PART B U.K. Criteria for vehicle types, variants and versions
7. Common requirements for all vehicle categories U.K.
7.1. When a vehicle falls into several categories because of its maximum mass or the number of seating positions or both, the manufacturer may select to use the criteria of one or the other vehicle category for the definition of the variants and the versions. U.K.
7.1.1. Examples: U.K.
a vehicle ‘A’ may be type-approved as N 1 (3,5 tonnes) and N 2 (4,2 tonnes) in relation to its maximum mass. In such a case, the parameters mentioned in category N 1 may be used also for the vehicle that falls into category N 2 (or vice-versa);
A vehicle ‘B’ may be type-approved as M 1 and M 2 in relation to the number of seating positions (7 + 1 or 10 + 1), the parameters mentioned in category M 1 may be used also for the vehicle that falls into category M 2 (or vice-versa).
7.2. A vehicle of category N may be type-approved against the provisions required for category M 1 or M 2 , as the case may be, when it is intended to be converted into a vehicle of that category during the next step of a multi-stage type-approval procedure. U.K.
7.2.1. This option shall only be permitted for incomplete vehicles. U.K.
Such vehicles shall be identified by a specific variant code given by the manufacturer of the base vehicle.
7.3. Type-, variant- and version designations U.K.
7.3.1. The manufacturer shall allocate an alphanumeric code to each vehicle type, variant and version, made up of Roman letters and/or Arabic numerals. U.K.
The use of brackets and hyphens is permitted provided they do not replace a letter or a numeral.
7.3.2. The whole code shall be designated: Type-Variant-Version or ‘ TVV ’ . U.K.
7.3.3. The TVV shall clearly and unequivocally identify a unique combination of technical features in relation to the criteria defined in Part B of this Annex. U.K.
7.3.4. The same manufacturer may use the same code in order to define a vehicle type when the latter falls in two or more categories. U.K.
7.3.5. The same manufacturer shall not use the same code in order to define a vehicle type for more than one type-approval within the same vehicle category. U.K.
7.4. Number of characters for the TVV U.K.
7.4.1. The number of characters shall not exceed: U.K.
15 for the code of the vehicle type;
25 for the code of one variant;
35 for the code of one version.
7.4.2. The complete alphanumeric ‘ TVV ’ shall not contain more than 75 characters. U.K.
7.4.3. When the TVV is used as a whole, a space shall be left between the type, the variant and the version. U.K.
Example of such TVV: 159AF[… space ]0054[… space ]977K(BE).]