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Article 17U.K.

1.Where a Member State considers that its territory or part of its territory is free from one of the diseases to which poultry are susceptible, it shall present to the Commission appropriate supporting documentation, setting out in particular:

(a)the nature of the disease and the history of its occurrence in that Member State;

(b)the results of surveillance testing based on serological, microbiological or pathological investigations and on the fact that the disease must by law be notified to the competent authorities;

(c)the period over which the surveillance was carried out;

(d)where applicable, the period during which vaccination against the disease has been prohibited and the geographical area concerned by the prohibition;

(e)the arrangements for verifying that the area concerned remains free from the disease.

2.The Commission shall examine documentation submitted by Member States. The additional guarantees, general or specific, which may be required in intra-Community trade may be defined in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 33(2). Such guarantees shall not exceed those required by the Member State in its own territory.

3.The Member State concerned shall notify the Commission of any change in the particulars specified in paragraph 1. The guarantees defined pursuant to paragraph 2 may, in the light of such notification, be amended or withdrawn in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 33(2).