Article 47Laboratory tests and other measures concerning pigs and other species

1.The competent authority shall ensure that following confirmation of avian influenza on any holding, appropriate laboratory tests, in accordance with the diagnostic manual, are carried out on any pigs present on the holding to confirm or exclude that those pigs are, or have been, infected with the avian influenza virus.

No pigs shall be moved from the holding pending the results of those tests.

2.Where laboratory tests provided for in paragraph 1 confirm positive findings for avian influenza viruses in pigs, the competent authority may authorise the movement of those pigs to other pig holdings or to designated slaughterhouses, provided that subsequent appropriate tests have shown that the risk of spread of avian influenza is negligible.

3.The competent authority shall ensure that where laboratory tests provided for in paragraph 1 confirm a serious health threat, the pigs are killed as soon as possible under official supervision and in such a way as to prevent the spread of avian influenza virus, in particular during transport, and in accordance with Directive 93/119/EC.

4.The competent authority may, following confirmation of avian influenza on any holding, and based on a risk assessment, apply the measures provided for in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 to any other mammals present on the holding and may extend those measures to contact holdings.

5.Member States shall inform the Commission within the framework of the Committee of the results of the tests and measures applied pursuant to paragraphs 1 to 4.

6.The competent authority may, following confirmation of avian influenza virus in pigs or any other mammals on any holding, undertake surveillance in accordance with the diagnostic manual to identify any further spread of avian influenza virus.

7.Additional measures to prevent the spread of influenza viruses of avian origin to other species, may be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 64(3).