Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 laying down technical requirements for inland waterway vessels and repealing Council Directive 82/714/EEC (2006/87/EC) (repealed)

Article 24.06Derogations for craft not covered by Article 24.01

1.The following provisions apply:

(a)to craft for which a vessel certificate in accordance with the Rhine Vessel Inspection Regulation was issued for the first time between 1 January 1995 and 30 December 2008, provided they were not under construction or undergoing conversion on 31 December 1994;

(b)to craft which have obtained another traffic licence between 1 January 1995 and 30 December 2008.

2.It must be proved that those craft comply with the Rhine Vessel Inspection Regulation as applicable on the date on which the vessel certificate or the other traffic licence is granted.

3.The craft must be adapted to comply with provisions which enter into force following the first issue of the vessel certificate or other traffic licence in accordance with the transitional provisions set out in the table below.

4.Article 24.04(4) and (5), apply MUTATIS MUTANDIS.

5.The following definitions apply in the table below:

  • ‘NRC’: The provision does not apply to craft which are already operating, unless the parts concerned are replaced or converted, i.e. the provision applies only to Newly-built craft and to the Replacement or Conversion of the parts or areas concerned. If existing parts are replaced by replacement parts using the same technology and of the same type, this does not constitute replacement (‘R’) within the meaning of the transitional provisions.

  • ‘Issue or renewal of the Community certificate’: The provision must be complied with by the time of the next issue or renewal of the Community certificate after the date indicated.


Permanent CO2 fire-fighting systems installed between 1 January 1995 and 31 March 2003 remain authorised until the issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1 January 2035 if they comply with Article 10.03(5), of the Rhine Vessel Inspection Regulation as applicable on 31 March 2002.


Recommendations of the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine issued between 1 January 1995 and 31 March 2002 regarding Article 10.03(5), of the Rhine Vessel Inspection Regulation as applicable on 31 March 2002 remain valid until the issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1 January 2035.


Article 10.05(2)(a), is applicable until the issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1 January 2035 only if those systems have been installed in vessels laid down after 1 October 1992.

Article and paragraphContentDeadline and commentsValid for craft with vessel certificate or traffic licence before
3.03( 7)Anchors not protruding in foresections of vesselsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20411.10.1999
3.04 (3), second sentenceInsulation in engine roomsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.4.2003
paragraph 3, third and fourth sentencesOpenings and closing devicesNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.10.2003
8.02(4)Protection of engine partsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.4.2003
8.03(3)Protection against overspeedNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.4.2004
8.05(9), first sentenceSounding devices must be readable up to the maximum filling levelNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.4.1999
paragraph 13Filling level control not only for main engines but also other engines needed for safe operation of the vesselNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20151.4.1999
The transitional provisions on Chapter 8a of the Rhine Vessel Inspection Regulation apply.
10.02(2)(a)Certification of wire ropes and other ropesThe first rope replaced on the vessel: NRC, at the latest 1.1.2008. Second and third ropes: 1.1.2013.1.4.2003
10.03(1)European standardOn replacement, at the latest 1.1.20101.4.2002
paragraph 2Suitable for fire category A, B and COn replacement, at the latest 1.1.20101.4.2002
10.03aPermanently installed fire-fighting systems in cabins, wheelhouses and passenger areasNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20351.4.2002
10.03bPermanently installed fire-fighting systems in engine rooms, boiler rooms and pump rooms a at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20351.4.2002
10.04Application of the European standard to dinghiesNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20151.10.2003
10.05 (2)Inflatable life-jacketsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.2010. Life jackets which have been on board on 30.9.2003 may be used until the issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.2010.1.10.2003
11.13Storage of flammable liquidsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.10.2002
15.01(1)(c)Non-application of Article 8.06 (2), second sentenceNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
(d)Non-application of Article 9.14(3), second sentence for rated voltages of over 50VNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
paragraph 2(b)Prohibition of vaporising oil-burner stoves according to Article 13.04NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
(c)Prohibition of solid fuel heaters according to Article 13.07NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
(e)Prohibition of liquefied gas devices according to Chapter 14NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
15.02(2)Number and position of bulkheadsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 5, second sentenceMargin line if no bulkhead deckFor passenger vessels laid down before 1.1.1996, the requirement applies at NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 15Minimum height of double bottoms, width of wing voidsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
15.03 (1) to (6)Intact stabilityNRC, and when the maximum number of passengers is raised, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
15.03 (7) and (8)Damaged stabilityNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 92-compartment statusNRC1.1.2007
paragraphs 10 to 13Damaged stabilityNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
15.05(2)(a)Number of passengers for whom the existence of an evacuation area according to Article 15.06 section 8 has been provenNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
(b)Number of passengers that has been taken into account for the stability calculation according to Article 15.03NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
15.06 (1)Passenger rooms on all decks forward of the level of the aft-peak bulkheadNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 2Cupboards and rooms referred to in Article 11.13 and intended for the storage of flammable liquidsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
paragraph 3(c), first sentenceClear height of exitsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
second sentenceClear width of doors of passenger cabins and other small roomsFor the measurement of 0,7 m, NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.2045, applies1.1.2006
15.06(3)(f), first sentenceSize of emergency exitsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
(g)Exits intended for use by persons with reduced mobilityNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 4(d)Doors intended for use by persons with reduced mobilityNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 5Requirements for connecting corridorsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 6(b)Escape routes to evacuation areasNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
(c)No escape routes through engine rooms and galleysNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
(d)No rungs, ladders or the like installed along the escape routesNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 7Suitable safety guidance systemNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 8Requirements for muster areasNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 9(a) to (c), (e), and last sentenceRequirements for stairs and their landings in the passenger areasNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 10(a), first sentenceRailing according to European standard EN 711: 1995NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
second sentenceHeight of bulwarks and railings of decks intended for use by persons with reduced mobilityNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
(b), second sentenceClear width of openings used for the embarking or disembarking of persons with reduced mobilityNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 12Gangways in accordance with European standard EN 14206: 2003NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
paragraph 13Traffic areas and walls in traffic areas, intended for use by persons with reduced mobilityNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 14, first sentenceDesign of glass doors and walls in traffic areas and window panesNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 15Requirements for superstructures or their roofs consisting completely of panoramic panesNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 16Potable water systems according to Article 12.05NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
paragraph 17, second sentenceRequirements for toilets fitted for use by persons with reduced mobilityNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 18Ventilation system for cabins without an opening windowNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
15.07Requirements for the propulsion systemNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2007
15.08(2)Requirements for loudspeaker systems in passenger areasFor passenger vessels with LWL of less than 40 m or for not more than 75 persons the provision applies at NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
paragraph 3Requirements for the alarm systemFor day-trip vessels the provision applies at NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
paragraph 3(c)Alarm system enabling the vessel's command to alert the crew and shipboard personnelFor cabin vessels the provision applies at NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
paragraph 4Bilge level alarm for each watertight compartmentNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
paragraph 5Two motor-driven bilge pumpsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
paragraph 6Permanently installed bilge system according to Article 8.06 section 4NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20151.1.2006
paragraph 7Inside opening of cold-storage roomsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
paragraph 8Ventilation system for CO2 bar-systems in rooms below deckNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
paragraph 9First-aid kitsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
15.09(1), first sentenceLifebuoysNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
paragraph 2Individual life-saving equipmentNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
paragraph 3Appropriate transfer equipmentNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
15.09(4)Individual life-saving equipment according to European standard EN 395: 1998 or EN 396: 1998 available for 100% of passengersNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
Individual life-saving equipment for childrenUntil the issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.2010 this equipment is considered an alternative to individual life-saving equipment.1.1.2006
Life-saving equipment

For passenger vessels which were equipped with collective life-saving appliances according to Article 15.09 section 5 before 1.1.2005, these appliances are considered an alternative to individual life-saving equipment.

For passenger vessels which were equipped with collective life-saving appliances according to Article 15.09 section 6 before 1.1.2005, these are considered an alternative to individual life-saving equipment until issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.2010.

paragraph 5(b) and (c)Adequate seating space, buoyancy of at least 750 NNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
(f)Stable trim and appropriate grabbing devicesNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
(i)Appropriate means of evacuation from the evacuation areas onto the life raftsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
paragraph 9Check on life-saving equipment according to the manufacturer's instructionsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
paragraph 10Ship's boat equipped with engine and searchlightNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
paragraph 11StretcherNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
Electrical Equipment1.1.2006
15.10(2)Article 9.16(3) also applicable to passageways and recreation rooms for passengersNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20151.1.2006
paragraph 3Adequate emergency lightingEmergency lighting NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20151.1.2006
paragraph 4Emergency power plantFor day-trip vessels with LWL of 25 m or less, the provision applies at NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20151.1.2006
(f)Emergency supply for searchlights according to Article 10.02(2)(iNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20151.1.2006
(i)Emergency supply for lifts and lifting equipment according to Article 15.06(9), second sentenceNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20151.1.2006
paragraph 6Requirements for the emergency power plant:1.1.2006
— Partitions according to Article 15.11 (2)
NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20151.1.2006
— Installation of cables
NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20151.1.2006
— Emergency power plant above the margin line
NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20151.1.2006
15.11Fire protection1.1.2007
paragraph 1Suitability for fire protection of materials and componentsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
15.11(2)Design of partitionsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 3Paints, lacquers and other surface treatment products as well as deck coverings used in rooms except engine rooms and store rooms shall be flame-retardantNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20151.1.2006
paragraph 4Lounge ceilings and wall claddings manufactured from non-combustible materialNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 5Furniture and fittings in muster areas manufactured from non-combustible materialNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 6Tested according to CodeNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 7Insulation materials in lounges non-combustibleNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 8, (a), (b), (c), second sentence and (d)Requirements for doors in partitionsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 9WallsOn cabin vessels without automatic pressurised-water spraying systems, ends of walls between cabins: NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
paragraph 10PartitionsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 12, second sentenceStairs made of steel or another equivalent non-combustible materialNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 13Encapsulation of internal stairs by walls according to paragraph 2NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 14Ventilation systems and air supply systemsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 15Ventilation systems in galleys and stoves with extractorsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 16Control centres, stairwells, muster areas and smoke extraction systemsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 17Fire alarm systemFor day-trip vessels: NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
15.12(1)Portable extinguishersFire extinguisher and fire blanket in galleys, hairdressing salons and perfumeries: NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
paragraph 2Hydrant system2nd fire extinguishing pump: NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
paragraph 4Hydrant valvesNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
paragraph 5Axially connected reelNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
paragraph 6Materials, protection against failureNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
paragraph 7Avoidance of the possibility of freezing of pipes and hydrantsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
paragraph 8(b)Independent operation of fire extinguishing pumpsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
(d)Installation of fire extinguishing pumpsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
paragraph 9Fire extinguishing system in engine roomsNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
15.12( 9)Fire extinguishing system in engine rooms made from steel or with equivalent propertiesNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.2045. The transitional period does not apply to passenger vessels which have been laid down after 31.12.1995, the hull of which is made of wood, aluminium or plastic and the engine rooms of which are not made of a material according to Article 3.04(3) and (4).1.1.2006
15.13Safety organisationFor day-trip vessels: NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate1.1.2006
15.14 (1)Waste water collection and disposal facilitiesFor cabin vessels with 50 or fewer berths, and for day-trip vessels: NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 2Requirements for waste water collection tanksFor cabin vessels with 50 or fewer berths, and for day-trip vessels with 50 or fewer passengers: NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
15.15Derogations for certain passenger vessels1.1.2006
paragraph 1Damage stabilityNRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20451.1.2006
paragraph 4(Left void)
paragraph 5Equipped with a ship's boat, a platform or an equivalent installationFor passenger vessels licensed for a maximum of 250 passengers or 50 berths: NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
paragraph 6Equipped with a ship's boat, a platform or an equivalent installationFor passenger vessels licensed for a maximum of 250 passengers or 50 berths: NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006
15.15(9)(a)Alarm systems for liquefied gas installationsNRC, at the latest on renewal of the attestation according to Article
(b)Collective life-saving appliances according to Article 15.09 section 5NRC, at the latest on issue or renewal of the Community certificate after 1.1.20101.1.2006