Article 7Transparency


Member States shall ensure that the airport managing body provides each airport user, or the representatives or associations of airport users, every time consultations referred to in Article 6(1) are to be held with information on the components serving as a basis for determining the system or the level of all charges levied at each airport by the airport managing body. The information shall include at least:


a list of the various services and infrastructure provided in return for the airport charge levied;


the methodology used for setting airport charges;


the overall cost structure with regard to the facilities and services which airport charges relate to;


the revenue of the different charges and the total cost of the services covered by them;


any financing from public authorities of the facilities and services which airport charges relate to;


forecasts of the situation at the airport as regards the charges, traffic growth and proposed investments;


the actual use of airport infrastructure and equipment over a given period; and


the predicted outcome of any major proposed investments in terms of their effects on airport capacity.


Member States shall ensure that airport users submit information to the airport managing body before every consultation, as provided for in Article 6(1), concerning in particular:


forecasts as regards traffic;


forecasts as to the composition and envisaged use of their fleet;


their development projects at the airport concerned; and


their requirements at the airport concerned.


Subject to national legislation, the information provided on the basis of this Article shall be considered as confidential or economically sensitive and handled accordingly. In the case of airport managing bodies that are quoted on the stock exchange, stock exchange regulations in particular shall be complied with.