Data set A1


Seaborne transport in the main European ports by port, type of cargo and relation




Data: Gross weight of goods in tonnes.

VariablesCoding detailNomenclature
DimensionsData setTwo-character alphanumericA1
Reference yearFour-character alphanumeric(e.g. 1997)
Reference quarterOne-character alphanumeric(1, 2, 3, 4)
Reporting portFive-character alphanumericSelected EEA ports in the port list
DirectionOne-character alphanumericInwards, outwards (1, 2)
Port of loading/unloadingFive-character alphanumericEEA-ports in the port list
RelationFour-character alphanumericMaritime coastal areas, Annex IV
Type of cargoOne-character alphanumericType of cargo, Annex II
Data set A2


Non-unit-load seaborne transport in the main European ports, by port, type of cargo and relation




Data: Gross weight of goods in tonnes.

VariablesCoding detailNomenclature
DimensionsData setTwo-character alphanumericA2
Reference yearFour-character alphanumeric(e.g. 1997)
Reference quarterOne-character alphanumeric(1, 2, 3, 4)
Reporting portFive-character alphanumericSelected EEA ports in the port list
DirectionOne-character alphanumericInwards, outwards (1, 2)
Port of loading/unloadingFive-character alphanumericEEA-ports in the port list
RelationFour-character alphanumericMaritime coastal areas, Annex IV
Type of cargoTwo-character alphanumericType of cargo, (non-unit-load only) Annex II (subcategories 1X, 11, 12, 13, 19, 2X, 21, 22, 23, 29, 9X, 91, 92 and 99)
Data set A3


Data required for both selected ports and ports for which detailed statistics are not required (see Article 4(3))




Data: Gross weight of goods in tonnes.

Number of passengers (excluding cruise passengers).Number of cruise passengers starting and ending a cruise.Number of cruise passengers on cruise passenger excursion: direction: inwards (1) only - (optional).
VariablesCoding detailNomenclature
DimensionsData setTwo-character alphanumericA3
Reference yearFour-character alphanumeric(e.g. 1997)
Reference quarterOne-character alphanumeric(0)
Reporting portFive-character alphanumericAll ports in the port list
DirectionOne-character alphanumericInwards, outwards (1, 2)
Data set B1


Seaborne transport in the main European ports, by port, type of cargo, goods and relation




Data: Gross weight of goods in tonnes.

VariablesCoding detailNomenclature
DimensionsData setTwo-character alphanumericB1
Reference yearFour-character alphanumeric(e.g. 1997)
Reference quarterOne-character alphanumeric(0)
Reporting portFive-character alphanumericSelected EEA ports in the port list
DirectionOne-character alphanumericInwards, outwards (1, 2)
Port of loading/unloadingFive-character alphanumericEEA-ports in the port list
RelationFour-character alphanumericMaritime coastal areas, Annex IV
Type of cargoOne-character alphanumericType of cargo, Annex II
CommodityTwo-character alphanumericGoods nomenclature, Annex III
Data set C1


Unit-load seaborne transport in the main European ports, by port, type of cargo, relation and loaded status




Data: Gross weight of goods in tonnes (type of cargo: subcategories 3X, 31, 32, 33, 34, 5X, 51, 54, 56, 59, 6X, 61, 62, 63 and 69).

Number of units (type of cargo: subcategories 3X, 31, 32, 33, 34, 5X, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 59, 6X, 61, 62, 63 and 69).Number of units without cargo (type of cargo: subcategories 3X, 31, 32, 33, 34, 5X, 51, 59, 6X, 61, 63 and 69).
VariablesCoding detailNomenclature
DimensionsData setTwo-character alphanumericC1
Reference yearFour-character alphanumeric(e.g. 1997)
Reference quarterOne-character alphanumeric(1, 2, 3, 4)
Reporting portFive-character alphanumericSelected EEA ports in the port list
DirectionOne-character alphanumericInwards, outwards (1, 2)
Port of loading/unloadingFive-character alphanumericEEA-ports in the port list
RelationFour-character alphanumericMaritime coastal areas, Annex IV
Type of cargoTwo-character alphanumericType of cargo (container, ro-ro only) Annex II (subcategories 3X, 31, 32, 33, 34, 5X, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 59, 6X, 61, 62, 63 and 69)
Data set D1


Passenger transport in the main European ports, by relation and nationality of registration of vessel




Data: Number of passengers excluding cruise passengers starting and ending a cruise and cruise passengers on excursion

VariablesCoding detailNomenclature
DimensionsData setTwo-character alphanumericD1
Reference yearFour-character alphanumeric(e.g. 1997)
Reference quarterOne-character alphanumeric(1, 2, 3, 4)
Reporting portFive-character alphanumericSelected EEA ports in the port list
DirectionOne-character alphanumericInwards, outwards (1, 2)
Port of loading/unloadingFive-character alphanumericEEA-ports in the port list
RelationFour-character alphanumericMaritime coastal areas, Annex IV
Nationality of registration of vesselFour-character alphanumericNationality of registration of vessels, Annex V
Data set E1


Seaborne transport in the main European ports, by port, type of cargo, relation and nationality of registration of vessels




Data: Gross weight of goods in tonnes.

VariablesCoding detailNomenclature
DimensionsData setTwo-character alphanumericE1
Reference yearFour-character alphanumeric(e.g. 1997)
Reference quarterOne-character alphanumeric(0)
Reporting portFive-character alphanumericSelected EEA ports in the port list
DirectionOne-character alphanumericInwards, outwards (1, 2)
Port of loading/unloadingFive-character alphanumericEEA-ports in the port list
RelationFour-character alphanumericMaritime coastal areas, Annex IV
Type of cargoOne-character alphanumericType of cargo, Annex II
Nationality of registration of vesselFour-character alphanumericNationality of registration of vessels, Annex V
Data set F1


European port vessel traffic in the main European ports, by port, type and size of vessels loading or unloading cargo, embarking or disembarking passengers (including cruise passengers on cruise passenger excursion)




Data: Number of vessels;

Deadweight of vessels in tonnes.
VariablesCoding detailNomenclature
DimensionsData setTwo-character alphanumericF1
Reference yearFour-character alphanumeric(e.g. 1997)
Reference quarterOne-character alphanumeric(1, 2, 3, 4)
Reporting portFive-character alphanumericSelected EEA ports in the port list
DirectionOne-character alphanumericInwards, outwards (1, 2)
Type of vesselTwo-character alphanumericType of ship, Annex VI
Size of vessel DWTTwo-character alphanumericDeadweight size classes, Annex VII
Data set F2


European port vessel traffic in the main European ports, by port, type and size of vessels loading or unloading cargo, embarking or disembarking passengers (including cruise passengers on cruise passenger excursion)




Data: Number of vessels;

Gross tonnage of vessels.
VariablesCoding detailNomenclature
DimensionsData setTwo-character alphanumericF2
Reference yearFour-character alphanumeric(e.g. 1997)
Reference quarterOne-character alphanumeric(1, 2, 3, 4)
Reporting portFive-character alphanumericSelected EEA ports in the port list
DirectionOne-character alphanumericInwards, outwards (1, 2)
Type of vesselTwo-character alphanumericType of ship, Annex VI
Size of vessel GTTwo-character alphanumericGross tonnage size classes, Annex VII