[F1Article 4b U.K. Application for a European Professional Card and creation of an IMI file

1. The home Member State shall enable a holder of a professional qualification to apply for a European Professional Card through an on-line tool, provided by the Commission, that automatically creates an IMI file for the particular applicant. Where a home Member State allows also for written applications, it shall put in place all necessary arrangements for the creation of the IMI file, any information to be sent to the applicant and the issuance of the European Professional Card.

2. Applications shall be supported by the documents required in the implementing acts to be adopted pursuant to Article 4a(7).

3. Within one week of receipt of the application, the competent authority of the home Member State shall acknowledge receipt of the application and inform the applicant of any missing document.

Where applicable, the competent authority of the home Member State shall issue any supporting certificate required under this Directive. The competent authority of the home Member State shall verify whether the applicant is legally established in the home Member State and whether all the necessary documents which have been issued in the home Member State are valid and authentic. In the event of duly justified doubts, the competent authority of the home Member State shall consult the relevant body and may request from the applicant certified copies of documents. In case of subsequent applications by the same applicant, the competent authorities of the home and the host Member States may not request the re-submission of documents which are already contained in the IMI file and which are still valid.

4. The Commission may, by means of implementing acts, adopt the technical specifications, the measures necessary to ensure integrity, confidentiality and accuracy of information contained in the European Professional Card and in the IMI file, and the conditions and the procedures for issuing a European Professional Card to its holder, including the possibility of downloading it or submitting updates for the IMI file. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 58(2).]