

1.In Annex II, Part B(c), point 0.1, in the right hand column ‘DK’ is deleted.

2.In Annex II, Part B(d), the following point is added after point 1:

2. Grapevine flavescence dorée MLO
Plants of Vitis L., other than fruit and seeds.CZ, FR (Champagne-Ardenne, Lorraine and Alsace), IT (Basilicata)

3.In Annex IV Part B, point 6.3., in the right hand column ‘DK’ is deleted.

4.In Annex IV Part B, the following point is added after point 31:

32. Plants of Vitis L., other than fruit and seeds.

Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the plants listed in Annex III(A)(15), IVA(II)17, and IVB21.1, official statement that:


the plants originate and have been grown in a place of production in a country where Grapevine flavescence dorée MLO is not known to occur; or


the plants originate and have been grown in a place of production in an area free from Grapevine flavescence dorée MLO established by the national plant protection organisation in accordance with the relevant international standards; or


the plants originate and have been grown in either the Czech Republic, France (Champagne-Ardenne, Lorraine and Alsace), or Italy (Basilicata); or


the plants originate and have been grown in a place of production where:


no symptoms of Grapevine flavescence dorée MLO have been observed on the mother-stock plants since the beginning of the last two complete cycles of vegetation; and




no symptoms of Grapevine flavescence dorée MLO have been found on the plants in the place of production; or,


the plants have undergone hot water treatment of at least 50 °C for 45 minutes in order to eliminate the presence of Grapevine flavescence dorée MLO.

CZ, FR (Champagne-Ardenne, Lorraine and Alsace), IT (Basilicata)

5.In Annex V, part A.II, point 1.3, the text is replaced by the following:

1.3.Plants, other than fruit and seeds, of Amelanchier Med., Chaenomeles Lindl., Cotoneaster Ehrh., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Eriobotrya Lindl., Eucalyptus L'Herit., Malus Mill., Mespilus L., Photinia davidiana (Dcne.) Cardot, Pyracantha Roem., Pyrus L., Sorbus L. and Vitis L.