CHAPTER 2Technical instruments of prudential supervision

Section 5Large exposures

Article 106


‘Exposures’, for the purposes of this Section, shall mean any asset or off-balance-sheet item referred to in Section 3, Subsection 1, without application of the risk weights or degrees of risk there provided for.

Exposures arising from the items referred to in Annex IV shall be calculated in accordance with one of the methods set out in Annex III. For the purposes of this Section, Annex III, Part 2, point 2 shall also apply.

All elements entirely covered by own funds may, with the agreement of the competent authorities, be excluded from the determination of exposures, provided that such own funds are not included in the credit institution's own funds for the purposes of Article 75 or in the calculation of other monitoring ratios provided for in this Directive and in other Community acts.


Exposures shall not include any of the following:


in the case of foreign exchange transactions, exposures incurred in the ordinary course of settlement during the two working days following payment;


in the case of transactions for the purchase or sale of securities, exposures incurred in the ordinary course of settlement during five working days following payment or delivery of the securities, whichever the earlier;


in the case of the provision of money transmission including the execution of payment services, clearing and settlement in any currency and correspondent banking or financial instruments clearing, settlement and custody services to clients, delayed receipts in funding and other exposures arising from client activity which do not last longer than the following business day; or


in the case of the provision of money transmission including the execution of payment services, clearing and settlement in any currency and correspondent banking, intra-day exposures to institutions providing those services.

The Committee of European Banking Supervisors shall provide for guidelines in order to enhance the convergence of supervisory practises in applying the exemptions in points (c) and (d).


In order to determine the existence of a group of connected clients, in respect of exposures referred to in points (m), (o) and (p) of Article 79(1), where there is an exposure to underlying assets, a credit institution shall assess the scheme, its underlying exposures, or both. For that purpose, a credit institution shall evaluate the economic substance and the risks inherent in the structure of the transaction.

F1Article 107

For the purposes of calculating the value of exposures in accordance with this Section, the term credit institution also means any private or public undertaking, including its branches, which meets the definition of credit institution and has been authorised in a third country.

Article 108

A credit institution's exposure to a client or group of connected clients shall be considered a large exposure where its value is equal to or exceeds 10 % of its own funds.

Article 109

The competent authorities shall require that every credit institution have sound administrative and accounting procedures and adequate internal control mechanisms for the purposes of identifying and recording all large exposures and subsequent changes to them, in accordance with this Directive, and for that of monitoring those exposures in the light of each credit institution's own exposure policies.

F1Article 110


A credit institution shall report the following information about every large exposure to the competent authorities, including large exposures exempted from the application of Article 111(1):


the identification of the client or the group of connected clients to which a credit institution has a large exposure;


the exposure value before taking into account the effect of the credit risk mitigation, when applicable;


where used, the type of funded or unfunded credit protection;


the exposure value after taking into account the effect of the credit risk mitigation calculated for the purpose of Article 111(1).

If a credit institution is subject to Articles 84 to 89, its 20 largest exposures on a consolidated basis, excluding those exempted from the application of Article 111(1), shall be made available to the competent authorities.


Member States shall provide that reporting is to be carried out at least twice a year. The competent authorities shall apply, from 31 December 2012, uniform formats, frequencies and dates of reporting. To facilitate this, the Committee of European Banking Supervisors shall elaborate guidelines to introduce, within the Community, a uniform reporting format before 1 January 2012. The reporting formats shall be proportionate to the nature, scale and complexity of the credit institutions' activities.


Member States shall require credit institutions to analyse, to the extent possible, their exposures to collateral issuers, providers of unfunded credit protection and underlying assets pursuant to Article 106(3) for possible concentrations and where appropriate take action and report any significant findings to their competent authority.

Article 111


A credit institution shall not incur an exposure, after taking into account the effect of the credit risk mitigation in accordance with Articles 112 to 117, to a client or group of connected clients the value of which exceeds 25 % of its own funds.

Where that client is an institution or where a group of connected clients includes one or more institutions, that value shall not exceed 25 % of the credit institution's own funds or EUR 150 million, whichever the higher, provided that the sum of exposure values, after taking into account the effect of the credit risk mitigation in accordance with Articles 112 to 117, to all connected clients that are not institutions does not exceed 25 % of the credit institution’s own funds.

Where the amount of EUR 150 million is higher than 25 % of the credit institution’s own funds, the value of the exposure, after taking into account the effect of credit risk mitigation in accordance with Articles 112 to 117, shall not exceed a reasonable limit in terms of the credit institution’s own funds. That limit shall be determined by credit institutions, consistently with the policies and procedures referred to in Annex V, point 7, to address and control concentration risk, and shall not be higher than 100 % of the credit institution’s own funds.

Member States may set a lower limit than EUR 150 million and shall inform the Commission.


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A credit institution shall at all times comply with the relevant limit laid down in paragraph 1. If, in an exceptional case, exposures exceed this limit, the value of the exposure shall be reported without delay to the competent authorities which may, where the circumstances warrant it, allow the credit institution a limited period of time in which to comply with the limit.

Where the amount of EUR 150 million referred to in paragraph 1 is applicable, the competent authorities may allow on a case-by-case basis the 100 % limit in terms of the credit institution's own funds to be exceeded.

Article 112


For the purposes of Articles 113 to 117, the term ‘guarantee’ shall include credit derivatives recognised under Articles 90 to 93 other than credit linked notes.


Subject to paragraph 3 of this Article, where, under Articles 113 to 117, the recognition of funded or unfunded credit protection is permitted, this shall be subject to compliance with the eligibility requirements and other minimum requirements, set out in Articles 90 to 93.


Where a credit institution relies upon Article 114(2), the recognition of funded credit protection shall be subject to the relevant requirements under Articles 84 to 89.


For the purpose of this Section, a credit institution shall not take into account the collateral referred to in Annex VIII, Part 1, points 20 to 22, unless permitted under Article 115.

Article 113


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The following exposures shall be exempted from the application of Article 111(1):


asset items constituting claims on central governments or central banks which, unsecured, would be assigned a 0 % risk weight under Articles 78 to 83;


asset items constituting claims on international organisations or multilateral development banks which, unsecured, would be assigned a 0 % risk weight under Articles 78 to 83;


asset items constituting claims carrying the explicit guarantees of central governments, central banks, international organisations, multilateral development banks or public sector entities, where unsecured claims on the entity providing the guarantee would be assigned a 0 % risk weight under Articles 78 to 83;


other exposures attributable to, or guaranteed by, central governments, central banks, international organisations, multilateral development banks or public sector entities, where unsecured claims on the entity to which the exposure is attributable or by which it is guaranteed would be assigned a 0 % risk weight under Articles 78 to 83;


asset items constituting claims on regional governments or local authorities of Member States where those claims would be assigned a 0 % risk weight under Articles 78 to 83 and other exposures to or guaranteed by those regional governments or local authorities, claims on which would be assigned a 0 % risk weight under Articles 78 to 83;


exposures to counterparties referred to in paragraph 7 or paragraph 8 of Article 80 if they would be assigned a 0 % risk weight under Articles 78 to 83; exposures that do not meet those criteria, whether or not exempted from Article 111(1), shall be treated as exposures to a third party;


asset items and other exposures secured, to the satisfaction of the competent authorities, by collateral in the form of cash deposits placed with the lending credit institution or with a credit institution which is the parent undertaking or a subsidiary of the lending institution;


asset items and other exposures secured, to the satisfaction of the competent authorities, by collateral in the form of certificates of deposit issued by the lending credit institution or by a credit institution which is the parent undertaking or a subsidiary of the lending credit institution and lodged with either of them;


exposures arising from undrawn credit facilities that are classified as low-risk off-balance sheet items in Annex II and provided that an agreement has been concluded with the client or group of connected clients under which the facility may be drawn only if it has been ascertained that it will not cause the limit applicable under Article 111(1) to be exceeded.


asset items constituting claims on and other exposures to those institutions which are not credit institutions but which fulfil the conditions referred to in Annex VI, Part 1, point 85, with a maturity of one year or less, and secured in accordance with the same point;


bills of trade and other similar bills, with a maturity of one year or less, bearing the signatures of other credit institutions;


covered bonds falling within the terms of Annex VI, Part 1, points 68 to 70;


pending subsequent coordination, holdings in the insurance companies referred to in Article 122(1) up to 40 % of the own funds of the credit institution acquiring such a holding;


asset items constituting claims on regional or central credit institutions with which the lending credit institution is associated in a network in accordance with legal or statutory provisions and which are responsible, under those provisions, for cash-clearing operations within the network;


exposures secured, to the satisfaction of the competent authorities, by collateral in the form of securities other than those referred to in point (f);


loans secured, to the satisfaction of the competent authorities, by mortgages on residential property or by shares in Finnish residential housing companies, operating in accordance with the Finnish Housing Company Act of 1991 or subsequent equivalent legislation and leasing transactions under which the lessor retains full ownership of the residential property leased for as long as the lessee has not exercised his option to purchase, in all cases up to 50 % of the value of the residential property concerned;


the following, where they would receive a 50 % risk weight under Articles 78 to 83, and only up to 50 % of the value of the property concerned:

  1. (i)

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  2. (ii)

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50 % of the medium/low-risk off-balance-sheet items referred to in Annex II;


subject to the competent authorities' agreement, guarantees other than loan guarantees which have a legal or regulatory basis and are given for their members by mutual guarantee schemes possessing the status of credit institutions, subject to a weighting of 20 % of their amount; and


the low-risk off-balance-sheet items referred to in Annex II, to the extent that an agreement has been concluded with the client or group of connected clients under which the exposure may be incurred only if it has been ascertained that it will not cause the limits applicable under Article 111(1) to (3) to be exceeded.

Cash received under a credit linked note issued by the credit institution and loans and deposits of a counterparty to or with the credit institution which are subject to an on-balance sheet netting agreement recognised under Articles 90 to 93 shall be deemed to fall under point (g).

F3For the purposes of point (o), the securities used as collateral shall be valued at market price, have a value that exceeds the exposures guaranteed and be either traded on a stock exchange or effectively negotiable and regularly quoted on a market operated under the auspices of recognised professional operators and allowing, to the satisfaction of the competent authorities of the Member State of origin of the credit institution, for the establishment of an objective price such that the excess value of the securities may be verified at any time. The excess value required shall be 100 %. It shall, however, be 150 % in the case of shares and 50 % in the case of debt securities issued by institutions, Member State regional governments or local authorities other than those referred to in sub-point (f), and in the case of debt securities issued by multilateral development banks other than those assigned a 0 % risk weight under Articles 78 to 83. Where there is a mismatch between the maturity of the exposure and the maturity of the credit protection, the collateral shall not be recognised. Securities used as collateral may not constitute credit institutions' own funds.

For the purposes of point (p), the value of the property shall be calculated, to the satisfaction of the competent authorities, on the basis of strict valuation standards laid down by law, regulation or administrative provisions. Valuation shall be carried out at least once a year. For the purposes of point (p), residential property shall mean a residence to be occupied or let by the borrower.

Member States shall inform the Commission of any exemption granted under point (s) in order to ensure that it does not result in a distortion of competition.


Member States may fully or partially exempt the following exposures from the application of Article 111(1):


covered bonds falling within the terms of Annex VI, Part 1, points 68, 69 and 70;


asset items constituting claims on regional governments or local authorities of Member States where those claims would be assigned a 20 % risk weight under Articles 78 to 83 and other exposures to or guaranteed by those regional governments or local authorities, claims on which would be assigned a 20 % risk weight under Articles 78 to 83;


notwithstanding paragraph 3(f) of this Article, exposures, including participations or other kinds of holdings, incurred by a credit institution to its parent undertaking, to other subsidiaries of that parent undertaking or to its own subsidiaries, in so far as those undertakings are covered by the supervision on a consolidated basis to which the credit institution itself is subject, in accordance with this Directive or with equivalent standards in force in a third country; exposures that do not meet these criteria, whether or not exempted from Article 111(1), shall be treated as exposures to a third party;


asset items constituting claims on and other exposures, including participations or other kinds of holdings, to regional or central credit institutions with which the credit institution is associated in a network in accordance with legal or statutory provisions and which are responsible, under those provisions, for cash-clearing operations within the network;


asset items constituting claims on and other exposures to credit institutions incurred by credit institutions operating on a non-competitive basis, providing loans under legislative programmes or their statutes, to promote specified sectors of the economy under some form of government oversight and restrictions on the use of the loans, provided that the respective exposures arise from such loans that are passed on to the beneficiaries via other credit institutions;


asset items constituting claims on and other exposures to institutions, provided that those exposures do not constitute such institutions' own funds, do not last longer than the following business day and are not denominated in a major trading currency;


asset items constituting claims on central banks in the form of required minimum reserves held at those central banks which are denominated in their national currencies;


asset items constituting claims on central governments in the form of statutory liquidity requirements held in government securities which are denominated and funded in their national currencies provided that, at the discretion of the competent authority, the credit assessment of those central governments assigned by a nominated ECAI is investment grade;


50 % of medium/low risk off-balance-sheet documentary credits and of medium/low risk off-balance sheet undrawn credit facilities referred to in Annex II, and subject to the competent authorities’ agreement, 80 % of guarantees other than loan guarantees which have a legal or regulatory basis and are given for their members by mutual guarantee schemes possessing the status of credit institutions;


legally required guarantees used when a mortgage loan financed by issuing mortgage bonds is paid to the mortgage borrower before the final registration of the mortgage in the land register, provided the guarantee is not used as reducing the risk in calculating the risk weighted assets.

Article 114


Subject to paragraph 3 of this Article, for the purposes of calculating the value of exposures for the purposes of Article 111(1) a credit institution may use the fully adjusted exposure value as calculated under Articles 90 to 93, taking into account the credit risk mitigation, volatility adjustments, and any maturity mismatch (E*).


F1Subject to paragraph 3 of this Article, a credit institution permitted to use own estimates of LGDs and conversion factors for an exposure class under Articles 84 to 89 shall be permitted, where it is able to the satisfaction of the competent authorities to estimate the effects of financial collateral on their exposures separately from other LGD-relevant aspects, to recognise such effects in calculating the value of exposures for the purposes of Article 111(1).

Competent authorities shall be satisfied as to the suitability of the estimates produced by the credit institution for use for the reduction of the exposure value for the purposes of compliance with the provisions of Article 111.

Where a credit institution is permitted to use its own estimates of the effects of financial collateral, it shall do so on a basis consistent with the approach adopted in the calculation of capital requirements.

F1Credit institutions permitted to use own estimates of LGDs and conversion factors for an exposure class under Articles 84 to 89 which do not calculate the value of their exposures using the method referred to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph may use the Financial Collateral Comprehensive Method or the approach set out in Article 117(1)(b) for calculating the value of exposures.


F1A credit institution that makes use of the Financial Collateral Comprehensive Method or is permitted to use the method described in paragraph 2 of this Article in calculating the value of exposures for the purposes of Article 111(1), shall conduct periodic stress tests of their credit-risk concentrations, including in relation to the realisable value of any collateral taken.

These periodic stress tests shall address risks arising from potential changes in market conditions that could adversely impact the credit institutions' adequacy of own funds and risks arising from the realisation of collateral in stressed situations.

The credit institution shall satisfy the competent authorities that the stress tests carried out are adequate and appropriate for the assessment of such risks.

F1In the event that such a stress test indicates a lower realisable value of collateral taken than would be permitted to be taken into account while making use of the Financial Collateral Comprehensive Method or the method described in paragraph 2 of this Article as appropriate, the value of collateral permitted to be recognised in calculating the value of exposures for the purposes of Article 111(1) shall be reduced accordingly.

Such credit institutions shall include the following in their strategies to address concentration risk:


policies and procedures to address risks arising from maturity mismatches between exposures and any credit protection on those exposures;


policies and procedures in the event that a stress test indicates a lower realisable value of collateral than taken into account while making use of the Financial Collateral Comprehensive Method or the method described in paragraph 2; and


policies and procedures relating to concentration risk arising from the application of credit risk mitigation techniques, and in particular large indirect credit exposures, for example to a single issuer of securities taken as collateral.


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F1Article 115


For the purpose of this Section, a credit institution may reduce the exposure value by up to 50 % of the value of the residential property concerned, if either of the following conditions is met:


the exposure is secured, by mortgages on residential property or by shares in Finnish residential housing companies, operating in accordance with the Finnish Housing Company Act of 1991 or subsequent equivalent legislation;


the exposure relates to a leasing transaction under which the lessor retains full ownership of the residential property leased for as long as the lessee has not exercised his option to purchase.

The value of the property shall be calculated, to the satisfaction of the competent authorities, on the basis of prudent valuation standards laid down by law, regulation or administrative provisions. Valuation shall be carried out at least once every three years for residential property.

The requirements in Annex VIII, Part 2, point 8, and in Annex VIII Part 3, points 62 to 65 shall apply for the purpose of this paragraph.

Residential property shall mean a residence to be occupied or let by the owner.


For the purpose of this Section, a credit institution may reduce the exposure value by up to 50 % of the value of the commercial property concerned only if the competent authorities concerned in the Member State where the commercial property is situated allow the following exposures to receive a 50 % risk weight in accordance with Articles 78 to 83:


exposures secured by mortgages on offices or other commercial premises, or by shares in Finnish housing companies, operating in accordance with the Finnish Housing Company Act of 1991 or subsequent equivalent legislation, in respect of offices or other commercial premises; or


exposures related to property leasing transactions concerning offices or other commercial premises.

The value of the property shall be calculated, to the satisfaction of the competent authorities, on the basis of prudent valuation standards laid down by law, regulation or administrative provisions.

Commercial property shall be fully constructed, leased and produce appropriate rental income.

F3Article 116

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Article 117


Where an exposure to a client is guaranteed by a third party, or secured by collateral issued by a third party, a credit institution may:


treat the portion of the exposure which is guaranteed as having been incurred to the guarantor rather than to the client provided that the unsecured exposure to the guarantor would be assigned an equal or lower risk weight than a risk weight of the unsecured exposure to the client under Articles 78 to 83;


treat the portion of the exposure collateralised by the market value of recognised collateral as having been incurred to the third party rather than to the client, if the exposure is secured by collateral and provided that the collateralised portion of the exposure would be assigned an equal or lower risk weight than a risk weight of the unsecured exposure to the client under Articles 78 to 83.

The approach referred to in point (b) of the first subparagraph shall not be used by a credit institution where there is a mismatch between the maturity of the exposure and the maturity of the protection.

For the purpose of this Section, a credit institution may use both the Financial Collateral Comprehensive Method and the treatment provided for in point (b) of the first subparagraph only where it is permitted to use both the Financial Collateral Comprehensive Method and the Financial Collateral Simple Method for the purposes of Article 75(a).


Where a credit institution applies paragraph 1(a):


where the guarantee is denominated in a currency different from that in which the exposure is denominated the amount of the exposure deemed to be covered will be calculated in accordance with the provisions on the treatment of currency mismatch for unfunded credit protection in Annex VIII;


a mismatch between the maturity of the exposure and the maturity of the protection will be treated in accordance with the provisions on the treatment of maturity mismatch in Annex VIII; and


partial coverage may be recognised in accordance with the treatment set out in Annex VIII.

Article 118

Where compliance by a credit institution on an individual or sub-consolidated basis with the obligations imposed in this Section is disapplied under Article 69(1), or the provisions of Article 70 are applied in the case of parent credit institutions in a Member State, measures must be taken to ensure the satisfactory allocation of risks within the group.

F3Article 119

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