Directive 2004/17/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (repealed)Show full title

Directive 2004/17/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 coordinating the procurement procedures of entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors (repealed)

Section 2U.K.Activities

Article 3U.K.Gas, heat and electricity

1.As far as gas and heat are concerned, this Directive shall apply to the following activities:

(a)the provision or operation of fixed networks intended to provide a service to the public in connection with the production, transport or distribution of gas or heat; or

(b)the supply of gas or heat to such networks.

2.The supply of gas or heat to networks which provide a service to the public by a contracting entity other than a contracting authority shall not be considered a relevant activity within the meaning of paragraph 1 where:

(a)the production of gas or heat by the entity concerned is the unavoidable consequence of carrying out an activity other than those referred to in paragraphs 1 or 3 of this Article or in Articles 4 to 7; and

(b)supply to the public network is aimed only at the economic exploitation of such production and amounts to not more than 20 % of the entity's turnover having regard to the average for the preceding three years, including the current year.

3.As far as electricity is concerned, this Directive shall apply to the following activities:

(a)the provision or operation of fixed networks intended to provide a service to the public in connection with the production, transport or distribution of electricity; or

(b)the supply of electricity to such networks.

4.The supply of electricity to networks which provide a service to the public by a contracting entity other than a contracting authority shall not be considered a relevant activity within the meaning of paragraph 3 where:

(a)the production of electricity by the entity concerned takes place because its consumption is necessary for carrying out an activity other than those referred to in paragraphs 1 or 3 of this Article or in Articles 4 to 7; and

(b)supply to the public network depends only on the entity's own consumption and has not exceeded 30 % of the entity's total production of energy, having regard to the average for the preceding three years, including the current year.

Article 4U.K.Water

1.This Directive shall apply to the following activities:

(a)the provision or operation of fixed networks intended to provide a service to the public in connection with the production, transport or distribution of drinking water; or

(b)the supply of drinking water to such networks.

2.This Directive shall also apply to contracts or design contests awarded or organised by entities which pursue an activity referred to in paragraph 1 and which:

(a)are connected with hydraulic engineering projects, irrigation or land drainage, provided that the volume of water to be used for the supply of drinking water represents more than 20 % of the total volume of water made available by such projects or irrigation or drainage installations, or

(b)are connected with the disposal or treatment of sewage.

3.The supply of drinking water to networks which provide a service to the public by a contracting entity other than a contracting authority shall not be considered a relevant activity within the meaning of paragraph 1 where:

(a)the production of drinking water by the entity concerned takes place because its consumption is necessary for carrying out an activity other than those referred to in Articles 3 to 7; and

(b)supply to the public network depends only on the entity's own consumption and has not exceeded 30 % of the entity's total production of drinking water, having regard to the average for the preceding three years, including the current year.

Article 5U.K.Transport services

1.This Directive shall apply to activities relating to the provision or operation of networks providing a service to the public in the field of transport by railway, automated systems, tramway, trolley bus, bus or cable.

As regards transport services, a network shall be considered to exist where the service is provided under operating conditions laid down by a competent authority of a Member State, such as conditions on the routes to be served, the capacity to be made available or the frequency of the service.

2.This Directive shall not apply to entities providing bus transport services to the public which were excluded from the scope of Directive 93/38/EEC pursuant to Article 2(4) thereof.

Article 6U.K.Postal services

1.This Directive shall apply to activities relating to the provision of postal services or, on the conditions set out in paragraph 2(c), other services than postal services.

2.For the purpose of this Directive and without prejudice to Directive 97/67/EC:

(a) ‘postal item’


means an item addressed in the final form in which it is to be carried, irrespective of weight. In addition to items of correspondence, such items also include for instance books, catalogues, newspapers, periodicals and postal packages containing merchandise with or without commercial value, irrespective of weight;

(b) ‘postal services’


means services consisting of the clearance, sorting, routing and delivery of postal items. These services comprise:

  • ‘reserved postal services’: postal services which are or may be reserved on the basis of Article 7 of Directive 97/67/EC,

  • ‘other postal services’: postal services which may not be reserved on the basis of Article 7 of Directive 97/67/EC; and

(c) ‘other services than postal services’


means services provided in the following areas:

  • mail service management services (services both preceding and subsequent to despatch, such as ‘mailroom management services’),

  • added-value services linked to and provided entirely by electronic means (including the secure transmission of coded documents by electronic means, address management services and transmission of registered electronic mail),

  • services concerning postal items not included in point (a), such as direct mail bearing no address,

  • financial services, as defined in category 6 of Annex XVII A and in Article 24(c) and including in particular postal money orders and postal giro transfers,

  • philatelic services, and

  • logistics services (services combining physical delivery and/or warehousing with other non-postal functions),

on condition that such services are provided by an entity which also provides postal services within the meaning of point (b), first or second indent, and provided that the conditions set out in Article 30(1) are not satisfied in respect of the services falling within those indents.

Article 7U.K.Exploration for, or extraction of, oil, gas, coal or other solid fuels, as well as ports and airports

This Directive shall apply to activities relating to the exploitation of a geographical area for the purpose of:


exploring for or extracting oil, gas, coal or other solid fuels, or


the provision of airports and maritime or inland ports or other terminal facilities to carriers by air, sea or inland waterway.

Article 8U.K.Lists of contracting entities

The non-exhaustive lists of contracting entities within the meaning of this Directive are contained in Annexes I to X. Member States shall notify the Commission periodically of any changes to their lists.

Article 9U.K.Contracts covering several activities

1.A contract which is intended to cover several activities shall be subject to the rules applicable to the activity for which it is principally intended.

However, the choice between awarding a single contract and awarding a number of separate contracts may not be made with the objective of excluding it from the scope of this Directive or, where applicable, Directive 2004/18/EC.

2.If one of the activities for which the contract is intended is subject to this Directive and the other to the abovementioned Directive 2004/18/EC and if it is objectively impossible to determine for which activity the contract is principally intended, the contract shall be awarded in accordance with the abovementioned Directive 2004/18/EC.

3.If one of the activities for which the contract is intended is subject to this Directive and the other is not subject to either this Directive or the abovementioned Directive 2004/18/EC, and if it is objectively impossible to determine for which activity the contract is principally intended, the contract shall be awarded in accordance with this Directive.