ANNEX VIIICriteria for classifying and locating sampling points for assessments of ozone concentrations

The following apply to fixed measurements:

A.Macroscale siting

Type of station

Objectives of measurement


Macroscale siting criteria


Protection of human health:

to assess the exposure of the urban population to ozone, i.e. where population density and ozone concentration are relatively high and representative of the exposure of the general population

A few km2

Away from the influence of local emissions such as traffic, petrol stations, etc.;

vented locations where well mixed levels can be measured;

locations such as residential and commercial areas of cities, parks (away from the trees), big streets or squares with very little or no traffic, open areas characteristic of educational, sports or recreation facilities


Protection of human health and vegetation:

to assess the exposure of the population and vegetation located in the outskirts of the agglomeration, where the highest ozone levels, to which the population and vegetation are likely to be directly or indirectly exposed occur

Some tens of km2

At a certain distance from the area of maximum emissions, downwind following the main wind direction/directions during conditions favourable to ozone formation;

where population, sensitive crops or natural ecosystems located in the outer fringe of an agglomeration are exposed to high ozone levels;

where appropriate, some suburban stations also upwind of the area of maximum emissions, in order to determine the regional background levels of ozone


Protection of human health and vegetation:

to assess the exposure of population, crops and natural ecosystems to sub-regional scale ozone concentrations

Sub-regional levels

(some hundreds of km2)

Stations can be located in small settlements and/or areas with natural ecosystems, forests or crops;

representative for ozone away from the influence of immediate local emissions such as industrial installations and roads;

at open area sites, but not on summits of higher mountains

Rural background

Protection of vegetation and human health:

to assess the exposure of crops and natural ecosystems to regional-scale ozone concentrations as well as exposure of the population

Regional/national/continental levels

(1 000 to 10 000 km2)

Station located in areas with lower population density, e.g. with natural ecosystems, forests, at a distance of at least 20 km from urban and industrial areas and away from local emissions;

avoid locations which are subject to locally enhanced formation of ground-near inversion conditions, also summits of higher mountains;

coastal sites with pronounced diurnal wind cycles of local character are not recommended.

Sampling points should, where possible, be representative of similar locations not in their immediate vicinity.

For rural and rural background stations the location shall, where appropriate, be coordinated with the monitoring requirements of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1737/2006 of 7 November 2006 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 2152/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning monitoring of forests and environmental interactions in the Community33.

B.Microscale siting

In so far as is practicable the procedure on microscale siting in Section C of Annex III shall be followed, ensuring also that the inlet probe is positioned well away from such sources as furnaces and incineration flues and more than 10 m from the nearest road, with distance increasing as a function of traffic intensity.

C.Documentation and review of site selection

The procedures in Section D of Annex III shall be followed, applying proper screening and interpretation of the monitoring data in the context of the meteorological and photochemical processes affecting the ozone concentrations measured at the respective sites.