Directive 2005/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (repealed)Show full title

Directive 2005/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 September 2005 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from compression-ignition engines for use in vehicles, and the emission of gaseous pollutants from positive-ignition engines fuelled with natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas for use in vehicles (Text with EEA relevance) (repealed)


6.1.Bessel algorithm

The Bessel algorithm shall be used to compute the 1 s average values from the instantaneous smoke readings, converted in accordance with Section 6.3.1. The algorithm emulates a low pass second order filter, and its use requires iterative calculations to determine the coefficients. These coefficients are a function of the response time of the opacimeter system and the sampling rate. Therefore, Section 6.1.1 must be repeated whenever the system response time and/or sampling rate changes.

6.1.1.Calculation of filter response time and Bessel constants

The required Bessel response time (tF) is a function of the physical and electrical response times of the opacimeter system, as specified in Annex III, Appendix 4, Section 5.2.4, and shall be calculated by the following equation:




physical response time, s



electrical response time, s

The calculations for estimating the filter cut-off frequency (fc) are based on a step input 0 to 1 in ≤ 0,01 s (see Annex VII). The response time is defined as the time between when the Bessel output reaches 10 % (t10) and when it reaches 90 % (t90) of this step function. This must be obtained by iterating on fc until t90-t10≈tF. The first iteration for fc is given by the following formula:

The Bessel constants E and K shall be calculated by the following equations:









6.1.2.Calculation of the Bessel algorithm

Using the values of E and K, the 1 s Bessel averaged response to a step input Si shall be calculated as follows:




Si-1 = 0






Yi-1 = 0

The times t10 and t90 shall be interpolated. The difference in time between t90 and t10 defines the response time tF for that value of fc. If this response time is not close enough to the required response time, iteration shall be continued until the actual response time is within 1 % of the required response as follows:

6.2.Data evaluation

The smoke measurement values shall be sampled with a minimum rate of 20 Hz.

6.3.Determination of smoke
6.3.1.Data conversion

Since the basic measurement unit of all opacimeters is transmittance, the smoke values shall be converted from transmittance (τ) to the light absorption coefficient (k) as follows:





light absorption coefficient, m-1



effective optical path length, as submitted by instrument manufacturer, m



opacity, %



transmittance, %

The conversion shall be applied, before any further data processing is made.

6.3.2.Calculation of Bessel averaged smoke

The proper cut-off frequency fc is the one that produces the required filter response time tF. Once this frequency has been determined through the iterative process of Section 6.1.1, the proper Bessel algorithm constants E and K shall be calculated. The Bessel algorithm shall then be applied to the instantaneous smoke trace (k-value), as described in Section 6.1.2:

The Bessel algorithm is recursive in nature. Thus, it needs some initial input values of Si-1 and Si-2 and initial output values Yi-1 and Yi-2 to get the algorithm started. These may be assumed to be 0.

For each load step of the three speeds A, B and C, the maximum 1s value Ymax shall be selected from the individual Yi values of each smoke trace.

6.3.3.Final result

The mean smoke values (SV) from each cycle (test speed) shall be calculated as follows:

For test speed A:

SVA = (Ymax1,A + Ymax2,A + Ymax3,A) / 3

For test speed B:

SVB = (Ymax1,B + Ymax2,B + Ymax3,B) / 3

For test speed C:

SVC = (Ymax1,C + Ymax2,C + Ymax3,C) / 3


Ymax1, Ymax2, Ymax3


highest 1 s Bessel averaged smoke value at each of the three load steps

The final value shall be calculated as follows:

SV = (0,43 x SVA) + (0,56 x SVB) + (0,01 x SVC)