Article 4


Member States shall, for each river basin district, or unit of management referred to in Article 3(2)(b), or the portion of an international river basin district lying within their territory, undertake a preliminary flood risk assessment in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article.


Based on available or readily derivable information, such as records and studies on long term developments, in particular impacts of climate change on the occurrence of floods, a preliminary flood risk assessment shall be undertaken to provide an assessment of potential risks. The assessment shall include at least the following:


maps of the river basin district at the appropriate scale including the borders of the river basins, sub-basins and, where existing, coastal areas, showing topography and land use;


a description of the floods which have occurred in the past and which had significant adverse impacts on human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activity and for which the likelihood of similar future events is still relevant, including their flood extent and conveyance routes and an assessment of the adverse impacts they have entailed;


a description of the significant floods which have occurred in the past, where significant adverse consequences of similar future events might be envisaged;

and, depending on the specific needs of Member States, it shall include:


an assessment of the potential adverse consequences of future floods for human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activity, taking into account as far as possible issues such as the topography, the position of watercourses and their general hydrological and geo-morphological characteristics, including floodplains as natural retention areas, the effectiveness of existing man-made flood defence infrastructures, the position of populated areas, areas of economic activity and long-term developments including impacts of climate change on the occurrence of floods.


In the case of international river basin districts, or units of management referred to in Article 3(2)(b) which are shared with other Member States, Member States shall ensure that exchange of relevant information takes place between the competent authorities concerned.


Member States shall complete the preliminary flood risk assessment by 22 December 2011.

Article 5


On the basis of a preliminary flood risk assessment as referred to in Article 4, Member States shall, for each river basin district, or unit of management referred to in Article 3(2)(b), or portion of an international river basin district lying within their territory, identify those areas for which they conclude that potential significant flood risks exist or might be considered likely to occur.


The identification under paragraph 1 of areas belonging to an international river basin district, or to a unit of management referred to in Article 3(2)(b) shared with another Member State, shall be coordinated between the Member States concerned.