

  • Associations of local authorities producing or distributing water, set up pursuant to the loi concernant la création des syndicats de communes of 23 February 2001, as amended and supplemented by the Law of 23 December 1958 and by the Law of 29 July 1981, and pursuant to the loi ayant pour objet le renforcement de l'alimentation en eau potable du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg à partir du réservoir d'Esch-sur-Sûre of 31 July 1962.


  • Entities producing or distributing water according to the Waterleidingwet.


  • Local authorities and associations of local authorities producing, transporting or distributing drinking water pursuant to the Wasserversorgungsgesetze of the nine Länder.


  • INTERMUNICIPAL SYSTEMS — Undertakings involving the State or other public entities, with a majority shareholding, and private undertakings, pursuant to Decree-Law No 379/93 of 5 November 1993. Direct administration by the State is permissible.

  • MUNICIPAL SYSTEMS — Local authorities, associations of local authorities, local authority services, undertakings in which all or a majority of the capital is publicly owned or private undertakings pursuant to Decree-Law No 379/93 of 5 November 1993 and Law No 58/98 of 18 August 1998.

[F1Romania U.K.

  • Departamente ale autorităților locale și companii care produc, transportă și distribuie apă (departments of the local authorities and companies that produce, transport and distribute water).]


  • Water supply authorities coming under Section 3 of thevesihuoltolaki/lagen om vattentjänster (119/2001).


  • Local authorities and municipal companies producing, transporting or distributing drinking water pursuant to lagen (1970:244) om allmänna vatten- och avloppsanläggningar.

United KingdomU.K.

  • A company holding an appointment as a water undertaker or a sewerage undertaker under the Water Industry Act 1991.

  • A water and sewerage authority established by section 62 of the Local Government etc (Scotland) Act 1994.

  • The Department for Regional Development (Northern Ireland).



  • Société nationale des Chemins de fer belges/Nationale Maatschappij der Belgische Spoorwegen.

[F1Bulgaria U.K.

  • Национална компания Железопътна инфраструктура

  • Български държавни железници ЕАД

  • Българска Железопътна Компания АД

  • Булмаркет — ДМ ООД.]


  • Danske Statsbaner.

  • Entities pursuant to lov nr. 1317 om amtskommunernes overtagelse af de statslige ejerandele i privatbanerne of 20 December 2000.

  • Ørestadsselskabet I/S.


  • Deutsche Bahn AG.

  • Other undertakings providing railway services to the public pursuant to Article 2(1) of the Allgemeines Eisenbahngesetz of 27 December 1993, as last amended on 21 June 2002.


  • ‘Oργανισμός Σιδηροδρόμων Ελλάδος Α.Ε.’ (‘Ο.Σ.Ε. Α.Ε.’), pursuant to Law No 2671/98.

  • ‘ΕΡΓΟΣΕ Α.Ε.’ pursuant to Law No 2366/95.


  • Ente público Gestor de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (GIF).

  • Red Nacional de los Ferrocarriles Españoles (RENFE).

  • Ferrocarriles de Vía Estrecha (FEVE).

  • Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC).

  • Eusko Trenbideak (Bilbao).

  • Ferrocarriles de la Generalitat Valenciana. (FGV).

  • Ferrocarriles de Mallorca.


  • Société nationale des chemins de fer français and other rail networks open to the public, referred to in loi d'orientation des transports intérieurs No 82-1153 of 30 December 1982, Title II, Chapter 1.

  • Réseau ferré de France, State-owned company set up by Law No 97-135 of 13 February 1997.


  • Iarnród Éireann [Irish Rail]

  • Railway Procurement Agency


  • Ferrovie dello Stato S. p. A.

  • Trenitalia S. p. A.

  • Entities, companies and undertakings providing railway services on the basis of a concession pursuant to Article 10 of Royal Decree No. 1447 of 9 May 1912, approving the consolidated text of the laws on le ferrovie concesse all'industria privata, le tramvie a trazione meccanica e gli automobili.

  • Entities, companies and undertakings providing railway services on the basis of a concession pursuant to Article 4 of Law No. 410 of 4 June 1949 — Concorso dello Stato per la riattivazione dei pubblici servizi di trasporto in concessione.

  • Entities, companies and undertakings or local authorities providing railway services on the basis of a concession pursuant to Article 14 of Law No. 1221 of 2 August 1952 — Provvedimenti per l'esercizio ed il potenziamento di ferrovie di altre linee di trasporto in regime di concessione.

  • Entities, companies and undertakings providing public transport services pursuant to Articles 8 and 9 of Legislative Decree No. 422 of 19 November 1997 — Conferimento alle regioni ed agli enti locali di funzioni e compiti in materia di trasporto pubblico locale, under the terms of Article 4(4) of Law No. 9 of 15 March 1997, as amended by Legislative Decree No 400 of20 September 1999 and by Article 45 of Law No. 166 of 1 August 2002.


  • Chemins de fer luxembourgeois (CFL).


  • Procuring entities in the field of railway services.


  • Österreichische Bundesbahn.

  • Schieneninfrastrukturfinanzierungs–Gesellschaft mbH sowie.

  • Entities authorised to provide transport services pursuant to Eisenbahngesetz, BGBl. No 60/1957, as amended.


  • CP – Caminhos de Ferro de Portugal, E.P., pursuant to Decree-Law No 109/77 of 23 March 1977.

  • REFER, E.P., pursuant to Decree-Law No 104/97 of 29 April 1997.

  • RAVE, S.A., pursuant to Decree-Law No 323-H/2000 of 19 December 2000.

  • Fertagus, S.A., pursuant to Decree-Law No 189-B/99 of 2 June 1999.

  • Metro do Porto, S.A., pursuant to Decree-Law No 394-A/98 of 15 December 1998, as amended by Decree-Law No 261/2001 of 26 September 2001.

  • Normetro, S.A., pursuant to Decree-Law No 394-A/98 of 15 December 1998, as amended by Decree-Law No 261/2001 of 26 September 2001.

  • Metropolitano Ligeiro de Mirandela, S.A., pursuant to Decree-Law No 15/95 of 8 February 1995.

  • Metro do Mondego, S.A., pursuant to Decree-Law No 10/2002 of 24 January 2002.

  • Metro Transportes do Sul, S.A., pursuant to Decree-Law No 337/99 of 24 August 1999.

  • Local authorities and local authority undertakings providing transport services pursuant to Law No 159/99 of 14 September 1999.

  • Public authorities and public undertakings providing railway services pursuant to Law No 10/90 of 17 March 1990.

  • Private undertakings providing railway services pursuant to Law No 10/90 of 17 March 1990, where they hold special or exclusive rights.

[F1Romania U.K.

  • Societatea Națională Căile Ferate Române — SNCFR S.A.,

  • Societatea Națională de Transport Feroviar de Călători CFR — Călători .]


  • VR Osakeyhtiö/VR Aktiebolag


  • Public entities operating railway services in accordance with förordningen (1996:734) om statens spåranläggningar and lagen (1990:1157) om järnvägssäkerhet.

  • Regional and local public entities operating regional or local railway communications pursuant to lagen (1997:734) om ansvar för viss kollektiv persontrafik.

  • Private entities operating railway services pursuant to an authorisation granted under förordningen (1996:734) om statens spåranläggningar, where such permission complies with Article 2(3) of the Directive.

United KingdomU.K.

  • Railtrack plc

  • Eurotunnel plc

  • Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company

  • Northern Ireland Railways Company Limited



  • Société des Transports intercommunaux de Bruxelles/Maatschappij voor intercommunaal Vervoer van Brussel

  • Société régionale wallonne du Transport et ses sociétés d'exploitation (TEC Liège–Verviers, TEC Namur–Luxembourg, TEC Brabant wallon, TEC Charleroi, TEC Hainaut)/ Société régionale wallonne du Transport en haar exploitatiemaatschappijen (TEC Liège–Verviers, TEC Namur–Luxembourg, TEC Brabant wallon, TEC Charleroi, TEC Hainaut)

  • Vlaamse Vervoermaatschappij (De Lijn)

  • Private companies benefiting from special or exclusive rights.

[F1Bulgaria U.K.

  • Метрополитен ЕАД София,

  • Столичен електротранспорт ЕАД София,

  • Столичен автотранспорт ЕАД, София,

  • Бургасбус ЕООД, Бургас,

  • Градски транспорт ЕАД, Варна,

  • Тролейбусен транспорт ЕООД, Враца,

  • Общински пътнически транспорт ЕООД, Габрово,

  • Автобусен транспорт ЕООД, Добрич,

  • Тролейбусен транспорт ЕООД, Добрич,

  • Тролейбусен транспорт ЕООД, Пазарджик,

  • Тролейбусен транспорт ЕООД, Перник,

  • Автобусни превози ЕАД, Плевен,

  • Тролейбусен транспорт ЕООД, Плевен,

  • Градски транспорт Пловдив ЕАД, Пловдив,

  • Градски транспорт ЕООД, Русе,

  • Пътнически превози ЕАД, Сливен,

  • Автобусни превози ЕООД, Стара Загора,

  • Тролейбусен транспорт ЕООД, Хасково.]


  • Danske Statsbaner

  • Entities providing bus services to the public (ordinary regular services) on the basis of an authorisation pursuant to lovbekendtgørelse nr. 738 om buskørsel of 22 December 1999.

  • Ørestadsselskabet I/S.


  • Undertakings providing, on the basis of an authorisation, short-distance transport services to the public pursuant to the Personenbeförderungsgesetz of 21 March 1961, as last amended on 21 August 2002.


  • ‘Ηλεκτροκίνητα Λεωφορεία Περιοχής Αθηνών - Πειραιώς Α.Ε.’ (‘Η.Λ.Π.Α.Π. Α.Ε.’), established and operating pursuant to Legislative Decree No 768/1970 (Α'273), Law No 588/1977 (Α'148) and Law No 2669/1998 (Α'283).

  • ‘Ηλεκτρικοί Σιδηρόδρομοι Αθηνών – Πειραιώς’ (‘Η.Σ.Α.Π. Α.Ε.’), established and operating pursuant to Laws Nos 352/1976 (Α' 147) and 2669/1998 (Α'283).

  • ‘Οργανισμός Αστικών Συγκοινωνιών Αθηνών Α.Ε.’ (‘Ο.Α.ΣΑ. Α.Ε.’), established and operating pursuant to Laws Nos 2175/1993 (Α'211) and 2669/1998 (Α'283).

  • ‘Εταιρεία Θερμικών Λεωφορείων Α.Ε.’ (‘Ε.Θ.Ε.Λ. Α.Ε.’), established and operating pursuant to Laws Nos 2175/1993 (Α'211) and 2669/1998 (Α'283).

  • ‘Αττικό Μετρό Α.Ε.’, established and operating pursuant to Law No 1955/1991.

  • ‘Οργανισμός Αστικών Συγκοινωνιών Θεσσαλονίκης’ (‘Ο.Α.Σ.Θ.’), established and operating pursuant to Decree No 3721/1957, Legislative Decree No 716/1970 and Laws Nos 66/79 and 2898/2001 (Α'71).

  • ‘Κοινό Ταμείο Είσπραξης Λεωφορείων’ (‘Κ.Τ.Ε.Λ.’), operating pursuant to Law No 2963/2001 (Α'268).

  • ‘Δημοτικές Επιχειρήσεις Λεωφορείων Ρόδου και Κω’, otherwise known as ‘ΡΟΔΑ’ and ‘ΔΕΑΣ ΚΩ’ respectively, operating pursuant to Law No 2963/2001 (Α'268).


  • Entidades que prestan servicios públicos de transporte urbano con arreglo a la Ley 7/1985, de 2 de abril, Reguladora de las Bases de Régimen Local; Real Decreto legislativo 781/1986, de 18 de abril, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de las disposiciones legales vigentes en materia de régimen local y correspondiente legislación autonómica en su caso.

  • Entidades que prestan servicios públicos de autobuses con arreglo a la disposición transitoria tercera de la Ley 16/1987, de 30 de julio, de Ordenación de los Transportes Terrestres.


  • Entities providing transport services to the public pursuant to Article 7-II of loi d'orientation des transports intérieurs n° 82-1153 of 30 December 1982.

  • Régie autonome des transports parisiens, Société nationale des chemins de fer français and other entities providing transport services on the basis of an authorisation granted by the Syndicat des transports d'Ile-de-France, pursuant to Order No 59-151 of 7 January 1959 as amended and the Decrees implementing it with regard to the organisation of passenger transport in the Ile-de-France region.

  • Réseau ferré de France, State-owned company set up by Law No 97-135 of 13 February 1997.


  • Iarnród Éireann [Irish Rail]

  • Railway Procurement Agency

  • Luas [Dublin Light Rail]

  • Bus Éireann [Irish Bus]

  • Bus Átha Cliath [Dublin Bus]

  • Entities providing transport services to the public pursuant to the amended Road Transport Act 1932.


  • Entities, companies and undertakings providing public transport services by rail, automated system, tramway, trolleybus or bus or managing the relevant infrastructures at national, regional or local level.

    They include, for example:

    • Entities, companies and undertakings providing transport services on the basis of a concession pursuant to Law No 1822 of 28 September 1939 — Disciplina degli autoservizi di linea (autolinee per viaggiatori, bagagli e pacchi agricoli in regime di concessione all'industria privata) — Article 1, as amended by Article 45 of the Presidential Decree No 771 of 28 June 1955.

    • Entities, companies and undertakings providing transport services to the public pursuant to Article 1(4) or (15) of Royal Decree No 2578 of 15 October 1925 — Approvazione del testo unico della legge sull'assunzione diretta dei pubblici servizi da parte dei comuni e delle province.

    • Entities, companies and undertakings providing transport services to the public pursuant to Legislative Decree No 422 of 19 November 1997 — Conferimento alle regioni ed agli enti locali di funzioni e compiti in materia di trasporto pubblico locale, under the terms of Article 4(4) of Law No 59 of 15 March 1997 — as amended by Legislative Decree No 400 of 20 September 1999, and by Article 45 of Law No 166 of 1 August 2002.

    • Entities, companies and undertakings providing public transport services pursuant to Article 113 of the consolidated text of the laws on the structure of local authorities, approved by Law No 267 of 18 August 2000 as amended by Article 35 of Law No 448 of 28 December 2001.

    • Entities, companies and undertakings operating on the basis of a concession pursuant to Article 242 or 256 of Royal Decree No 1447 of 9 May 1912 approving the consolidated text of the laws on le ferrovie concesse all'industria privata, le tramvie a trazione meccanica e gli automobili.

    • Entities, companies and undertakings and local authorities operating on the basis of a concession pursuant to Article 4 of Law No 410 of 4 June 1949 — Concorso dello Stato per la riattivazione dei pubblici servizi di trasporto in concessione.

    • Entities, companies and undertakings operating on the basis of a concession pursuant to Article 14 of Law No 1221 of 2 August 1952 — Provvedimenti per l'esercizio ed il potenziamento di ferrovie e di altre linee di trasporto in regime di concessione.


  • Chemins de fer du Luxembourg (CFL).

  • Service communal des autobus municipaux de la Ville de Luxembourg.

  • Transports intercommunaux du canton d'Esch–sur–Alzette (TICE).

  • Bus service undertakings operating pursuant to the règlement grand-ducal concernant les conditions d'octroi des autorisations d'établissement et d'exploitation des services de transports routiers réguliers de personnes rémunérées of 3 February 1978.


  • Entities providing transport services to the public pursuant to chapter II (Openbaar Vervoer) of the Wet Personenvervoer.


  • Entities authorised to provide transport services pursuant to the Eisenbahngesetz, BGBl. No 60/1957, as amended, or the Kraftfahrliniengesetz, BGBl. I No 203/1999, as amended.


  • Metropolitano de Lisboa, E.P., pursuant to Decree-Law No 439/78 of 30 December 1978.

  • Local authorities, local authority services and local authority undertakings under Law No 58/98 of 18 August 1998, which provide transport services pursuant to Law No 159/99 of 14 September 1999.

  • Public authorities and public undertakings providing railway services pursuant to Law No 10/90 of 17 March 1990.

  • Private undertakings providing railway services pursuant to Law No 10/90 of 17 March 1990, where they hold special or exclusive rights.

  • Entities providing public transport services pursuant to Article 98 of the Regulamento de Transportes em Automóveis (Decree No 37272 of 31 December 1948).

  • Entities providing public transport services pursuant to Law No 688/73 of 21 December 1973.

  • Entities providing public transport services pursuant to Decree-Law No 38144 of 31 December 1950.

[F1Romania U.K.

  • SC Transport cu Metroul București METROREX SA,

  • Regii autonome locale de transport urban de călători (local independent urban passenger transport operators).]


  • Entities providing regular coach transport services under a special or exclusive licence pursuant to thelaki luvanvaraisesta henkilöliikenteestä tiellä/lagen om tillståndspliktig persontrafik på väg (343/1991) and municipal transport authorities and public enterprises providing public transport services by bus, rail or underground railway, or maintaining a network for the purpose of providing such transport services.


  • Entities operating urban railway or tramway services pursuant to lagen (1997:734) om ansvar för viss kollektiv persontrafik and lagen (1990:1157) om järnvägssäkerhet.

  • Public or private entities operating a trolley bus or bus service pursuant with lagen (1997:734) om ansvar för viss kollektiv persontrafik and yrkestrafiklagen (1998:490).

United KingdomU.K.

  • London Regional Transport

  • London Underground Limited

  • Transport for London

  • A subsidiary of Transport for London within the meaning of section 424(1) of the Greater London Authority Act 1999

  • Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive

  • Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive

  • Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive

  • Brighton Borough Council

  • South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive

  • South Yorkshire Supertram Limited

  • Blackpool Transport Services Limited

  • Conwy County Borough Council

  • A person who provides a London local service as defined in section 179(1) of the Greater London Authority Act 1999 (a bus service) in pursuance of an agreement entered into by Transport for London under section 156(2) of that Act or in pursuance of a transport subsidiary's agreement as defined in section 169 of that Act

  • Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company

  • A person who holds a road service licence under section 4(1) of the Transport Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 which authorises him to provide a regular service within the meaning of that licence



De Post/La Poste


  • Български пощи ЕАД.]


Post Danmark, jf. Lov nr. 569 om Post Danmark A/S of 6 June 2002.



Ελληνικά Ταχυδρομεία ΕΛ.ΤΑ established by Legislative Decree No 496/70 and operating pursuant to Law No 2668/98 (ELTA)


Correos y Telégrafos, S.A.


La Poste


An Post plc


Poste Italiane S.p.A.


Entreprise des Postes et Télécommunications Luxembourg



Österreichische Post AG


CTT – Correios de Portugal


  • Compania Națională Poșta Română SA ]



Posten Sverige AB

Posten Logistik AB


DPD Nordic AB,

DPD Sverige AB

Falcon Air AB

Hultbergs Inrikes Transporter AB (HIT)

Posten Express AB

Posten Logistik AB

Poståkeriet Sverige AB

SwedeGiro AB





[F1Bulgaria U.K.

  • Лица, извършващи търсене, проучване или добив на нефт или природен газ в съответствие със Закона за подземните богатства (обн., ДВ, бр.23/ 12.3.1999 ) или Закона за концесиите (обн., ДВ, бр.92/ 17.10.1995 ) (Entities exploring for or extracting oil or gas pursuant to the Law on Ore and Mineral Resources (published in State Gazette No 23/ 12.3.1999 ) or to the Law on Concessions (published in State Gazette No 92/ 17.10.1995 )),

    • Аншуц България — ЕООД, София,

    • Петреко-България — ЕООД, София,

    • Проучване и добив на нефт и газ — АД, София,

    • Мерлоуз Рисорсиз — ООД, Люксембург,

    • Петреко САРЛ , Люксембург,

    • ОМВ (България) Извънтериториално проучване — ООД, Виена, Австрия,

    • Джей Кей Екс България Лимитид — Лондон, Англия,

    • Рамко България Лимитид — Абърдийн, Шотландия,

    • Болкан Експлорърс (България) Лимитид — Дъблин, Ирландия,

    • ОАО Башкиргеология , Уфа, Руска федерация,

    • Си Би Ем Енерджи Лимитид — Хюстън, Тексас, САЩ,

    • Винтидж Петролеум България, Инк. — Кайманови острови.]


Entities pursuant to

  • Lov om Danmarks undergrund, see Consolidation Act No 526 of 11 June 2002.

  • Lov om kontinentalsoklen, see Consolidation Act No 182 of 1 May 1979.


  • Undertakings pursuant to the Bundesberggesetz of 13 August 1980.


  • ‘Ελληνικά Πετρέλαια Α.Ε.’, pursuant to Law No 2593/98 για την αναδιοργάνωση της Δ.Ε.Π. Α.Ε. και των θυγατρικών της εταιρειών, το καταστατικό αυτής και άλλες διατάξεις.


  • BG International Limited Quanum, Asesores & Consultores, S.A.

  • Cambria Europe, Inc.

  • CNWL oil (España), S.A.

  • Compañía de investigación y explotaciones petrolíferas, S.A.

  • Conoco limited.

  • Eastern España, S.A.

  • Enagas, S.A.

  • España Canadá resources Inc.

  • Fugro – Geoteam, S.A.

  • Galioil, S.A.

  • Hope petróleos, S.A.

  • Locs oil compay of Spain, S.A.

  • Medusa oil Ltd.

  • Muphy Spain oil company

  • Onempm España, S.A.

  • Petroleum oil & gas España, S.A.

  • Repsol Investigaciones petrolíferas, S.A.

  • Sociedad de hidrocarburos de Euskadi, S.A.

  • Taurus petroleum, AN.

  • Teredo oil limited

  • Unión Fenosa gas exploración y producción, S.A.

  • Wintersahll, AG

  • YCI España, L.C.

  • Otras entidades que operan en virtud de la Ley 34/1998, de 7 de octubre, del Sector de hidrocarburos y su normativa de desarrollo.


  • Entities responsible for exploration for and the extraction of oil or gas pursuant to the code minier and its implementing rules, particularly Decree No 95-427 of 19 April 1995.


  • Entities granted an authorisation, license, permit or concession to explore for or extract oil and gas pursuant to the following legal provisions:

    • Continental Shelf Act 1968

    • Petroleum and Other Minerals Development Act 1960

    • Licensing Terms for Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration and Development 1992

    • Petroleum (Production) Act (NI) 1964.


  • Entities granted an authorisation, permit, licence or concession to explore for or extract oil and gas or to store natural gas underground pursuant to the following legislative provisions:

    • Law No 136 of 10 February 1953;

    • Law No 6 of 11 January 1957, as amended by Law No 613 of 21 July 1967;

    • Law No 9 of 9 January 1991;

    • Legislative Decree No 625 of 25 November 1996;

    • Law No 170 of 26 April 1974, as amended by the Legislative Decree No 164 of 23 May 2000.



  • Entities pursuant to Mijnbouwwet (1 January 2003).


  • Entities authorised to explore for or extract oil or gas pursuant to the Mineralrohstoffgesetz, BGBl. I No 38/1999, as amended.


Entities pursuant to

  • Decree-Law No 109/94 of 26 April 1994 and Portaria (Ministerial Order) No 790/94 of 5 September 1994.

  • Decree-Law No 82/94 of 24 August 1994 and Despacho (Decision) No A-87/94 of 17 January 1994.

[F1Romania U.K.

  • Societatea Națională a Petrolului Petrom SA București ,

  • Societatea Națională Romgaz SA Mediaș .]



  • Entities holding a concession for exploring for or exploiting oil or gas pursuant to minerallagen (1991:45) or which have been granted an authorisation pursuant to lagen (1966:314) om kontinentalsockeln.

United KingdomU.K.

  • A person operating by virtue of a licence granted or having effect as if granted under the Petroleum Act 1998

  • A person licensed under the Petroleum (Production) Act (Northern Ireland) 1964



[F1Bulgaria U.K.

  • Лица, извършващи търсене, проучване или добив на въглища или други твърди горива в съответствие със Закона за подземните богатства (обн., ДВ, бр.23/ 12.3.1999 ) или Закона за концесиите (обн., ДВ, бр.92/ 17.10.1995 ) (Entities exploring for or extracting coal or other solid fuels pursuant to the Law on Ore and Mineral Resources (published in State Gazette No 23/ 12.3.1999 ) or to the Law on Concessions (published in State Gazette No 92/ 17.10.1995 )),

    • Балкан МК — ЕООД,

    • Въглища Перник — ООД,

    • Елшица-99 — АД,

    • Карбон Инвест — ООД,

    • Каусто-голд — АД,

    • Мес Ко ММ5 — ЕООД,

    • Мина Балкан — 2000 — АД,

    • Мина Бели брег — АД,

    • Мина Открит въгледобив — ЕАД,

    • Мина Пирин — ЕАД,

    • Мина Станянци — АД,

    • Мина Черно море — Бургас — ЕАД,

    • Мина Чукурово — АД,

    • Мини Бобов дол — ЕАД,

    • Мини Марица-изток — ЕАД,

    • Рекоул — АД,

    • Руен Холдинг — АД,

    • Фундаментал — ЕООД.]


  • Entities exploring for or extracting coal or other solid fuels pursuant to Consolidation Act No 569 of 30 June 1997.


  • Undertakings exploring for or extracting coal or other solid fuels pursuant to the Bundesberggesetz of 13 August 1980.


  • ‘Δημόσια Επιχείρηση Ηλεκτρισμού’, which prospects for and extracts coal and other solid fuels pursuant to the Mining Code of 1973, as amended by the law of 27 April 1976.


  • Alto Bierzo, S.A.

  • Antracitas de Arlanza, S.A.

  • Antracitas de Gillon, S.A.

  • Antracitas de La Granja, S.A.

  • Antracitas de Tineo, S.A.

  • Campomanes Hermanos, S.A.

  • Carbones de Arlanza, S.A.

  • Carbones de Linares, S.A.

  • Carbones de Pedraforca, S.A.

  • Carbones del Puerto, S.A.

  • Carbones el Túnel, S.L.

  • Carbones San Isidro y María, S.A.

  • Carbonifera del Narcea, S.A.

  • Compañia Minera Jove, S.A.

  • Compañía General Minera de Teruel, S.A.

  • Coto minero del Narcea, S.A.

  • Coto minero del Sil, S.A.

  • Empresa Nacional Carbonífera del Sur, S.A.

  • Endesa, S.A.

  • Gonzalez y Diez, S.A.

  • Hijos de Baldomero García, S.A.

  • Hullas del Coto Cortés, S.A.

  • Hullera Vasco–leonesa, S.A.

  • Hulleras del Norte, S.A.

  • Industrial y Comercial Minera, S.A.

  • La Carbonífera del Ebro, S.A.

  • Lignitos de Meirama, S.A.

  • Malaba, S.A.

  • Mina Adelina, S.A.

  • Mina Escobal, S.A.

  • Mina La Camocha, S.A.

  • Mina La Sierra, S.A.

  • Mina Los Compadres, S.A.

  • Minas de Navaleo, S.A.

  • Minas del Principado, S.A.

  • Minas de Valdeloso, S.A.

  • Minas Escucha, S.A.

  • Mina Mora primera bis, S.A.

  • Minas y explotaciones industriales, S.A.

  • Minas y ferrocarriles de Utrillas, S.A.

  • Minera del Bajo Segre, S.A.

  • Minera Martín Aznar, S.A.

  • Minero Siderúrgica de Ponferrada, S.A.

  • Muñoz Sole hermanos, S.A.

  • Promotora de Minas de carbón, S.A.

  • Sociedad Anónima Minera Catalano–aragonesa.

  • Sociedad minera Santa Bárbara, S.A.

  • Unión Minera del Norte, S.A.

  • Union Minera Ebro Segre, S.A.

  • Viloria Hermanos, S.A.

  • Virgilio Riesco, S.A.

  • Otras entidades que operan en virtud de la Ley 22/1973, de 21 de julio, de Minas y su normativa de desarrollo.


  • Entities exploring for or extracting coal or other solid fuels pursuant to the code minier and its implementing rules, particularly Decree No 95-427 of 19 April 1995.


  • Bord na Mona plc. set up and operating pursuant to the Turf Development Act 1946 to 1998.


  • Carbosulcis S.p.A.




  • Entities authorised to explore for or extract coal or other solid fuels pursuant to the Mineralrohstoffgesetz, BGBl. I No 38/1999, as amended.


  • Empresa Nacional de Urânio.

[F1Romania U.K.

  • Compania Națională a Huilei — SA Petroșani

  • Societatea Națională a Lignitului Oltenia — SA

  • Societatea Națională a Cărbunelui — SA Ploiești

  • Societatea Comercială Minieră Banat-Anina SA

  • Compania Națională a Uraniului SA București

  • Societatea Comercială Radioactiv Mineral Măgurele.]


  • Entities benefiting from a special concession for the exploration for or extraction of solid fuels pursuant to thelaki oikeudesta luovuttaa valtion kiinteistövarallisuutta/lagn om rätt att överlåta statlig fastighetsförmögenhet (...).


  • Entities benefiting from a concession for the exploration for or extraction of coal or other solid fuels on the basis of a concession pursuant to minerallagen (1991:45) or lagen (1985:620) om vissa torvfyndigheter, or which have been granted an authorisation pursuant to lagen (1966:314) om kontinentalsockeln.

United KingdomU.K.

  • Any licensed operator (within the meaning of the Coal Industry Act 1994)

  • The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (Northern Ireland)

  • A person operating by virtue of a prospecting licence, a mining lease, a mining licence or a mining permission as defined by section 57(1) of the Mineral Development Act (Northern Ireland) 1969



  • Gemeentelijk Havenbedrijf van Antwerpen

  • Havenbedrijf van Gent

  • Maatschappij der Brugse Zeevaartinrichtigen

  • Port autonome de Charleroi

  • Port autonome de Namur

  • Port autonome de Liège

  • Port autonome du Centre et de l'Ouest

  • Société régionale du Port de Bruxelles/Gewestelijk Vennootschap van de Haven van Brussel

  • Zeekanaal en Watergebonden Grondbeheer Vlaanderen

[F1Bulgaria U.K.

  • ДП Пристанищна инфраструктура

  • Лицата, които по силата на специални или изключителни права осъществяват експлоатация на цяло или част от пристанище за обществен транспорт с национално значение, посочено в Приложение № 1 към чл.103а на Закона за морските пространства, вътрешните водни пътища и пристанищата на Република България (обн., ДВ, бр.12/ 11.02.2000 ) (Entities which on the bases of special or exclusive rights perform exploitation of ports for public transport with national importance or parts thereof, listed in Annex No 1 to Article 103a of the Law on Maritime Space, Inland Waterways and Ports of the Republic of Bulgaria (published in State Gazette No 12/ 11.02.2000 )

    • Пристанище Варна ЕАД

    • Порт Балчик АД

    • БМ Порт АД

    • Пристанище Бургас ЕАД

    • Пристанищен комплекс — Русе ЕАД

    • Пристанищен комплекс — Лом ЕАД

    • Пристанище Видин ЕООД

  • Лицата, които по силата на специални или изключителни права осъществяват експлоатация на цяло или част от пристанище за обществен транспорт с регионално значение, посочено в Приложение № 2 към чл.103а на Закона за морските пространства, вътрешните водни пътища и пристанищата на Република България (обн., ДВ, бр.12/ 11.02.2000 ) (Entities which on the bases of special or exclusive rights perform exploitation of ports for public transport with regional importance or parts thereof, listed in Annex No 2 to Article 103a of the Law on Maritime Space, Inland Waterways and Ports of the Republic of Bulgaria (published in State Gazette No 12/ 11.02.2000 )

    • Фиш Порт АД

    • Кораборемонтен завод Порт — Бургас АД

    • Либърти металс груп АД

    • Трансстрой — Бургас АД

    • Одесос ПБМ АД

    • Поддържане чистотата на морските води АД

    • Поларис 8 ООД

    • Лесил АД

    • Ромпетрол — България АД

    • Булмаркет — ДМ ООД

    • Свободна зона — Русе ЕАД

    • Дунавски драгажен флот — АД

    • Свилоза АД

    • ТЕЦ Свилоза АД

    • НЕК ЕАД — клон АЕЦ — Белене

    • Нафтекс Петрол ЕООД

    • Фериботен комплекс АД

    • Дунавски драгажен флот Дуним АД

    • Екопетролиум ООД

    • СО МАТ АД — клон Видин

    • Свободна зона — Видин ЕАД

    • Дунавски драгажен флот Видин

    • Дунав турс АД.]


  • Ports as defined in § 1 of lov nr. 326 om havne of 28 May 1999.


  • Seaports owned totally or partially by territorial authorities (Länder, Kreise, Gemeinden).

  • Inland ports subject to the Hafenordnung pursuant to the Wassergesetze of the Länder.


  • ‘Οργανισμός Λιμένος Πειραιώς Ανώνυμη Εταιρεία’ (‘Ο.Λ.Π. Α.Ε.’), pursuant to Law No 2688/99.

  • ‘Οργανισμός Λιμένος Θεσσαλονίκης Aνώνυμη Εταιρία’ (‘Ο.Λ.Θ. Α.Ε.’), pursuant to Law No 2688/99.

  • ‘Οργανισμός Λιμένος Αλεξανδρούπολης Ανώνυμη Εταιρεία’ (‘Ο.Λ.Α. Α.Ε.’), pursuant to Law No 2932/01.

  • ‘Οργανισμός Λιμένος Βόλου Ανώνυμη Εταιρεία’ (‘Ο.Λ.Β. Α.Ε.’), pursuant to Law No 2932/01.

  • ‘Οργανισμός Λιμένος Ελευσίνας Ανώνυμη Εταιρεία’ (‘Ο.Λ.Ε. Α.Ε.’), pursuant to Law No 2932/01.

  • ‘Οργανισμός Λιμένος Ηγουμενίτσας Ανώνυμη Εταιρεία’ (‘Ο.Λ.ΗΓ. Α.Ε.’), pursuant to Law No 2932/01.

  • ‘Οργανισμός Λιμένος Ηρακλείου Ανώνυμη Εταιρεία’ (‘Ο.Λ.Η. Α.Ε.’), pursuant to Law No 2932/01.

  • ‘Οργανισμός Λιμένος Καβάλας Ανώνυμη Εταιρεία’ (‘Ο.Λ.Κ. Α.Ε.’), pursuant to Law No 2932/01.

  • ‘Οργανισμός Λιμένος Κέρκυρας Ανώνυμη Εταιρεία’ (‘Ο.Λ.ΚΕ. Α.Ε.’), pursuant to Law No 2932/01.

  • ‘Οργανισμός Λιμένος Πατρών Ανώνυμη Εταιρεία’ (‘Ο.Λ.ΠΑ. Α.Ε.’), pursuant to Law No 2932/01

  • ‘Οργανισμός Λιμένος Λαυρίου Ανώνυμη Εταιρεία’ (‘Ο.Λ.Λ. Α.Ε.’), pursuant to Law No 2932/01.

  • ‘Οργανισμός Λιμένος Ραφήνας Ανώνυμη Εταιρεία’ (‘Ο.Λ.Ρ. Α.Ε’), pursuant to Law No 2932/01.

  • Other ports, governed by Presidential Decree No 649/1977. (Εποπτεία, οργάνωση, λειτουργία και διοικητικός έλεγχος λιμένων).


  • Ente público Puertos del Estado

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Alicante

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Almería – Motril

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Avilés

  • Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahía de Algeciras

  • Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahía de Cádiz

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Barcelona

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Bilbao

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Cartagena

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Castellón

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Ceuta

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Ferrol – San Cibrao

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Gijón

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Huelva

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Las Palmas

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Málaga

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Marín y Ría de Pontevedra

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Melilla

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Pasajes

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Santa Cruz de Tenerife

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Santander

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Sevilla

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Tarragona

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Vigo

  • Autoridad Portuaria de Villagarcía de Arousa

  • Otras entidades Portuarias de las Comunidades Autónomas de Andalucía, Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Cantabria, Cataluña, Galicia, Murcia, País Vasco y Valencia.


  • Port autonome de Paris set up pursuant to loi no 68–917 relative au port autonome de Paris of 24 October 1968.

  • Port autonome de Strasbourg set up pursuant to the convention entre l'État et la ville de Strasbourg relative à la construction du port rhénan de Strasbourg et à l'exécution de travaux d'extension de ce port of 20 May 1923, approved by the Law of 26 April 1924.

  • Ports autonomes operating pursuant to Articles L. 111–1 et seq. of the code des ports maritimes.

  • Ports non autonomes operating pursuant to Articles R. 121–1 et seq. of the code des ports maritimes.

  • Ports managed by the regional or département authorities or operating pursuant to a concession granted by the regional or département authorities pursuant to Article 6 of Law No 83-663 of 22 July 1983 supplementing loi no 83-8 relative à la répartition des compétences entre les communes, les départements et l'État of 7 January 1983.

  • Voies navigables de France, State-owned company subject to the provisions of Article 124 of Law No 90-1168 du 29 December 1990, as amended.


  • Ports operating pursuant to Harbours Acts 1946 to 2000

  • Port of Rosslare Harbour operating pursuant to the Fishguard and Rosslare Railways and Harbours Acts 1899.


  • National ports and other ports managed by the Capitaneria di Porto pursuant to the Codice della navigazione, Royal Decree No 327 of 30 March 1942.

  • Autonomous ports (enti portuali) set up by special laws pursuant to Article 19 of the Codice della navigazione, Royal Decree No 327 of 30 March 1942.


  • Port de Mertert, set up and operating pursuant to the loi relative à l'aménagement et à l'exploitation d'un port fluvial sur la Moselle of 22 July 1963, as amended.


  • Contracting entities in the field of sea port or inland port or other terminal equipment.


  • Inland ports owned totally or partially by the Länder and/or Gemeinden.


  • APDL — Administração dos Portos do Douro e Leixões, S.A., pursuant to Decree-Law No 335/98 of 3 November 1998.

  • APL — Administração do Porto de Lisboa, S.A., pursuant to Decree-Law No 336/98 of 3 November 1998.

  • APS — Administração do Porto de Sines, S.A., pursuant to Decree-Law No 337/98 of 3 November 1998.

  • APSS — Administração dos Portos de Setúbal e Sesimbra, S.A., pursuant to Decree-Law No 338/98 of 3 November 1998.

  • APA — Administração do Porto de Aveiro, S.A., pursuant to Decree-Law No 339/98 of 3 November 1998.

  • IPN — Instituto Portuário do Norte, pursuant to Decree-Law No 242/99 of 28 June 1999.

  • ICP — Instituto Portuário do Centro, pursuant to Decree-Law No 243/99 of 28 June 1999.

  • IPS — Instituto Portuário do Sul, pursuant to Decree-Law No 244/99 of 28 June 1999.

  • IDN — Instituto da Navegabilidade do Douro, pursuant to Decree-Law No 138-A/97 of 3 June 1997.

[F1Romania U.K.

  • Compania Națională Administrația Porturilor Maritime SA Constanța

  • Compania Națională Administrația Canalelor Navigabile SA

  • Compania Națională de Radiocomunicații Navale RADIONAV SA

  • Regia Autonomă Administrația Fluvială a Dunării de Jos

  • Compania Națională Administrația Porturilor Dunării Maritime

  • Compania Națională Administrația Porturilor Dunării Fluviale SA

  • Agenția Română de Intervenții și Salvare Navală — ARISN

  • Porturile: Sulina, Brăila, Zimnicea și Turnul-Măgurele.]


  • Ports operating pursuant to thelaki kunnallisista satamajärjestyksistä ja liikennemaksuista/lagen om kommunala hamnanordningar och trafikavgifter (955/1976) and ports instituted under a licence pursuant to section 3 of thelaki yksityisistä yleisistä satamista/lagen om privata allmänna hamnar (1156/1994).

  • Saimaan kanavan hoitokunt/Förvaltningsnämnden för Saima kanal.


  • Ports and terminal facilities according to lagen (1983:293) om inrättande, utvidgning och avlysning av allmän farled och allmän hamn and förordningen (1983:744) om trafiken på Göta kanal.

United KingdomU.K.

  • A local authority which exploits a geographical area for the purpose of providing maritime or inland port or other terminal facilities to carriers by sea or inland waterway

  • A harbour authority within the meaning of section 57 of the Harbours Act 1964

  • British Waterways Board

  • A harbour authority as defined by section 38(1) of the Harbours Act (Northern Ireland) 1970



  • Belgocontrol

  • Brussels International Airport Company

  • Luchthaven van Deurne

  • Luchthaven van Oostende

  • SA Brussels South Charleroi Airport

  • SA Société de Développement et de Promotion de l'Aéroport de Bierset

[F1Bulgaria U.K.

  • Главна дирекция Гражданска въздухоплавателна администрация (General Directorate Civil Aviation Administration )

  • ДП Ръководство на въздушното движение

  • Летищни оператори на граждански летища за обществено ползване, определени от Министерския съвет в съответствие с чл.43, ал.3 на Закона на гражданското въздухоплаване (обн., ДВ, бр.94/ 1.12.1972 ) (Airport operators of civil airports for public use determined by the Council of Ministers pursuant to Article 43(3) of the Civil Aviation Law (published in State Gazette No 94/ 1.12.1972 )

    • Летище София ЕАД

    • Летище Варна ЕАД

    • Летище Бургас ЕАД

    • Летище Пловдив ЕАД

    • Летище Русе ЕООД

    • Летище Горна Оряховица ЕАД.]


  • Airports operating on the basis of an authorisation pursuant to § 55(1) of the lov om luftfart, see Consolidation Act No 543 of 13 June 2001.


  • Airports as defined in Article 38(2)(1) of the Luftverkehrs-Zulassungs-Ordnung of 19 June 1964, as last amended on 21 August 2002.


  • ‘Υπηρεσία Πολιτικής Αεροπορίας’ (‘ΥΠΑ’) operating pursuant to Legislative Decree No 714/70, as amended by Law No 1340/83; the organisation of the company is laid down by Presidential Decree No. 56/89, as amended subsequently.

  • The company ‘Διεθνής Αερολιμένας Αθηνών’ at Spata operating pursuant to Legislative Decree No 2338/95 Κύρωση Σύμβασης Ανάπτυξης του Νέου Διεθνούς Αεροδρομίου της Αθήνας στα Σπάτα, ‘ίδρυση της εταιρείας ‘Διεθνής Αερολιμένας Αθηνών Α.Ε.’ έγκριση περιβαλλοντικών όρων και άλλες διατάξεις’).

  • ‘Φορείς Διαχείρισης’ in accordance with Presidential Decree No 158/02 ‘Ίδρυση, κατασκευή, εξοπλισμός, οργάνωση, διοίκηση, λειτουργία και εκμετάλλευση πολιτικών αερολιμένων από φυσικά πρόσωπα, νομικά πρόσωπα ιδιωτικού δικαίου και Οργανισμούς Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης’ (Greek Official Gazette Α 137).


  • Ente público Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea (AENA).


  • Airports operated by State-owned companies pursuant to Articles L. 251-1, L.260-1 and L. 270-1 of the code de l'aviation civile.

  • Airports operating on the basis of a concession granted by the State pursuant to Article R.223-2 of the code de l'aviation civile.

  • Airports operating pursuant to an arrêté préfectoral portant autorisation d'occupation temporaire.

  • Airports set up by a public authority and which are the subject of a convention as laid down in Article L. 221-1 of the code de l'aviation civile.


  • Airports of Dublin, Cork and Shannon managed byAer Rianta –Irish Airports.

  • Airports operating on the basis of a public use licence granted pursuant to the Irish Aviation Authority Act 1993 as amended by the Air Navigation and Transport (Amendment) Act, 1998, and at which any scheduled air services are performed by aircraft for the public transport of passengers, mail or cargo.



  • Managing entities set up by special laws.

  • Entities operating airport facilities on the basis of a concession granted pursuant to Article 694 of the Codice della navigazione, Royal Decree No 347 of 30 March 1942.

  • R.A.I. Registro Aeronautico Italiano.


  • Aéroport du Findel.


  • Airports operating pursuant to Articles 18 and following of the Luchtvaartwet.


  • Entities authorised to provide airport facilities pursuant to the Luftfahrtgesetz, BGBl. No 253/1957, as amended.


  • ANA — Aeroportos de Portugal, S.A., set up pursuant to Decree-Law No 404/98 of 18 December 1998.

  • NAV — Empresa Pública de Navegação Aérea de Portugal, E. P., set up pursuant to Decree-Law No 404/98 of 18 December 1998.

  • ANAM — Aeroportos e Navegação Aérea da Madeira, S. A., set up pursuant to Decree-Law No 453/91 of 11 December 1991.

[F1Romania U.K.

  • Compania Națională Aeroportul Internațional Henri Coandă București — SA

  • Societatea Națională Aeroportul Internațional București — Băneasa — SA

  • Societatea Națională Aeroportul Internațional Constanța — SA

  • Societatea Națională Aeroportul Internațional Timișoara — Traian Vuia — SA

  • Regia Autonomă Administrația Română a Serviciilor de Trafic Aerian — ROMATSA

  • Regia Autonomă Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Română

  • Aeroporturile aflate în subordinea consiliilor locale:

    • Regia Autonomă Aeroportul Arad

    • Regia Autonomă Aeroportul Bacău

    • Regia Autonomă Aeroportul Baia Mare

    • Regia Autonomă Aeroportul Caransebeș

    • Regia Autonomă Aeroportul Cluj-Napoca

    • Regia Autonomă Aeroportul Craiova

    • Regia Autonomă Aeroportul Iași

    • Regia Autonomă Aeroportul Oradea

    • Regia Autonomă Aeroportul Satu-Mare

    • Regia Autonomă Aeroportul Sibiu

    • Regia Autonomă Aeroportul Suceava

    • Regia Autonomă Aeroportul Târgu Mureș

    • Regia Autonomă Aeroportul Tulcea.]


  • Airports managed by the ‘Ilmailulaitos/Luftfartsverket’, or by a municipal or public enterprise pursuant to theilmailulaki/luftfartslagen (281/1995).


  • Publicly-owned and operated airports in accordance with luftfartslagen (1957:297).

  • Privately-owned and operated airports with an operating licence under the act, where this licence corresponds to the criteria of Article 2(3) of the Directive.

United KingdomU.K.

  • A local authority which exploits a geographical area for the purpose of providing airport or other terminal facilities to carriers by air.

  • An airport operator within the meaning of the Airports Act 1986 who has the management of an airport subject to economic regulation under Part IV of that Act.

  • An airport operator within the meaning of the Airports Act 1986 who has the management of an airport subject to economic regulation under Part IV of that Act.

  • Highland and Islands Airports Limited.

  • An airport operator within the meaning of the Airports (Northern Ireland) Order 1994.



Directive 98/30/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas(1)


Directive 96/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 December 1996 concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity(2)





Directive 97/67/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 1997 on common rules for the development of the internal market of Community postal services and the improvement of quality of service(3)


Directive 94/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 1994 on the conditions for granting and using authorisations for the prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons(4)






Council Regulation (EEC) No 3037/90 of 9 October 1990 on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (OJ L 293, 24.10.1990, p. 1), Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation (EEC) No 761/93 (OJ L 83, 3.4.1993, p. 1).


This division includes:

construction of new buildings and works, restoring and common repairs

45.1Site preparation45100000
45.11Demolition and wrecking of buildings; earth moving

This class includes:

  • demolition of buildings and other structures

  • clearing of building sites

  • earth moving: excavation, landfill, levelling and grading of construction sites, trench digging, rock removal, blasting, etc.

  • site preparation for mining:

    overburden removal and other development and preparation of mineral properties and sites

This class also includes:

  • building site drainage

  • drainage of agricultural or forestry land

45.12Test drilling and boring

This class includes:

  • test drilling, test boring and core sampling for construction, geophysical, geological or similar purposes

This class excludes:

  • drilling of production oil or gas wells, see 11.20

  • water well drilling, see 45.25

  • shaft sinking, see 45.25

  • oil and gas field exploration, geophysical, geological and seismic surveying, see 74.20

45.2Building of complete constructions or parts thereof; civil engineering45200000
45.21General construction of buildings and civil engineering works

This class includes:

  • construction of all types of buildings

  • construction of civil engineering constructions

    • bridges, including those for elevated highways, viaducts, tunnels and subways

    • long-distance pipelines, communication and power lines

    • urban pipelines, urban communication and powerlines;

    • ancillary urban works

    • assembly and erection of prefabricated constructions on the site

This class excludes:

  • service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction, see 11.20

  • erection of complete prefabricated constructions from self-manufactured parts not of concrete, see divisions 20, 26 and 28

  • construction work, other than buildings, for stadiums, swimming pools, gymnasiums, tennis courts, golf courses and other sports installations, see 45.23

  • building installation, see 45.3

  • building completion, see 45.4

  • architectural and engineering activities, see 74.20

  • project management for construction, see 74.20

45.22Erection of roof covering and frames

This class includes:

  • erection of roofs

  • roof covering

  • waterproofing

45.23Construction of highways, roads, airfields and sport facilities

This class includes:

  • construction of highways, streets, roads, other vehicular and pedestrian ways

  • construction of railways

  • construction of airfield runways

  • construction work, other than buildings, for stadiums, swimming pools, gymnasiums, tennis courts, golf courses and other sports installations

  • painting of markings on road surfaces and car parks

This class excludes:

preliminary earth moving, see 45.11

45.24Construction of water projects

This class includes construction of:

  • waterways, harbour and river works, pleasure ports (marinas), locks, etc.

  • dams and dykes dredging

  • subsurface work

45.25Other construction work involving special trades

This class includes:

construction activities specialising in one aspect common to different kinds of structures, requiring specialised skill or equipment:

  • construction of foundations, including pile driving

  • water well drilling and construction, shaft sinking

  • erection of non-self-manufactured steel elements

  • steel bending

  • bricklaying and stone setting

  • scaffolds and work platform erecting and dismantling, including renting of scaffolds and work platforms

  • erection of chimneys and industrial ovens

This class excludes:

renting of scaffolds without erection and dismantling, see 71.32

45.3Building installation45300000
45.31Installation of electrical wiring and fittings

This class includes:

installation in buildings or other construction projects of:

  • electrical wiring and fittings

  • telecommunications systems

  • electrical heating systems

  • residential antennas and aerials

  • fire alarms

  • burglar alarm systems

  • lifts and escalators

  • lightning conductors, etc.

45.32Insulation work activities

This class includes:

installation in buildings or other construction projects of thermal, sound or vibration insulation

This class excludes:

waterproofing, see 45.22


This class includes:

installation in buildings or other construction projects of:

  • plumbing and sanitary equipment

  • gas fittings

  • heating, ventilation, refrigeration or air-conditioning equipment and ducts

  • sprinkler systems

This class excludes:

installation of electrical heating systems, see 45.31

45.34Other building installation

This class includes:

  • installation of illumination and signalling systems for roads, railways, airports and harbours

  • installation in buildings or other construction projects of fittings and fixtures n.e.c.

45.4Building completion45400000

This class includes:

application in buildings or other construction projects of interior and exterior plaster or stucco, including related lathing materials

45.42Joinery installation

This class includes:

  • installation of not self-manufactured doors, windows, door and window frames, fitted kitchens, staircases, shop fittings and the like, of wood or other materials

  • interior completion such as ceilings, wooden wall coverings, movable partitions, etc.

This class excludes:

laying of parquet and other wood floor coverings, see 45.43

45.43Floor and wall covering

This class includes:

laying, tiling, hanging or fitting in buildings or other construction projects of:

  • ceramic, concrete or cut stone wall or floor tiles

  • parquet and other wood floor coverings carpets and linoleum floor coverings, including of rubber or plastic

  • terrazzo, marble, granite or slate floor or wall coverings

  • wallpaper

45.44Painting and glazing

This class includes:

  • interior and exterior painting of buildings,

  • painting of civil engineering structures

  • installation of glass, mirrors, etc

This class excludes:

installation of windows, see 45.42

45.45Other building completion

This class includes:

  • installation of private swimming pools steam cleaning, sand blasting and similar activities for building exteriors

  • other building completion and finishing work n.e.c

This class excludes:

interior cleaning of buildings and other structures, see 74.70

45.5Renting of construction or demolition equipment with operator45500000
45.50Renting of construction or demolition equipment with operator

This class excludes:

renting of construction or demolition machinery and equipment without operators, see 71.32




1.Name, address, telegraphic address, electronic address, telephone number, telex and fax number of the contracting entity.U.K.

2.Where appropriate, state whether the contract is reserved for sheltered workshops or whether its performance is reserved in the context of sheltered employment programmes.U.K.

3.Nature of the contract (supply, works or service, where appropriate, state if it is a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system).U.K.

Category of service within the meaning of Annex XVII A or XVII B and description (nomenclature reference No(s)).

Where appropriate, state whether tenders are requested for purchase, lease, rental or hire purchase or any combination of these.

4.Place of delivery, site or place of performance of service.U.K.

5.For supplies and works:U.K.


Nature and quantity of the goods to be supplied (nomenclature reference No(s)), including any options for further procurement and, if possible, the estimated time available for exercising these options as well as the number of renewals, if any. In the case of recurring contracts, also, if possible, an estimate of the timing of the subsequent calls for competition for the goods to be procured or the nature and extent of the services to be provided and general nature of the work (nomenclature reference No(s));


Indication of whether the suppliers may tender for some and/or all the goods required.

If, for works contracts, the work or the contract is subdivided into several lots, the order of size of the different lots and the possibility of tendering for one, for several or for all the lots;


For works contracts: information concerning the purpose of the work or the contract where the latter also involves the drawing-up of projects.

6.For services:U.K.


The nature and quantity of the goods to be supplied, including any options for further procurement and, if possible, the estimated time available for exercising these options as well as the number of renewals, if any. In the case of recurring contracts, also, if possible, an estimate of the timing of the subsequent calls for competition for the services to be procured;


Indication of whether the performance of the service is reserved by law, regulation or administrative provision to a particular profession;


Reference of the law, regulation or administrative provision;


Indication of whether legal persons should indicate the names and professional qualifications of the staff to be responsible for the performance of the service;


Indication of whether service providers may tender for a part of the services concerned.

7.Where known, indication of whether authorisation to submit variants exists or not.U.K.

8.Time limits for delivery or completion or duration of service contract and, as far as possible, the starting date.U.K.



Address from which the contract documents and additional documents may be requested;


Where appropriate, the amount and terms of payment of the sum to be paid to obtain such documents.



Final date for receipt of tenders or indicative tenders where a dynamic purchasing system is introduced;


Address to which they should be sent;


Language or languages in which they should be drawn up.



Where applicable, the persons authorised to be present at the opening of tenders;


Date, time and place of such opening.

12.Where applicable, any deposits and guarantees required.U.K.

13.Main terms concerning financing and payment and/or references to the provisions in which these are contained.U.K.

14.Where appropriate, the legal form to be taken by the grouping of economic operators to whom the contract is awarded.U.K.

15.Minimum economic and technical conditions required of the economic operator to whom the contract is awarded.U.K.

16.Period during which the tenderer is bound to keep open his tender.U.K.

17.Where appropriate, particular conditions to which performance of the contract is subject.U.K.

18.Criteria referred to in Article 55 to be used for award of the contract: ‘lowest price’ or ‘most economically advantageous tender’. Criteria representing the most economically advantageous tender as well as their weighting or, where appropriate, the order of importance of these criteria shall be mentioned where they do not appear in the specifications.U.K.

19.Where appropriate, the reference to publication in the Official Journal of the European Union of the periodic information notice or of the notice of the publication of this notice on the buyer profile to which the contract refers.U.K.

20.Name and address of the body responsible for appeal and, where appropriate, mediation procedures. Precise information concerning time limits for lodging appeals, or, if need be, the name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the department from which this information may be obtained.U.K.

21.Date of dispatch of the notice by the contracting entity.U.K.

22.Date of receipt of the notice by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (to be supplied by that Office).U.K.

23.Any other relevant information.U.K.


1.Name, address, telegraphic address, electronic address, telephone number, telex and fax number of the contracting entity.U.K.

2.Where appropriate, state whether the contract is reserved for sheltered workshops or whether its performance is reserved in the context of sheltered employment programmes.U.K.

3.Nature of the contract (supplies, works or services; where appropriate, state if it is a framework agreement).U.K.

Category of service within the meaning of Annex XVII A or XVII B and description (nomenclature reference No(s)).

Where appropriate, state whether tenders are requested for purchase, lease, rental or hire purchase or any combination of these.

4.Place of delivery, site or place of performance of service.U.K.

5.For supplies and works:U.K.


The nature and quantity of the goods to be supplied (nomenclature reference No(s)), including any options for further procurement and, if possible, the estimated time available for exercising these options as well as the number of renewals, if any. In the case of recurring contracts, also, if possible, an estimate of the timing of the subsequent calls for competition for the goods to be procured or the nature and extent of the services to be provided and general nature of the work (nomenclature reference No(s));


Indication of whether the suppliers may tender for some and/or all the goods required.

If, for works contracts, the work or the contract is subdivided into several lots, the order of size of the different lots and the possibility of tendering for one, for several or for all the lots;


Information concerning the purpose of the work or the contract where the latter also involves the drawing-up of projects.

6.For services:U.K.


The nature and quantity of the goods to be supplied, including any options for further procurement and, if possible, the estimated time available for exercising these options as well as the number of renewals, if any. In the case of recurring contracts, also, if possible, an estimate of the timing of the subsequent calls for competition for the services to be procured;


Indication of whether the performance of the service is reserved by law, regulation or administrative provision to a particular profession;


Reference to the law, regulation or administrative provision;


Indication of whether legal persons should indicate the names and professional qualifications of the staff to be responsible for the performance of the service;


Indication of whether service providers may tender for a part of the services concerned.

7.Where known, indication of whether authorisation to submit variants exists or not.U.K.

8.Time limits for delivery or completion or duration of service contract and, as far as possible, for starting.U.K.

9.Where appropriate, the legal form to be taken by the grouping of economic operators to whom the contract is awarded.U.K.



Final date for receipt of requests to participate;


Address to which they should be sent;


Language or languages in which they should be drawn up.

11.Final date for dispatch of invitations to tender.U.K.

12.Where applicable, any deposits and guarantees required.U.K.

13.Main terms concerning financing and payment and/or references to the provisions in which these are contained.U.K.

14.Information concerning the economic operator's position and the minimum economic and technical conditions required of him.U.K.

15.Criteria referred to in Article 55 to be used for award of the contract: ‘lowest price’ or ‘most economically advantageous tender’. Criteria representing the most economically advantageous tender as well as their weighting or, where appropriate, the order of importance of these criteria shall be mentioned where they do not appear in the specifications or will not be indicated in the invitation to tender.U.K.

16.Where appropriate, particular conditions to which performance of the contract is subject.U.K.

17.Where appropriate, the reference to publication in the Official Journal of the European Union of the periodic information notice or of the notice of the publication of this notice on the buyer profile to which the contract refers.U.K.

18.Name and address of the body responsible for appeal and, where appropriate, mediation procedures. Precise information concerning time limits for lodging appeals, or, if need be, the name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the service from which this information may be obtained.U.K.

19.Date of dispatch of the notice by the contracting entities.U.K.

20.Date of receipt of the notice by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (to be supplied by that Office).U.K.

21.Any other relevant information.U.K.


1.Name, address, telegraphic address, electronic address, telephone number, telex and fax number of the contracting entity.U.K.

2.Where appropriate, state whether the contract is reserved for sheltered workshops or whether its performance is reserved in the context of sheltered employment programmes.U.K.

3.Nature of the contract (supplies, works or services; where appropriate, state if it is a framework agreement).U.K.

Category of service within the meaning of Annex XVII A or XVII B and description (nomenclature reference No(s)).

Where appropriate, state whether tenders are requested for purchase, lease, rental or hire purchase or any combination of these.

4.Place of delivery, site or place of performance of service.U.K.

5.For supplies and works:U.K.


The nature and quantity of the goods to be supplied (nomenclature reference No(s)), including any options for further procurement and, if possible, the estimated time available for exercising these options as well as the number of renewals, if any. In the case of recurring contracts, also, if possible, an estimate of the timing of the subsequent calls for competition for the goods to be procured or the nature and extent of the services to be provided and general nature of the work (nomenclature reference No(s));


Indication of whether the suppliers may tender for some and/or all the goods required.

If, for works contracts, the work or the contract is subdivided into several lots, the order of size of the different lots and the possibility of tendering for one, for several or for all the lots;


For works contracts: information concerning the purpose of the work or the contract where the latter also involves the drawing-up of projects.

6.For services:U.K.


The nature and quantity of the goods to be supplied, including any options for further procurement and, if possible, the estimated time available for exercising these options as well as the number of renewals, if any. In the case of recurring contracts, also, if possible, an estimate of the timing of the subsequent calls for competition for the services to be procured;


Indication of whether the performance of the service is reserved by law, regulation or administrative provision to a particular profession;


Reference of the law, regulation or administrative provision;


Indication of whether legal persons should indicate the names and professional qualifications of the staff to be responsible for the performance of the service;


Indication of whether service providers may tender for a part of the services concerned.

7.Where known, indication of whether authorisation to submit variants exists or not.U.K.

8.Time limits for delivery or completion or duration of service contract and, as far as possible, for starting.U.K.

9.Where appropriate, the legal form to be taken by the grouping of economic operators to whom the contract is awarded.U.K.



Final date for receipt of requests to participate;


Address to which they should be sent;


Language or languages in which they should be drawn up.

11.Where appropriate, any deposits and guarantees required.U.K.

12.Main terms concerning financing and payment and/or references to the provisions in which these are contained.U.K.

13.Information concerning the economic operator's position and the minimum economic and technical conditions required of him.U.K.

14.Criteria referred to in Article 55 to be used for award of the contract: ‘lowest price’ or ‘most economically advantageous tender’. Criteria representing the most economically advantageous tender as well as their weighting or, where appropriate, the order of importance of these criteria shall be mentioned where they do not appear in the specifications or will not be indicated in the invitation to negotiate.U.K.

15.Where appropriate, the names and addresses of the economic operators already selected by the contracting entity.U.K.

16.Where applicable, date(s) of previous publications in the Official Journal of the European Union.U.K.

17.Where appropriate, particular conditions to which performance of the contract is subject.U.K.

18.Where appropriate, the reference to publication in the Official Journal of the European Union of the periodic information notice or of the notice of the publication of this notice on the buyer profile to which the contract refers.U.K.

19.Name and address of the body responsible for appeal and, where appropriate, mediation procedures. Precise information concerning time limits for lodging appeals, or, if need be, the name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the service from which this information may be obtained.U.K.

20.Date of dispatch of the notice by the contracting entity.U.K.

21.Date of receipt of the notice by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (to be supplied by that Office).U.K.

22.Any other relevant information.U.K.


1.Country of contracting entity.U.K.

2.Name and e-mail address of contracting entity.U.K.

3.Publication reference of the contract notice on the dynamic purchasing system.U.K.

4.E-mail address at which the contract documents and additional documents relating to the dynamic purchasing system are available.U.K.

5.Subject-matter of contract: description by reference number(s) of CPV nomenclature and quantity or extent of the contract to be awarded.U.K.

6.Timeframe for submitting indicative tenders.U.K.


1.Name, address, telegraphic address, electronic address, telephone number, telex and fax number of the contracting entity.U.K.

2.Where appropriate, state whether the contract is reserved for sheltered workshops or whether its performance is reserved in the context of sheltered employment programmes.U.K.

3.Purpose of the qualification system (description of the goods, services or works or categories thereof to be procured through the system — nomenclature reference No(s)).U.K.

4.Conditions to be fulfilled by the economic operators in view of their qualification pursuant to the system and the methods according to which each of those conditions will be verified. Where the description of such conditions and verification methods is voluminous and based on documents available to interested economic operators, a summary of the main conditions and methods and a reference to those documents shall be sufficient.U.K.

5.Period of validity of the qualification system and the formalities for its renewal.U.K.

6.Reference to the fact that the notice acts as the call for competition.U.K.

7.Address where further information and documentation concerning the qualification system can be obtained (if different from the addresses mentioned under 1).U.K.

8.Name and address of the body responsible for appeal and, where appropriate, mediation procedures. Precise information concerning time-limits for lodging appeals, or, if need be, the name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the service from which this information may be obtained.U.K.

9.Where known, criteria referred to in Article 55 to be used for award of the contract: ‘lowest price’ or ‘most economically advantageous tender’. Criteria representing the most economically advantageous tender as well as their weighting or, where appropriate, the order of importance of these criteria, shall be mentioned where they do not appear in the specifications or will not be indicated in the invitation to tender or to negotiate.U.K.

10.Any other relevant information.U.K.



1.Name, address, telegraphic address, electronic address, telephone number, telex and fax number of the contracting entity or the service from which additional information may be obtained.U.K.



For supply contracts: nature and quantity or value of the services or products to be supplied (nomenclature reference No(s)).


For works contracts: nature and extent of the services to be provided, the general characteristics of the work or of the lots by reference to the work (nomenclature reference No(s)).


For service contracts: intended total procurement in each of the service categories listed in Annex XVII A (nomenclature reference No(s)).

3.Date of dispatch of the notice or of dispatch of the notice of the publication of this notice on the buyer profile.U.K.

4.Date of receipt of the notice by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (to be supplied by that Office).U.K.

5.Any other relevant information.U.K.


6.A reference to the fact that interested suppliers should advise the entity of their interest in the contract or contracts.U.K.

7.Where appropriate, state whether the contract is reserved for sheltered workshops or whether its performance is reserved in the context of sheltered employment programmes.U.K.

8.Time limit for the receipt of applications for an invitation to tender or to negotiate.U.K.

9.Nature and quantity of the goods to be supplied or general nature of the work or category of service within the meaning of Annex XVII A and description, stating if framework agreement(s) are envisaged, including any options for further procurement and the estimated time available for exercising these options as well as the number of renewals, if any. In the case of recurring contracts, also, an estimate of the timing of the subsequent calls for competition.U.K.

10.State whether purchase, lease, rental or hire-purchase or any combination of these is involved.U.K.

11.Time limits for delivery or completion or duration of service contract and, as far as possible, for starting.U.K.

12.Address to which interested undertakings should send their expressions of interest in writing.U.K.

Time limit for receipt of expressions of interest.

Language or languages authorised for the presentation of candidatures or tenders.

13.Economic and technical conditions, and financial and technical guarantees required of suppliers.U.K.



Estimated date for initiating the award procedures in respect of the contract or contracts (if known);


Type of award procedure (restricted or negotiated);


The amount of and payment details for any sum to be paid to obtain documents concerning the consultation.

15.Where appropriate, particular conditions to which performance of the contract is subject.U.K.

16.Name and address of the body responsible for appeal and, where appropriate, mediation procedures. Precise information concerning time limits for lodging appeals, or, if need be, the name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the service from which this information may be obtained.U.K.

17.Where known, criteria referred to in Article 55 to be used for award of the contract: ‘lowest price’ or ‘most economically advantageous tender’. Criteria representing the most economically advantageous tender as well as their weighting or, where appropriate, the order of importance of these criteria shall be mentioned, where they do not appear in the specifications, or will not be indicated in the invitation to confirm interest referred to in Article 47(5) or in the invitation tender or to negotiate.U.K.


1.Country of the contracting entity.U.K.

2.Name of the contracting entity.U.K.

3.Internet address of the ‘buyer profile’ (URL).U.K.

4.CPV Nomenclature reference No(s).U.K.


I.Information for publication in the Official Journal of the European Union (7) U.K.

1.Name and address of the contracting entity.U.K.

2.Nature of the contract (supplies, works or services and Nomenclature reference No(s); where appropriate state if it is a framework agreement).U.K.

3.At least a summary indication of the nature and quantity of the products, works or services provided.U.K.



Form of the call for competition (notice on the existence of a system of qualification; periodic notice; call for tenders);


Reference of publication of the notice in the Official Journal of the European Union;


In the case of contracts awarded without a prior call for competition, indication of the relevant provision of Article 40(3) or Article 32.

5.Award procedure (open, restricted or negotiated).U.K.

6.Number of tenders received.U.K.

7.Date of award of the contract.U.K.

8.Price paid for bargain purchases pursuant to Article 40(3)(j).U.K.

9.Name and address of the economic operator(s).U.K.

10.State, where appropriate, whether the contract has been, or may be, subcontracted.U.K.

11.Price paid or the prices of the highest and lowest tenders taken into account in the award of the contract.U.K.

12.Name and address of the body responsible for the appeal and, where appropriate, mediation procedures. Precise information concerning the time limit for lodging appeals, or, if need be, the name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the service from which this information may be obtained.U.K.

13.Optional information:U.K.

  • value and share of the contract which has been or may be subcontracted to third parties,

  • award criteria.

II.Information not intended for publicationU.K.

14.Number of contracts awarded (where an award has been split between several suppliers).U.K.

15.Value of each contract awarded.U.K.

16.Country of origin of the product or service (Community origin or non-Community origin; if the latter, broken down by third country).U.K.

17.Which award criteria were used (most economically advantageous; lowest price)?U.K.

18.Was the contract awarded to a tenderer who submitted a variant, in accordance with Article 36(1)?U.K.

19.Were any tenders excluded on the grounds that they were abnormally low, in accordance with Article 57?U.K.

20.Date of transmission of the notice by the contracting entity.U.K.

21.In the case of contracts for services listed in Annex XVII B, agreement by the contracting entity to publication of the notice (Article 43(4)).U.K.



CPC Nomenclature (provisional version), used to define the scope of Directive 93/38/EEC.


Except for rail transport services covered by category 18.


Except financial services in connection with the issue, sale, purchase or transfer of securities or other financial instruments, and central bank services. Also excluded: services involving the acquisition or rental, by whatever financial procedures, of land, existing buildings, or other immovable property or concerning rights thereon; nevertheless, financial services supplied at the same time as, before or after the contract of acquisition or rental, in whatever form, shall be subject to this Directive.


Except research and development services other than those where the benefits accrue exclusively to the contracting authority for its use in the conduct of its own affairs on condition that the service provided is wholly remunerated by the contracting authority.


Except arbitration and conciliation services.

Category NoSubjectCPC Reference NoaCPV Reference No
1Maintenance and repair services6112, 6122, 633, 886

From 50100000 to 50982000

(except for 50310000 to 50324200 and 50116510-9, 50190000-3, 50229000-6, 50243000-0)

2Land transport servicesb, including armoured car services, and courier services, except transport of mail712 (except 71235), 7512, 87304

From 60112000-6 to 60129300-1

(except 60121000 to 60121600, 60122200-1, 60122230-0),

and from 64120000-3 to 64121200-2

3Air transport services of passengers and freight, except transport of mail73 (except 7321)

From 62100000-3 to 62300000-5

(except 62121000-6, 62221000-7)

4Transport of mail by landb and by air71235, 7321

60122200-1, 60122230-0

62121000-6, 62221000-7

5Telecommunications services752

From 64200000-8 to 64228200-2,


and from 72530000-9 to 72532000-3


Financial services:


Insurances services


Banking and investment servicesc

ex 81, 812, 814

From 66100000-1 to 66430000-3 and

From 67110000-1 to 67262000-1c

7Computer and related services84

From 50300000-8 to 50324200-4,

From 72100000-6 to 72591000-4

(except 72318000-7 and from 72530000-9 to 72532000-3)

8Research and development servicesd85

From 73000000-2 to 73300000-5

(except 73200000-4, 73210000-7, 7322000-0)

9Accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services862From 74121000-3 to 74121250-0
10Market research and public opinion polling services864

From 74130000-9 to 74133000-0, and

74423100-1, 74423110-4

11Management consulting servicese and related services865, 866

From 73200000-4 to 73220000-0,

From 74140000-2 to 74150000-5

(except 74142200-8), and

74420000-9, 74421000-6,

74423000-0, 74423200-2,

74423210-5, 74871000-5,


12Architectural services; engineering services and integrated engineering services; urban planning and landscape engineering services; related scientific and technical consulting services; technical testing and analysis services867

From 74200000-1 to 74276400-8, and

From 74310000-5 to 74323100-0, and 74874000-6

13Advertising services871

From 74400000-3 to 74422000-3

(except 74420000-9 and 74421000-6)

14Building-cleaning services and property management services874, 82201 to 82206

From 70300000-4 to 70340000-6, and

From 74710000-9 to 74760000-4

15Publishing and printing services on a fee or contract basis88442From 78000000-7 to 78400000-1
16Sewage and refuse disposal services; sanitation and similar services94

From 90100000-8 to 90320000-6, and

50190000-3, 50229000-6,




Except employment contracts.

Category NoSubjectCPC Reference NoCPV Reference No
17Hotel and restaurant services64

From 55000000-0 to 55524000-9, and

From 93400000-2 to 93411000-2

18Rail transport services711

60111000-9, and

from 60121000-2 to 60121600-8

19Water transport services72

From 61000000-5 to 61530000-9, and

From 63370000-3 to 63372000-7

20Supporting and auxiliary transport services74

62400000-6, 62440000-8,

62441000-5, 62450000-1,

From 63000000-9 to 63600000-5

(except 63370000-3, 63371000-0,

63372000-7), and

74322000-2, 93610000-7

21Legal services861From 74110000-3 to 74114000-1
22Personnel placement and supply servicesa872

From 74500000-4 to 74540000-6

(except 74511000-4), and

from 95000000-2 to 95140000-5

23Investigation and security services, except armoured car services873 (except 87304)From 74600000-5 to 74620000-1
24Education and vocational education services92From 80100000-5 to 80430000-7
25Health and social services93

74511000-4, and

from 85000000-9 to 85323000-9 (except 85321000-5 and 85322000-2)

26Recreational, cultural and sporting services96

From 74875000-3 to 74875200-5, and

From 92000000-1 to 92622000-7

(except 92230000-2)

27Other services


1.Name, address, electronic address telephone, telex and fax numbers of the contracting authority and of the service from which additional documents may be obtained.U.K.

2.Project description (nomenclature reference No(s)).U.K.

3.Nature of the contest: open or restricted.U.K.

4.In the case of open contests: final date for receipt of projects.U.K.

5.In the case of restricted contests:U.K.


the number of participants envisaged, or range;


where applicable, names of participants already selected;


criteria for the selection of participants;


final date for receipt of requests to participate.

6.Where applicable, indication of whether participation is reserved to a particular profession.U.K.

7.Criteria to be applied in the evaluation of projects.U.K.

8.Where applicable, names of the selected members of the jury.U.K.

9.Indication of whether the decision of the jury is binding on the authority.U.K.

10.Where applicable, number and value of prizes.U.K.

11.Where applicable, details of payments to all participants.U.K.

12.Indication of whether the prize-winners are permitted any follow-up contracts.U.K.

13.Name and address of the body responsible for the appeal and, where appropriate, mediation procedures. Precise information concerning the time limit for lodging appeals, or, if need be, the name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the service from which this information may be obtained.U.K.

14.Date of dispatch of the notice.U.K.

15.Date of receipt of the notice by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.U.K.

16.Any other relevant informationU.K.


1.Name, address, telegraphic address and telephone, telex and fax numbers of the contracting authority.U.K.

2.Project description (nomenclature reference No(s)).U.K.

3.Total number of participants.U.K.

4.Number of foreign participants.U.K.

5.Winner(s) of the contest.U.K.

6.Where applicable, the prize(s).U.K.

7.Other information.U.K.

8.Reference of the design contest notice.U.K.

9.Name and address of the body responsible for the appeal and, where appropriate, mediation procedures. Precise information concerning the time limit for lodging appeals, or, if need be, the name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the service from which this information may be obtained.U.K.

10.Date of dispatch of the notice.U.K.

11.Date of receipt of the notice by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.U.K.


1.Publication of noticesU.K.


[F2Notices referred to in Articles 41, 42, 43 and 63 must be sent by the contracting entities to the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities in the format established by implementing measures to be adopted by the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 68(2).] The periodic indicative notices referred to in Article 41(1), published on a buyer profile as described in paragraph 2(b), must also use that format, as must the notice of such publication;


Notices referred to in Articles 41, 42, 43 and 63 must be published by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities or by the contracting entities in the event of a periodic indicative notice published on a buyer profile in accordance with Article 41(1).

In addition, contracting authorities may publish this information on the Internet on a ‘buyer profile’ as referred to in point 2(b);


The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities will give the contracting authority the confirmation referred to in Article 44(7).

2.Publication of complementary or additional informationU.K.


Contracting entities are encouraged to publish the specifications and the additional documents in their entirety on the Internet;


The buyer profile may include periodic indicative notices as referred to in Article 41(1), information on ongoing invitations to tender, scheduled purchases, contracts concluded, procedures cancelled and any useful general information, such as a contact point, a telephone and a fax number, a postal address and an e-mail address.

3.Format and procedures for the electronic transmission of noticesU.K.

The format and procedure for sending notices electronically are accessible at the Internet address ‘’.


For the purposes of this Directive,


‘Technical specification’, in the case of service or supply contracts, means a specification in a document defining the required characteristics of a product or a service, such as quality levels, environmental performance levels, design for all requirements (including accessibility for disabled persons) and conformity assessment, performance, use of the product, safety or dimensions, including requirements relevant to the product as regards the name under which the product is sold, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking and labelling, user instructions, production processes and methods and conformity assessment procedures;


‘Technical specification’, in the case of works contracts, means the totality of the technical prescriptions contained in particular in the tender documents, defining the characteristics required of a material, product or supply, which permits a material, a product or a supply to be described in a manner such that it fulfils the use for which it is intended by the contracting entity. These characteristics shall include levels of environmental performance, design for all requirements (including accessibility for disabled persons) and conformity assessment, performance, safety or dimensions, including the procedures concerning quality assurance, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking and labelling, user instructions, and production processes and methods. They shall also include rules relating to design and costing, the test, inspection and acceptance conditions for works and methods or techniques of construction and all other technical conditions which the contracting entity is in a position to prescribe, under general or specific regulations, in relation to the finished works and to the materials or parts which they involve;


‘Standard’ means a technical specification approved by a recognised standardisation body for repeated or continuous application, compliance with which is not compulsory and which falls into one of the following categories:

— ‘international standard’


a standard adopted by an international standards organisation and made available to the general public;

— ‘European standard’


a standard adopted by a European standards organisation and made available to the general public;

— ‘national standard’


a standard adopted by a national standards organisation and made available to the general public;


‘European technical approval’ means a favourable technical assessment of the fitness for use of a product, based on the fulfilment of the essential requirements for building works, by means of the inherent characteristics of the product and the defined conditions of application and use. European technical approvals are issued by an approval body designated for this purpose by the Member State;


‘Common technical specifications’ means a technical specification laid down in accordance with a procedure recognised by the Member States which has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union;


‘Technical reference’: any product produced by European standardisation bodies, other than official standards, according to procedures adapted to developments in market needs.


Open procedures

Time limit for receipt of tenders — without a periodic indicative notice
Time limitElectronic transmission of the noticeContract documents available electronicallyElectronic transmission plus ‘electronic’ contract documentsEffect on first subparagraph of paragraph 7Effect on second subparagraph of paragraph 7
With publication of a periodic indicative notice
A: Time limit in generalElectronic transmission of the noticeContract documents available electronicallyElectronic transmission plus ‘electronic’ contract documentsEffect on first subparagraph of paragraph 7Effect on second subparagraph of paragraph 7
B: Minimum time limitElectronic transmission of the noticeContract documents available electronicallyElectronic transmission plus ‘electronic’ contract documentsEffect on first subparagraph of paragraph 7Effect on second subparagraph of paragraph 7
22151710The period of 10 days is extended to 15 daysThe period of 17 days is extended to 22 days

Restricted and negotiated procedures

Time limit for the receipt of requests to participate:
General time limitElectronic transmission of the noticeContract documents available electronicallyElectronic transmission plus ‘electronic’ contract documentsEffect on first subparagraph of paragraph 8Effect on second subparagraph of paragraph 8
3730Not applicable (n.a.)n.a.nonen.a.
Minimum time limitElectronic transmission of the noticeContract documents available electronicallyElectronic transmission plus ‘electronic’ contract documentsEffect on first subparagraph of paragraph 8Effect on second subparagraph of paragraph 8
Minimum time limitElectronic transmission of the noticeContract documents available electronicallyElectronic transmission plus ‘electronic’ contract documentsEffect on first subparagraph of paragraph 8Effect on second subparagraph of paragraph 8
158n.a.n.a.The period of 8 days is extended to 15 daysn.a.
Time limit for the receipt of tenders
A: Time limit in generalElectronic transmission of the noticeContract documents available electronicallyElectronic transmission plus ‘electronic’ contract documentsEffect on first subparagraph of paragraph 8Effect on second subparagraph of paragraph 8
B: Minimum time limitElectronic transmission of the noticeContract documents available electronicallyElectronic transmission plus ‘electronic’ contract documentsEffect on first subparagraph of paragraph 8Effect on second subparagraph of paragraph 8
10n.a.5n.a.n.a.The period of 5 days is extended to 10 days
C: Time limit set by agreementElectronic transmission of the noticeContract documents available electronicallyElectronic transmission plus ‘electronic’ contract documentsEffect on first subparagraph of paragraph 8Effect on second subparagraph of paragraph 8


  • Convention 87 on Freedom of Association and the Protection of the Right to Organise;

  • Convention 98 on the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining;

  • Convention 29 on Forced Labour;

  • Convention 105 on the Abolition of Forced Labour;

  • Convention 138 on Minimum Age;

  • Convention 111 on Discrimination (Employment and Occupation);

  • Convention 100 on Equal Remuneration;

  • Convention 182 on Worst Forms of Child Labour.


Devices for the electronic receipt of tenders, requests to participate, applications for qualification as well as plans and projects in contests must guarantee, through technical means and appropriate procedures, at least that:


the exact time and date of the receipt of tenders, requests to participate, applications for qualification as well as the submission of plans and projects can be determined precisely;


it may be reasonably ensured that, before the time limits laid down, no-one can have access to data transmitted under these requirements;


if that access prohibition is infringed, it may be reasonably ensured that the infringement is clearly detectable;


only authorised persons may set or change the dates for opening data received;


during the various stages of the qualification procedure, the contract award procedure or contest, access to all data submitted, or to part thereof, must be possible only through simultaneous action by authorised persons;


simultaneous action by authorised persons must give access to data transmitted only after the prescribed date;


data received and opened in accordance with these requirements must remain accessible only to persons authorised to acquaint themselves therewith.


DirectiveTime limits for transpositionTime limits for implementation
93/38/EEC (OJ L 199, 9.8.1993, p. 84)1.7.1994

Spain: 1.1.1997;

Greece and Portugal: 1.1.1998

98/4/EC (OJ L 101, 1.4.1998, p. 1)16.2.1999Greece and Portugal: 16.2.2000


This DirectiveDirective 93/38/EEC
Article 1(1)Article 1(1), 1st sentence
Article 1(2)(a)Article 1(4), 1st sentence,Adapted
Article 1(2)(b), 1st sentenceArticle 1(4)(b), 1st sentenceAmended
Article 1(2)(b), 2nd sentenceArticle 14(10), 2nd sentenceAdapted
Article 1(2)(c), 1st subparagraphArticle 1(4)(a)Adapted
Article 1(2)(c), 2nd subparagraphNew
Article 1(2)(d), 1st subparagraphArticle 1(4)(c), 1st partAdapted
Article 1(2)(d), 2nd subparagraphArticle 1(4), 2nd subparagraphAdapted
Article 1(2)(d), 3rd subparagraphNew
Article 1(3)(a)New
Article 1(3)(b)New
Article 1(4)Article 1(5)Adapted
Article 1(5)New
Article 1(6)New
Article 1(7), 1st paragraphArticle 1(6), in fineAmended
Article 1(7), 2nd paragraphNew
Article 1(7), 3rd subparagraphArticle 1(6), 1st sentenceAdapted
Article 1(8)New
Article 1(9),(a) to (c)Article 1(7)Adapted
[X1Article 1(10) Article 1(16) Adapted
Article 1(11) New
Article 1(12) New
Article 1(13) New]
Article 1(14) and (15)Deleted
Article 2(1)(a)Article 1(1)
Article 2(1)(b)Article 1(2)
Article 2(2)Article 2(1)Adapted
Article 2(3)Article 2(3)Amended
Article 3(1)Article 2(2)(a)(iii)Adapted
Article 3(2)Article 2(5)(b)Adapted
Article 3(3)Article 2(2)(a)(ii)Adapted
Article 3(4)Article 2(5)(a)Adapted
Article 4(1)Article 2(2)(a)(i)Adapted
Article 4(2)Article 6(2)Adapted
Article 4(3)Article 2(5)(a)Adapted
Article 5(1)Article 2(2)(c)Amended
Article 5(2)Article 2(4)Amended
Article 6New
Article 7Article 2(2)(b)
Article 2(2)(d)Deleted
Article 8Article 2(6)Amended
Article 9New
Article 10Article 4(2)Amended
Article 11(1), 1st subparagraphArticle 33(2)
Article 11(1), 2nd subparagraphArticle 33(3)Amended
Article 11(2)Article 33(1)Amended
Article 12Article 42a
Article 13(1)Article 4(3)
Article 13(2)Article 4(4)Amended
Article 14Article 5
Article 15New
Article 16Article 14(1)Amended
Article 17(1)Article 14(2) and (6)Amended
Article 17(2)Article 14.(13)Adapted
Article 17(3)Article 14(9)Amended
Article 17(4)Article 14(11)Adapted
Article 17(5)Article 14(12)Adapted
Article 17(6)(a), 1st subparagraphArticle 14(10), 3rd sentenceAmended
Article 17(6)(a), 2nd subparagraphArticle 14(10), 2nd subparagraph, 2nd sentenceAdapted
Article 17(6)(a), 3rd subparagraphArticle 14(10), 2nd subparagraph, 3rd sentenceAmended
Article 17(6)(b), 1st subparagraphArticle 14(10), 2nd subparagraph, 1st sentenceAmended
Article 17(6)(b), 2nd subparagraphArticle 14(10), 2nd subparagraph, 2nd sentenceAdapted
Article 17(6)(b), 3rd subparagraphNew
Article 17(7)Article 14(7)Amended
Article 17(8)Article 14(8)
Article 17(9)Article 14(4)Amended
Article 17(10)Article 14(3)Amended
Article 17(11)Article 14(5)
Article 18New
Article 19Article 7
Article 20Article 6(1) and (3)Adapted
Article 21Article 10
Article 22(a)Article 12, 1Amended
Article 22(b)Article 12, 2
Article 22(c)Article 12, 3
Article 23(1)Article 1(3)
Article 23(2)Article 13(1), 1st subparagraph, points (a) and (b)Amended
Article 23(3), 1st subparagraph, point aArticle 13(1), 1st subparagraph in fineAmended
Article 23, 1st subparagraph, points b and cNew
Article 23(3), 2nd subparagraphNew
Article 23(3), 3rd subparagraphArticle 13(1), 2nd subparagraphAmended
Article 23(4)(a)Article 13(1), 1st subparagraph, point bAmended
Article 23(4)(b)New
Article 23(4) in fineNew
Article 23(5)Article 13(2)Amended
Article 24(a)Article 1(4),c,i
Article 24(b)Article 1,(4),c,iii
Article 24(c)Article 1(4),c,ivAmended
Article 24(d)Article 1(4),c,v
Article 24(e)Article 1(4),c,vi
Article 1(4),c,ii and Annex XVI A, footnote 2Deleted
Article 25Article 11Amended
Article 26(a)Article 9(1),aAdapted
Article 26(b)Article 9(1),bAdapted
Article 9(2)Deleted
Article 3(1)Deleted
Article 27Article 3(2)Amended
Article 3(3) to (5)Deleted
Article 28New
Article 29New
Article 30New
Article 8Deleted
Article 31Article 15Adapted
Article 32Article 16
Article 33Article 17
Article 34Article 18 and Article 34(4)Amended
Article 35Article 19Adapted
Article 36, paragraph 1Article 34(3)Amended
Article 36(2)New
Article 37Article 27Amended
Article 38New
Article 39(1)Article 29(1)Amended
Article 39(2)Article 29(2)
Article 40(1)Article 4(1)
Article 40(2) and (3)Article 20(1) and (2)
Article 41(1), 1st subparagraphArticle 22(1)Amended
Article 41(1), 2nd to 6th subparagraphNew
Article 41(2)Article 22(4)
Article 41(3)Article 30(9)Adapted
Article 42(1)Article 21(1)
Article 42(2)New
Article 42(2)(a) and (b)Article 21(2),a and bAdapted
Article 42(2)(c), 1st sentenceArticle 22(3), 1st sentence
Article 42(2)(c), 2nd sentenceArticle 22(3), 2nd sentence
Article 43(1)Article 24(1)Amended
Article 43(2)Article 24(2)Adapted
Article 43(3)Article 24(3), 1st to 3rd sentencesAdapted
Article 43(4)Article 24(3), 4th sentenceAdapted
Article 43(5)Article 24(4)Adapted
Article 44(1)New
Article 44(2)New
Article 44(3), 1st subparagraphNew
Article 44(3), 2nd subparagraph, 1st sentenceArticle 25(3), 1st sentenceAmended
Article 44(3), 2nd subparagraph, 2nd sentenceArticle 25(3), 2nd sentenceAdapted
Article 44(4), 1st subparagraphArticle 25(2)Amended
Article 44(4), 2nd subparagraphArticle 25(4)
Article 44(5)Article 25(5)Amended
Article 44(6)Article 25(1)
Article 44(7)New
Article 44(8)New
Article 25(3), 3rd sentenceDeleted
Article 45(1)New
Article 45(2)Article 26(1), 1st subparagraph, 1st sentence
Article 45(3)Article 26(2)Adapted
Article 45(4)Article 26(1), 2nd and 3rd sentencesAdapted
Article 45(5) to (8)New
Article 45(9)Article 28(3)Amended
Article 45(10)New
Article 46(1)Article 28(1)Amended
Article 46(2)Article 28(2)Amended
Article 47(1), 1st sentenceArticle 28(4), 1st sentence
Article 47(1), 2nd sentence, 1st indentNew
Article 47(1), 2nd sentence, 2nd indentArticle 28(4), 2nd sentenceAmended
Article 47(2)New
Article 47(3)Article 28(2)Amended
Article 47(4), a to dArticle 28(4), a to d and fAdapted
Article 28(4)(f)Deleted
Article 47(4)(e)Article 28(4),eAmended
Article 47(4)(f)New
Article 47(5), a to hArticle 21(2),cAdapted
Article 47(3), iNew
Article 48(1)Article 28(6), 1st and 2nd sentences and 1st indentAmended
Article 48(2)New
Article 48(3)Article 28(6), 2nd and 4th indentAmended
Article 48(4)New
Article 48(5)New
Article 48(6)Article 28(5)Amended
Article 49(1)Article 41(3)Amended
Article 49(2), 1st subparagraphArticle 41(4), 1st subparagraphAmended
Article 49(2), 2nd subparagraphArticle 41(2), 2nd subparagraphAdapted
Article 49(3)Article 30(4)
Article 49(4)Article 30(6)Amended
Article 49(5)Article 30(8)Amended
Article 50(1)Article 41(1)Amended
Article 50(2)Article 41(2)
Article 51New
Article 52(1)Article 30(5)Amended
Article 52(2)Article 32Amended
Article 52(3)New
Article 53(1)Article 30(1)
Article 53(2)Article 30(2)Amended
Article 53(3)New
Article 53(4)New
Article 53(5)New
Article 53(6)Article 30(3)
Article 53(7)Article 30(7)
Article 53(8)New
Article 53(9)Article 21(3)
Article 21(5)Deleted
Article 54(1)New
Article 54(2)Article 31(1)
Article 54(3)Article 31(3)Adapted
Article 54(4), 1st subparagraphArticle 31(2)Adapted
Article 54(4), 2nd subparagraphNew
Article 54(5)New
Article 54(6)
Article 55(1)Article 34(1)
Article 55(2)Article 34(2)Amended
Article 35(1) and (2)Deleted
Article 56New
Article 57(1) and (2)Article 34(5), 1st and 2nd subparagraphsAmended
Article 57(3)Article 34(5), 3rd subparagraphAmended
Article 58(1) and (2)Article 36(1) and (2)
Article 58(3)Article 36(3) and (4)Adapted
Article 58(4) and (5)Article 36(5) and (6)
Article 59(1), (2), (3), (5) and (6)Article 37Adapted
Article 59(4)new
Article 60(1)Article 23(3)
Article 60(2)Article 23(4)
Article 61(1) and (2)Article 23(1) and (2)Amended
Article 62(1)Article 6(1), Article 12Amended
Article 62(2)New
Article 63(1), 1st subparagraphArticle 21(4)Amended
Article 63(1), 2nd subparagraphArticle 24(1) and (2), 2nd sentenceAdapted
Article 63(2)Article 25Amended
Article 64New
Article 65(1)Article 4(1)Adapted
Article 65(2)Article 23(5)
Article 65(3)Article 23(6), 1st subparagraph
Article 66Article 23(6), 2nd subparagraphAmended
Article 67Article 42Amended
Article 39Deleted
Article 68(1)Article 40(5)Amended
Article 68(2)New
Article 68(3)New
Article 69(1), 1st subparagraphArticle 14(15), 1st sentenceAmended
Article 69(1), 2nd subparagraphArticle 14(15), 2nd sentenceAmended
Article 69(2), 1st subparagraphNew
Article 69(2), 2nd subparagraphArticle 14(14), 1st and 2nd sentencesAmended
Article 69(3)Article 14(14), 3rd sentence and (15), 3rd sentenceAdapted
Article 70(1), point aArticle 40(1)Amended
Article 70(1), point bArticle 40(2)Adapted
Article 70(1), point cArticle 40(3)Amended
Article 70(1), point dArticle 40(3)Amended
Article 70(1), point eNew
Article 70(1), points f, g and hNew
Article 70(1), point iArticle 40(2) and 42(2)Adapted
Article 70(1), point jArticle 14(16)Adapted
Article 40(4)Deleted
Article 43 and Article 44Deleted
Article 71New
Article 72new
Annex IAnnex IIIAdapted
Annex IIAnnex IIAdapted
Annex IIIAnnex IAdapted
Annex IVAnnex VIAdapted
Annex VAnnex VIIAdapted
Annex VINew
Annex VIIAnnex IVAdapted
Annex VIIIAnnex VAdapted
Annex IXAnnex IXAdapted
Annex XAnnex VIIIAdapted
Annex XINew
Annex XIIAnnex XIAdapted
Annex XIII, A to CAnnex XIIAmended
Annex XIII, DNew
Annex XIVAnnex XIIIAmended
Annex XV, AAnnex XIVAmended
Annex XV, BNew
Annex XVIAnnex XVAmended
Annex XVII AAnnex XVI AAmended
Annex XVII BAnnex XVI BAdapted
Annexes XVIII and XIXAnnexes XVII and XVIIIAmended
Annex XX, point 1, aNew
Annex XX, point 1.bArticle 25(2)Amended
Annex XX, point 1.cNew
Annex XX, points 2 and 3New
Annex XXI, point 1Article 1(8)Amended
Annex XXI, point 2, 1st sentenceArticle 1(9)Adapted
Annex XXI, point 2, 1st indentNew
Annex XXI, point 2, 2nd indentArticle 1(10)Amended
Annex XXI, point 2, 3rd indentNew
Annex XXI, point 3Article 1(12)Amended
Annex XXI, point 4Article 1(11)
Article 1(13)Deleted
Annex XXIINew
Annex XXIVNew
Annex XXVNew
Annex XXVINew

OJ L 15, 21.1.1998, p. 14. Directive last amended by Directive 2002/39/EC (OJ L 176, 5.7.2002, p. 21).


In the event of any difference of interpretation between the CPV and the NACE, the NACE nomenclature will apply.


With a view to admission to the system in order to be able subsequently to participate in the invitation to tender for the specific contract.


Information in headings 6, 9 and 11 is deemed information not intended for publication where the awarding entity considers that publication thereof might be detrimental to a sensitive commercial interest.


In the event of any difference of interpretation between the CPV and the CPC, the CPC nomenclature will apply.


Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Community framework for electronic signatures (OJ L 13, 19.1.2000, p. 12).


‘Adapted’ indicates that the wording has been reformulated without changing the scope of the text of the repealed Directive. Changes to the scope of the provisions of the repealed Directive are denoted by the word ‘Amended’.