Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 laying down technical requirements for inland waterway vessels and repealing Council Directive 82/714/EEC (2006/87/EC) (repealed)


Article 17.01General

For construction and equipment of floating equipment Chapters 3, 7 to 14 and 16 shall apply. Floating equipment with its own means of propulsion shall also meet the requirements of Chapters 5 and 6. Propulsion units permitting only short-haul operation shall not constitute own means of propulsion.

Article 17.02Derogations

1.The inspection body may grant derogations from the following requirements:

(a)Article 3.03(1) and (2), shall apply mutatis mutandis;

(b)Article 7.02 shall apply mutatis mutandis;

(c)the maximum sound pressure levels prescribed by Article 12.02 (5), second sentence, may be exceeded while the floating equipment's working gear is operating, provided that, during service, nobody sleeps on board at night;

(d)derogations may be granted from other requirements concerning structure, working gear or equipment provided that equal safety is ensured in each case.

2.The inspection body may dispense with the application of the following requirements:

(a)Article 10.01(1), shall not apply if during operation of floating equipment that equipment can be securely anchored by means of a working anchor or piles. However, floating equipment with its own means of propulsion shall have at least one anchor meeting the requirements in Article 10.01 (1), where an empirical coefficient k is taken to be equal to 45, and the smallest height is taken for T;

(b)Article 12.02(1), second part of sentence, if the accommodation can be adequately lit by means of electricity.

3.In addition, the following shall apply:

(a)for Article 8.08(2), second sentence, the bilge pump shall be motor driven;

(b)for Article 8.10(3), the noise may exceed 65 dB(A) at a lateral distance of 25 m from the ship's side of any stationary floating equipment while its working gear is operating;

(c)for Article 10.03(1), at least one further portable extinguisher is required if working gear not permanently attached to the craft is placed on the deck;

(d)for Article 14.02(2), in addition to the liquefied-gas equipment for domestic use, there may also be other liquefied-gas facilities. Those facilities and their accessories shall meet the requirements of one of the Member States.

Article 17.03Additional requirements

1.Floating equipment on which persons are present during operation shall be fitted with a general alarm system. The alarm signal shall be clearly distinguishable from other signals and, within accommodation and at all work stations, shall produce a sound pressure level that is at least 5 dB(A) higher than the maximum local sound pressure level. It shall be possible to actuate the alarm system from the wheelhouse and the main work stations.

2.Working equipment shall have sufficient strength to withstand the loads it is subjected to and shall meet the requirements of Directive 98/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to machinery(1);

3.The stability (resistance to overbalancing) and strength of working equipment, and where appropriate its attachments, shall be such that it may withstand the forces resulting from the expected heel, trim and movement of the floating equipment.

4.If loads are lifted by means of hoists the maximum authorised load deriving from stability and strength shall be prominently displayed on panels on deck and at the control stations. If the lifting capacity can be increased by connecting additional floats the values authorised both with and without these additional floats shall be clearly stated.

Article 17.04Residual safety clearance

1.For the purposes of this Chapter and by way of derogation from Article 1.01 of this Annex, residual safety clearance means the shortest vertical distance between surface of the water and the lowest part of the floating equipment beyond which it is no longer watertight, taking into account trim and heel resulting from the moments referred to in Article 17.07(4).

2.The residual safety clearance is sufficient according to Article 17.07(1), for any spray-proof and weathertight aperture if it is at least 300 mm.

3.At an aperture that is not spray-proof and weathertight the residual safety clearance shall be at least 400 mm.

Article 17.05Residual freeboard

1.For the purposes of this Chapter and by way of derogation from Article 1.01 of this Annex, residual freeboard means the smallest vertical distance between the surface of the water and the upper surface of the deck at its edge taking into account trim and heel resulting from the moments referred to in Article 17.07 (4).

2.The residual freeboard is sufficient according to Article 17.07(1), if it is at least 300 mm.

3.The residual freeboard may be reduced if it is proven that the requirements of Article 17.08 have been met.

4.Where the shape of a float differs perceptibly from that of a pontoon, as in the case of a cylindrical float, or where the cross-section of a float has more than four sides, the inspection body may require or authorise a residual freeboard that differs from programme 2. This shall also apply to floating equipment consisting of several floats.

Article 17.06Heeling test

1.Confirmation of stability according to Articles 17.07 and 17.08 shall be based on a heeling test that has been carried out in a proper manner.

2.If during a heeling test it is not possible to achieve adequate heeling angles, or if the heeling test causes unreasonable technical difficulties, this may be replaced by a calculation of the craft's centre of gravity and weight. The result of the weight calculation shall be checked by measuring the draught, and the difference shall not exceed ± 5 %.

Article 17.07Confirmation of stability

1.It shall be confirmed that, when taking into account the loads applied during operation of the working gear and whilst under way, the residual freeboard and the residual safety clearance are sufficient. For that purpose the sum of the trim and heeling angles shall not exceed 10° and the bottom of the float shall not emerge.

2.Confirmation of stability shall include the following data and documents:

(a)scale drawings of floats and working gear and the detailed data relating to these that are needed to confirm stability, such as content of the tanks, openings providing access to the inside of the vessel;

(b)hydrostatic data or curves;

(c)righting lever curves for static-stability to the extent required in accordance with paragraph 5 below or Article 17.08;

(d)description of the operating conditions together with the corresponding data concerning weight and centre of gravity, including its unladen state and the equipment situation as regards transport;

(e)calculation of the heeling, trimming and righting moments, with a specification of the trim and heeling angles and the corresponding residual freeboard and residual safety clearances;

(f)a compilation of the results of the calculation with a specification of the limits for operation and the maximum loads.

3.Confirmation of stability shall be based on at least the following load assumptions:

(a)specific mass of the dredging products for dredgers:

  • (a)sands and gravels: 1,5 t/m3,

  • very wet sands: 2,0 t/m3,

  • soil, on average: 1,8 t/m3,

  • mixture of sand and water in the ducts: 1,3 t/m3;

(b)for clamshell dredgers, the values given under point (a) shall be increased by 15 %;

(c)for hydraulic dredgers the maximum lifting power shall be considered.

4.1.Confirmation of stability shall take account of the moments resulting from:


(b)asymmetric structure;

(c)wind pressure;

(d)turning whilst under way of self-propelled floating equipment;

(e)cross current, if necessary;

(f)ballast and provisions;

(g)deck loads and, where appropriate, cargo;

(h)free surfaces of liquids;

(i)inertia forces;

(j)other mechanical equipment.

The moments which may act simultaneously shall be added up.

4.2.The moment caused by the wind pressure shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula:




shape-dependent coefficient of resistance

For frameworks c = 1,2 and for solid-section beams c = 1,6. Both values take account of gusts of wind.

The whole area encompassed by the contour line of the framework shall be taken to be the surface area exposed to the wind.



specific wind pressure; this shall uniformly be taken to be 0,25 kN/m2;



lateral plane above the plane of maximum draught in m2;



distance from the centre of area of the lateral plane A from the plane of maximum draught, in m.

4.3.In order to determine the moments due to turning whilst under way according toparagraph 4.1(d) for self-propelled floating equipment, the formula set out in Article 15.03 (6) shall be used.

4.4.The moment resulting from cross current according to paragraph 4.1(e) shall be taken into account only for floating equipment which is anchored or moored across the current while operating.

4.5.The least favourable extent of tank filling from the point of view of stability shall be determined and the corresponding moment introduced into the calculation when calculating the moments resulting from liquid ballast and liquid provisions according to paragraph 4.1(f).

4.6.The moment resulting from inertia forces according to paragraph 4.1(i) shall be given due consideration if the movements of the load and the working gear are likely to affect stability.

5.The righting moments for floats with vertical side walls may be calculated using the following formula

  • Ma = 10 · D · · sinφ (kNm)



metacentric height, in m;



heeling angle in degrees.

That formula shall apply up to heeling angles of 10° or up to a heeling angle corresponding to immersion of the edge of the deck or emergence of the edge of the bottom; the smallest angle shall be decisive. The formula may be applied to slanting side walls up to heeling angles of 5°; the limit conditions set out in paragraphs 3 and 4 shall also apply.

If the particular shape of the float(s) does not permit such simplification the righting lever curves according to paragraph 2(c) shall be required.

Article 17.08Confirmation of stability in the case of reduced residual freeboard

If a reduced residual freeboard according to Article 17.05(3), is used, it shall be proven for all operating conditions that:


after correction for the free surfaces of liquids, the metacentric height is not less than 0,15 m;


for heeling angles between 0 and 30°, there is a righting lever of at least

h = 0,30 - 0,28 · φn (m)

φn being the heeling angle from which the righting lever curve displays negative values (range of stability); it shall not be less than 20° or 0,35 rad and shall not be introduced into the formula for more than 30° or 0,52 rad, taking the radian (rad) (1° = 0,01745 rad) for the unit of φ°;


the sum of the trim and heeling angles does not exceed 10°;


a residual safety clearance meeting the requirements in Article 17.04 remains;


a residual freeboard of at least 0,05 m remains;


for heeling angles between 0 and 30°, a residual righting lever of at least

h = 0,20 - 0,23 · φn (m)

remains, where φn is the heeling angle from which the righting lever curve displays negative values; it shall not be introduced into the formula for more than 30° or 0,52 rad.

Residual righting lever means the maximum difference existing between 0° and 30° of heel between the righting lever curve and the heeling lever curve. If an opening towards the inside of the vessel is reached by the water at a heeling angle less than that corresponding to the maximum difference between the lever curves, the lever corresponding to that heeling angle shall be taken into account.

Article 17.09Draught marks and draught scales

Draught marks and draught scales shall be affixed in accordance with Articles 4.04 and 4.06.

Article 17.10Floating equipment without confirmation of stability

1.The application of Articles 17.04 to 17.08 may be dispensed with for floating equipment:

(a)whose working gear can in no way alter their heeling or trim, and

(b)where any displacement of the centre of gravity can be reasonably excluded.


(a)at maximum load the safety clearance shall be at least 300 mm and the freeboard at least 150 mm;

(b)for apertures which cannot be closed spray-proof and weathertight the safety clearance shall be at least 500 mm.


OJ L 207, 23.7.1998, p. 1. Directive as amended by Directive 98/79/EC (OJ L 331, 7.12.1998, p. 1).