1.Member States shall ensure that propagating material and fruit plants produced in their territory and intended for marketing comply with the requirements of this Directive.
2.If, during the official inspection referred to in Article 13, or the trials referred to in Article 14, it is found that propagating material or fruit plants do not meet the requirements of this Directive, the responsible official body of the Member State shall take appropriate action to ensure that they do comply with the provisions of this Directive or, if that is not possible, to ban the marketing of that propagating material or those fruit plants in the Community.
3.If it is found that propagating material or fruit plants marketed by a particular supplier do not comply with the requirements and conditions of this Directive, the Member State concerned shall ensure that appropriate measures are taken against that supplier. If the supplier is forbidden to market propagating material and fruit plants, the Member State shall accordingly inform the Commission and the competent national bodies in the Member States.
4.Any measures taken under paragraph 3 shall be withdrawn as soon as it has been established with sufficient certainty that the propagating material or fruit plants intended for marketing by the supplier will, in the future, comply with the requirements and conditions of this Directive.