Article 3.Mandatory national overall targets and measures for the use of energy from renewable sources
Article 5.Calculation of the share of energy from renewable sources
Article 9.Joint projects between Member States and third countries
Article 10.Effects of joint projects between Member States and third countries
Article 15.Guarantees of origin of electricity, heating and cooling produced from renewable energy sources
Article 17.Sustainability criteria for biofuels and bioliquids
Article 18.Verification of compliance with the sustainability criteria for biofuels and bioliquids
Article 19.Calculation of the greenhouse gas impact of biofuels and bioliquids
Article 21.Specific provisions related to energy from renewable sources in transport
Normalisation rule for accounting for electricity generated from hydropower and wind power
A. Typical and default values for biofuels if produced with no...
B. Estimated typical and default values for future biofuels that were...
1. Greenhouse gas emissions from the production and use of transport...
2. Greenhouse gas emissions from fuels, E, shall be expressed in...
3. By derogation from point 2, for transport fuels, values calculated in...
4. Greenhouse gas emission saving from biofuels and bioliquids shall be...
5. The greenhouse gases taken into account for the purposes of...
6. Emissions from the extraction or cultivation of raw materials, eec,...
7. Annualised emissions from carbon stock changes caused by land-use change,...
8. The bonus of 29 gCO2eq/MJ shall be attributed if evidence...
9. The categories referred to in point 8(b) are defined as follows:...
10. The Commission shall adopt, by 31 December 2009, guidelines for the...
11. Emissions from processing, ep , shall include emissions from the...
12. Emissions from transport and distribution, etd , shall include emissions...
14. Emission saving from carbon capture and geological storage eccs ,...
15. Emission saving from carbon capture and replacement, eccr , shall...
16. Emission saving from excess electricity from cogeneration, eee , shall...
17. Where a fuel production process produces, in combination, the fuel...
18. For the purposes of the calculation referred to in point 17,...
19. For biofuels, for the purposes of the calculation referred to...
E. Estimated disaggregated default values for future biofuels and bioliquids that...
Minimum requirements for the harmonised template for national renewable energy action plans