Commission Directive 2007/9/EC
of 20 February 2007
amending the Annexe to Council Directive 90/642/EEC as regards maximum residue levels for aldicarb
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,
In the case of cereals and products of plant origin including fruit and vegetables, residue levels reflect the use of minimum quantities of pesticides necessary to achieve effective protection of plants, applied in such a manner that the amount of residue is as low as is practicable and toxicologically acceptable, having regard, in particular to the protection of the environment and the estimated dietary intake of consumers. Community maximum residue levels (MRLs) represent the upper limit of the amount of such residues that might be expected to be found in commodities when good agricultural practices have been respected.
MRLs for pesticides are kept under review and changed to take account of new information and data. MRLs are fixed at the lower limit of analytical determination where authorised uses of plant protection products do not result in detectable levels of pesticide residue in or on the food product, or where there are no authorised uses, or where uses which have been authorised by Member States have not been supported by the necessary data, or where uses in third countries resulting in residues in or on food products which may enter into circulation in the Community market have not been supported by the necessary data.
A Member State informed the Commission of its desire to revise national MRLs in accordance with Article 8 of Directive 90/642/EEC in the light of concerns about consumer intake. Proposals for the review of Community MRLs were submitted to the Commission.
Where relevant, the acute exposure of consumers to those pesticides via each of the food products that may contain residues has been assessed and evaluated in accordance with Community procedures and practices, taking account of guidelines published by the World Health Organisation. It is concluded that the presence of pesticide residues at or below the new MRLs will not cause acute toxic effects.
Through the World Trade Organisation, the Community's trading partners have been consulted about the new MRLs and their comments on these levels have been taken into account.
The Annexes to Directives 90/642/EEC should therefore be amended accordingly.
The measures provided for in this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health,