Directive 2006/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the council (repealed)Show full title

Directive 2006/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 14 June 2006 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions (recast) (Text with EEA relevance) (repealed)

1.The credit institutions calculating the risk‐weighted exposure amounts in accordance with Articles 84 to 89 shall disclose the following information:U.K.


the competent authority's acceptance of approach or approved transition;


an explanation and review of:


the structure of internal rating systems and relation between internal and external ratings;


the use of internal estimates other than for calculating risk‐weighted exposure amounts in accordance with Articles 84 to 89;


the process for managing and recognising credit risk mitigation; and


the control mechanisms for rating systems including a description of independence, accountability, and rating systems review;


a description of the internal ratings process, provided separately for the following exposure classes:


central governments and central banks;




corporate, including SMEs, specialised lending and purchased corporate receivables;


retail, for each of the categories of exposures to which the different correlations in Annex VII, Part 1, points 10 to 13 correspond; and




the exposure values for each of the exposure classes specified in Article 86. Exposures to central governments and central banks, institutions and corporates where credit institutions use own estimates of LGDs or conversion factors for the calculation of risk‐weighted exposure amounts shall be disclosed separately from exposures for which the credit institutions do not use such estimates;


for each of the exposure classes central governments and central banks, institutions, corporate and equity, and across a sufficient number of obligor grades (including default) to allow for a meaningful differentiation of credit risk, credit institutions shall disclose:


the total exposures (for the exposure classes central governments and central banks, institutions and corporate, the sum of outstanding loans and exposure values for undrawn commitments; for equities, the outstanding amount);


for the credit institutions using own LGD estimates for the calculation of risk‐weighted exposure amounts, the exposure-weighted average LGD in percentage;


the exposure-weighted average risk weight; and


for the credit institutions using own estimates of conversion factors for the calculation of risk‐weighted exposure amounts, the amount of undrawn commitments and exposure-weighted average exposure values for each exposure class;


for the retail exposure class and for each of the categories as defined under point (c)(iv), either the disclosures outlined under (e) above (if applicable, on a pooled basis), or an analysis of exposures (outstanding loans and exposure values for undrawn commitments) against a sufficient number of EL grades to allow for a meaningful differentiation of credit risk (if applicable, on a pooled basis);


the actual value adjustments in the preceding period for each exposure class (for retail, for each of the categories as defined under point (c)(iv) and how they differ from past experience;


a description of the factors that impacted on the loss experience in the preceding period (for example, has the credit institution experienced higher than average default rates, or higher than average LGDs and conversion factors); and


the credit institution's estimates against actual outcomes over a longer period. At a minimum, this shall include information on estimates of losses against actual losses in each exposure class (for retail, for each of the categories as defined under point (c)(iv) over a period sufficient to allow for a meaningful assessment of the performance of the internal rating processes for each exposure class (for retail for each of the categories as defined under point (c)(iv). Where appropriate, the credit institutions shall further decompose this to provide analysis of PD and, for the credit institutions using own estimates of LGDs and/or conversion factors, LGD and conversion factor outcomes against estimates provided in the quantitative risk assessment disclosures above.