ANNEX IU.K.Common Safety Indicators

Common Safety Indicators to be reported by the safety authorities:

Indicators relating to activities referred to in Article 2(2), (a) and (b), should be accounted for separately, if they are submitted.

If new facts or errors are discovered after the submission of the report the indicators for one particular year shall be amended or corrected by the safety authority at the first convenient opportunity and at the latest in the next annual report.

For indicators relating to accidents under heading 1 below, Regulation (EC) No 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on rail transport statistics(1) shall be applied as far as the information is available.


Indicators relating to accidents


Total and relative (to train kilometres) number of accidents and a break-down on the following types of accidents:

  • collisions of trains, including collisions with obstacles within the clearance gauge,

  • derailments of trains,

  • level-crossing accidents, including accidents involving pedestrians at level-crossings,

  • accidents to persons caused by rolling stock in motion, with the exception of suicides,

  • suicides,

  • fires in rolling stock,

  • others.

Each accident shall be reported under the type of the primary accident, even if the consequences of the secondary accident are more severe, e.g. a fire following a derailment.


Total and relative (to train kilometres) number of persons seriously injured and killed by type of accident divided into the following categories:

  • passengers (also in relation to total number of passenger-kilometres),

  • employees including the staff of contractors,

  • level-crossing users,

  • unauthorised persons on railway premises,

  • others.


Indicators relating to incidents and near-misses


Total and relative (to train kilometres) number of broken rails, track buckles and wrong-side signalling failures.


Total and relative (to train kilometres) number of signals passed at danger.


Total and relative (to train kilometres) number of broken wheels and axles on rolling stock in service.


Indicators relating to consequences of accidents


Total and relative (to train kilometres) costs in euro of all accidents where, if possible, the following costs should be calculated and included:

  • deaths and injuries,

  • compensation for loss of or damage to property of passengers, staff or third parties – including damage caused to the environment,

  • replacement or repair of damaged rolling stock and railway installations,

  • delays, disturbances and re-routing of traffic, including extra costs for staff and loss of future revenue.

From the above costs shall be deducted indemnity or compensation recovered or estimated to be recovered from third parties such as motor vehicle owners involved in level crossing accidents. Compensation recovered by insurance policies held by railway undertakings or infrastructure managers shall not be deducted.


Total and relative (to number of hours worked) number of working hours of staff and contractors lost as a consequence of accidents.


Indicators relating to technical safety of infrastructure and its implementation


Percentage of tracks with Automatic Train Protection (ATP) in operation, percentage of train kilometres using operational ATP systems.


Number of level crossings (total and per line kilometre). Percentage of level crossings with automatic or manual protection.


Indicators relating to the management of safety

Internal audits accomplished by infrastructure managers and railway undertakings as set out in the documentation of the safety management system. Total number of accomplished audits and the number as a percentage of audits required (and/or planned).



The reporting authorities may use nationally applied definitions of the indicators and methods for calculation of costs when data according to this Annex are submitted. All definitions and calculation methods in use shall be explained in an Annex to the annual report described in Article 18.