Article 14Report and review


The Commission shall, by 2008, submit a report to the European Parliament and to the Council. The report shall have particular regard to:


the results of an appropriate European epidemiological study conducted by the Commission in collaboration with Member States;


other scientific, analytical and epidemiological developments relevant to the parameters for bathing water quality, including in relation to viruses; and


World Health Organisation recommendations.


Member States shall, by the end of 2014, submit written observations to the Commission on that report including on the need for any further research or assessments which may be required to assist the Commission in its review of this Directive under paragraph 3.


In the light of the report, the Member States' written observations and an extended impact assessment and bearing in mind experience gained from implementing this Directive, the Commission shall, no later than 2020, review this Directive with particular regard to the parameters for bathing water quality, including whether it would be appropriate to phase out the ‘sufficient’ classification or modify the applicable standards, and shall present if necessary appropriate legislative proposals in accordance with Article 251 of the Treaty.