Directive 2008/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the CouncilShow full title

Directive 2008/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 September 2008 on the inland transport of dangerous goods (Text with EEA relevance)

I.2.Additional transitional provisions

1.Member States may maintain derogations adopted on the basis of Article 4 of Directive 94/55/EC until 31 December 2010 or until Annex I, Section I.1, is amended to reflect the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods referred to in that Article if this occurs earlier.

2.Within its territory each Member State may authorise the use of tanks and vehicles constructed before 1 January 1997 which do not comply with this Directive but were constructed in accordance with the national requirements in force on 31 December 1996, provided that such tanks and vehicles are maintained to the required safety levels.

Tanks and vehicles constructed on or after 1 January 1997 which do not comply with this Directive but were constructed in accordance with the requirements of Directive 94/55/EC in force on the date of their construction may continue to be used for national transport.

3.Within its territory each Member State in which the ambient temperature is regularly lower than – 20 °C may impose more stringent standards as regards the operating temperature of materials used for plastic packaging, tanks and their equipment intended for use in the national transport of dangerous goods by road until provisions on the appropriate reference temperatures for given climatic zones are incorporated into Annex I, Section I.1, to this Directive.

4.Within its territory each Member State may maintain national provisions other than those laid down in this Directive with regard to the reference temperature for the transport of liquefied gases or mixtures of liquefied gases, until provisions relating to appropriate reference temperatures for designated climatic areas are incorporated into European standards and referred to in Annex I, Section I.1, to this Directive.

5.Each Member State may, for transport operations performed by vehicles registered within its territory, maintain the provisions of its national legislation in force on 31 December 1996 relating to the display or placement of an emergency action code or hazard card in place of the hazard identification number laid down in Annex I, Section I.1, to this Directive.

6.Member States may maintain national restrictions on the transport of substances containing dioxins and furans applicable on 31 December 1996.