Annexes I, II, III, IV and V to Directive 2000/29/EC are amended as follows:


Annex I, Part B, is amended as follows:


Under heading (a), point 3, the second column is replaced by the following:

E (Ibiza and Menorca), IRL, CY, M, P (Azores and Madeira), UK, S (Blekinge, Gotland, Halland, Kalmar, Skåne), FI (the districts of Åland, Turku, Uusimaa, Kymi, Häme, Pirkanmaa, Satakunta);


Under heading (b), point 1, ‘DK’ is deleted.


Annex II, Part B, is amended as follows:


Under heading (a), point 3, the third column is replaced by the following:

EL, IRL, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey);


Under heading (b), point 2, ‘EE’ is inserted before ‘F (Corsica)’ in the third column;


Under heading (d), point 1, in the third column, ‘I’ is deleted.


In Annex III, Part B, in points 1 and 2, in the second column, ‘EE’ is inserted before ‘F (Corsica)’.


Annex IV, Part B, is amended as follows:


In point 1, the third column is replaced by the following:

EL, IRL, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey).


In point 7, the third column is replaced by the following:

EL, IRL, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey).


In point 14.1, the third column is replaced by the following:

EL, IRL, UK (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey).


In the third column of point 20.1, ‘DK’ is deleted.


In the third column of point 20.2, ‘DK’ is deleted.


Point 21 is amended as follows:


in the second column, under point (c), ‘Ticino’ is deleted;


in the third column, ‘EE’ is inserted before ‘F (Corsica)’.


The following point 21.1 is inserted:

21.1. Plants of Vitis L., other than fruit and seeds

Without prejudice to the prohibition in Annex III Part A point 15, on introducing plants of Vitis L. other than fruits from third countries (except Switzerland) into the Community, official statement that the plants:


originate in an area known to be free from Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch);



have been grown at a place of production which has been found free from Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch) on official inspections carried out during the last two complete cycles of vegetation;



have been subject to fumigation or other appropriate treatment against Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch).


Point 21.3 is amended as follows:


in the second column, in point (b), ‘Ticino’ is deleted;


in the third column ‘EE’ is inserted before ‘F (Corsica)’.


In the third column of point 22, ‘DK’ is deleted.


In the third column of point 23, ‘DK’ is deleted.


In the third column of point 25, ‘DK’ is deleted.


In the third column of point 26, ‘DK’ is deleted.


In the third column of point 27.1, ‘DK’ is deleted.


In the third column of point 27.2, ‘DK’ is deleted.


In the third column of point 30, ‘DK’ is deleted.


Point 31 is amended as follows:

31. Fruits of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids originating in E, F (except Corsica), CY and I

Without prejudice to the requirement in Annex IV Part A Section II point 30.1 that packaging should bear an origin mark:


the fruits shall be free from leaves and peduncles; or


in the case of fruits with leaves or peduncles, official statement that the fruits are packed in closed containers which have been officially sealed and shall remain sealed during their transport through a protected zone, recognised for these fruits, and shall bear a distinguishing mark to be reported on the passport.

EL, F (Corsica), M, P

Annex V, Part A is amended as follows:

The text in point 2.4 is replaced by the following:

  • Seeds and bulbs of Allium ascalonicum L., Allium cepa L. and Allium schoenoprasum L. intended for planting and plants of Allium porrum L. intended for planting,

  • Seeds of Medicago sativa L.,

  • Certified seeds of Helianthus annuus L., Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw. and Phaseolus L.