Training for the following:
in Germany:
paediatric nurse (Kinderkrankenschwester/Kinderkrankenpfleger),
physiotherapist (Krankengymnast(in)/Physiotherapeut(in))(1),
occupational therapist/ergotherapist (Beschäftigungs- und Arbeitstherapeut/Ergotherapeut),
speech therapist (Logopäde/Logopädin),
orthoptist (Orthoptist(in)),
State-recognised childcare worker (Staatlich anerkannte(r) Erzieher(in)),
State-recognised remedial teacher (Staatlich anerkannte(r) Heilpädagoge(-in)),
medical laboratory technician (medizinisch-technische(r) Laboratoriums- Assistent(in)),
medical X-ray technician (medizinisch-technische(r) Radiologie-Assistent(in)),
medical functional diagnostics technician (medizinisch-technische(r) Assistent(in) für Funktionsdiagnostik),
veterinary technician (veterinärmedizinisch-technische(r) Assistent(in)),
dietitian (Diätassistent(in)),
pharmacy technician (Pharmazieingenieur) training received prior to 31 March 1994 in the former German Democratic Republic or in the territory of the new Länder,
psychiatric nurse (Psychiatrische(r) Krankenschwester/Krankenpfleger),
speech therapist (Sprachtherapeut(in));
in the Czech Republic:
health care assistant (zdravotnický asistent),
which represents education of a total duration of at least 13 years, comprising at least eight years of elementary education and four years of vocational secondary education at a secondary medical school, completed by the ‘maturitní zkouška’ exam;
assistant in nutrition (nutriční asistent),
which represents education of a total duration of at least 13 years, comprising at least eight years of elementary education and four years of vocational secondary education at a secondary medical school, completed by the ‘maturitní zkouška’ exam;
in Italy:
dental technician (odontotecnico),
optician (ottico);
in Cyprus:
dental technician (οδοντοτεχνίτης),
which represents education of a total duration of at least 14 years, comprising at least six years of elementary education, six years of secondary education and two years of post-secondary vocational education, followed by one year of professional experience;
optician (τεχνικός oπτικός),
which represents education of a total duration of at least 14 years, comprising at least six years of elementary education, six years of secondary education and two years of post-secondary education, followed by one year of professional experience;
in Latvia:
dental nurse (zobārstniecības māsa),
which represents education of a total duration of at least 13 years, comprising at least 10 years of general school education and two years of professional education in medical school, followed by three years of professional experience at the end of which a certification exam must be passed to obtain a certificate in the speciality;
biomedical laboratory assistant (biomedicīnas laborants),
which represents education of a total duration of at least 12 years, comprising at least 10 years of general school education and two years of professional education in medical school, followed by two years of professional experience at the end of which a certification exam must be passed to obtain a certificate in the speciality;
dental technician (zobu tehniķis),
which represents education of a total duration of at least 12 years, comprising at least 10 years of general school education and two years of professional education in medical school, followed by two years of professional experience at the end of which a certification exam must be passed to obtain a certificate in the speciality;
physiotherapist's assistant (fizioterapeita asistents),
which represents education of a total duration of at least 13 years, comprising at least 10 years of general school education and three years of professional education in medical school, followed by two years of professional experience at the end of which a certification exam must be passed to obtain a certificate in the speciality;
in Luxembourg:
medical X-ray technician (assistant(e) technique médical(e) en radiologie),
medical laboratory technician (assistant(e) technique médical(e) de laboratoire),
psychiatric nurse (infirmier/ière psychiatrique),
medical technician — surgery (assistant(e) technique médical(e) en chirurgie),
paediatric nurse (infirmier/ière puériculteur/trice),
nurse — anaesthetics (infirmier/ière anesthésiste),
qualified masseur/masseuse (masseur/euse diplômé(e)),
childcare worker (éducateur/trice);
in the Netherlands:
veterinary assistant (dierenartsassistent),
which represent education and training courses of a total duration of at least 13 years, comprising:
at least three years of vocational training in a specialised school culminating in an examination, in some cases supplemented by a one- or two-year specialisation course culminating in an examination, or
at least two and a half years of vocational training in a specialised school culminating in an examination and supplemented by work experience of at least six months or by a traineeship of at least six months in an approved establishment, or
at least two years of vocational training in a specialised school culminating in an examination and supplemented by work experience of at least one year or by a traineeship of at least one year in an approved establishment, or
in the case of the veterinary assistant (dierenartsassistent) three years of vocational training in a specialised school (MBO-scheme) or alternatively three years of vocational training in the dual apprenticeship system (LLW), both of which culminate in an examination;
in Austria:
special basic training for nurses specialising in the care of children and young people (spezielle Grundausbildung in der Kinder- und Jugendlichenpflege),
special basic training for psychiatric nurses (spezielle Grundausbildung in der psychiatrischen Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege),
contact lens optician (Kontaktlinsenoptiker),
pedicurist (Fußpfleger)
acoustic-aid technician (Hörgeräteakustiker),
druggist (Drogist),
which represent education and training courses of a total duration of at least 14 years, including at least five years' training followed within a structured training framework, divided into an apprenticeship of at least three years' duration, comprising training partly received in the workplace and partly provided by a vocational training establishment, and a period of professional practice and training, culminating in a professional examination conferring the right to exercise the profession and to train apprentices;
masseur (Masseur),
which represents education and training courses of a total duration of 14 years, including five years' training within a structured training framework, comprising an apprenticeship of two years' duration, a period of professional practice and training of two years' duration and a training course of one year culminating in a professional examination conferring the rights to exercise the profession and to train apprentices;
kindergarten worker (Kindergärtner/in),
child care worker (Erzieher),
which represent education and training courses of a total duration of 13 years, including five years of professional training in a specialised school, culminating in an examination;
in Slovakia:
teacher in the field of dance at basic schools of art (učiteľ v tanečnom odbore na základných umeleckých školách),
which represents education of a total duration of a least 14,5 years, comprising eight years of basic education, four years of education at the secondary specialised school and a five-semester course of dance pedagogy;
educator at special educating facilities and at social service facilities (vychovávatel' v špeciálnych výchovných zariadeniach a v zariadeniach sociálnych služieb),
which represents education of a total duration of at least 14 years, comprising eight/nine years of basic education, four years of study at secondary pedagogical school or at another secondary school and two years of supplementary part-time pedagogical study.
As from 1 June 1994, the professional title ‘Krankengymnast(in)’ was replaced by that of ‘Physiotherapeut(in)’. Nevertheless, the members of the profession who obtained their diplomas before that date may, if they wish, continue to use the earlier title of ‘Krankengymnast(in)’.