CHAPTER IGENERAL PROVISIONS 1.Where expressly provided, the regulations of this Annex are applicable...2.New class B, C and D ships having a length...3.Where regulations of this Annex do not apply to new...4.Existing class C and D ships do not have to...5.In addition, if it is found impracticable and/or unreasonable, class...6.Regardless of what is provided in Article 6.1(b), Class D...7.The provisions for navigation bridge visibility in Regulation V/22 of...8.Wherever the application of an IMO resolution is required in...9.Under repairs, alterations and modifications of a ‘major character’ is...10.The indication ‘(R…)’ that follows several titles of regulations in...11.Provisions applicable to CLASS A SHIPS can be found in:...12.Provisions applicable to CLASS A RO-RO PASSENGER SHIPS: CHAPTER II-1CONSTRUCTION — SUBDIVISION AND STABILITY, MACHINERY AND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS PART AGENERAL 1Definitions relating to Part B (R 2) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Subdivision load line is the waterline used in determining the....2Length of the ship is the length measured between perpendiculars....3Breadth of the ship is the extreme width from outside....4Draught is the vertical distance from the moulded base line....5Deadweight is the difference in tonnes between the displacement of....6Lightweight is the displacement of a ship in tonnes without....7Bulkhead deck is the uppermost deck up to which the....8Margin line is a line drawn at least 76 mm....9Permeability of a space is the percentage of that space....10Machinery space is to be taken as extending from the....11Passenger spaces are those spaces which are provided for the....12Watertight in relation to structure means capable of preventing the....13Weathertight means that water will not penetrate into the ship....14Ro-ro passenger ship means a passenger ship with ro-ro cargo...2Definitions relating to Parts C, D, and E (R 3)...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Steering gear control system is the equipment by which orders....2Steering gear power unit is: .3Auxiliary steering gear is the equipment other than any part....4Normal operational and habitable condition is a condition under which....5Emergency condition is a condition under which any services needed....6Main source of electrical power is a source intended to....7Dead ship condition is the condition under which the main....8Main generating station is the space in which the main....9Main switchboard is a switchboard which is directly supplied by....10Emergency switchboard is a switchboard which in the event of....11Emergency source of electrical power is a source of electrical....12Maximum ahead service speed is the greatest speed which the....13Maximum astern speed is the speed which it is estimated....14(a)Machinery spaces are all machinery spaces of category A and....14(b)Machinery spaces of category A are those spaces and trunks....15Power actuating system is the hydraulic equipment provided for supplying....16Control stations are those spaces in which the ship’s radio...PART A-1STRUCTURE OF SHIPS 1New installation of materials containing asbestos (R 3-5) ALL SHIPS .1This Regulation shall apply to materials used for the structure,....2For all ships, new installation of materials which contain asbestos...2Construction drawings maintained on board and ashore (R 3-7) CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....1A set of as-built construction drawings and other plans showing....2An additional set of such drawings shall be kept ashore....3Reference is made to the IMO MSC/Circ.1135 on ‘ As-built...3Towing and mooring equipment (R 3-8) CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS OF 24 METRES IN....1Ships shall be provided with arrangements, equipment and fittings of....2Arrangements, equipment and fittings provided in accordance with paragraph 1....3Reference is made to the IMO MSC/Circ.1175 on ‘ Guidance....4Each fitting or item of equipment provided under this Regulation...4Protection against noise CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....1Ships of 1 600 gross tonnage and above shall be...PART BINTACT STABILITY, SUBDIVISION AND DAMAGE STABILITY Part B-1Ships constructed on or after 1 January 2009 – option...Part B-2Ships constructed before 1 January 2009 1Intact stability Resolution A.749(18) as amended by Resolution MSC.75(69) NEW CLASS A, B, C AND D SHIPS OF 24...EXISTING CLASS A AND B SHIPS OF 24 METRES IN...2Watertight subdivision NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B...3Floodable length (R 4) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1The floodable length at a given point is the maximum....2In case of a ship not having a continuous bulkhead....3Where a portion of an assumed margin line is appreciably...4Permissible length of compartments (R 6) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B...5Permeability (R 5) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B...6Subdivision factor NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS AND EXISTING CLASS...EXISTING CLASS B NON RO-RO PASSENGER SHIPS: 7Special requirements concerning ship subdivision (R 7) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Where in a portion or portions of a ship the....2A compartment may exceed the permissible length determined by the....3A main transverse bulkhead may be recessed provided that all....4Where a main transverse bulkhead is recessed or stepped, an....5Where a main transverse watertight compartment contains local subdivision and...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .6A main transverse bulkhead may be stepped provided that it....7In ships of 100 metres in length and upwards, one....8If the distance between two adjacent main transverse bulkheads, or....9Where the required subdivision factor is 0,50, the combined length...8Stability in damaged conditions (R 8) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1.1Sufficient intact stability shall be provided in all service conditions....1.2Where two adjacent main compartments are separated by a bulkhead....1.3Where the required factor of subdivision is 0,50, the intact....2.1The requirements of subparagraph .1 shall be determined by calculations....2.2Where it is proposed to fit decks, inner skins or...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS AND EXISTING CLASS....2.3The stability required in the final condition after damage, and....2.4.When major progressive flooding occurs, that is when it causes....2.5In cases where the progressive flooding is of limited nature....2.6In intermediate stages of flooding, the maximum righting lever shall...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....3For the purpose of making damaged stability calculations the volume....4Assumed extent of damage shall be as follows: .5Unsymmetrical flooding is to be kept to a minimum consistent....6The final conditions of the ship after damage and, in....7The master of the ship shall be supplied with the....8The data referred to in paragraph .7 to enable the....9Each ship shall have scales of draughts marked clearly at....10On completion of loading of the ship and prior to....11No relaxation from the requirements for damage stability may be....12Relaxations from the requirements for damage stability shall be permitted...8-1Stability of ro-ro passenger ships in damaged conditions (R 8-1)...EXISTING CLASS B RO-RO PASSENGER SHIPS: .1Existing class B ro-ro passenger ships shall comply with Regulation...8-2Special requirements for ro-ro passenger ships carrying 400 persons or...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B...8-3Special requirements for passenger ships, other than ro-ro passenger ships,...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER...9Peak and machinery space bulkheads (R 10) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1A forepeak or collision bulkhead shall be fitted which shall....2Where any part of the ship below the waterline extends....3Where a long forward superstructure is fitted, the forepeak or....4The extension required in paragraph .3 need not be fitted....5Ramps not meeting the above requirements shall be disregarded as....6An afterpeak bulkhead, and bulkheads dividing the machinery space, from....7In all cases stern tubes shall be enclosed in watertight...10Double bottoms (R 12) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1In ships with a length of less than 50 metres....2In ships of 50 metres and upwards but less than....3In ships of 61 metres and upwards but less than....4In ships of 76 metres in length and upwards, a....5Where a double bottom is required to be fitted its....6Small wells constructed in the double bottom in connection with....7A double bottom need not be fitted in way of....8Notwithstanding paragraph .1 of this Regulation 10, the Administration of...11Assigning, marking and recording of subdivision load lines (R 13)...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1In order that the required degree of subdivision shall be....2The subdivision load lines assigned and marked shall be recorded....3The freeboard corresponding to each of these load lines shall....4The freeboard corresponding to each approved subdivision load line and....5In no case shall any subdivision load line mark be....6Whatever may be the position of the subdivision load line....7A ship shall in no case be so loaded that...12Construction and initial testing of watertight bulkheads, etc. (R 14)...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Each watertight subdivision bulkhead, whether transverse or longitudinal, shall be....2.1Steps and recesses in bulkheads shall be watertight and as....2.2Where frames or beams pass through a watertight deck or....3Testing main compartments by filling them with water is not....4The forepeak, double bottoms (including duct keels) and inner skins....5Tanks which are intended to hold liquids, and which form....6The tests referred to in paragraphs .4 and .5 are...13Openings in watertight bulkheads (R 15) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1The number of openings in watertight bulkheads shall be reduced....2.1Where pipes, scuppers, electrical cables, etc., are carried through watertight....2.2Valves not forming part of a piping system shall not....2.3Lead or other heat sensitive materials shall not be used....3.1No doors, manholes, or access openings are permitted: .3.2Except as provided in paragraph .3.3, the collision bulkhead may....3.3If the fore peak is divided to hold two different....4Within spaces containing the main and auxiliary propulsion machinery including....5.1EXISTING CLASS B SHIPS AND NEW CLASS B, C AND...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS OF 24 METRES....5.2EXISTING CLASS B SHIPS AND NEW CLASS B, C AND...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS OF 24 METRES...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS AND EXISTING CLASS....5.3The means of operation whether by power or by hand...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS OF 24 METRES....5.4Watertight door controls, including hydraulic piping and electric cables, shall....5.5All power-operated and hand-operated sliding watertight doors shall be provided...EXISTING CLASS B SHIPS AND NEW CLASS B, C AND....5.6Watertight doors which do not comply with paragraphs .5.1 to...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS OF LESS THAN....6.1Hand-operated sliding doors may have a horizontal or vertical motion....EXISTING CLASS B SHIPS: .6.2Power-operated sliding doors may have a vertical or horizontal motion....NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS OF 24 METRES....7.1Each power-operated sliding watertight door: .7.2The electrical power required for power-operated sliding watertight doors shall....7.3Power-operated sliding watertight doors shall have either: .7.4Control handles shall be provided at each side of the...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS AND EXISTING CLASS...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS OF 24 METRES....7.5As far as practicable, electrical equipment and components for watertight....7.6The enclosures of electrical components necessarily situated below the bulkhead....7.7Electric power, control, indication and alarm circuits shall be protected....7.8A single electrical failure in the power operating or control....8.1The central operating console at the navigating bridge shall have....8.2The central operating console at the navigating bridge shall be....8.3It shall not be possible to open any door remotely...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....9.1All watertight doors shall be kept closed during navigation except....9.2A watertight door may be opened during navigation to permit....9.3Certain watertight doors may be permitted to remain open during...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .10.1If the Administration of the flag State is satisfied that....10.2Such doors shall be closed before the voyage commences and....11Portable plates on bulkheads shall not be permitted except in...14Ships carrying goods vehicles and accompanying personnel (R 16) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1This Regulation applies to passenger ships designed or adapted for....2If in such a ship the total number of passengers,....3When applying the provisions of this chapter to such a...15Openings in the shell plating below the margin line (R...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1The number of openings in the shell plating shall be....2.1The arrangement and efficiency of the means for closing any....2.2Subject to the requirements of the International Convention of the....2.3All side scuttles the sills of which are below the....2.4Where in a between-deck, the sills of any of the....2.5Sidescuttles and their deadlights which will not be accessible during....3The number of scuppers, sanitary discharges and other similar openings....4All inlets and discharges in the shell plating shall be....4.1Subject to the requirements of the International Convention on Load....4.2The requirements of the International Convention on Load Lines in....5Machinery space main and auxiliary sea inlets and discharges in...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1The handwheels or handles of the sea cocks shall be....2Discharge taps or valves on the side of the ship....3All valves and taps in pipe systems such as bilge....4Other outlet pipes shall, if they emerge below the deepest....5If a valve with a direct closing mechanism is fitted,....6When valves with direct closing mechanisms are placed in machinery....6All shell fittings and valves required by this Regulation shall....7Gangway, and cargo ports fitted below the margin line shall....8Such ports shall in no case be so fitted as...16Watertight integrity of passenger ships above the margin line (R...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1All reasonable and practicable measures shall be taken to limit....2The bulkhead deck or a deck above it shall be....3In existing class B ships, the open end of air....4Sidescuttles, gangway, cargo ports and the other means for closing....5Efficient inside deadlights, so arranged that they can be easily...17Closure of cargo loading doors (R 20-1) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1The following doors, located above the margin line, shall be....2Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph .1.1 and .1.4, the Administration....3The master shall ensure that an effective system of supervision....4The master shall ensure, before the ship proceeds on any...17-1Watertight integrity from the ro-ro deck (bulkhead deck) to spaces...NEW CLASS B, C AND D RO-RO PASSENGER SHIPS: .1.1Subject to the provisions of paragraphs .1.2 and .1.3, all....1.2where vehicle ramps are installed to give access to spaces....1.3the Administration of the flag State may permit the fitting....1.4the accesses referred to in paragraphs .1.2 and .1.3 shall....1.5the master shall ensure that an effective system of supervision....1.6the master shall ensure, before the ship leaves the berth....1.7new class C ro-ro passenger ships of less than 40...EXISTING CLASS B RO-RO PASSENGER SHIPS: .2.1All accesses from the ro-ro deck that lead to spaces....2.2all such accesses shall be closed before the ship leaves....2.3notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph .2.2, the Administration of the...17-2Access to ro-ro decks (R 20-3) ALL RO-RO PASSENGER SHIPS: 17-3Closure of bulkheads on the ro-ro deck (R 20-4) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1All transverse and longitudinal bulkheads which are taken into account....2Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph .1, the Administration of the...18Stability information (R 22) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Every passenger ship, shall be inclined upon its completion and....2Where any alterations are made to a ship so as....3At periodical intervals not exceeding five years, a lightweight survey....4The Administration of the flag State may allow the inclining....5When an accurate inclining is not practical, the lightweight displacement...19Damage control plans (R 23) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B...20Integrity of the hull and superstructure, damage prevention and control....1Indicators shall be provided on the navigating bridge for all....2Television surveillance and a water leakage detection system shall be....3Special category spaces and ro-ro cargo spaces shall be continuously....4Documented operating procedures for closing and securing all shell doors,...21Marking, periodical operation and inspection of watertight doors, etc. (R...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Drills for the operating of the watertight doors, sidescuttles, valves....2All watertight doors in main transverse bulkheads, in use at....3The watertight doors and all mechanisms and indicators connected herewith,....4Such valves, doors and mechanisms shall be suitably marked to...22Entries in log (R 25) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Hinged doors, portable plates, sidescuttles, gangway and cargo ports and....2A record of all drills and inspections required by Regulation...23Hoistable car platforms and ramps NEW CLASS A, B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS...24Railings NEW CLASS A, B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON...1.On external decks to which passengers are permitted access, and...2.Stairs and landings on such external decks shall be provided...PART CMACHINERY 1General (R 26) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1The machinery, boilers and other pressure vessels, associated piping systems....2Means shall be provided whereby normal operation of propulsion machinery....3Means shall be provided to ensure that the machinery can...NEW CLASS B AND C SHIPS: .4Main propulsion machinery and all auxiliary machinery essential to the...NEW CLASS A, B, C AND D SHIPS AND EXISTING....5Means shall be provided for the propulsion machinery and the...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....6Location and arrangement of vent pipes for fuel oil service,...2Internal combustion engines (R 27) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Internal combustion engines of a cylinder diameter of 200 mm,...3Bilge pumping arrangement (R 21) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1.1An efficient bilge pumping system shall be provided, capable of....1.2Sanitary, ballast and general service pumps may be accepted as....1.3All bilge pipes used in or under fuel storage tanks....1.4The arrangement of the bilge and ballast pumping system shall....1.5All distribution boxes and manually operated valves in connection with...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1.6Provision shall be made for the drainage of enclosed cargo....1.6.1Where the freeboard to the bulkhead deck is such that....1.6.2Where the freeboard is such that the edge of the...NEW CLASS A, B, C AND D SHIPS: .1.6.3The drainage from ro-ro decks and car decks shall be....1.6.4When provided with sprinkler installations and hydrants, passenger and crew...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....2.1The bilge pumping system required by paragraph .1.1 shall be....2.2Where practicable, the power bilge pumps shall be placed in....2.3With the exception of additional pumps which may be provided....2.4Each power bilge pump shall be capable of pumping water....2.5In addition to the direct bilge suction or suctions required....2.6The spindles of the sea inlet and direct suction valves....2.7All bilge suction piping up to the connection to the....2.8The diameter ‘d’ of the main and branch bilge suction....2.9Provision shall be made to prevent the compartment served by....2.10Distribution boxes, cocks and valves in connection with the bilge....2.11All cocks and valves referred to in paragraph .2.10 which...4Number and type of bilge pumps (R 21) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B...5Means of going astern (R 28) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Sufficient power for going astern shall be provided to secure....2The ability of the machinery to reverse the direction of....3The stopping times, ship headings and distances recorded on trials,...6Steering gear (R 29) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Every ship shall be provided with an efficient main and....2The main steering gear and rudder stock where fitted shall....3If fitted, the auxiliary steering gear shall be: NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .4Steering power units shall be: NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....5Where the main steering gear comprises two or more identical...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .6Steering gear control shall be provided: .7Any main and auxiliary steering gear control system operable from....8The electrical power circuits and the steering gear control systems....9A means of communication shall be provided between the navigating....10The angular position of the rudder(s) shall: .11Hydraulic power-operated steering gear shall be provided with the following:....12The steering gear compartments shall be: 7Additional requirements for electric and electro-hydraulic steering gear (R 30)...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Means for indicating that the motors of electric and electro-hydraulic...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .2Each electric or electro-hydraulic steering system comprising one or more...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....3Short circuit protection and an overload alarm shall be provided...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .4When an auxiliary steering gear required by Regulation II-1/6.3.3 to...8Ventilating systems in machinery spaces (R 35) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B...9Communication between the navigating bridge and machinery space (R 37)...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B...10Engineers’ alarm (R 38) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B...11Location of emergency installations (R 39) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B...12Machinery controls (R 31) NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Main and auxiliary machinery essential for the propulsion and the....2Where remote control of propulsion machinery from the navigating bridge....3Where the main propulsion and associated machinery, including sources of....4In general, automatic starting, operational and control systems shall include...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....5Main and auxiliary machinery essential for the propulsion, control and....6Where remote control of propulsion machinery from the navigating bridge....7Where the main propulsion and associated machinery, including sources of....8In general, automatic starting, operational and control systems shall include...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....9On new class B, C and D ships constructed on...13Steam pipe systems (R 33) NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Every steam pipe and every fitting connected thereto through which....2Means shall be provided for draining every steam pipe in....3If a steam pipe or fitting may receive steam from...14Air pressure systems (R 34) NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Means shall be provided to prevent overpressure in any part....2The main starting air arrangements for main propulsion internal combustion....3All discharge pipes from starting air compressors shall lead directly....4Provisions shall be made to reduce to a minimum the...15Protection against noise (R 36) NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS NOT COVERED UNDER...16Lifts NEW CLASS A, B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Passenger and goods lifts shall, in respect of dimensioning, layout,....2Installation drawings and maintenance instructions, including provisions governing periodical inspections,....3Following approval, the Administration of the flag State will issue....4The Administration of the flag State may permit the periodical...PART DELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS 1General (R 40) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Electrical installations shall be such that: .2The Administration of the flag State shall take appropriate steps...2Main source of electrical power and lighting (R 41) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1New ships of class C and D in which the....2.1A main electric lighting system which shall provide illumination throughout....2.2The arrangement of the main electric lighting system shall be....2.3The arrangement of the emergency electric lighting system shall be....3The main switchboard shall be so placed relative to one...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....4In class B, C and D ships constructed on or...3Emergency source of electrical power (R 42) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Every ship shall be provided with a self-contained emergency source....2The emergency source of electric power may be either an....3The emergency source of electric power shall be so arranged....4The emergency switchboard shall be situated as near as practicable....5The emergency source of power required by paragraph .1 shall:....6The transitional source of emergency electrical power required by paragraph....7CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER...4Supplementary emergency lighting for ro-ro ships (R 42-1) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B...5Precautions against shock, fire and other hazards of electrical origin...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Exposed metal parts of electrical machines or equipment which are....2All electrical apparatus shall be so constructed and so installed....3The sides and the rear and, where necessary, the front....4In distribution systems with no connection to earth, a device....5.1All metal sheaths and armour of cables shall be electrically....5.2All electrical cables and wiring external to equipment shall be...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .5.3Cables and wiring serving essential or emergency power, lighting, internal....6Cables and wiring shall be installed and supported in such...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....7.1Each separate circuit shall be protected against short circuit and...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .7.2Lighting fittings shall be so arranged as to prevent temperature....8.1Accumulator batteries shall be suitably housed, and compartments used primarily....8.2Electrical or other equipment which may constitute a source of....9Distribution systems shall be so arranged that fire in any...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS, CONSTRUCTED ON OR....10No electrical equipment shall be installed in any space where...PART EADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SHIPS CONSTRUCTED WITH PERIODICALLY UNATTENDED MACHINERY SPACES...Special consideration (R 54) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B...1General (R 46) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1The arrangements provided shall be such as to ensure that....2Measures shall be taken to ensure that the equipment is....3Every ship shall be provided with documentary evidence of its...2Fire precautions (R 47) NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Means shall be provided to detect and give alarms at....2Internal combustion engines of 2 250 kW and above or...3Protection against flooding (R 48) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Bilge wells in periodically unattended machinery spaces shall be located....2Where the bilge pumps are capable of being started automatically,....3The location of the controls of any valve serving a...4Control of propulsion machinery from the navigating bridge (R 49)...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Under all sailing conditions, including manoeuvring, the speed, direction of....2Propulsion machinery orders from the navigating bridge shall be indicated....3Remote control of the propulsion machinery shall be possible only....4It shall be possible for all machinery essential for the....5The design of the remote automatic control system shall be....6Indicators shall be fitted on the navigating bridge for: .7The number of consecutive automatic attempts which fail to produce...5Communication (R 50) NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B SHIPS AND NEW CLASS C...6Alarm system (R 51) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1An alarm system shall be provided indicating any fault requiring....2.1The alarm system shall be continuously powered and shall have....2.2Failure of the normal power supply of the alarm system....3.1The alarm system shall be able to indicate at the....3.2Acceptance at the position referred to in paragraph .1 of...7Safety systems (R 52) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B...8Special requirements for machinery, boiler and electrical installations (R 53)...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1The main source of electrical power shall comply with the....2Where stand-by machines are required for other auxiliary machinery essential...9Automatic control and alarm system (R 53.4) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1The control system shall be such that the services needed....2An alarm shall be given on the automatic changeover. .3An alarm system complying with Regulation 6 shall be provided....4A centralised control position shall be arranged with the necessary....5Means shall be provided to keep the starting air pressure...CHAPTER II-2FIRE PROTECTION, FIRE DETECTION AND FIRE EXTINCTION PART AGENERAL 1Basic principles (R 2) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1The fire safety objectives of this chapter are to: .2In order to achieve the fire objectives set out in....3The fire safety objectives set out in paragraph .1 shall....4All ships which undergo repairs, alterations, modifications and outfitting related...EXISTING CLASS B SHIPS: .5Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph .4, existing class B ships...2Definitions (R 3) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Non-combustible material is a material which neither burns nor gives....1.aFOR CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR....2A standard fire test is one in which specimens of....2a.FOR CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR....3‘ A ’ class divisions are those divisions formed by....4‘ B ’ class divisions are those divisions formed by....5‘ C ’ class divisions are divisions constructed of approved....6Continuous ‘ B ’ class ceilings or linings are those....7Steel or other equivalent material. Where the words ‘steel or....8Low flame spread means that the surface thus described will....8aFOR CLASS B, C, AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR....9Main vertical zones are those sections into which the hull,....10Accommodation spaces are those spaces used for public spaces, corridors,....11Public spaces are those portions of the accommodation which are....12Service spaces are those spaces used for galleys, pantries containing....13Cargo spaces are all spaces used for cargo (including cargo....13-1Vehicle spaces are cargo spaces intended for the carriage of....14Ro-ro cargo spaces are spaces not normally subdivided in any....15Open ro-ro cargo spaces are ro-ro cargo spaces either open....15-1Open vehicle spaces are those vehicle spaces either open at....16Closed ro-ro cargo spaces are ro-ro cargo spaces which are....16-1Closed vehicle spaces are vehicle spaces which are neither open....17Weather deck is a deck which is completely exposed to....18Special category spaces are those enclosed vehicle spaces above or....19.1Machinery spaces of category A are those spaces and trunks....19.2Machinery spaces are all machinery spaces of category A and....20Oil fuel unit is the equipment used for the preparation....21Control stations are those spaces in which the ship’s radio....21.1Central control station is a control station in which the....21.2Continuously manned central control station is a central control station....22Rooms containing furniture and furnishings of restricted fire risk are,....23Ro-ro passenger ship means a passenger ship with ro-ro cargo....24Fire Test Procedures Code means the International Code for Application....25Fire Safety Systems Code means the International Code for Fire....26Flashpoint is the temperature in degrees Celsius (closed cup test)....27Prescriptive requirements mean the constructive characteristics, limiting dimensions or fire....28Fire damper means, for the purpose of implementing Regulation II-2/B/9a,....29Smoke damper means, for the purpose of implementing Regulation II-2/B/9a,...3Fire pumps, fire mains, hydrants, hoses and nozzles (R 4)...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1.1Every ship shall be provided with fire pumps, fire mains,...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED BEFORE 1....1.2Where more than one independent fire pump is required, isolating...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR....1.3Isolating valves to separate the section of the fire main...NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B SHIPS AND NEW CLASS C....2Capacity of fire pumps .1The required fire pumps shall be capable of delivering for....2In every ship which is required by this Regulation to....3In ships constructed on or after 1 January 2003 where....3Arrangements of fire pumps, fire mains and ready availability of....1Ships shall be provided with power driven fire pumps as....2Sanitary, ballast, bilge or general service pumps may be accepted....3The arrangement of sea connections, fire pumps and their sources....4In new class B ships certified to carry more than....5In ships with a periodically unattended machinery space or when....6The delivery valve of each fire pump shall be fitted....4Diameter of and pressure in the fire mains .1The diameter of the fire main and water service pipes....2With two pumps simultaneously delivering through nozzles specified in paragraph....3The maximum pressure at any hydrant shall not exceed that....5Number and position of hydrants .1The number and position of hydrants shall be such that....2In the accommodation, service and machinery spaces the number and....3Where access is provided to a machinery space at a....6Pipes and hydrants .1Materials readily rendered ineffective by heat shall not be used....2A valve shall be fitted to serve each fire hose....3In ships constructed on or after 1 January 2003 isolating....7Fire hoses .1Fire hoses shall be of non-perishable material, approved by the....2There shall be at least one fire hose for each....8Nozzles .1.1For the purposes of this chapter, standard nozzle sizes shall....1.2All nozzles shall be of an approved dual-purpose type (i.e.,....2For accommodation and service spaces, a nozzle size greater than....3For machinery spaces and exterior locations, the nozzle size shall...NEW CLASS C AND D SHIPS OF LESS THAN 24....9Fire pumps, fire mains, hydrants, hoses, nozzles and ready availability....1One independent fire pump is required, which shall be capable....2Every ship carrying over 250 passengers shall be provided with....3Sanitary, ballast, bilge or general service pumps may be accepted....4Every ship shall be provided with a fire main having....5Every ship shall be fitted with at least one fire....6In ships with a periodically unattended machinery space or when....7The delivery valve of each fire pump shall be fitted...4Fixed fire-extinguishing systems (R 5 + 8 + 9 +....1Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems: General (R 5.1) NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED BEFORE 1....1The necessary pipes for conveying fire-extinguishing medium into protected spaces....2The piping for the distribution of fire-extinguishing medium shall be....3Means shall be provided to close from outside the protected....4Means shall be provided for automatically giving audible warning of....5The means of control of any fixed gas fire-extinguishing system....6Automatic release of fire-extinguishing medium shall not be permitted, except....7Where the quantity of extinguishing medium is required to protect....8Except as otherwise permitted, pressure containers required for the storage....9Means shall be provided for the crew or shore personnel....10Containers for the storage of fire extinguishing medium and associated....11When the fire-extinguishing medium is stored outside a protected space,....12The use of a fire-extinguishing medium, which either by itself...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....13Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems shall comply with the provisions of....14Means shall be provided to close from outside the protected....15When the fire-extinguishing medium is stored outside a protected space,...NEW CLASS A, B, C AND D SHIPS AND EXISTING....16Where the volume of free air contained in air receivers....17Suppliers of fixed fire-extinguishing installations shall provide a description of....18The quantity of the fire-extinguishing medium shall be checked at....19The periodic checking which is carried out by the ship’s....20Non-prescribed fire extinguishing equipment which is installed e.g. in store....21All doors to spaces protected by CO 2 installation shall....2Carbon dioxide systems (R 5.2) NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED BEFORE 1....1.1For cargo spaces the quantity of CO 2 available shall,....1.2For machinery spaces the quantity of carbon dioxide carried shall....2For the purpose of this paragraph the volume of free....3The fixed piping system shall be such that 85 %....4Release mechanism of carbon dioxide: .5The Administration of the flag State shall ensure that the...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....6Carbon dioxide systems shall comply with the provisions of the....7The Administration of the flag State shall ensure that the....3Fixed low-expansion foam fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces (R 8)...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED BEFORE 1....1Where in any machinery space a fixed low-expansion foam fire-extinguishing....2The means of control of any such systems shall be...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....3Fixed low-expansion foam fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces shall comply....4Fixed high-expansion foam fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces (R 9)...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED BEFORE 1....1Any required fixed high-expansion foam system in machinery spaces shall....2Supply ducts for delivering foam, air intakes to the foam....3The arrangement of the foam generator delivery ducting shall be....4The foam generator, its sources of power supply, foam forming...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....5Fixed high expansion foam fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces shall....5Fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces (R 10)...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED BEFORE 1....1Any required fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing system in machinery spaces....2The number and arrangement of the nozzles shall be such....3The system may be divided into sections, the distribution valves....4The system shall be kept charged at the necessary pressure....5The pump shall be capable of simultaneously supplying at the....6Precautions shall be taken to prevent the nozzles from becoming...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED BEFORE 1....7The pump may be driven by an independent internal combustion...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....8Fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces shall comply...5Portable fire extinguishers (R 6) NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED BEFORE 1....1All fire extinguishers shall be of approved types and designs.....2The capacity of required portable fluid extinguishers shall be not....3Spare charges shall be carried for 50 % of the....4In general, portable CO 2 fire extinguishers shall not be...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....5Portable fire extinguishers shall comply with the provisions of the....6Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers shall not be placed in accommodation....7Fire extinguishers shall be situated ready for use at easily....8Spare charges shall be provided for 100 % of the....9For the extinguishers which cannot be recharged on board, additional...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....10Fire extinguishers containing an extinguishing medium which either by itself....11The fire extinguishers shall be suitable for extinguishing fires which....12One of the portable fire extinguishers intended for use in....13The minimum number of fire extinguishers shall be as follows:....14Portable fire extinguishers provided for use in accommodation or service....15Periodic inspection of fire extinguishers: 6Fire-extinguishing arrangements in machinery spaces (R 7) IN NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS OF 24....1any one of the following fixed fire-extinguishing systems: .2at least one set of portable air-foam equipment consisting of....3In each such space, approved foam-type fire extinguishers, each of...IN NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS OF LESS....4one of the fixed fire-extinguishing systems specified in paragraph .1....5one portable fire extinguisher suitable for extinguishing oil fires for...IN NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS....6Each machinery space shall be provided with two suitable water...IN NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS AND EXISTING....7When heated oil is used as heating medium, it may...IN NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON....8Machinery spaces of category A above 500 m 3 in...7Special arrangements in machinery spaces (R 11) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1The number of skylights, doors, ventilators, openings in funnels to....2Skylights shall be of steel and shall not contain glass...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .3Doors other than power-operated watertight doors, shall be so arranged...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....4Windows shall not be fitted in machinery space boundaries. This....5Means of control shall be provided for: .6The controls required in paragraph .5 and Regulation II-2/A/10.2.5 shall....7When access to any machinery space of category A is...8Automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems (R 12)...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED BEFORE 1....1Any required automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm system....2Each section of sprinklers shall include means for giving a....3Sprinklers shall be grouped into separate sections, each of which....4Each section of sprinklers shall be capable of being isolated....5A gauge indicating the pressure in the system shall be....6The sprinklers shall be resistant to corrosion by marine atmosphere.....7A list or plan shall be displayed at each indicating....8Sprinklers shall be placed in an overhead position and spaced....9A pressure tank having a volume equal to at least....10Means shall be provided to prevent the passage of seawater....11An independent power pump shall be provided solely for the....12The pump and the piping system shall be capable of....13The pump shall have fitted on the delivery side a....14The sea inlet to the pump shall wherever possible be....15The sprinkler pump and tank shall be situated in a....16There shall be not less than two sources of power....17The sprinkler system shall have a connection from the ship’s....18A test valve shall be provided for testing the automatic....19Means shall be provided for testing the automatic operation of....20Switches shall be provided at one of the indicating positions....21At least 6 spare sprinkler heads shall be provided for...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR....22The automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems shall....23For new C and D class ships of less than...9Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems (R 13) NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED BEFORE 1....1General .1Any required fixed fire detection and fire alarm system with....2Power supplies and electric circuits necessary for the operation of....3There shall be not less than two sources of power....4Detectors and manually operated call points shall be grouped into....5The control panel shall be located on the navigating bridge....6Indicating units shall, as a minimum, denote the section in....7Clear information shall be displayed on or adjacent to each....8Where the fire detection system does not include means of....9If there is no fire detection system capable of remotely....10A section of fire detectors which covers a control station,....11Detectors shall be operated by heat, smoke or other products....12Suitable instructions and component spares for testing and maintenance shall....13The function of the detection system shall be periodically tested....14The fire detection system shall not be used for any....15Fire detection systems with a zone address identification capability shall....2Installation requirements .1Manually operated call points shall be installed throughout the accommodation....2Smoke detectors shall be installed in all stairways, corridors and....3Where a fixed fire detection and fire alarm is required....4Detectors shall be located for optimum performance. Positions near beams....5The maximum spacing of detectors shall be in accordance with....6Electrical wiring which forms part of the system shall be....3Design requirements .1The system and equipment shall be suitably designed to withstand....2Smoke detectors to be installed in stairways, corridors and escape....3Heat detectors shall be certified to operate before the temperature....4The permissible temperature of operation of heat detectors may be...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR....4.1The fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems shall be....4.2Manually operated call points complying with the Fire Safety Systems...NEW CLASS A, B, C AND D SHIPS: .5In addition to the above provisions, the Administration of the...10Arrangements for oil fuel, lubricating oil and other flammable oils...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Limitations in the use of oil as fuel .2Oil fuel arrangements .2The ventilation of machinery spaces shall be sufficient under all....3As far as practicable, oil fuel tanks shall be part....4No oil fuel tank shall be situated where spillage or....5Every oil fuel pipe, which, if damaged, would allow oil....6Safe and efficient means of ascertaining the amount of oil...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Sounding pipes shall not terminate in any space where the...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....2Other means of ascertaining the amount of oil fuel contained....3Means prescribed in subparagraph .2.6.2 shall be maintained in the....7Provisions shall be made to prevent overpressure in any oil....8Oil fuel pipes and their valves and fittings shall be...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .9All external high pressure fuel delivery lines between the high....10All surfaces with temperatures above 220 °C which may be....11Oil fuel lines shall be screened or otherwise suitably protected...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR....12Oil fuel lines shall not be located immediately above or....13Components of a diesel engine fuel system shall be designed....14In multi-engine installations which are supplied from the same fuel....15Where the Administration of the flag State may permit the....16Existing class B ships shall comply with the requirements of...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....3Lubricating oil arrangements .4Arrangements for other flammable oils .5Periodically unattended machinery spaces .6Prohibition of carriage of flammable oils in forepeak tanks 11Firefighter’s outfit (R 17) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1For ships constructed before 1 July 2019 , a firefighter's....1aFor ships constructed on or after 1 July 2019 ,....2For each breathing apparatus a fireproof lifeline of sufficient length....3New class B and existing class B ships of 24....4In new and existing class B ships of less than....4aFire-fighter's communication: .5The firefighter’s outfits or sets of personal equipment shall be....6When the Administration of a flag State considers that the...12Miscellaneous items (R 18) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Where class ‘A’ divisions are penetrated for the passage of....2Where class ‘B’ divisions are penetrated for the passage of....3Pipes penetrating ‘A’ or ‘B’ class divisions shall be of....4In accommodation spaces, service spaces or control stations, pipes intended....5Materials readily rendered ineffective by heat shall not be used....6Electric radiators, if used, shall be fixed in position and....7All waste receptacles shall be constructed of non-combustible materials with....8In spaces where penetration of oil products is possible, the....9Paint lockers and flammable liquid lockers shall be protected by...NEW CLASS A, B, C AND D SHIPS AND EXISTING....10Deep-fat friers, boiling and roasting apparatus: NEW CLASS A, B, C AND D SHIPS: .11Heat bridges: NEW CLASS A, B, C AND D SHIPS AND EXISTING....12Pressurised gas containers: 13Fire control plans (R 20) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1In all ships general arrangement plans shall be permanently exhibited....2In all ships with a length of 24 metres and...14Operational readiness and maintenance NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1General requirements .1.1Operational readiness .1.2Maintenance, testing and inspections .2Additional requirements 15Instructions, on-board training and drills NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Instructions, duties and organisation .1Crew members shall receive instructions on fire safety on-board the....2Crew members shall receive instructions on their assigned duties. .3Parties responsible for fire extinguishing shall be organised. These parties....2On-board training and drills .1Crew members shall be trained to be familiar with the....2Training in the use of the emergency escape breathing devices....3Performance of crew members assigned fire-fighting duties shall be periodically....4On-board training in the use of the ship’s fire-extinguishing systems....5Fire drills shall be conducted and recorded in accordance with....6In ships subject to Regulation II-2/A/11, breathing apparatus cylinders used....3Training manuals .4Fire control plans 16.Operations NEW CLASS B, C, D AND EXISTING CLASS B SHIPS:...PART BFIRE SAFETY MEASURES 1Structure (R 23) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1The hull, superstructures, structural bulkheads, decks and deckhouses shall be....2However, in cases where any part of the structure is...2Main vertical zones and horizontal zones (R 24) NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1.1In ships carrying more than 36 passengers, the hull, superstructure...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1.2For new class B, C and D ships carrying not...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .2As far as practicable, the bulkheads forming the boundaries of...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS AND EXISTING CLASS....3Such bulkheads shall extend from deck to deck and to....4Where a main vertical zone is subdivided by horizontal ‘....5On ships designed for special purposes, such as automobile or...3Bulkheads within a main vertical zone (R 25) NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CARRYING MORE THAN....1.1For new ships carrying more than 36 passengers all bulkheads...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CARRYING NOT MORE....1.2For new ships carrying not more than 36 passengers and...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....2In new class B, C and D ships carrying not....3All bulkheads required to be ‘ B ’ class division,...4Fire integrity of bulkheads and decks in new ships carrying...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1In addition to complying with the specific provisions for fire....2The following requirements shall govern the application of the tables:....3Continuous ‘ B ’ class ceiling or linings, in association....4In approving structural fire protection details the Administration of the...5Fire integrity of bulkheads and decks in new ships carrying...NEW CLASS B, C, AND D SHIPS CARRYING NOT MORE....1In addition to complying with the specific provisions for fire....2The following requirements shall govern application of the tables: .3Continuous ‘ B ’ class ceilings or linings, in association....4External boundaries which are required in Regulation 1.1 to be...6Means of escape (R 28) NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS AND EXISTING CLASS....1Stairways and ladders, corridors and doors shall be arranged to...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS OF 24 METRES....5At least one of the means of escape required by...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS OF 24 METRES IN....5aAt least one of the means of escape required in...NEW CLASS B, C AND D CONSTRUCTED BEFORE 1 JANUARY....6Satisfactory protection of access from the stairway enclosures to the...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRCTED ON OR AFTER....6aProtection of access from the stairway enclosures to the lifeboat...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .7In addition to the emergency lighting required by Regulations II-1/D/3...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....8In ships carrying more than 36 passengers the requirements of....9Normally locked doors that form part of an escape route....NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....2.1 In special category spaces the number and disposition of....1In special category spaces the number and disposition of the....2One of the escape routes from the machinery spaces where....3Hoistable drive-up/down ramps to platform decks must not be capable....3.1Two means of escape shall be provided from each machinery...NEW CLASS A, B, C AND D SHIPS: .3From spaces for monitoring of operation of machinery, and from....4The underside of stairs in machinery spaces shall be shielded....NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....3.2In a ship of less than 24 metres in length,....3.3Two means of escape shall be provided from a machinery...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....3.4Two means of escape shall be provided from the main....4In no case shall lifts be considered as forming one....5NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1Emergency escape breathing devices shall be carried, complying with the....2At least two emergency escape breathing devices shall be carried....3In ships carrying more than 36 passengers, two emergency escape....4However, subparagraphs .5.2 and .5.3 do not apply to stairway....5Within the machinery spaces, emergency escape breathing devices shall be....6Reference is made to the Guidelines for the performance, location,....7The number and location of these devices shall be indicated...6-1Escape routes on ro-ro passenger ships (R 28-1) .1REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND....1.1This paragraph applies to new class B, C and D....1.2Handrails or other handholds shall be provided in all corridors....1.3Escape routes shall not be obstructed by furniture or other....1.4Escape routes shall be provided from every normally occupied space....1.5Where enclosed spaces adjoin an open deck, openings from the....1.6Decks shall be sequentially numbered, starting with ‘ 1 ’....1.7Simple ‘ mimic ’ plans showing the ‘ you are....1.8Cabin and stateroom doors shall not require keys to unlock....2REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO NEW CLASS B, C AND D RO-RO....2.1The lowest 0,5 metres of bulkheads and other partitions forming....2.2The escape route from cabins to stairway enclosures shall be....2.3External routes shall be provided from open decks, referred to....3REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO NEW CLASS B, C AND D RO-RO...7Penetrations and openings in ‘ A ’ and ‘ B...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1All openings in ‘ A ’ class divisions shall be....2The construction of all doors and door frames in ‘....3It shall be possible for each door to be opened....4Fire doors in main vertical zone bulkheads and stairways enclosures...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .5The requirements for ‘ A ’ class integrity of the...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .6Except for watertight doors, weathertight doors (semi-watertight doors), doors leading...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....7Doors and door frames in ‘B’ class divisions and means....7.1For reasons of noise reduction, the Administration may approve, as...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .8Cabin doors in ‘ B ’ class divisions shall be...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....9The requirements for ‘ B ’ class integrity of the...8Protection of stairways and lifts in accommodation and service spaces...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1All stairways shall be of steel frame construction, except where...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....2Stairway enclosures shall have direct access with the corridors and...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....3Lift trunks shall be so fitted as to prevent the...9Ventilation systems for ships built before the 1 January 2018....1Ships carrying more than 36 passengers NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1The ventilation system shall, in addition to paragraph 1 in...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....2In general, the ventilation fans shall be so disposed that....3Where ventilation systems penetrate decks, precautions shall be taken, in...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .4Ventilation ducts shall be constructed of the following materials: CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....5Stairway enclosures shall be ventilated and shall be served only...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....6All power ventilation, except machinery space and cargo space ventilation...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .7Where public spaces span three or more open decks and....8Ventilation ducts shall be provided with suitably located hatches for....9Exhaust ducts from galley ranges in which grease or fat....2Ships carrying not more than 36 passengers NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Ventilation ducts shall be of non-combustible material. Short ducts, however,...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....2aWhere the ventilation ducts with a free-sectional area exceeding 0,02....2bIn new class B, C and D ships constructed on....3Ducts provided for the ventilation of machinery spaces, galleys, car....4Ducts provided for ventilation to accommodation spaces, service spaces or....5Ventilation ducts with a free-sectional area exceeding 0,02 m 2....6Such measures as are practicable shall be taken in respect....7Where they pass through accommodation spaces or spaces containing combustible....8Where it is necessary that a ventilation duct passes through...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....9The main inlets and outlets of all ventilation systems shall...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .10Power ventilation of accommodation spaces, service spaces, cargo spaces, control....3CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER...9aVentilation systems in ships CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....1General .1Ventilation ducts, including single and double wall ducts, shall be....2The following arrangements shall be tested in accordance with the....3Fire dampers shall be easily accessible. Where they are placed....4Ventilation ducts shall be provided with hatches for inspection and....5The main inlets and outlets of ventilation systems shall be....6Combustible gaskets in flanged ventilation duct connections are not permitted....7Ventilation openings or air balance ducts between two enclosed spaces....2Arrangement of ducts .1The ventilation systems for machinery spaces of category A, vehicle....2Ducts provided for the ventilation of machinery spaces of category....3Ducts provided for the ventilation of accommodation spaces, service spaces....4As permitted by paragraphs .2.2 and .2.3 ducts shall be....5For the purposes of paragraphs . and ., ducts shall....6Where it is necessary that a ventilation duct passes through....3Details of fire dampers and duct penetrations .1Ducts passing through ‘ A ’ class divisions shall meet....2Ventilation ducts with a free cross-sectional area exceeding 0,02 m....3All fire dampers shall be capable of manual operation. The....4Ventilation systems for passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers....1In addition to the requirements in sections .1, .2 and....5Exhaust ducts from galley ranges .1Requirements for passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers .1In addition to the requirements in sections .1, .2 and....2Exhaust ducts from ranges for cooking equipment installed on open....2Requirements for passenger ships carrying not more than 36 passengers....6Ventilation rooms serving machinery spaces of category A containing internal....1Where a ventilation room serves only such an adjacent machinery....2Where a ventilation room serves such a machinery space as....7Ventilation systems for laundries in passenger ships carrying more than...10Windows and sidescuttles (R 33) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1All windows and sidescuttles in bulkheads within accommodation and service....2Notwithstanding the requirements of the tables in Regulations 4 and...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CARRYING MORE THAN....3Windows facing life-saving appliances, embarkation and assembly areas, external stairs...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CARRYING NOT MORE....4Notwithstanding the requirements of the tables in Regulation II-2/B/5, special...11Restricted use of combustible material (R 34) NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Except in cargo spaces, mail rooms, baggage rooms, or refrigerated....2Vapour barriers and adhesives used in conjunction with insulation, as...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....3The following surfaces shall have low flame-spread characteristics: .4The total volume of combustible facings, mouldings, decorations and veneers....5Veneers used on surfaces and linings covered by the requirements....6Furniture in stairway enclosures shall be limited to seating. It....7Paints, varnishes and other finishes used on exposed interior surfaces...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER...12Details of construction (R 35) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B...13Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems and automatic sprinkler,...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1In ships carrying not more than 36 passengers and in....2Ships carrying more than 36 passengers, except ships with a....3In periodically unattended machinery spaces a fixed fire detection and...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....4A fixed fire detection and fire alarm system of an....5A fixed fire detection and fire alarm system of an....6With regard to the fixed fire detection and fire alarm...14Protection of special category spaces (R 37) .1Provisions applicable to special category spaces whether above or below...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS AND EXISTING CLASS....1General .1The basic principle underlying the provisions of this Regulation is....2The requirements of Regulations II-2/A/12, II-2/B/7, II-2/B/9 and II-2/B/9a for....2Structural protection .1In new ships carrying more than 36 passengers the boundary....2In new ships built before 1 January 2018 carrying not....3Indicators shall be provided on the navigating bridge which shall....3Fixed fire-extinguishing system .4Patrols and detection .1An efficient patrol system shall be maintained in special category....2Manually operated call points shall be provided as necessary throughout...5Portable fire-extinguishing equipment NEW CLASS B, C AND D CONSTRUCTED BEFORE 1 JANUARY....5aThere shall be provided in each special category space: CLASS B, C, AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER....5bPortable extinguishers shall be provided at each deck level in...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....6Ventilation system .1There shall be provided an effective power ventilation system for....2The ventilation shall be such as to prevent air stratification....3Means shall be provided to indicate on the navigating bridge....4Arrangements shall be provided to permit a rapid shutdown and....5Ventilation ducts, including dampers, shall be made of steel and....2Additional provisions applicable only to special category spaces above the...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1.1Scuppers NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....1.2Discharges .1.2.1Discharge valves for scuppers, fitted with positive means of closing....1.2.2Any operation of the valves referred to in subparagraph .1.2.1...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .2Precautions against ignition of flammable vapours .1On any deck or platform, if fitted, on which vehicles....2Electrical equipment and wiring, if installed in an exhaust ventilation....3Additional provisions applicable only to special category spaces below the...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Bilge pumping and drainage .2Precautions against ignition of flammable vapours .1Electrical equipment and wiring, if fitted, shall be of a....2Electrical equipment and wiring, if installed in an exhaust ventilation....4Permanent openings CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER...15Fire patrols, detection, alarms and public address systems (R 40)...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Manually operated call points complying with the requirements of Regulation....2All ships shall at all times when at sea, or....3A special alarm, operated from the navigating bridge or fire....4A public address system or other effective means of communication...NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B....5For ships carrying more than 36 passengers an efficient patrol...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .6Ships carrying more than 36 passengers shall have the detection....7The control panel shall be designed on the fail-safe principle,...16Upgrading of existing class B ships carrying more than 36....1In addition to the requirements for existing class B ships....2In addition: .3Not later than 1 October 2005 or 15 years after...17Special requirements for ships carrying dangerous goods (R 41) NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED BEFORE 1...CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER...18Special requirements for helicopter facilities CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR AFTER...CHAPTER IIILIFE SAVING APPLIANCES 1Definitions (R 3) NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1For the purpose of this chapter, unless expressly provided otherwise,....2‘ LSA Code ’ means the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA)...2Communication, survival craft and rescue boats, personal life-saving appliances (R...NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Every ship shall carry at least the radio life-saving appliances,....2All above appliances, including their launching appliances where applicable, shall...3Furthermore every ships shall carry for each life boat on....4The provisions of paragraph .3.1 also apply to partially or....5An immersion suit, complying with the requirements of section 2.3....6Ships not carrying a lifeboat or a rescue boat shall...3Emergency alarm system, public address system, assembly list and emergency...NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1A general emergency alarm system (R 6.4.2) FOR NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON....2A public address system (R 6.5) 2.1In addition to the requirements of Regulation II-2/B/15.4 and of...2.2The public address system shall be a loudspeaker installation enabling...2.3The public address system shall be protected against unauthorised use...FOR NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON...2.4NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1The public address system shall have at least two loops....2the public address system and its performance standards shall be...2.5The public address system shall be connected to the emergency...2.6Existing ships which are already fitted with the public address....3Assembly list and emergency instructions (R 8) .3aRadio communication personnel NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1In accordance with the provisions in SOLAS Regulation IV/16, every...NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B AND C SHIPS: .2In class B and C ships, at least one person....4Operating instructions (R 9) .5Training manual .6Instructions for maintenance (R 20.3) 4Manning of survival craft and supervision (R 10) NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1There shall be a sufficient number of trained persons on....2There shall be a sufficient number of crew members on....3An officer or certified person shall be placed in charge....4The master shall ensure the equitable distribution of persons referred...5Survival craft assembly and embarkation arrangements (R 11 + 23...NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Survival craft for which approved launching appliances are required shall....2Assembly stations shall be provided close to the embarkation stations....3Assembly and embarkation stations, alleyways, stairways and exits giving access....4Lifeboats shall be capable of being boarded either directly from....5Davit-launched life-rafts shall be capable of being boarded from a....6Where necessary, means shall be provided for bringing the davit-launched...NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .7If a survival craft launching arrangement does not allow embarkation...NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .8There shall be at least one embarkation ladder, complying with...5-1Requirements for ro-ro passenger ships (R 26); .1Life-rafts CLASS B, C AND D RO-RO SHIPS CONSTRUCTED BEFORE 1....1The ro-ro passenger ship’s life-rafts shall be served by marine...CLASS B, C AND D RO-RO SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON OR....2The ro-ro passenger ship’s life-rafts shall be served by marine...ALL CLASS B, C AND D RO-RO SHIPS .3Every life-raft on ro-ro passenger ships shall be provided with....4Every life-raft on ro-ro passenger ships shall be of a....5Every life-raft on ro-ro passenger ships shall either be automatically....2Transponders ALL CLASS B RO-RO SHIPS .1Not later than the date of the first periodical survey....3Fast rescue boats ALL CLASS B, C AND D RO-RO SHIPS .1The rescue boat, if such a boat is required to....2The fast rescue boat shall be served by a suitable....3At least two crews of the fast rescue boat shall....4In the case where the arrangement or size of an....4Means of rescue ALL CLASS B, C AND D RO-RO SHIPS .1Each ro-ro passenger ship shall be equipped with efficient means....2The means of transfer of survivors to the ship may....3If the slide of a marine evacuation system in intended....5Life jackets ALL CLASS B, C AND D RO-RO SHIPS .1Notwithstanding the requirements of SOLAS Regulations III/7.2 and III/22.2 a....2In ro-ro passenger ships, each life jacket shall be fitted...5-2Helicopter landing and pick-up areas (R 28) NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D RO-RO SHIPS:....1Ro-ro passenger ships shall be provided with a helicopter pick-up....2New ro-ro passenger ships of class B, C and D...5-3Decision support system for masters (R 29) NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1In all ships, a decision support system for emergency management....2The system shall, as a minimum, consist of a printed....3The emergency procedures established in the emergency plan or plans....4The emergency plan or plans shall have a uniform structure....5In addition to the printed emergency plan or plans the...6Launching stations (R 12) NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: 7Stowage of survival craft (R 13 + 24) NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Each survival craft shall be stowed: .2Lifeboats shall be stowed attached to launching appliances, and on....3Every life-raft shall be stowed: .4Davit-launched life-rafts shall be stowed within reach of the lifting....5Life-rafts intended for throw-overboard launching shall be so stowed as....6Life-rafts associated with a Marine Evacuation System (MES) shall: 8Stowage of rescue boats (R 14) NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: 8aStowage of marine evacuation systems (R 15) NEW CLASS B,C AND D SHIPS AND EXISTING CLASS B,...9Survival craft launching and recovering arrangements (R 16) NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Launching appliances complying with the requirements of section 6.1 of....2Each lifeboat shall be provided with an appliance which is...FOR NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON....2aNot later than the first scheduled dry-docking after 1 January....3Launching and recovering arrangements shall be such that the appliance....4Only one type of release mechanism shall be used for....5Falls, where used, shall be long enough for survival craft....6Preparation and handling of survival craft at any one launching....7Means shall be available to prevent any discharge of water....8During preparation and launching, the survival craft, its launching appliance,...10Rescue boat embarkation, launching and recovery arrangements (R 17) NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1The rescue boat embarkation and launching arrangements shall be such....2The rescue boat shall be capable of being boarded and....3If the rescue boat is included in the capacity of....4Launching arrangements shall comply with the requirements of Regulation 9.....5Recovery time of the rescue boat shall be not more....6FOR NEW CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS CONSTRUCTED ON...10aRecovery of persons from the water CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS BUILT ON OR AFTER....1All ships shall have ship-specific plans and procedures for recovery....2Ro-Ro passenger ships which comply with Regulation III/5-1.4 shall be...11Emergency instructions (R 19) NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: 12Operational readiness, maintenance and inspections (R 20) NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Before the ship leaves port and at all times during....2Maintenance and inspections of life-saving appliances shall be carried out...13Abandon ship training and drills (R 19 + R 30)...NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1Every crew member with assigned emergency duties shall be familiar....2An abandon ship drill and fire drill shall take place....3Each abandon ship drill shall include the actions required in....4Lifeboats and rescue boats shall be lowered at successive drills....5If a ship is fitted with marine evacuation systems drills....6Emergency lighting for assembling and abandonment shall be tested at....7Fire drills shall be carried out in accordance with the....8On-board training and instructions shall be given to crew members....9Crew members with enclosed space entry or rescue responsibilities shall....1Enclosed space entry and rescue drills .1Enclosed space entry and rescue drills should be planned and....2Each enclosed space entry and rescue drill shall include: 14Records (R 19.5) NEW AND EXISTING CLASS B, C AND D SHIPS: .1The date when musters are held, details of abandon ship...CHAPTER IVRADIO COMMUNICATIONS 1.Radio Communication equipment CLASS D SHIPS .1Class D ships shall at least be provided with: PASSENGER SHIP SAFETY CERTIFICATE(This Certificate shall be supplemented by a Record of Equipment)...RECORD OF EQUIPMENT FOR THE PASSENGER SHIP SAFETY CERTIFICATE This Record shall be permanently attached to the Passenger Ship...RECORD OF EQUIPMENT FOR COMPLIENCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF DIRECTIVE...1.ACCESS TO THE SHIP 2.SIGNS 3.MEANS TO COMMUNICATE MESSAGES 4.ALARM 5.ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS ENSURING MOBILITY INSIDE THE SHIP PART APART B

Directive 2009/45/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council

of 6 May 2009

on safety rules and standards for passenger ships


(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 80(2) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee1,

Having consulted the Committee of the Regions,

Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty2,



Council Directive 98/18/EC of 17 March 1998 on safety rules and standards for passenger ships3 has been substantially amended several times4. Since further amendments are to be made, it should be recast in the interests of clarity.


Within the framework of the common transport policy measures must be adopted to enhance safety in maritime transport.


The Community is seriously concerned about shipping casualties in which passenger ships were involved resulting in a massive loss of life. Persons using passenger ships and high-speed passenger craft throughout the Community have the right to expect and to rely on an appropriate level of safety on board.


Work equipment and personal protective equipment of workers are not covered by this Directive, because the provisions of Council Directive 89/391/EEC of 12 June 1989 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work5 and the relevant provisions of its relevant individual directives are applicable to the use of such equipment on passenger ships engaged on domestic voyages.


The provision of maritime passenger transport services between Member States has already been liberalised by Council Regulation (EEC) No 4055/86 of 22 December 1986 applying the principle of freedom to provide services to maritime transport between Member States and between Member States and third countries6. The application of the principle of freedom to provide services to maritime transport within Member States (maritime cabotage) has been provided for by Council Regulation (EEC) No 3577/927.


To attain a high level of safety, and to remove barriers to trade, it is necessary to establish harmonised safety standards at an appropriate level for passenger ships and craft operating domestic services. Standards for vessels operating international voyages are being developed within the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Procedures to request action at the IMO in order to bring the standards for international voyages into line with the standards of this Directive should be available.


In view, in particular, of the internal market dimension of maritime passenger transport, action at Community level is the only possible way to establish a common level of safety for ships throughout the Community.


In view of the principle of proportionality, a Directive is the appropriate legal instrument as it provides a framework for a uniform and compulsory application of the safety standards by Member States, while leaving to each Member State the right to decide the implementation tools that best fit its internal system.


In the interests of improving safety and avoiding distortions of competition the common safety requirements should apply to passenger ships and high-speed passenger craft engaged on domestic voyages in the Community, irrespective of the flag they fly. It is, however, necessary to exclude some categories of ships for which the rules of this Directive are technically unsuitable or economically unviable.


Passenger ships should be divided into different classes depending upon the range and conditions of the sea areas in which they operate. High-speed passenger craft should be categorised in accordance with the provisions of the High-Speed Craft Code established by the IMO.


The main reference framework for the safety standards should be the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (the 1974 SOLAS Convention), as amended, which encompasses internationally agreed standards for passenger ships and high-speed passenger craft engaged on international voyages, as well as appropriate Resolutions adopted by the IMO and other measures complementing and interpreting that Convention.


The various classes of both new and existing passenger ships require a different approach for establishing safety requirements guaranteeing an equivalent safety level in view of the specific needs and limitations of those various classes. It is appropriate to make distinctions in the safety requirements to be respected as between new and existing ships since imposing the rules for new ships on existing ships would involve such extensive structural changes as to make them economically unviable.


The financial and technical implications arising from the upgrading of existing ships to the standards provided for by this Directive justify certain transitional periods.


In view of the substantial differences in the design, construction and use of high-speed passenger craft compared to traditional passenger ships, such craft should be required to respect special rules.


Shipborne marine equipment, complying with the provisions of Council Directive 96/98/EC of 20 December 1996 on marine equipment8, when installed on board a passenger ship, should not be subject to additional tests since such equipment is already subject to the standards and procedures of that Directive.


Directive 2003/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 April 2003 on specific stability requirements for ro-ro passenger ships9 introduced strengthened stability requirements for ro-ro passenger vessels operating on international services to and from Community ports, and this enhanced measure should also apply to certain categories of such vessels operating on domestic services under the same sea conditions. Failure to apply such stability requirements should be grounds for phasing out ro-ro passenger ships after a certain number of years of operation. In view of the structural modifications that the existing ro-ro passenger ships may need to undergo in order to comply with the specific stability requirements, those requirements should be introduced over a period of years in order to give the part of the industry affected sufficient time to comply: to that end, provision should be made for a phasing-in timetable for existing ships. This phasing-in timetable should not affect the enforcement of the specific stability requirements in the sea areas covered by the Annexes to the Stockholm Agreement of 28 February 1996.


It is important to apply appropriate measures to ensure access in safe conditions for persons with reduced mobility to passenger ships and high-speed passenger craft operating on domestic services in the Member States.


Subject to control under the Committee procedure, Member States may adopt additional safety requirements if justified by local circumstances, permit the use of equivalent standards, or adopt exemptions from the provisions of this Directive under certain operating conditions, or adopt safeguard measures in exceptional dangerous circumstances.


Regulation (EC) No 2099/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 November 2002 establishing a Committee on Safe Seas and the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (COSS)10 centralised the tasks of the committees established under the pertinent Community legislation on maritime safety, the prevention of pollution from ships and the protection of shipboard living and working conditions.


The measures necessary for the implementation of this Directive should be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission11.


In particular, the Commission should be empowered to adapt certain provisions of this Directive, including its Annexes, to take account of developments at international level and specifically amendments to International Conventions. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.


In order to monitor the effective implementation and enforcement of this Directive, surveys should be carried out on new and existing passenger ships and craft. Compliance with this Directive should be certified by or on behalf of the Administration of the flag State.


In order to ensure full application of this Directive, Member States should lay down a system of penalties for breach of the national provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive and should monitor compliance with the provisions of this Directive on the basis of provisions modelled on those laid down in Council Directive 95/21/EC of 19 June 1995 on port State control of shipping12.


The new elements introduced into this Directive only concern the committee procedures. They therefore do not need to be transposed by the Member States.


This Directive should be without prejudice to the obligations of the Member States relating to the time-limits for transposition into national law and application of the Directives set out in Annex IV, Part B,