6.2.Dipped-beam headlampsU.K.
6.2.1. Number: one or two.U.K.
However, in the case of three-wheel mopeds, the maximum width of which exceeds 1 300 mm, two dipped-beam headlamps are required.
6.2.2. Arrangement drawing: no particular specification.U.K.
an independent dipped-beam headlamp may be installed above, below or to one side of another front lamp: if these lamps are one above the other the reference centre of the dipped-beam headlamp must be located in the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle; if these lamps are side by side their reference centres must be symmetrical in relation to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle,
a dipped-beam headlamp that is reciprocally incorporated with another front lamp must be installed in such a way that its reference centre lies within the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle. However, where the vehicle is also fitted with an independent main-beam headlamp alongside the dipped-beam headlamp their reference centres must be symmetrical in relation to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle,
two dipped-beam headlamps, of which either one or both are reciprocally incorporated with another front lamp must be installed in such a way that their reference centres are symmetrical in relation to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle.
In the case of a vehicle with two dipped-beam headlamps:
the edges of the illuminating surfaces furthermost from the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle must not be more than 400 mm from the outermost edge of the vehicle,
the internal edges of the illuminating surfaces must be at least 500 mm apart. This distance may be reduced to 400 mm if the maximum width of the vehicle is less than 1 300 mm. a minimum of 500 mm and a maximum of 1 200 mm above the ground.U.K. at the front of the vehicle this requirement is considered to have been met if the light emitted does not disturb the driver either directly or indirectly by means of the rear-view mirrors and/or other reflective surfaces of the vehicle.U.K.
6.2.4.Geometric visibilityU.K.
Determined by angles α and β as specified in point A(10) of Annex I:
15° upwards and 10° downwards;
45° to the left and to the right if there is only one dipped-beam headlamp;
45° outwards and 10° inwards if there are two dipped-beam headlamps.
6.2.5. Alignment: towards the front.U.K.
May move in line with the steering angle.
6.2.6.May be grouped together with the main-headlamp and the front position lamp.U.K.
6.2.7.May not be combined with any other lamp.U.K.
6.2.8.May be reciprocally incorporated with the main headlamp and the front position lamp.U.K.
6.2.9.Electrical connectionsU.K.
The control for changing to the dipped beam must switch off all main-beam headlamps simultaneously, whereas the dipped beams may remain switched on at the same time as the main beam.
6.2.10. Circuit-closed telltale: optional.U.K.
Green non-flashing indicator light.