List of the time-limits for transposition into national law and application

(referred to in Article 5)


In conformity with the third subparagraph of Article 4(1) of Directive 93/32/EEC:

From the date mentioned in the first subparagraph Member States may not, for reasons connected with the passenger hand-holds, prohibit the initial entry into service of vehicles which conform to this Directive.

The said date is 14 December 1994; see the first subparagraph of Article 4(1) of Directive 93/32/EEC.


In conformity with Article 2 of Directive 1999/24/EC:

1.With effect from 1 January 2000, Member States shall not, on grounds relating to passenger hand-holds:

  • refuse, in respect of a type of two-wheel vehicle or a type of passenger hand-hold, to grant EC type-approval,

  • prohibit the registration, sale or entry into service of two-wheel motor vehicles or the sale or entry into service of passenger hand-holds,

if the passenger hand-holds comply with the requirements of Council Directive 93/32/EEC, as amended by this Directive.

2.With effect from 1 July 2000, Member States shall refuse to grant EC type-approval for any type of two-wheel motor vehicle on grounds relating to passenger hand-holds or any type of passenger handhold, if the requirements of Directive 93/32/EEC, as amended by this Directive, are not fulfilled.

DirectiveTime-limit for transpositionDate of application
93/32/EEC14 December 199414 June 1995a
1999/24/EC31 December 19991 January 2000b