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ANNEX IIU.K.(referred to in Article 5(2))

Notification of disease and further epidemiological information to be provided by Member States U.K.

1.Within 24 hours of the confirmation of any primary outbreak or detection of avian influenza in a slaughterhouse or means of transport, the Member State concerned shall notify in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 5 of Directive 82/894/EEC:U.K.


the date of notification;


the time of notification;


the name of the Member State concerned;


the name of the disease;


the number of the outbreak or positive finding of avian influenza in a slaughterhouse or means of transport;


the date on which the disease was first suspected;


the date of confirmation;


the methods used for confirmation;


whether the disease has been confirmed in a holding, slaughterhouse or means of transport;


the geographical location of the outbreak or positive finding of avian influenza in a slaughterhouse or means of transport;


the disease control measures applied.

2.In the case of positive findings for avian influenza in slaughterhouses or means of transport, the Member State concerned must forward the following information in addition to the data referred to in paragraph 1:U.K.


the estimated number, by category, of susceptible poultry or other captive birds in the slaughterhouse or means of transport;


the estimated number, by category, of dead poultry or other captive birds in the slaughterhouse or means of transport;


for each of the categories of poultry or other captive birds, the identified morbidity and the estimated number of poultry or other captive birds in which avian influenza has been confirmed;


the estimated number of poultry or other captive birds killed or slaughtered in the slaughterhouse or means of transport;


the estimated number of poultry or other captive birds disposed of;


in the case of a slaughterhouse, the distance from the nearest commercial holding containing poultry or other captive birds;


the location of the holding or holdings of origin of the infected poultry or carcases.

3.In the case of secondary outbreaks, the information referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 must be forwarded within the time-limits laid down in Article 4(1) of Directive 82/894/EEC.U.K.

4.The Member State concerned shall ensure that the information to be provided in accordance with paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, in relation to any outbreak or positive finding of avian influenza in a slaughterhouse or means of transport is followed as soon as possible by a written report to the Commission and the other Member States including at least:U.K.


the date on which the poultry or other captive birds on the holding, slaughterhouse or means of transport were killed or slaughtered and their carcases disposed of;


any information relating to the possible origin of avian influenza or, if ascertained, its actual origin;


information on the control system established to ensure that the measures in place for the control of animal movements are effectively implemented;


in the case of detection of avian influenza in a slaughterhouse or means of transport, the genetic type of virus responsible;


where poultry or other captive birds have been killed or slaughtered in contact holdings or in holdings containing poultry or other captive birds suspected of being infected with avian influenza virus, information on:


the date of killing or slaughtering and the estimated number of poultry or other captive birds of each category killed or slaughtered in each holding;


the epidemiological link between the source of infection and each contact holding or the other reasons that have given rise to the suspicion that avian influenza is present;


where poultry or other captive birds in contact holdings have not been killed or slaughtered, information must be provided concerning the reasons for the decision not to kill or slaughter them.

5.In the case of confirmation of avian influenza in live poultry, other captive birds or poultry products being imported or introduced at Community borders, in border inspection posts or in quarantine facilities or centres operating in accordance with Community legislation on imports, the competent authority must notify this confirmation to the Commission without delay and report on the measures taken.U.K.

6.The Commission and the other Member States must be notified within 24 hours where a serious threat to health is identified as a result of any surveillance.U.K.