Article 11 U.K. Information and training of workers

1. Appropriate measures shall be taken by the employer to ensure that workers and/or workers' representatives in the undertaking or establishment receive sufficient and appropriate training, on the basis of all available information, in particular in the form of information and instructions, concerning:

(a) potential risks to health, including the additional risks due to tobacco consumption;

(b) precautions to be taken to prevent exposure;

(c) hygiene requirements;

(d) wearing and use of protective equipment and clothing;

(e) steps to be taken by workers, including rescue workers, in the case of incidents and to prevent incidents.

The training shall be:

2. Employers shall inform workers of installations and related containers containing carcinogens or mutagens, ensure that all containers, packages and installations containing carcinogens or mutagens are labelled clearly and legibly, and display clearly visible warning and hazard signs.]