Article 6Statistical transfers between Member States


Member States may agree on and may make arrangements for the statistical transfer of a specified amount of energy from renewable sources from one Member State to another Member State. The transferred quantity shall be:


deducted from the amount of energy from renewable sources that is taken into account in measuring compliance by the Member State making the transfer with the requirements of Article 3(1) and (2); and


added to the amount of energy from renewable sources that is taken into account in measuring compliance by another Member State accepting the transfer with the requirements of Article 3(1) and (2).

A statistical transfer shall not affect the achievement of the national target of the Member State making the transfer.


The arrangements referred to in paragraph 1 may have a duration of one or more years. They shall be notified to the Commission no later than three months after the end of each year in which they have effect. The information sent to the Commission shall include the quantity and price of the energy involved.


Transfers shall become effective only after all Member States involved in the transfer have notified the transfer to the Commission.