ANNEX VIReference methods for assessment of concentrations of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2,5), lead, benzene, carbon monoxide, and ozone

B.Demonstration of equivalence


A Member State may use any other method which it can demonstrate gives results equivalent to any of the methods referred to in Section A or, in the case of particulate matter, any other method which the Member State concerned can demonstrate displays a consistent relationship to the reference method. In that event the results achieved by that method must be corrected to produce results equivalent to those that would have been achieved by using the reference method.


The Commission may require the Member States to prepare and submit a report on the demonstration of equivalence in accordance with paragraph 1.


When assessing the acceptability of the report mentioned in paragraph 2, the Commission will make reference to its guidance on the demonstration of equivalence (to be published). Where Member States have been using interim factors to approximate equivalence, the latter shall be confirmed and/or amended with reference to the Commission's guidance.


Member States should ensure that whenever appropriate, the correction is also applied retroactively to past measurement data in order to achieve better data comparability.