Agence fédérale pour l'Accueil des demandeurs d'Asile Federaal Agentschap voor Opvang van Asielzoekers
Agence fédérale pour la Sécurité de la Chaîne alimentaire Federaal Agentschap voor de Veiligheid van de Voedselketen
Agence fédérale de Contrôle nucléaire Federaal Agentschap voor nucleaire Controle
Agence wallonne à l'Exportation
Agence wallonne des Télécommunications
Agence wallonne pour l'Intégration des Personnes handicapées
Arbeitsamt der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft
Archives générales du Royaume et Archives de l'Etat dans les Provinces Algemeen Rijksarchief en Rijksarchief in de Provinciën Astrid
Banque nationale de Belgique Nationale Bank van België
Belgisches Rundfunk- und Fernsehzentrum der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft
Berlaymont 2000
Bibliothèque royale Albert Ier Koninklijke Bilbliotheek Albert I
Bruxelles-Propreté — Agence régionale pour la Propreté Net–Brussel — Gewestelijke Agentschap voor Netheid
Bureau d'Intervention et de Restitution belge Belgisch Interventie — en Restitutiebureau
Bureau fédéral du Plan Federaal Planbureau
Caisse auxiliaire de Paiement des Allocations de Chômage Hulpkas voor Werkloosheidsuitkeringen
Caisse auxiliaire d'Assurance Maladie-Invalidité Hulpkas voor Ziekte — en Invaliditeitsverzekeringen
Caisse de Secours et de Prévoyance en Faveur des Marins Hulp — en Voorzorgskas voor Zeevarenden
Caisse de Soins de Santé de la Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Belges Kas der geneeskundige Verzorging van de Nationale Maatschappij der Belgische Spoorwegen
Caisse nationale des Calamités Nationale Kas voor Rampenschade
Caisse spéciale de Compensation pour Allocations familiales en Faveur des Travailleurs occupés dans les Entreprises de Batellerie Bijzondere Verrekenkas voor Gezinsvergoedingen ten Bate van de Arbeiders der Ondernemingen voor Binnenscheepvaart
Caisse spéciale de Compensation pour Allocations familiales en Faveur des Travailleurs occupés dans les Entreprises de Chargement, Déchargement et Manutention de Marchandises dans les Ports, Débarcadères, Entrepôts et Stations (appelée habituellement «Caisse spéciale de Compensation pour Allocations familiales des Régions maritimes») Bijzondere Verrekenkas voor Gezinsvergoedingen ten Bate van de Arbeiders gebezigd door Ladings — en Lossingsondernemingen en door de Stuwadoors in de Havens, Losplaatsen, Stapelplaatsen en Stations (gewoonlijk genoemd „Bijzondere Compensatiekas voor Kindertoeslagen van de Zeevaartgewesten”)
Centre d'Etude de l'Energie nucléaire Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie
Centre de recherches agronomiques de Gembloux
Centre hospitalier de Mons
Centre hospitalier de Tournai
Centre hospitalier universitaire de Liège
Centre informatique pour la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale Centrum voor Informatica voor het Brusselse Gewest
Centre pour l'Egalité des Chances et la Lutte contre le Racisme Centrum voor Gelijkheid van Kansen en voor Racismebestrijding
Centre régional d'Aide aux Communes
Centrum voor Bevolkings- en Gezinsstudiën
Centrum voor landbouwkundig Onderzoek te Gent
Comité de Contrôle de l'Electricité et du Gaz Controlecomité voor Elekticiteit en Gas
Comité national de l'Energie Nationaal Comité voor de Energie
Commissariat général aux Relations internationales
Commissariaat-Generaal voor de Bevordering van de lichamelijke Ontwikkeling, de Sport en de Openluchtrecreatie
Commissariat général pour les Relations internationales de la Communauté française de Belgique
Conseil central de l'Economie Centrale Raad voor het Bedrijfsleven
Conseil économique et social de la Région wallonne
Conseil national du Travail Nationale Arbeidsraad
Conseil supérieur de la Justice Hoge Raad voor de Justitie
Conseil supérieur des Indépendants et des petites et moyennes Entreprises Hoge Raad voor Zelfstandigen en de kleine en middelgrote Ondernemingen
Conseil supérieur des Classes moyennes
Coopération technique belge Belgische technische Coöperatie
Dienststelle der Deutschprachigen Gemeinschaft für Personen mit einer Behinderung
Dienst voor de Scheepvaart
Dienst voor Infrastructuurwerken van het gesubsidieerd Onderwijs
Domus Flandria
Entreprise publique des Technologies nouvelles de l'Information et de la Communication de la Communauté française
Export Vlaanderen
Financieringsfonds voor Schuldafbouw en Eenmalige Investeringsuitgaven
Financieringsinstrument voor de Vlaamse Visserij- en Aquicultuursector
Fonds bijzondere Jeugdbijstand
Fonds communautaire de Garantie des Bâtiments scolaires
Fonds culturele Infrastructuur
Fonds de Participation
Fonds de Vieillissement Zilverfonds
Fonds d'Aide médicale urgente Fonds voor dringende geneeskundige Hulp
Fonds de Construction d'Institutions hospitalières et médico-sociales de la Communauté française
Fonds de Pension pour les Pensions de Retraite du Personnel statutaire de Belgacom Pensioenfonds voor de Rustpensioenen van het statutair Personeel van Belgacom
Fonds des Accidents du Travail Fonds voor Arbeidsongevallen
Fonds des Maladies professionnelles Fonds voor Beroepsziekten
Fonds d'Indemnisation des Travailleurs licenciés en cas de Fermeture d'Entreprises Fonds tot Vergoeding van de in geval van Sluiting van Ondernemingen ontslagen Werknemers
Fonds du Logement des Familles nombreuses de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale Woningfonds van de grote Gezinnen van het Brusselse hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Fonds du Logement des Familles nombreuses de Wallonie
Fonds Film in Vlaanderen
Fonds national de Garantie des Bâtiments scolaires Nationaal Warborgfonds voor Schoolgebouwen
Fonds national de Garantie pour la Réparation des Dégâts houillers Nationaal Waarborgfonds inzake Kolenmijnenschade
Fonds piscicole de Wallonie
Fonds pour le Financement des Prêts à des Etats étrangers Fonds voor Financiering van de Leningen aan Vreemde Staten
Fonds pour la Rémunération des Mousses Fonds voor Scheepsjongens
Fonds régional bruxellois de Refinancement des Trésoreries communales Brussels gewestelijk Herfinancieringsfonds van de gemeentelijke Thesaurieën
Fonds voor flankerend economisch Beleid
Fonds wallon d'Avances pour la Réparation des Dommages provoqués par des Pompages et des Prises d'Eau souterraine
Garantiefonds der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft für Schulbauten
Het Gemeenschapsonderwijs
Hulpfonds tot financieel Herstel van de Gemeenten
Institut belge de Normalisation Belgisch Instituut voor Normalisatie
Institut belge des Services postaux et des Télécommunications Belgisch Instituut voor Postdiensten en Telecommunicatie
Institut bruxellois francophone pour la Formation professionnelle
Institut bruxellois pour la Gestion de l'Environnement Brussels Instituut voor Milieubeheer
Institut d'Aéronomie spatiale Instituut voor Ruimte — aëronomie
Institut de Formation permanente pour les Classes moyennes et les petites et moyennes Entreprises
Institut des Comptes nationaux Instituut voor de nationale Rekeningen
Institut d'Expertise vétérinaire Instituut voor veterinaire Keuring
Institut du Patrimoine wallon
Institut für Aus- und Weiterbildung im Mittelstand und in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen
Institut géographique national Nationaal geografisch Instituut
Institution pour le Développement de la Gazéification souterraine Instelling voor de Ontwikkeling van ondergrondse Vergassing
Institution royale de Messine Koninklijke Gesticht van Mesen
Institutions universitaires de droit public relevant de la Communauté flamande Universitaire instellingen van publiek recht afangende van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Institutions universitaires de droit public relevant de la Communauté française Universitaire instellingen van publiek recht afhangende van de Franse Gemeenschap
Institut national d'Assurance Maladie-Invalidité Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte — en Invaliditeitsverzekering
Institut national d'Assurances sociales pour Travailleurs indépendants Rijksinstituut voor de sociale Verzekeringen der Zelfstandigen
Institut national des Industries extractives Nationaal Instituut voor de Extractiebedrijven
Institut national de Recherche sur les Conditions de Travail Nationaal Onderzoeksinstituut voor Arbeidsomstandigheden
Institut national des Invalides de Guerre, anciens Combattants et Victimes de Guerre Nationaal Instituut voor Oorlogsinvaliden, Oudstrijders en Oorlogsslachtoffers
Institut national des Radioéléments Nationaal Instituut voor Radio-Elementen
Institut national pour la Criminalistique et la Criminologie Nationaal Instituut voor Criminalistiek en Criminologie
Institut pour l'Amélioration des Conditions de Travail Instituut voor Verbetering van de Arbeidsvoorwaarden
Institut royal belge des Sciences naturelles Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen
Institut royal du Patrimoine culturel Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium
Institut royal météorologique de Belgique Koninklijk meteorologisch Instituut van België
Institut scientifique de Service public en Région wallonne
Institut scientifique de la Santé publique — Louis Pasteur Wetenschappelijk Instituut Volksgezondheid — Louis Pasteur
Instituut voor de Aanmoediging van Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie in Vlaanderen
Instituut voor Bosbouw en Wildbeheer
Instituut voor het archeologisch Patrimonium
Investeringsdienst voor de Vlaamse autonome Hogescholen
Investeringsfonds voor Grond- en Woonbeleid voor Vlaams-Brabant
Jardin botanique national de Belgique Nationale Plantentuin van België
Kind en Gezin
Koninklijk Museum voor schone Kunsten te Antwerpen
Loterie nationale Nationale Loterij
Mémorial national du Fort de Breendonk Nationaal Gedenkteken van het Fort van Breendonk
Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika
Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis
Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique Koninklijke Musea voor schone Kunsten van België
Observatoire royal de Belgique Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van België
Office central d'Action sociale et culturelle du Ministère de la Défense Centrale Dienst voor sociale en culturele Actie van het Ministerie van Defensie
Office communautaire et régional de la Formation professionnelle et de l'Emploi
Office de Contrôle des Assurances Controledienst voor de Verzekeringen
Office de Contrôle des Mutualités et des Unions nationales de Mutualités Controledienst voor de Ziekenfondsen en de Landsbonden van Ziekenfondsen
Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance
Office de Promotion du Tourisme
Office de Sécurité sociale d'Outre-Mer Dienst voor de overzeese sociale Zekerheid
Office for Foreign Investors in Wallonia
Office national d'Allocations familiales pour Travailleurs salariés Rijksdienst voor Kinderbijslag voor Werknemers
Office national de l'Emploi Rijksdienst voor Arbeidsvoorziening
Office national de Sécurité sociale Rijksdienst voor sociale Zekerheid
Office national de Sécurité sociale des Administrations provinciales et locales Rijksdienst voor sociale Zekerheid van de provinciale en plaatselijke Overheidsdiensten
Office national des Pensions Rijksdienst voor Pensioenen
Office national des Vacances annuelles Rijksdienst voor jaarlijkse Vakantie
Office national du Ducroire Nationale Delcrederedienst
Office régional bruxellois de l'Emploi Brusselse gewestelijke Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling
Office régional de Promotion de l'Agriculture et de l'Horticulture
Office régional pour le Financement des Investissements communaux
Office wallon de la Formation professionnelle et de l'Emploi
Openbaar psychiatrisch Ziekenhuis-Geel
Openbaar psychiatrisch Ziekenhuis-Rekem
Openbare Afvalstoffenmaatschappij voor het Vlaams Gewest
Orchestre national de Belgique Nationaal Orkest van België
Organisme national des Déchets radioactifs et des Matières fissiles Nationale Instelling voor radioactief Afval en Splijtstoffen
Palais des Beaux-Arts Paleis voor schone Kunsten
Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen
Pool des Marins de la Marine marchande Pool van de Zeelieden der Koopvaardij
Radio et Télévision belge de la Communauté française
Régie des Bâtiments Regie der Gebouwen
Reproductiefonds voor de Vlaamse Musea
Service d'Incendie et d'Aide médicale urgente de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale Brusselse hoofdstedelijk Dienst voor Brandweer en dringende medische Hulp
Société belge d'Investissement pour les pays en développement Belgische Investeringsmaatschappij voor Ontwinkkelingslanden
Société d'Assainissement et de Rénovation des Sites industriels dans l'Ouest du Brabant wallon
Société de Garantie régionale
Sociaal economische Raad voor Vlaanderen
Société du Logement de la Région bruxelloise et sociétés agréées Brusselse Gewestelijke Huisvestingsmaatschappij en erkende maatschappijen
Société publique d'Aide à la Qualité de l'Environnement
Société publique d'Administration des Bâtiments scolaires bruxellois
publique d'Administration des Bâtiments scolaires du Brabant wallon
Société publique d'Administration des Bâtiments scolaires du Hainaut
Société publique d'Administration des Bâtiments scolaires de Namur
Société publique d'Administration des Bâtiments scolaires de Liège
Société publique d'Administration des Bâtiments scolaires du Luxembourg
Société publique de Gestion de l'Eau
Société wallonne du Logement et sociétés agréées
Théâtre national
Théâtre royal de la Monnaie De Koninklijke Muntschouwburg
Toerisme Vlaanderen
Tunnel Liefkenshoek
Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent
Vlaams Commissariaat voor de Media
Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding
Vlaams Egalisatie Rente Fonds
Vlaamse Hogescholenraad
Vlaamse Huisvestingsmaatschappij en erkende maatschappijen
Vlaamse Instelling voor technologisch Onderzoek
Vlaamse interuniversitaire Raad
Vlaamse Landmaatschappij
Vlaamse Milieuholding
Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij
Vlaamse Onderwijsraad
Vlaamse Opera
Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroep
Vlaamse Reguleringsinstantie voor de Elektriciteit- en Gasmarkt
Vlaamse Stichting voor Verkeerskunde
Vlaams Fonds voor de Lastendelging
Vlaams Fonds voor de Letteren
Vlaams Fonds voor de sociale Integratie van Personen met een Handicap
Vlaams Informatiecentrum over Land- en Tuinbouw
Vlaams Infrastructuurfonds voor Persoonsgebonden Aangelegenheden
Vlaams Instituut voor de Bevordering van het wetenschappelijk- en technologisch Onderzoek in de Industrie
Vlaams Instituut voor Gezondheidspromotie
Vlaams Instituut voor het Zelfstandig ondernemen
Vlaams Landbouwinvesteringsfonds
Vlaams Promotiecentrum voor Agro- en Visserijmarketing
Vlaams Zorgfonds
Vlaams Woningsfonds voor de grote Gezinnen
Danmarks Radio
Det landsdækkende TV2
Danmarks Nationalbank
Sund og Bælt Holding A/S
A/S Storebælt
A/S Øresund
Ørestadsselskabet I/S
Byfornyelsesselskabet København
Hovedstadsområdets Sygehusfællesskab
Statens og Kommunernes Indkøbsservice
Post Danmark
Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension
Arbejdsmarkedets Feriefond
Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond
De Almene Boligorganisationer (social housing organisations),
Lokale kirkelige myndigheder (local church administrations),
Andre forvaltningssubjekter (other public administrative bodies).
Authorities, establishments and foundations governed by public law and created by Federal, State or local authorities particularly in the following fields:
Wissenschaftliche Hochschulen und verfasste Studentenschaften (universities and established student bodies),
berufsständige Vereinigungen (Rechtsanwalts-, Notar-, Steuerberater-, Wirtschaftsprüfer-, Architekten-, Ärzte- und Apothekerkammern) [professional associations representing lawyers, notaries, tax consultants, accountants, architects, medical practitioners and pharmacists],
Wirtschaftsvereinigungen (Landwirtschafts-, Handwerks-, Industrie- und Handelskammern, Handwerksinnungen, Handwerkerschaften) [business and trade associations: agricultural and craft associations, chambers of industry and commerce, craftmen's guilds, tradesmen's associations],
Sozialversicherungen (Krankenkassen, Unfall- und Rentenversicherungsträger) [social security institutions: health, accident and pension insurance funds],
kassenärztliche Vereinigungen (associations of panel doctors),
Genossenschaften und Verbände (cooperatives and other associations).
Non-industrial and non-commercial establishments subject to State control and operating in the general interest, particularly in the following fields:
Rechtsfähige Bundesanstalten (Federal institutions having legal capacity),
Versorgungsanstalten und Studentenwerke (pension organisations and students' unions),
Kultur-, Wohlfahrts- und Hilfsstiftungen (cultural, welfare and relief foundations).
Non-industrial and non-commercial establishments subject to State control and operating in the general interest, including kommunale Versorgungsunternehmen (municipal utilities), particularly in the following fields:
Gesundheitswesen (Krankenhäuser, Kurmittelbetriebe, medizinische Forschungseinrichtungen, Untersuchungs- und Tierkörperbeseitigungsanstalten) [health: hospitals, health resort establishments, medical research institutes, testing and carcase-disposal establishments],
Kultur (öffentliche Bühnen, Orchester, Museen, Bibliotheken, Archive, zoologische und botanische Gärten) [culture: public theatres, orchestras, museums, libraries, archives, zoological and botanical gardens],
Soziales (Kindergärten, Kindertagesheime, Erholungseinrichtungen, Kinder- und Jugendheime, Freizeiteinrichtungen, Gemeinschafts- und Bürgerhäuser, Frauenhäuser, Altersheime, Obdachlosenunterkünfte) [social welfare: nursery schools, children's playschools, rest-homes, children's homes, hostels for young people, leisure centres, community and civic centres, homes for battered wives, old people's homes, accommodation for the homeless],
Sport (Schwimmbäder, Sportanlagen und -einrichtungen) [sport: swimming baths, sports facilities],
Sicherheit (Feuerwehren, Rettungsdienste) [safety: fire brigades, other emergency services],
Bildung (Umschulungs-, Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildungseinrichtungen, Volkshochschulen) [education: training, further training and retraining establishments, adult evening classes],
Wissenschaft, Forschung und Entwicklung (Großforschungseinrichtungen, wissenschaftliche Gesellschaften und Vereine, Wissenschaftsförderung) [science, research and development: large-scale research institutes, scientific societies and associations, bodies promoting science],
Entsorgung (Straßenreinigung, Abfall- und Abwasserbeseitigung) [refuse and garbage disposal services: street cleaning, waste and sewage disposal],
Bauwesen und Wohnungswirtschaft (Stadtplanung, Stadtentwicklung, Wohnungsunternehmen soweit im Allgemeininteresse tätig, Wohnraumvermittlung) [building, civil engineering and housing: town planning, urban development, housing, enterprises (insofar as they operate in the general interest), housing agency services],
Wirtschaft (Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaften) (economy: organizations promoting economic development),
Friedhofs- und Bestattungswesen (cemeteries and burial services),
Zusammenarbeit mit den Entwicklungsländern (Finanzierung, technische Zusammenarbeit, Entwicklungshilfe, Ausbildung) [cooperation with developing countries: financing, technical cooperation, development aid, training].
Public enterprises and public entities
Legal persons governed by private law which are State-owned or which regularly receive at least 50 % of their annual budget in the form of State subsidies, pursuant to the applicable rules, or in which the State has a capital holding of at least 51 %.
Legal persons governed by private law which are owned by legal persons governed by public law, by local authorities of any level, including the Greek Central Association of Local Authorities (Ê.Å.Ä.Ê.Å.), by local associations of ‘communes’, (local administrative areas) or by public entreprises or entities, or by legal persons as referred to in b) or which regularly receive at least 50 % of their annual budget in the form of subsidies from such legal persons, pursuant to the applicable rules or to their own articles of association, or legal persons as referred to above which have a capital holding of at least 51 % in such legal persons governed by public law.
Bodies and entities governed by public law which are subject to the«Ley de Contratos de las Administraciones Públicas», [Spanish State legislation on procurement]other than those which are part of theAdministración General del Estado (general national administration).
Bodies and entities governed by public law which are subject to the«Ley de Contratos de las Administraciones Públicas», other than those which are part of the l'Administración de las Comunidades Autónomas (administration of the autonomous regions).
Bodies and entities governed by public law which are subject to the«Ley de Contratos de las Administraciones Públicas», other than those which are part of the Corporaciones Locales (local authorities).
Entidades Gestoras y los Servicios Comunes de la Seguridad Social (administrative entities and common services of the health and social services).
Collège de France
Conservatoire national des arts et métiers
Observatoire de Paris
Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA)
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA)
Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM)
Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD)
Agence nationale pour l'emploi (ANPE)
Caisse nationale des allocations familiales (CNAF)
Caisse nationale d'assurance maladie des travailleurs salariés (CNAMTS)
Caisse nationale d'assurance vieillesse des travailleurs salariés (CNAVTS)
Compagnies et établissements consulaires: chambres de commerce et d'industrie (CCI), chambres des métiers et chambres d'agriculture
Office national des anciens combattants et victimes de guerre (ONAC)
Agences de l'eau (water supply agencies)
Écoles d'architecture (schools of architecture)
Universités (universities)
Instituts universitaires de formation des maîtres (IUFM) (Higher Education Teacher Training Institutes)
collèges (secondary schools)
lycées (secondary schools)
établissements publics hospitaliers (public hospitals)
offices publics d'habitations à loyer modéré (OPHLM) (public offices for low-cost housing)
établissements publics de coopération intercommunale (public establishments for cooperation between local authorities)
institutions interdépartementales et interrégionales (institutions common to more than one Département and interregional institutions)
Enterprise Ireland [Marketing, technology and enterprise development]
Forfás [Policy and advice for enterprise, trade, science, technology and innovation]
Industrial Development Authority
Enterprise Ireland
FÁS [Industrial and employment training]
Health and Safety Authority
Bord Fáilte Éireann [Tourism development]
CERT [Training in hotel, catering and tourism industries]
Irish Sports Council
National Roads Authority
Údarás na Gaeltachta [Authority for Gaelic speaking regions]
Teagasc [Agricultural research, training and development]
An Bord Bia [Food industry promotion]
An Bord Glas [Horticulture industry promotion]
Irish Horseracing Authority
Bord na gCon [Greyhound racing support and development]
Marine Institute
Bord Iascaigh Mhara [Fisheries Development]
Equality Authority
Legal Aid Board
Regional Health Boards
Hospitals and similar institutions of a public character
Vocational Education Committees
Colleges and educational institutions of a public character
Central and Regional Fisheries Boards
Regional Tourism Organisations
National Regulatory and Appeals bodies [such as in the telecommunications, energy, planning etc. areas]
Agencies established to carry out particular functions or meet needs in various public sectors [e.g. Healthcare Materials Management Board, Health Sector Employers Agency, Local Government Computer Services Board, Environmental Protection Agency, National Safety Council, Institute of Public Administration, Economic and Social Research Institute, National Standards Authority, etc.]
Other public bodies falling within the definition of a body governed by public law in accordance with Article 1(7) of this Directive.
Società ‘Stretto di Messina’
Ente autonomo mostra d'oltremare e del lavoro italiano nel mondo
Ente nazionale per l'aviazione civile — ENAC
Ente nazionale per l'assistenza al volo — ENAV
Enti portuali e aeroportuali (port and airport authorities),
Consorzi per le opere idrauliche (consortia for water engineering works),
Università statali, gli istituti universitari statali, i consorzi per i lavori interessanti le università (State universities, State university institutes, consortia for university development work),
Istituzioni pubbliche di assistenza e di beneficenza (public welfare and benevolent institutions),
Istituti superiori scientifici e culturali, osservatori astronomici, astrofisici, geofisici o vulcanologici (higher scientific and cultural institutes, astronomical, astrophysical, geophysical or vulcanological observatories),
Enti di ricerca e sperimentazione (organizations conducting research and experimental work),
Enti che gestiscono forme obbligatorie di previdenza e di assistenza (agencies administering compulsory social security and welfare schemes),
Consorzi di bonifica (land reclamation consortia),
Enti di sviluppo e di irrigazione (development and irrigation agencies),
Consorzi per le aree industriali (associations for industrial areas),
Comunità montane (groupings of muncipalities in mountain areas),
Enti preposti a servizi di pubblico interesse (organisations providing services in the public interest),
Enti pubblici preposti ad attività di spettacolo, sportive, turistiche e del tempo libero (public bodies engaged in entertainment, sport, tourism and leisure activities),
Enti culturali e di promozione artistica (organisations promoting culture and artistic activities).
Établissements publics de l'État placés sous la surveillance d'un membre du gouvernement (public establishments of the State placed under the supervision of a member of the Government),
Établissements publics placés sous la surveillance des communes (public establishments placed under the supervision of the ‘communes’) (local authorities),
Syndicats de communes créés en vertu de la loi du 23 février 2001 concernant les syndicats de communes (associations of local authorities created under the law of 23 February 2001 on associations of ‘communes’).
Nederlands Instituut voor Brandweer en rampenbestrijding (NIBRA) (Netherlands Institute for the Fire Service and for Combating Emergencies)
Nederlands Bureau Brandweer Examens (NBBE) (Netherlands Fire Service Examination Board)
Landelijk Selectie- en Opleidingsinstituut Politie (LSOP) (National Institute for Selection and Education of Policemen)
25 afzonderlijke politieregio's (25 individual police regions)
Stichting ICTU (ICTU Foundation)
Stichting Syntens (Syntens)
Van Swinden Laboratorium B.V. (NMi van Swinden Laboratory)
Nederlands Meetinstituut B.V. (Nmi Institute for Metrology and Technology)
Instituut voor Vliegtuigontwikkeling en Ruimtevaart (NIVR) (Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programmes)
Stichting Toerisme Recreatie Nederland (TRN) (Netherlands Board of Tourism)
Samenwerkingsverband Noord Nederland (SNN) (Cooperative Body of the provincial governments of the Northern Netherlands)
Gelderse Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij (GOM) (Gelderland Development Company)
Overijsselse Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij (OOM) (OOM International Business Development)
LIOF (Limburg Investment Development Company LIOF)
Noordelijke Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij (NOM) (NOM Investment Development)
Brabantse Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij (BOM) (Brabant Development Agency)
Onafhankelijke Post en Telecommunicatie Autoriteit (Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority)
[X1Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) (Central Bureau of Statistics)]
Editorial Information
X1 Inserted by Corrigendum to Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts (Official Journal of the European Union L 134 of 30 April 2004).
De Nederlandse Bank N.V. (Netherlands Central Bank)
Autoriteit Financiële Markten (Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets)
Pensioen- & Verzekeringskamer (Pensions and Insurance Supervisory Authority of the Netherlands)
Stichting Reclassering Nederland (SRN) (Netherlands Rehabilitation Agency)
Stichting VEDIVO (VEDIVO Agency, Association for Managers in the (Family) Guardianship)
Voogdij- en gezinsvoogdij instellingen (Guardianship and Family Guardianship Institutions)
Stichting Halt Nederland (SHN) (Netherlands Halt (the alternative) Agency)
Particuliere Internaten (Private Boarding Institutions)
Particuliere Jeugdinrichtingen (Penal Institutions for Juvenile Offenders)
Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven (Damages Fund for Violent Crimes)
Centraal orgaan Opvang Asielzoekers (COA) (Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers)
Landelijk Bureau Inning Onderhoudsbijdragen (LBIO) (National Support and Maintenance Agency)
Landelijke organisaties slachtofferhulp (National Victim Compensation Organisations)
College Bescherming Persoongegevens (Netherlands Data Protection Authority)
Stichting Studiecentrum Rechtspleging (SSR) (Administration of Justice Study Centre Agency)
Raden voor de Rechtsbijstand (Legal Assistance Councils)
Stichting Rechtsbijstand Asiel (Asylum Seekers Legal Advice Centres)
Stichtingen Rechtsbijstand (Legal Assistance Agencies)
Landelijk Bureau Racisme bestrijding (LBR) (National Bureau against Racial Discrimination)
Clara Wichman Instituut (Clara Wichman Institute)
Tolkencentra (Interpreting Centres)
Bureau Beheer Landbouwgronden (Land Management Service)
Faunafonds (Fauna Fund)
Staatsbosbeheer (National Forest Service)
Stichting Voorlichtingsbureau voor de Voeding (Netherlands Bureau for Food and Nutrition Education)
Universiteit Wageningen (Wageningen University and Research Centre)
Stichting DLO (Agricultural Research Department)
(Hoofd) productschappen (Commodity Boards)
public schools or publicly funded private schools for primary education within the meaning of the Wet op het primair onderwijs (Law on Primary Education)
public or publicly funded schools for special education, secondary special education or institutions for special and secondary education within the meaning of the Wet op de expertisecentra (Law on Resource Centres)
public schools or publicly funded private schools or institutions for secondary education within the meaning of the Wet op het Voortgezet Onderwijs (Law on Secondary Education)
public institutions or publicly funded private institutions within the meaning of the Wet Educatie en Beroepsonderwijs (Law on Education and Vocational Education)
public schools or publicly funded private schools within the meaning of the Experimentenwet Onderwijs (Law on Experimental Education)
publicly funded universities and higher education institutions, the Open University, and the university hospitals, within the meaning of the Wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek (Law on Higher Education and Scientific Research), and institutions for international education where more than 50 % of their budget comes from public funds
schools advisory services within the meaning of the Wet op het primair onderwijs (Law on Primary Education) or the Wet op de expertisecentra (Law on Resource Centres)
national teachers' centres within the meaning of the Wet subsidiëring landelijke onderwijsondersteunende activiteiten (Law on Subsidies for National Educational Support Activities)
broadcasting organisations within the meaning of the Mediawet (Media Law)
funds within the meaning of the Wet op het Specifiek Cultuurbeleid (Law on Specific Cultural Policy)
national bodies for vocational education
foundations within the meaning of the Wet Verzelfstandiging Rijksmuseale Diensten (Law on Privatisation of National Museum Services)
other museums which receive more than 50 % of their funds from the Ministry of Education, Cultural Affairs and Science
other organisations and institutions in the field of education, culture and science which receive more than 50 % of their funds from Ministry of Education, Cultural Affairs and Science
Informatie Beheer Groep
Stichting Participatiefonds voor het Onderwijs
Stichting Uitvoering Kinderopvangregelingen/Kintent
Stichting voor Vluchteling-Studenten UAF
Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen
Nederlandse organisatie voor internationale samenwerking in het hoger onderwijs (Nuffic)
Stichting Nederlands Interdisciplinair Demografisch Instituut
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
Nederlandse Organisatie voor toegepast-natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek
College van Beroep voor het hoger Onderwijs
Vereniging van openbare bibliotheken NBLC
Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Stichting Muziek Centrum van de Omroep
Stichting Ether Reclame
Stichting Radio Nederland Wereldomroep
Nederlandse Programma Stichting
Nederlandse Omroep Stichting
Commissariaat voor de Media
Stichting Stimuleringsfonds Nederlandse Culturele Omroepproducties
Stichting Lezen
Dienst Omroepbijdragen
Centrum voor innovatie en opleidingen
Bedrijfsfonds voor de Pers
Centrum voor innovatie van opleidingen
Instituut voor Toetsontwikkeling (Cito)
Instituut voor Leerplanontwikkeling
Landelijk Dienstverlenend Centrum voor Studie- en Beroepskeuzevoorlichting
Max Goote Kenniscentrum voor Beroepsonderwijs en Volwasseneneducatie
Stichting Vervangingsfonds en Bedrijfsgezondheidszorg voor het Onderwijs
Colo, Vereniging kenniscentra beroepsonderwijs bedrijfsleven
Stichting kwaliteitscentrum examinering beroepsonderwijs
Vereniging Jongerenorganisatie Beroepsonderwijs
Combo Stichting Combinatie Onderwijsorganisatie
Stichting Financiering Struktureel Vakbondsverlof Onderwijs
Stichting Samenwerkende Centrales in het COPWO
Stichting SoFoKles
Europees Platform
Stichting mobiliteitsfonds HBO
Nederlands Audiovisueel Archiefcentrum
Stichting minderheden Televisie Nederland
Stichting omroep allochtonen
Stichting multiculturele Activiteiten Utrecht
School der Poëzie
Nederlands Perscentrum
Nederlands Letterkundig Museum en documentatiecentrum
Bibliotheek voor varenden
Christelijke bibliotheek voor blinden en slechtzienden
Federatie van Nederlandse Blindenbibliotheken
Nederlandse luister- en braillebibliotheek
Federatie Slechtzienden- en Blindenbelang
Bibliotheek Le Sage Ten Broek
Doe Maar Dicht Maar
Fonds Bijzondere Journalistieke Projecten
Fund for Central and East European Book Projects
Jongeren Onderwijs Media
Sociale Verzekeringsbank (Social Insurance Bank)
Arbeidsvoorzieningsorganisatie (Employment Service)
Stichting Silicose Oud Mijnwerkers (Foundation for Former Miners suffering from Silicosis)
Stichting Pensioen- & Verzekeringskamer (Pensions and Insurance Supervisory Authority of the Netherlands)
Sociaal Economische Raad (SER) (Social and Economic Council in the Netherlands)
Raad voor Werk en Inkomen (RWI) (Council for Work and Income)
Centrale organisatie voor werk en inkomen (Central Organisation for Work and Income)
Uitvoeringsinstituut werknemersverzekeringen (Implementing body for employee insurance schemes)
RDW Voertuig informatie en toelating (Vehicle information and administration service)
Luchtverkeersbeveiligingsorganisatie (LVB) (Air Traffic Control Agency)
Nederlandse Loodsencorporatie (NLC) (Netherlands maritime pilots association)
Regionale Loodsencorporatie (RLC) (Regional maritime pilots association)
Kadaster (Public Registers Agency)
Centraal Fonds voor de Volkshuisvesting (Central Housing Fund)
Stichting Bureau Architectenregister (Architects Register)
Commissie Algemene Oorlogsongevallenregeling Indonesië (COAR)
College ter beoordeling van de Geneesmiddelen (CBG) (Medicines Evaluation Board)
Commissies voor gebiedsaanwijzing
College sanering Ziekenhuisvoorzieningen (National Board for Redevelopment of Hospital Facilities)
Zorgonderzoek Nederland (ZON) (Health Research and Development Council)
Inspection bodies under theWet medische hulpmiddelen (Law on Medical Appliances)
N.V. KEMA/Stichting TNO Certification (KEMA/TNO Certification)
College Bouw Ziekenhuisvoorzieningen (CBZ) (National Board for Hospital Facilities)
College voor Zorgverzekeringen (CVZ) (Health Care Insurance Board)
Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei (National 4 and 5 May Committee)
Pensioen- en Uitkeringsraad (PUR) (Pension and Benefit Board)
College Tarieven Gezondheidszorg (CTG) (Health Service Tariff Tribunal)
Stichting Uitvoering Omslagregeling Wet op de Toegang Ziektekostenverzekering (SUO)
Stichting tot bevordering van de Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiëne (SVM) (Foundation for the Advancement of Public Health and Envireonment)
Stichting Facilitair Bureau Gemachtigden Bouw VWS
Stichting Sanquin Bloedvoorziening (Sanquin Blood Supply Foundation)
College van Toezicht op de Zorgverzekeringen organen ex artikel 14, lid 2c, Wet BIG (Supervisory Board of Health Care Insurance Committees for registration of professional health care practices)
Ziekenfondsen (Health Insurance Funds)
Nederlandse Transplantatiestichting (NTS) (Netherlands Transplantation Foundation)
Regionale Indicatieorganen (RIO's) (Regional bodies for Need Assessment).
All bodies under the budgetary control of the„Rechnungshof“ (Court of Auditors) except those of an industrial or commercial nature.
Institutos públicos sem carácter comercial ou industrial (public institutions without commercial or industrial character),
Serviços públicos personalizados (public services having legal personality)
Fundações públicas (public foundations),
Estabelecimentos públicos de ensino, investigação científica e saúde (public institutions for education, scientific research and health),
Public or publicly controlled bodies and undertakings except those of an industrial or commercial nature.
All non-commercial bodies whose public contracts are subject to supervision by the National Board for Public Procurement.
Design Council
Health and Safety Executive
National Research Development Corporation
Public Health Laboratory Service Board
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
Commission for the New Towns
National Blood Authority
National Rivers Authority
Scottish Enterprise
Scottish Homes
Welsh Development Agency
Maintained schools
Universities and colleges financed for the most part by other contracting authorities
National Museums and Galleries
Research Councils
Fire Authorities
National Health Service Strategic Health Authorities
Police Authorities
New Town Development Corporations
Urban Development Corporations
Икономически и социален съвет (Economic and Social Council)
Национален осигурителен институт (National Social Security Institute)
Национална здравноосигурителна каса (National Health Insurance Fund)
Български червен кръст (Bulgarian Red Cross)
Българска академия на науките (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Национален център за аграрни науки (National Centre for Agrarian Science)
Български институт за стандартизация (Bulgarian Institute for Standardisation)
Българско национално радио (Bulgarian National Radio)
Българска национална телевизия (Bulgarian National Television)
Държавни предприятия по смисъла на чл.62, ал.3 от Търговския закон (обн., ДВ, бр.48/ 18.6.1991 ) (State undertakings within the meaning of Article 62(3) of the Commercial Law (published in State Gazette No 48/ 18.6.1991 )).
Национална компания ‘ Железопътна инфраструктура ’
ДП ‘ Пристанищна инфраструктура ’
ДП ‘ Ръководство на въздушното движение ’
ДП ‘ Строителство и възстановяване ’
ДП ‘ Транспортно строителство и възстановяване ’
ДП ‘ Съобщително строителство и възстановяване ’
ДП ‘ Радиоактивни отпадъци ’
ДП ‘ Предприятие за управление на дейностите по опазване на околната среда ’
ДП ‘ Български спортен тотализатор ’
ДП ‘ Държавна парично-предметна лотария ’
ДП ‘ Кабиюк ’ , Шумен
Държавни дивечовъдни станции (State game breeding stations)
Държавни висши училища, създадени в съответствие с чл.13 на Закона за висшето образование (обн., ДВ, бр.112/ 27.12.1995 ) (State Universities, established pursuant to Article 13 of the Law on the Higher Education (published in State Gazette No 112/ 27.12.1995 )).
Аграрен университет — Пловдив (Agricultural University — Plovdiv)
Академия за музикално, танцово и изобразително изкуство — Пловдив (Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts — Plovdiv)
Великотърновски университет ‘ Св. св. Кирил и Методий ’ (St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo)
Висше военноморско училище ‘ Н. Й. Вапцаров ’ — Варна (N. Y. Vaptsarov Naval Academy — Varna)
Висше строително училище ‘ Любен Каравелов ’ — София (Civil Engineering Higher School ‘ Lyuben Karavelov ’ — Sofia)
Висше транспортно училище ‘ Тодор Каблешков ’ — София (Higher School of Transport ‘ Todor Kableshkov ’ — Sofia)
Военна академия ‘ Г. С. Раковски ’ — София (Military Academy ‘ G. S. Rakovski ’ — Sofia)
Държавна музикална академия ‘ Проф. Панчо Владигеров ’ — София (State Academy of Music ‘ Prof. Pancho Vladigerov ’ — Sofia)
Икономически университет — Варна (University of Economics — Varna)
Колеж по телекомуникации и пощи — София (College of Telecommunications and Posts — Sofia)
Лесотехнически университет — София (University of Forestry — Sofia)
Медицински университет ‘ Проф. д-р Параскев Иванов Стоянов ’ — Варна (Medical University ‘ Prof. D-r Paraskev Stoyanov ’ — Varna)
Медицински университет — Плевен (Medical University — Pleven)
Медицински университет — Пловдив (Medical University — Plovdiv)
Медицински университет — София (Medical University — Sofia)
Минно-геоложки университет ‘ Св. Иван Рилски ’ — София (University of Mining and Geology ‘ St. Ivan Rilski ’ — Sofia)
Национален военен университет ‘ Васил Левски ’ — Велико Търново (National Military University ‘ Vasil Levski ’ — Veliko Tarnovo)
Национална академия за театрално и филмово изкуство ‘ Кръстьо Сарафов ’ — София (National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts ‘ Krasyo Sarafov ’ — Sofia)
Национална спортна академия ‘ Васил Левски ’ — София (National Sports Academy ‘ Vasil Levski ’ — Sofia)
Национална художествена академия — София (National Academy of Arts — Sofia)
Пловдивски университет ‘ Паисий Хилендарски ’ (Plovdiv University ‘ Paisiy Hilendarski ’ )
Русенски университет ‘ Ангел Кънчев ’ (Ruse University ‘ Angel Kanchev ’ )
Софийски университет ‘ Св. Климент Охридски ’ (Sofia University ‘ St. Kliment Ohridski ’ )
Специализирано висше училище по библиотекознание и информационни технологии — София (Specialised Higher School on Library Science and Information Technologies — Sofia)
Стопанска академия ‘ Д. А. Ценов ’ — Свищов (Academy of Economics ‘ D. A. Tsenov ’ — Svishtov)
Технически университет — Варна (Technical University — Varna)
Технически университет — Габрово (Technical University — Gabrovo)
Технически университет — София (Technical University — Sofia)
Тракийски университет — Стара Загора (Trakia University — Stara Zagora)
Университет ‘ Проф. д-р Асен Златаров ’ — Бургас (University ‘ Prof. D-r Asen Zlatarov ’ — Burgas)
Университет за национално и световно стопанство — София (University of National and World Economy — Sofia)
Университет по архитектура, строителство и геодезия — София (University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy — Sofia)
Университет по хранителни технологии — Пловдив (University of Food Technologies — Plovdiv)
Химико-технологичен и металургичен университет — София (University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy — Sofia)
Шуменски университет ‘ Епископ Константин Преславски ’ (Shumen University ‘ Konstantin Preslavski ’ )
Югозападен университет ‘ Неофит Рилски ’ — Благоевград (South-West University ‘ Neofit Rilski ’ — Blagoevgrad)
Културни институти по смисъла на Закона за закрила и развитие на културата (обн., ДВ, бр.50/ 1.6.1999 ) (Cultural institutes within the meaning of the Law on Culture Protection and Development (published in State Gazette No 50/ 1.6.1999 )).
Народна библиотека ‘ Св. св. Кирил и Методий ’ (National Library St. Cyril and St. Methodius)
Българска национална фонотека (Bulgarian National Records Library)
Българска национална филмотека (Bulgarian National Film Library)
Национален фонд ‘ Култура ’ (National Culture Fund)
Национален институт за паметниците на културата (National Institute for Monuments of Culture)
Театри (Theatres)
Опери, филхармонии и ансамбли (Operas, philharmonic orchestras, ensembles)
Музеи и галерии (Museums and galleries)
Училища по изкуствата и културата (Art and culture schools)
Български културни институти в чужбина (Bulgarian cultural institutes abroad)
Държавни или общински лечебни заведения по чл. 3, ал. 1 от Закона за лечебните заведения (обн., ДВ, бр.62/ 9.7.1999 ) (State or municipal medical institutions referred to in Article 3(1) of the Law on Medical Institutions (published in State Gazette No 62/ 9.7.1999 )).
Лечебни заведения по чл. 5, ал. 1 от Закона за лечебните заведения (обн., ДВ, бр.62/ 9.7.1999 ) (Medical institutions referred to in Article 5(1) of the Law on Medical Institutions (published in State Gazette No 62/ 9.7.1999 )).
Домове за медико-социални грижи за деца (Medical and social care institutions for children)
Лечебни заведения за стационарна психиатрична помощ (Medical institutions for inpatient psychiatric care)
Центрове за спешна медицинска помощ (Centres for emergency medical care)
Центрове за трансфузионна хематология (Centres for transfusion haematology)
Болница ‘ Лозенец ’ (Hospital ‘ Lozenets ’ )
Военномедицинска академия (Military Medical Academy)
Медицински институт на Министерство на вътрешните работи (Medical Institute under the Ministry of the Interior)
Лечебни заведения към Министерството на правосъдието (Medical institutions under the Ministry of Justice)
Лечебни заведения към Министерството на транспорта (Medical institutions under the Ministry of Transport)
Юридически лица с нестопанска цел за осъществяване на общественополезна дейност по смисъла на Закона за юридическите лица с нестопанска цел (обн., ДВ, бр.81/ 6.10.2000 ), които отговарят на условията по §1, т.1 на Закона за обществените поръчки (обн., ДВ, бр. 28/ 6.4.2004 ) (Legal persons of a non-commercial character established for the purpose of meeting needs of general interest pursuant to the Law on Legal Persons of a Non-commercial Character (published in State Gazette No 81/ 6.10.2000 ), and satisfying the conditions of §1, item 1 of the Public Procurement Law (published in State Gazette No 28/ 6.4.2004 )).
Textual Amendments
Academia Română (Romanian Academy)
Biblioteca Națională (National Library)
Institutul Cultural Român (Romanian Cultural Institute)
Institutul European din România (European Institute of Romania)
Institutul de Memorie Culturală (Institute for Cultural Memory)
Agenția Națională ‘ Socrates ’ (National Agency ‘ Socrates ’ )
Centrul European UNESCO pentru Învățământul Superior (CEPES) (UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education)
Comisia Națională a României pentru UNESCO (National Romanian Commission for UNESCO)
Societatea Română de Radiodifuziune (Romanian Broadcasting Company)
Societatea Română de Televiziune (Romanian Television Company)
Societatea Națională pentru Radiocomunicații (National Radiocommunication Company)
Oficiul Național al Cinematografiei (National Cinematography Office)
Studioul de Creație Cinematografică (Studio of Cinematographic Creation)
Arhiva Națională de Filme (National Film Archive)
Oficiul Național pentru Documentare și Expoziții de Artă (National Office for Documentation and Art Exhibition)
Corul Național de Cameră ‘ Madrigal ’ (National Chamber Choir Madrigal)
Inspectoratul muzicilor militare (Institute of Military Music)
Palatul Național al Copiilor (National Children's Palace)
Oficiul Național al Burselor de Studii în Străinătate (National Office for Scholarships Abroad)
Agenția Socială a Studenților (Social Agency of Students)
Comitetul Olimpic Român (Romanian Olympic Committee)
Centrul Român pentru Promovarea Cooperării Europene în Domeniul Tineretului (EUROTIN) (Romanian Agency for European Youth Cooperation)
Centrul de Informare și Consultanță pentru Tineret (INFOTIN) (Youth Information and Counselling Centre)
Centrul de Studii și Cercetări pentru Probleme de Tineret (CSCPT) (Youth Studies and Research Centre)
Centrul de Cercetări pentru Probleme de Sport (CCPS) (Centre for Sport Research)
Societatea Națională de Cruce Roșie (Romanian National Red Cross Society)
Consiliul Național pentru Combaterea Discriminării (National Council for Combatting Discrimination)
Secretariatul de Stat pentru Problemele Revoluționarilor din Decembrie 1989 (State Secretariat for December 1989 Revolutionaries' Problems)
Secretariatul de Stat pentru Culte (State Secretariat for Cults)
Agenția Națională pentru Locuințe (National Agency for Housing)
Casa Națională de Pensii și Alte Drepturi de Asigurări Sociale (National House of Pension and Other Social Insurance Rights)
Casa Națională de Asigurări de Sănătate (National House of Health Insurance)
Inspecția Muncii (Labour Inspection)
Oficiul Central de Stat pentru Probleme Speciale (Central State Office for Special Problems)
Inspectoratul General pentru Situații de Urgență (General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations)
Agenția Națională de Consultanță Agricolă (National Agency for Agricultural Counselling)
Agenția Națională pentru Ameliorare și Reproducție în Zootehnie (National Agency for Improvement and Zootechnic Reproduction)
Laboratorul Central pentru Carantină Fitosanitară (Central Laboratory of Phytosanitary Quarantine)
Laboratorul Central pentru Controlul Calității Semințelor (Central Laboratory for Seeds Quality Control)
Institutul pentru Controlul Produselor Biologice și Medicamentelor de Uz Veterinar (Institute for the Control of Veterinary Biological Products and Medicines)
Institutul de Igienă și Sănătate Publică și Veterinară (Hygiene Institute of Veterinary Public Health)
Institutul de Diagnostic și Sănătate Animală (Institute for Diagnosis and Animal Health)
Institutul de Stat pentru Testarea și Înregistrarea Soiurilor (State Institute for Variety Testing and Registration)
Banca de Resurse Genetice Vegetale (Genetical Vegetal Resources Bank)
Institutul Diplomatic Roman (Romanian Diplomatic Institute)
Administrația Națională a Rezervelor de Stat (National Administration of State Reserves)
Agenția Națională pentru Dezvoltarea și Implementarea Programelor de Reconstrucție a Zonelor Miniere (National Agency for the Development and the Implementation of the Mining Regions Reconstruction Programmes)
Agenția Națională pentru Substanțe și Preparate Chimice Periculoase (National Agency for Dangerous Chemical Substances)
Agenția Națională de Control al Exporturilor Strategice și al Interzicerii Armelor Chimice (National Agency for the Control of Strategic Exports and Prohibition of Chemical Weapons)
Agenția Națională pentru Supravegherea Radioactivității Mediului (National Agency for Environment Radioactivity Surveillance)
Administrația Rezervației Biosferei ‘ Delta Dunării ’ Tulcea (Administration of Natural Biosphere Reservation- ‘ Danube Delta ’ -Tulcea)
Regia Națională a Pădurilor (ROMSILVA) (National Forests Administration)
Administrația Națională Apele Române (Romanian Waters National Administration)
Administratia Nationala de Meteorologie (National Administration of Meteorology)
Comisia Națională pentru Reciclarea Materialelor (National Commission for Materials Recycling)
Comisia Națională pentru Controlul Activităților Nucleare (National Commission for Nuclear Activity Control)
Agenția Națională pentru Știință, Tehnologie și Inovare (National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation)
Agenția Națională pentru Comunicații și Informatică (National Agency for Communication and Informatics)
Inspectoratul General pentru Comunicații și Tehnologia Informației (General Inspectorate for Communication and Information Technology)
Oficiul pentru Administrare și Operare al Infrastructurii de Comunicații (Office for Administration and Operation of the Data Communication Infrastructure)
Inspecția de Stat pentru Controlul Cazanelor, Recipientelor sub Presiune și Instalațiilor de Ridicat (State Inspection for the Control of Boilers, Pressure Vessels and Hoisting Equipment)
Centrul Român pentru Pregătirea și Perfecționarea Personalului din Transporturi Navale — CERONAV (Romanian Centre for Instruction and Training of Personnel engaged in Naval Transport)
Inspectoratul Navigației Civile (INC) (Inspectorate for Civil Navigation)
Societatea de Servicii de Management Feroviar SMF SA (Society for Railway Management Services)
Societatea de Administrare Active Feroviare SAAF SA (Society for Railway Assets Administration)
Regia Autonomă Registrul Auto Român (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking — Romanian Auto Register)
Agenția Spațială Română (Romanian Space Agency)
Școala Superioară de Aviație Civilă (Superior School of Civil Aviation)
Aeroclubul României (Romanian Aeroclub)
Centrul de pregătire pentru Personalul din Industrie Bușteni (Training Centre for the Staff in Industry Busteni)
Centrul Român de Comerț Exterior (Romanian Centre of Foreign Trade)
Centrul de Formare și Management pentru Comerț București (Management and Formation Centre for Commerce București)
Agenția de Cercetare pentru Tehnică și Tehnologii Militare (Research Agency for Military Technics and Technology)
Asociația Română de Standardizare (ASRO) (Romanian Association of Standardization)
Asociația de Acreditare din România (RENAR) (Romanian Accreditation Association)
Comisia Națională de Prognoză (CNP) (National Commission for Prognosis)
Institutul Național de Statistică (INS) (National Institute for Statistics)
Consiliul Concurenței (CC) (Competition Council)
Comisia Națională a Valorilor Mobiliare (CNVM) (National Commission for Transferable Securities)
Consiliul Economic și Social (CES) (Economic and Social Council)
Oficiul Participațiilor Statului și Privatizării în Industrie (Office of State Participation and Privatisation in Industry)
Agenția Domeniilor Statului (Agency of State Domains)
Oficiul Național al Registrului Comerțului (National Trade Register Office)
Autoritatea pentru Valorificarea Activelor Statului (AVAS) (Authority for State Assets Recovery)
Oficiul National de Prevenire și Combatere a Spălării Banilor (ONPCSB) (National Office for Preventing and Combatting Money Laundering)
Consiliul Național pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securității (National Council for Study of the Securitate Archives)
Avocatul Poporului (People's Attorney)
Autoritatea Electorala Permanenta (Permanent Electoral Authority)
Institutul Național de Administrație (INA) (National Institute of Administration)
Inspectoratul Național pentru Evidența Persoanelor (National Inspectorate for Personal Records)
Oficiul de Stat pentru Invenții și Mărci (OSIM) (State Office for Inventions and Trademarks)
Oficiul Român pentru Drepturile de Autor (ORDA) (Romanian Office for Author Rights)
Oficiul Național pentru Protejarea Patrimoniului (National Office for Patrimony Protection)
Agentia Nationala Antidrog (National Antidrug Agency)
Biroul Român de Metrologie Legală (Romanian Bureau of Legal Metrology)
Inspecția de Stat în Construcții (State Inspection in Construction)
Compania Națională de Investiții (Natonal Company for Investements)
Compania Națională de Autostrăzi și Drumuri Naționale (Romanian National Company of Motorways and National Roads)
Agentia Nationala de Cadastru si Publicitate Imobiliara (National Agency for the Land Register and Real Estate Advertising)
Direcția topografică militară (Department of Military Topography)
Administratia Nationala a Îmbunătățirilor Funciare (National Administration of Land Improvements)
Garda Financiară (Financial Guard)
Garda Națională de Mediu (National Guard for Environment)
Institutul Național de Expertize Criminalistice (National Institute for Criminological Expertise)
Institutul Național al Magistraturii (National Institute of Magistracy)
Institutul Național pentru Pregătirea și Perfecționarea Magistraților (National Institute for Magistrates' Professional Training)
Institutul Național de Criminologie (National Institute of Criminology)
Centrul de Pregătire și Perfecționare a Grefierilor și a Celuilalt Personal Auxiliar de Specialitate (Training Centre for Court Clerks and Other Auxiliary Specialised Personnel)
Direcția Generală a Penitenciarelor (General Directorate for Penitentiaries)
Oficiul Registrului Național al Informațiilor Secrete de Stat (National Register Office of State Secret Information)
Autoritatea Nationala a Vămilor (National Customs Authority)
Regia Autonomă ‘ Administrația Zonei Libere Constanța-Sud ’ (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking ‘ Free Zone Administration Constanța-Sud ’ )
Regia Autonomă ‘ Administrația Zonei Libere Brăila ’ (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking ‘ Free Zone Administration Brăila ’ )
Regia Autonomă ‘ Administrația Zonei Libere Galați ’ (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking ‘ Free Zone Administration Galați ’ )
Regia Autonomă ‘ Administrația Zonei Libere Sulina ’ (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking ‘ Free Zone Administration Sulina ’ )
Regia Autonomă ‘ Administrația Zonei Libere Giurgiu ’ (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking ‘ Free Zone Administration Giurgiu ’ )
Regia Autonomă ‘ Administrația Zonei Libere Curtici ’ (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking ‘ Free Zone Administration Curtici ’ )
Banca Națională a României (National Bank of Romania)
Regia Autonomă ‘ Monetăria Statului ’ (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking ‘ State Mint of Romania ’ )
Regia Autonomă ‘ Imprimeria Băncii Naționale ’ (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking ‘ Printing House of the National Bank ’ )
Regia Autonomă ‘ Imprimeria Națională ’ (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking ‘ National Printing House ’ )
Regia Autonomă ‘ Monitorul Oficial ’ (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking ‘ Official Gazette ’ )
Regia Autonomă ‘ Rasirom ’ (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking ‘ Rasirom ’ )
Regia Autonomă ‘ Unifarm ’ București (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking ‘ Unifarm ’ București)
Regia Autonomă ‘ România Film ’ (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking ‘ Romania Film ’ )
Compania Națională ‘ Loteria Română ’ (National Company ‘ Romanian Lottery ’ )
Compania Națională ‘ Romtehnica ’ (National Company ‘ Romtehnica ’ )
Compania Națională ‘ Romarm ’ (National Company ‘ Romarm ’ )
Regia Autonomă ‘ Romavia ’ (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking ‘ Romavia ’ )
Agenția Națională de Presă ROMPRES (National News Agency ROMPRES)
Regia Autonomă ‘ Editura Didactică și Pedagogică ’ (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking ‘ Didactic and Pedagogical Publishing House ’ )
Regia Autonomă ‘ Administrația Patrimoniului Protocolului de Stat ’ (Autonomous Public Service Undertaking ‘ Administration of State Patrimony and Protocol ’ )
Institute și centre de cercetare (Research institutes and centres)
Instituții de învățământ de stat (Education state institutes)
Universități de stat (State Universities)
Muzee (Museums)
Biblioteci de stat (State Libraries)
Teatre de stat, opere, operete, filarmonica, centre și case de cultură (State theatres, operas, philharmonic orchestras, cultural houses and centres)
Reviste (Magazines)
Edituri (Publishing houses)
Inspectorate școlare, de cultură, de culte (School, culture and cults inspectorates)
Complexuri, federații și cluburi sportive (Sport federations and clubs)
Spitale, sanatorii, policlinici, dispensare, centre medicale, institute medico-legale, stații ambulanță (Hospitals, sanatoriums, clinics, medical units, institutes of forensic medicine, ambulance stations)
Unități de asistență socială (Social assistance units)
Tribunale (Tribunals)
Judecătorii (Law Courts)
Curți de apel (Courts of Appeal)
Penitenciare (Penitentiaries)
Parchetele de pe lângă instanțele judecătorești (Prosecutor's Offices)
Unități militare (Military units)
Instanțe militare (Military courts)
Inspectorate de Politie (Police Inspectorates)
Centre de odihnă (Rest Houses).]