[X1Article 15 U.K. Reporting

1. Every two years, Member States shall compile reports on fires in tunnels and on accidents which clearly affect the safety of road users in tunnels, and on the frequency and causes of such incidents, and shall evaluate them and provide information on the actual role and effectiveness of safety facilities and measures. These reports shall be transmitted to the Commission by the Member States before the end of September of the year following the reporting period. The Commission shall make the reports available to all Member States.

2. Member States shall make a plan which includes a timetable for the gradual application of the provisions of this Directive to tunnels already in operation as described in Article 11 and notify it by 30 October 2006 to the Commission. Thereafter, Member States shall inform the Commission every two years of the state of implementation of the plan and of any changes made to it, until the end of the period referred to in Article 11(6) and (7).]