Article 3Monitoring
Member States shall annually identify all bathing waters and define the length of the bathing season. They shall do so for the first time before the start of the first bathing season after 24 March 2008.
Member States shall ensure that monitoring of the parameters set out in Annex I, column A, takes place in accordance with Annex IV.
The monitoring point shall be the location within the bathing water where:
most bathers are expected; or
the greatest risk of pollution is expected, according to the bathing water profile.
A monitoring calendar for each bathing water shall be established before the start of each bathing season and for the first time before the start of the third full bathing season after the entry into force of this Directive. Monitoring shall take place no later than four days after the date specified in the monitoring calendar.
Member States may introduce monitoring of the parameters set out in Annex I, column A, during the first full bathing season following the entry into force of this Directive. In that case, monitoring shall take place with the frequency specified in Annex IV. The results of such monitoring may be used to build up the sets of bathing water quality data referred to in Article 4. As soon as Member States introduce monitoring under this Directive, monitoring of the parameters set out in the Annex to Directive 76/160/EEC may cease.
Samples taken during short-term pollution may be disregarded. They shall be replaced by samples taken in accordance with Annex IV.
During abnormal situations, the monitoring calendar referred to in paragraph 4 may be suspended. It shall be resumed as soon as possible after the end of the abnormal situation. New samples shall be taken as soon as possible after the end of the abnormal situation to replace samples that are missing due to the abnormal situation.
Member States shall report any suspension of the monitoring calendar to the Commission, giving the reasons for the suspension. They shall provide such reports on the occasion of the next annual report provided for in Article 13 at the latest.
Member States shall ensure that the analysis of bathing water quality takes place in accordance with the reference methods specified in Annex I and the rules set out in Annex V. However, Member States may permit the use of other methods or rules if they can demonstrate that the results obtained are equivalent to those obtained using the methods specified in Annex I and the rules set out in Annex V. Member States that permit the use of such equivalent methods or rules shall provide the Commission with all relevant information about the methods or rules used and their equivalence.