Article 17Requirements in zones and agglomerations where ozone concentrations exceed the target values and long-term objectives


Member States shall take all necessary measures not entailing disproportionate costs to ensure that the target values and long-term objectives are attained.


For zones and agglomerations in which a target value is exceeded, Member States shall ensure that the programme prepared pursuant to Article 6 of Directive 2001/81/EC and, if appropriate, an air quality plan is implemented in order to attain the target values, save where not achievable through measures not entailing disproportionate costs, as from the date specified in Section B of Annex VII to this Directive.


For zones and agglomerations in which the levels of ozone in ambient air are higher than the long-term objectives but below, or equal to, the target values, Member States shall prepare and implement cost-effective measures with the aim of achieving the long-term objectives. Those measures shall, at least, be consistent with all the air quality plans and the programme referred to in paragraph 2.